Daily Archives: 15. August 2017

15.08.2017 - 22:34 [ WSWS ]

G20-Gipfel in Hamburg: Die Mär von der „linksextremen“ Gewalt

Das Landeskriminalamt (LKA) hatte die Einsatz-Videos noch am Abend desselben Tages ausgewertet. Schon am nächsten Tag, am Gipfel-Samstag, berichtete die bearbeitende Analystin ihren Vorgesetzten, wie wenig Gewalt von Seiten der Demonstranten auf den Aufnahmen zu sehen sei, dass also an der Aussage des stellvertretenden Bundespolizei-Einsatzführers Zweifel angebracht seien.

Trotzdem, also wider besseren Wissens, wiederholten Polizeiführer noch wochenlang die Behauptung, es habe einen „massiven Bewurf mit Steinen, Flaschen und Pyrotechnik“ gegeben.

15.08.2017 - 20:00 [ teleSUR ]

Amid Protests, Mexico, US, Canada Set to Renegotiate NAFTA Deal

Campesinos and social organizations are scheduled to hold protests against the 23-year-old trade agreement. The North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement will enter its renegotiation process as organizations announce protests against its implementation in Mexico, Canada and the United States.

15.08.2017 - 17:42 [ CBS ]

Both Korean Leaders, U.S. Signal Turn To Diplomacy Amid Crisis

Moon, in a televised speech Tuesday on the anniversary of the end of World War II and the Korean Peninsula’s liberation from Japanese colonial rule, said that Seoul and Washington agree that the crisis over the North’s nuclear program should “absolutely be solved peacefully,” and that no U.S. military action on the Korean Peninsula could be taken without Seoul’s consent.

15.08.2017 - 14:10 [ Radio Utopie ]

Muriquee – Das Tour-Netzwerk für Musiker, Bands und Veranstalter

Nach unseren Dokumentationen der interaktiven, dezentralen Suchmaschine YaCy und dem Sozialen Netzwerk Ohmplanet als Konkurrenz von Facebook, Twitter und Soundcloud kommen wir zu einem weiteren in der Republik entwickelten Netzwerk.

15.08.2017 - 12:42 [ Ohmplanet ]

Connect with people. Make new friends. Share your memories. Create new relationships.

Verbinde dich mit allen Musikern und verwalte deine Musik, Events, Deco, Klamotten oder andere Artikel auf einer Seite. Präsentiere dich auf OhmPlanet und vermarkte Dich selbst. OhmPlanet is the new Goa Hot Spot.

15.08.2017 - 11:38 [ YaCy ]

Wir machen Suchmaschinensoftware … für dezentrale Suche im Internet und lokale Suchportale im Intranet

(heute) Die Besonderheit von YaCy ist aber, dass es sich mit den anderen Benutzern, die ebenfalls eine YaCy Suchmaschine betreiben, verbinden kann. So entsteht ein vollständig dezentrales Peer-to-Peer Suchmaschinennetz welches mit der Anzahl der Nutzer skaliert. Diese, von der Gemeinschaft der Nutzer betriebene Suchmaschine ist nicht zensierbar und speichert auch kein Nutzerverhalten an zentraler Stelle. Das Erreichen von Informationsfreiheit durch freie, dezentrale Suchsoftware ist auch ein Projektziel.

15.08.2017 - 11:37 [ Orbiter / heise.de/forum ]

Ich entwickle eine P2P-basierende Suchmaschine. Wer macht mit?

(15.12.2003) Hallo, ich denke wir sollten nicht von den Großkonzernen und ihren Kommerzprodukten, die uns schlußendlich manipulierte Suchergebnisse liefern, abhängig machen.

15.08.2017 - 11:11 [ Google ]

Faktencheck in Google News und Suche

(7.4.2017) Deshalb haben wir im Oktober 2016 zusammen mit unseren Partnern von Jigsaw in einigen Ländern das “Faktencheck-Label” eingeführt, mit dem Medienunternehmen und Verlage ihre entsprechenden Artikel in Google News kennzeichnen können. Dieses Label wird bei Artikeln angezeigt, die entsprechend überprüft wurden.

Nach Auswertung der Rückmeldungen von Nutzern und Medienhäusern möchten wir diese Funktion nun erweitern. Ab sofort ist das Faktencheck-Label weltweit verfügbar und wurde außerdem auf die Google Suche in allen Sprachen ausgedehnt.

15.08.2017 - 11:04 [ Search Engine Round Table ]

Google Hiring Quality Rater: i.e. Spam Reporters?

(26.November 2004) The Google job opportunity page has a job listing for a Quality Rater. The job description calls for a „part-time remote workers to help with search quality evaluation.“ There are those that believe this job is to better find and de-list sites that are found not to comply Quality Guidelines. Basically, the job title to an SEO is „Spam Reporter“.

15.08.2017 - 11:02 [ wsws.org ]

Google hat die 45 wichtigsten Suchbegriffe der WSWS blockiert

Aber die Berichterstattung der WSWS rückt die Rolle von Googles so genannten Bewertern stark ins Zentrum. Andere unabhängige Nachrichtenseiten haben die Artikel der WSWS geteilt und darauf Bezug genommen.

Am Mittwoch wurde John Mueller, ein Analyst für Webmastertrends bei Google, gefragt ob diese Bewerter „die Reputation einer Website“ beeinflussen könnten. Mueller dementierte die Frage auf eine Weise, die in Wirklichkeit einer Bestätigung gleichkommt: Das Urteil der Bewerter könne „theoretisch auch so etwas wie den allgemeinen Ruf einer Website beeinflussen“.

Damit gab er faktisch zu, dass das Heer der Zensoren bei Google die Möglichkeit hat, individuelle Seiten herabzustufen, indem sie ihre „Reputation“ schlecht bewerten.

