Archiv: Geoffrey S. Berman

21.06.2020 - 15:43 [ CNN ]

Geoffrey Berman is leaving office immediately after standoff with Trump administration

Berman leaves behind a string of high-profile prosecutions and investigations. Since he became US attorney in early 2018, the office has prosecuted Trump‘s former attorney Michael Cohen, is investigating top Trump confidante Rudy Giuliani and indicted the former New York mayor‘s associates Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman.

21.06.2020 - 15:42 [ New York Times ]

Trump Fires U.S. Attorney in New York Who Investigated His Inner Circle

President Trump on Saturday fired the federal prosecutor whose office put his former personal lawyer in prison and is investigating his current one, heightening criticism that the president was carrying out an extraordinary purge to rid his administration of officials whose independence could be a threat to his re-election campaign.

21.06.2020 - 15:38 [ ]

Trump feuert Bundesanwalt für Manhattan

Dies teilte US-Justizminister Bill Barr gestern mit. Barr hatte bereits Freitagabend den Rücktritt Bermans verkündet, was dieser aber vehement bestritt.

Der Bundesanwalt für Manhattan gilt allgemein als einer der mächtigsten Staatsanwälte der USA.