Archiv: Johan Martens

03.09.2024 - 13:50 [ ]

Successful production of hydrogen panels

(November 15, 2024)

Solhyd not only develops technology to produce hydrogen from air and sunlight. We also develop methods to produce that technology in a cost-effective and reliable manner. Efficient production, with cost reductions driven by scale benefits, will eventually lead to the lowest cost approach to make hydrogen from solar energy.

We took the first step in that process this year.

03.09.2024 - 13:31 [ Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ]

Green energy breakthrough thanks to KU Leuven scientists

(02 October 2019)

For over a decade, Professor Johan Martens and Drs. Tom Bosserez, Jan Rongé and Christos Trompoukis have been developing a ‘solar hydrogen panel’, i.e. a solar panel that can create hydrogen from the water vapour in the air. Using sunlight, moisture taken from the air – i.e. no liquid water – is split into hydrogen on the one hand, and oxygen molecules on the other.

The panel is able to directly convert no less than 15 per cent of sunlight into hydrogen gas, Which is a world record