Archiv: Bernie Sanders vs Donald Trump

10.03.2020 - 02:16 [ The Guardian ]

Neil Young endorses Bernie Sanders: ‚Every point he makes is what I believe in‘

“The DNC will spread their talking point that ‘Bernie is divisive’ … That’s because Bernie is not with the DNC. Bernie is with you … I believe Bernie Sanders. I believe Bernie is the Real Deal.”

03.03.2020 - 23:25 [ Jeremy Scahill / The Intercept ]

Bernie Sanders and the Establishment Red Scare Meltdown


02.03.2020 - 22:07 [ The Hill ]

The Nation endorses Bernie Sanders

The Nation’s staff described Sanders as the “living antithesis to Donald Trump,” adding he has “genuine moral courage.”

The Nation also endorsed the Vermont senator in the 2016 election against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

29.02.2020 - 22:14 [ LA Times ]

Column: Bernie Sanders isn’t going to destroy the Democratic Party. He just might save it

Democrats — like the dozens of freaked-out super-delegates interviewed by the New York Times this week — who threaten to edge out Sanders if he arrives at the party convention with a mere plurality rather than majority of delegates are making a big mistake.

02.02.2020 - 19:09 [ The Hill ]

The Sanders factor: Establishment Democrats are beginning to panic

The risk of backlash for an anti-Sanders Democrat is real. A Democratic super-PAC was about to run an anti-Sanders attack ad in Iowa, but Sanders beat them to the punch. He posted a video to his supporters arguing that “the big money interests . . . are now running ads against us in Iowa. The billionaire class is getting nervous.”

30.01.2020 - 17:13 [ ]

Poll finds Sanders faring best against Trump in Texas

Independent voters are also a strength for Sanders in Texas, Blank said. He was the only one of the four candidates to beat Trump among independents.

“While all three Democrats, aside from Sanders, lost independents to Trump in this poll, basically 60 to 30 or so with the rest of them unsure, Sanders is actually ahead of Trump with independents, 44 to 41,” he added.