Archiv: Daniel Noboa

21.08.2023 - 08:21 [ BBC ]

Leftist leads Ecuador presidential poll count amid spike in violence

The snap election was called after President Guillermo Lasso – a conservative former banker – dissolved parliament to avoid impeachment.

Sunday‘s voting was peaceful, much to the relief of Ecuadoreans fearful of the political violence that has taken hold of the country.

21.08.2023 - 08:14 [ CNN ]

Ecuador election heads to run-off vote, with González to face surprise second-place Noboa

Days after Villavicencio’s murder, a left-wing local party official, Pedro Briones, was shot dead in Esmeraldas province.

Gunfire interrupted Noboa’s caravan on Thursday as he was traveling in Guayas province, but authorities say the presidential candidate was not the target of the incident.