Archiv: capabilities

26.07.2018 - 15:34 [ Privacy International ]

Press release: New report exposes global reach of powerful governments who equip, finance and train other countries to spy on their populations

(17.7.2018) Privacy International has today released a report that looks at how powerful governments are financing, training and equipping countries — including authoritarian regimes — with surveillance capabilities. The report warns that rather than increasing security, this is entrenching authoritarianism.

Countries with powerful security agencies are spending literally billions to equip, finance, and train security and surveillance agencies around the world — including authoritarian regimes. This is resulting in entrenched authoritarianism, further facilitation of abuse against people, and diversion of resources from long-term development programmes.

The report, titled ‘Teach ’em to Phish: State Sponsors of Surveillance’ is available to download here.

24.05.2018 - 08:20 [ Haaretz / ]

Hamas in Gaza, Iranians in Syria: Israel‘s F-35 Strikes Carried Message to Both Enemies and Allies

Norkin’s announcement, made at a conference in Israel for air force commanders from 20 countries, was planned for maximum exposure. It was a message to Israel’s adversaries in the region that the IAF now has “stealth” capabilities and is the first air force in the Middle East flying aircraft that are capable of evading radar systems and of operating in hostile environments, virtually undetected.