Archiv: Avdiivka (city)

17.02.2024 - 08:44 [ CNN ]

Russia has captured soldiers, Ukrainian commander says, as Kyiv’s forces withdraw from key town of Avdiivka

Withdrawal was “the only correct solution,” Ukraine’s commander of southern forces Oleksandr Tarnavskyi said in a Telegram post Friday, adding that some Ukrainian troops had been captured during the process.

“In a situation where the enemy is advancing on the corpses of their own soldiers with a ten-to-one shell advantage, under constant bombardment, this is the only correct solution,” he said. Russian troops are “numerically superior in terms of personnel, artillery and aviation,” Tarnavskyi added.

26.12.2023 - 20:30 [ ]

Latest control of Maryinka ‚hardly break stalemate‘ of Russia-Ukraine war

Although some Western media view Russia‘s latest control of Maryinka in eastern Ukraine, which is a small town in the Donetsk region, as Moscow‘s „most significant battlefield gains since May,“ some Chinese experts believe that this single progress will not provide the means to break the military stalemate between the two sides that has persisted for nearly two years.

26.12.2023 - 20:21 [ S p r i n t e r / Twitter ]

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny confirmed the withdrawal of the Ukrainian army from Maryinka, and also predicted the capture of Avdiivka by the Russian army “in 2-3 months”

26.12.2023 - 20:16 [ ]

Ukrainischer Oberbefehlshaber bestätigt Rückzug aus Marjinka

Saluschnyj sprach außerdem von der Möglichkeit, dass es den russischen Truppen gelingen würde, die nördlich von Donezk gelegene Stadt Awdijiwka in „zwei bis drei Monaten“ zu erobern. Der ukrainische Oberbefehlshaber warnte davor, sich an bestimmte Siedlungen zu klammern und eine „Show oder Trauer“ darum zu veranstalten.