Yesh Atid leader asserts that if Netanyahu knew Israeli officials received bribes for the submarine deal and still gave Germany the okay to sell advanced submarines to Egypt, ‚he needs to go to prison for a long time. And if he didn‘t know, he needs to resign.‘
Daily Archives: 25. Dezember 2017
Uzbekistan releases Israeli held after gun clip found in bag
(4.11.17) A similar incident occurred in Uzbekistan earlier this year: In March an Israeli in his 20s was held for 12 days after 13 bullets were discovered in his luggage as he was transferring between planes on his way from Israel to Thailand.
And in October an Israeli man, also in his 20s, was arrested in Egypt with bullets in his bag. He was released some hours later, fined around $140 and banned from entering Egypt for seven days.
Israeli arrested in Uzbekistan airport after a gun clip is found in his bag
(25.12.2017) The Israeli ambassador to Uzbekistan met with the detainee and is working on his release. The incident marked the fourth time in the past month an Israeli was arrested in a Tashkent airport with bullets in his luggage.
Archbishop Krikor: Syria triumphed over terrorism, proved to be peace-loving country
Archbishop Krikor Augustine, Bishop of Alexandria for Armenian Catholics in Egypt said Monday that Syria triumphed over terrorism and proved to the world that it is a peace-loving country.
Delegated by President al-Assad, Azzam visits heads of Christian denominations on Christmas occasio
In turn, the heads of the Christian denominations expressed their thanks and appreciation to President al-Assad for his generous gesture, invoking God to protect Syria and its people.
Netanyahu and the Last Days of the Ceausescus
Deep down, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knows it is over. Now he needs to come to terms with the loss of power and walk gracefully into the sunset
Pope Francis Uses Christmas Message To Call For Two-State Solution
“Let us pray that the will to resume dialog may prevail between the parties and that a negotiated solution can finally be reached, one that would allow the peaceful coexistence of two states within mutually agreed and internationally recognized borders,” he said, referring to the Israelis and Palestinians.
„Urbi et Orbi“ auf dem Petersplatz: Papst geht auf Jerusalem-Konflikt ein
In seiner Weihnachtsbotschaft ging Papst Franziskus auf den Jerusalem-Konflikt ein. Er rief zu einer friedlichen Lösung auf. Außerdem beklagte er „Kriegsstürme“ weltweit. Die Menschen sollen sich mehr für Frieden einsetzen.…
Guatemala plant Umzug von Israel-Botschaft nach Jerusalem
Guatemalas Präsident Jimmy Morales folgt der umstrittenen Entscheidung von US-Präsident Donald Trump und plant die Verlegung der Botschaft in Israel von Tel Aviv nach Jerusalem.
Journalist and judge clash in Turkey opposition newspaper trial
Some held Monday‘s issue of Cumhuriyet whose front page read: „Justice immediately“.
When Justin Trudeau was in opposition, he voted for Canada‘s PATRIOT Act but promised to fix it; instead he‘s making it much, much worse
Back in 2015, Canada‘s failing, doomed Conservative government introduced Bill C-51, a far-reaching mass surveillance bill that read like PATRIOT Act fanfic; Justin Trudeau, leader of what was then a minority opposition party, whipped his MPs to vote for it, allowing it to pass, and cynically admitting that he was only turning this into law because he didn‘t want to give the Conservatives a rhetorical stick to beat him with in the next election — he promised that once he was Prime Minister, he‘d fix it.
Now the Trudeau government has introduced Bill C-59, which is meant to correct those deficits. Instead, it makes them far, far worse.
Good News: Trump Protestors Accused Of ‚Hiding Behind The First Amendment‘ Acquitted
Last week we wrote about the insanity of the DOJ‘s argument in trying to convict a group of protestors at Trump‘s inauguration. As we noted, the DOJ didn‘t even try to connect the defendants with any violence or property damage, but merely said that by being near the property damage they were accomplices, because they made the actual perpetrators harder to catch.
The Election Fraud in Honduras Follows Decades of Corruption Funded By the U.S. War on Drugs
The Honduran military and police forces had flooded the streets to enforce the curfew, and the woman was shot in her abdomen, reportedly by a soldier. She was rushed to a nearby clinic where her baby was delivered by emergency cesarean. The child was born with a gunshot wound to the leg.
