Archiv: Kobani (city)

03.01.2025 - 12:04 [ ]

US Sets Up New North Syria Base With Allied Kurds Near Turkish Border

The US is reportedly building a new military base in the Kurdish-majority city of Kobani, right on the Turkish border.

The US has been backing the Kurdish SDF for years, to the chagrin of Turkey and its allies in the self-proclaimed Syrian National Army (SNA). In recent weeks, intense fighting has erupted between the SDF and Turkey and their partners in SNA.

So far, the fighting has centered around the city of Manbij, which is further west than Kobani but also along the Syria-Turkey border.

23.12.2024 - 22:00 [ ]

Turkey’s invasion plans hit world press

(December 18, 2024)

Leading world media outlets have given front-page coverage to a potential attack by Turkey and Turkish-backed jihadist groups on Kobani (Kobanê), a Kurdish city renowned for its symbolic victory against ISIS, as efforts to maintain a ceasefire between Turkey and Kurdish-led forces falter.

23.12.2024 - 21:21 [ Junge Welt ]

Krieg in Syrien: Kobani in Gefahr

(December 18, 2024)

Im Norden Syriens könnte ein Großangriff der türkischen Armee und ihrer aus Islamisten und faschistischen »Grauen Wölfen« gebildeten Söldner der Syrischen Nationalarmee (SNA) auf die an der Grenze gelegene Stadt Kobani unmittelbar bevorstehen. Davor warnten hochrangige US-Beamte laut Wall Street Journal vom Dienstag unter Verweis auf die Truppenkonzentration westlich und östlich der Stadt. Lediglich die Präsenz eines symbolischen Kontingents von US-Soldaten, die am Wochenende nach Abzug russischer Truppen in deren Stellungen eingerückt waren und demonstrativ ihre Fahne auf dem Rathaus von Kobani hissten, scheint den NATO-Partner Türkei vorerst noch vom Einmarsch abzuhalten.

17.10.2019 - 18:45 [ Serge / Twitter ]

For the first time in 5 years, the Syrian flag has been raised at the Syrian-Turkish border crossing in Kobani. Turkey can be spotted behind the SAA soldiers.

17.10.2019 - 18:39 [ Serge ‏/ Twitter ]

Joint convoy of Syrian Army soldiers and YPG fighters riding into Kobani.

The town’s future is Syrian, not Turkish.