Archiv: Manuel Zelaya

28.06.2019 - 10:54 [ The Hill ]

10 years after the coup in Honduras, the US must reevaluate its policy

Ten years ago, on June 28, 2009, a general trained at the U.S. Army School of the Americas arrived with troops at the home of the president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, and forced him at gunpoint onto a plane bound for Costa Rica. An interim president was appointed by his political opponents who was quickly legitimized by United States.

The United States has continued to support successive administrations in Honduras, even though elections have been biased by vote buying, fraud, and assassinations. The United States sends the Honduran military and police aid even though these security forces have been ordered to beat and shoot non-violent protesters and there are credible allegations of death squads formed to assassinate journalists and citizens working for social change. One of these citizens was the well-known environmental activist Berta Cáceres. No one is held accountable for these crimes.

31.01.2019 - 17:29 [ Portal ]

Proteste und Repression in Honduras am Jahrestag der Amtseinführung von Hernández

Am vergangenen Sonntag ist es in Honduras landesweit zu Protestaktionen und Straßenblockaden gegen die aktuelle Regierung unter Führung von Präsident Juan Orlando Hernández (JOH) gekommen. Er hatte vor einem Jahr eine zweite Amtszeit angetreten ‒ nach Auffassung großer Teile der Bevölkerung verfassungswidrig und nach massivem Wahlbetrug.