Defense, interior ministers to visit Kurdistan Region – Kurdish MP
Defense Minister Erfan al-Hiyali and Interior Minister Qasem al-Araji will visit Kurdistan Region, Masoud Haider, a Gorran Movement MP, revealed Monday.
Iraq Oil Ministry invites companies to bid on new Kirkuk-Cehyan oil pipeline
Included in the project will be a 305 kilometer (190 mile) gas pipeline to be built in order to feed tanks, pumping stations and other installations.
Drei Deutsche sterben bei Autounfall in Marokko
Bei dem Unfall auf der Straße von Essaouira nach Agadir seien zudem drei Franzosen verletzt worden.
Morocco, Saudi Arabia keen to cement traditional ties
Earlier in the day, the Moroccan foreign minister and minister of economy and finance Mohamed Boussaid were received by Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
5 Dead After Small Plane Crashes at Florida Airport
The sheriff’s office identified the pilot as Lakeland attorney John Shannon. He had filed a flight plan to fly Sunday from Bartow to Key West, Horstman said.
Thousands of demonstrators call for Netanyahu‘s resignation
There are also calls for Netanyahu to be investigated for his role in a billion-dollar deal to purchase three submarines from German shipbuilder ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems GmbH.
Sparpolitik in Argentinien bringt drastischen Rückschritt bei Menschenrechten
Die Direktion wurde 2010 mit dem Ziel gegründet, sämtliche Militärarchive zu dokumentieren, zu ordnen und zu systematisieren, die Material zu den Menschenrechtsverbrechen während der letzten argentinischen Militärdiktatur (1976-1983) enthalten.
Your Afterlife Is Cancelled by AMATEUR CHILDBIRTH
Choir! Choir! Choir! Of arseholes.
This is Amateur Childbirth’s Christian Rock album. The previous LP from Ivan Matthew David‘s solo project, 2015’s Pripyat, concerned itself with the blighted belief systems of UFO worshippers, Your Afterlife Is Cancelled expands this compelling solo project’s field of enquiry to look at a wider array of “religious anomalies” – cults, for want of a better word. Each song is about a different such anomaly.
Vorplanung für Unterseekabel von Asien nach Afrika abgeschlossen
Die erste Phase des PEACE-Kabelsystems, das 6.200 Kilometer überbrückt, soll Pakistan (Gwadar und Karatschi) mit Dschibuti, Somalia und Kenia verbinden. In einer zweiten Phase ist eine Verlängerung nach Südafrika und Europa mit einer Gesamtlänge von 13.000 km vorgesehen. Die Übertragung der Daten soll mit 200G-DWDM-Technik erfolgen.
Venezuela Ejects Top Canadian and Brazilian Diplomats
Canadian Charge d‘Affaires Craib Kowalik and Brazilian Ambassador to Caracas Ruy Pereira have been expelled from Venezuela, National Constituent Assembly (ANC) President Delcy Rodriguez has announced. Rodriguez accused Ottawa of meddling in domestic politics, saying that Kowalik showed no restraint in his „permanent and insistent, rude and vulgar interference in the internal affairs of Venezuela.“
Peru: Kongress stimmt gegen Amtsenthebung von Präsident Kuczynski
Wegen möglicher Verbindungen zum Odebrecht-Konzern musste sich Kuczynski am vergangenen Donnerstag einer Anhörung und Debatten im Kongress stellen, denen eine Abstimmung der Abgeordneten folgte.
UK charity group warns of horrifying situations for homeless people
Crisis puts the number of “hidden” rough sleepers at 9,100 besides 9,000 more who are sleeping on the streets and 120,000 who will have to stay in temporary accommodation during the festive season.
The agency also said that the number of hidden homeless is expected to further increase by 47 percent to reach 13,400 during the next decade if no action is taken. The figure has already risen by 57 percent since 2011, when it stood at 5,800.
Survey says family income of over 70% of Egyptians insufficient for expenses, needs
The results of the survey by Baseera, an independent and nonpartisan organization, also showed on Sunday that only three percent of people were able to save from their income.