Archiv: Aaron Fernando

03.06.2020 - 20:13 [ @aaronnarraph / Twitter ]

Okay, here we go: Of the 59 Assembly Democrats running again in NYC, 25 (42%) have taken law enforcement (police, correction, or court officer) money this cycle.

NOTE: DenDekker, Simotas, and Lentol are all in the top 10. All face challengers in increasingly-leftist districts.

03.06.2020 - 20:09 [ CNN ]

A 19-year-old called out New York Democrats accepting police campaign donations. To his surprise, many have listened

„I‘ve been looking at state finance disclosures for candidates in New York and I was noticing a lot of police money, law enforcement money taken by Democrats claiming to be against it,“ he said. „I was making this spreadsheet. Then (the death of) George Floyd happened — so many people responded and it got, like, a hundred likes in a couple hours? So people wanted to see this.“
Since sharing his „Who‘s Taking Cop Money?“ Google spreadsheet on Twitter on May 29, eight Democrats — including a state senator, state assembly members and New York councilmembers — have vowed to donate their police-funded contributions to bail funds or criminal justice reform organizations.