15.08.2017 - 10:37 [ Richard Silverstein / Middle East Eye ]

The Syrian war‘s worst kept secret that could become Israel‘s nightmare

(28.6.2017) On 22 June, Yediot Achronot’s chief military-security correspondent, Alex Fishman, confirmed the Journal’s report and explored the motivation behind it:

“A not insignificant portion of the Syrian rebels in the Golan have adopted the extreme Salafist ideology of Jabhat al-Nusra, an offshoot of al-Qaeda…The Israeli view is that the religious extremist views of the Syrian rebels are less relevant [than their capacity to combat Israel’s enemies – Iran and Hezbollah]. Israel believes that what interests them [the rebels] above all is survival; and that it’s possible to buy their loyalty through material aid which helps guarantee their own security.

„The Journal article gives one the impression that Israel doesn’t always examine closely the views of its allies as long as it gets from them a useful security exchange. According to Israel’s perspective, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And if Jabhat al-Nusra fights against IS in the southern Golan, and each of them in turn fights against Hezbollah and the Syrian army in the Deraa region – all the better.”

15.08.2017 - 10:33 [ Ban Ki Moon / Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen ]

Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 4 September to 19 November 2014

(1.12.2014) 5. In view of the heavy fighting, which was approaching close to the UNDOF headquarters at Camp Faouar and the mission’s positions in the central part of the area of separation, the Force Commander briefed both parties early in September on the Force’s plans to relocate its personnel and assets should the Nusra Front or other extremist fighters who posed a clear threat to the mission endanger the safety and security of the United Nations personnel. It should be noted here that from information posted on social media as well as in the course of its efforts to secure the release of the peacekeepers, the United Nations learned that its personnel had been taken and held by members of the Nusra Front. There were indications that the Nusra Front intended to detain additional UNDOF personnel and take from UNDOF more weapons and vehicles as opportunities arose. (…)

12. Crossing of the ceasefire line by civilians, primarily shepherds, was observed on an almost daily basis. On 24 October, United Nations observation post 73 observed 12 IDF soldiers who detained one civilian between the Alpha line and the Israeli technical fence south-east of the observation post and subsequently took him away. IDF informed UNDOF that they released the person within one hour at the same location. On 27 October, position 80 observed two IDF soldiers east of the technical fence returning from the direction of the Alpha line towards the technical fence. UNDOF observed IDF opening the technical fence gate and letting two individuals pass from the Bravo to the Alpha side. Following the evacuation of UNDOF personnel from position 85 on 28 August, UNDOF sporadically observed armed members of the opposition interacting with IDF across the ceasefire line in the vicinity of United Nations position 85.

15.08.2017 - 10:20 [ Haaretz ]

Mossad Chief Heads Delegation to Washington for White House Talks on Syria

Israel is dissatisfied with the fact that its security interests were not reflected in the draft cease-fire agreement being formulated by the United States and Russia. A senior Israeli official said the delegation was expected to try to persuade senior administration officials that parts of the cease-fire agreement in southern Syria should be amended to include clearer statements about the need to remove Iranian forces, Hezbollah and Shi‘ite militias out of Syria.

15.08.2017 - 10:12 [ Präsident der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

President speaking at the parliament:

„Today, a new chapter in Iran‘s foreign policy has started. Iran considers the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as neither a threat to any country nor surrendering to any power; but rather a win-win and balanced agreement in the path of cooperation and confidence building with the world“.

He also said: „The reason why the new US administration is seeking pretexts to violate their commitments, Iran‘s success in living up to its commitments and defending its rights and US failure are because of greed“.

„Iran has lived up to its commitments and will monitor any violation by other sides of the agreement, responding accordingly to them. Those who are trying to return back to the language of sanction and threatening, are imprisoned in their own past illusions and are depriving themselves of the benefits of peace by making up enemies and promoting fear“.

He also said: „Those who have been speaking about tearing up the JCPOA in recent months are accusing Iran of violating the spirit of the agreement. This is while the last 7 reports by the IAEA have verified that Iran has completely been working within the JCPOA“.

„The world saw in the recent months that it is the United States of America, especially during Trump‘s term of office, which is ignoring international agreements from their commitments in the JCPOA to the Paris Agreement, agreements with Cuba, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), showing the world or even their allies that US is not a good partner and a trustable negotiation party,“ Rouhani added.

He also went on to say: „Throughout is glorious history, the Islamic Republic of Iran has always lived up to its international commitments and will continued to do so, but will defend the rights of the Iranian people against violations and lack of commitment“.

Addressing the new US officials, the president also added: „They must know that it was the failed experience of sanction and imposition that took their previous administrations to the negotiating table and if they are willing to get back to those experiences, Iran will definitely return to a much more advanced state of the pre-negotiations era in a short time; it is just the matter of hours or days“.

„The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is the model for priority of peace and diplomacy over war and unilateralism. Although this is what the Islamic Republic of Iran prefers, it will not be its only choice,“ the President continued.

15.08.2017 - 10:10 [ Wikipedia ]

Fake News

Als Fake News (auch Fake-News oder Fakenews; englisch: fake news) werden lancierte bzw. veröffentlichte „vorgetäuschte Nachrichten“ bzw. Falschmeldungen bezeichnet, die sich überwiegend im Internet, insbesondere in sozialen Netzwerken und anderen sozialen Medien zum Teil viral verbreiten und mitunter auch von Journalisten aufgegriffen werden. Zunehmend wurde Fake News auch zu einem politischen Schlagwort bzw. Kampfbegriff in der „Ära Trump“, ähnlich wie im deutschen „Lügenpresse“.

15.08.2017 - 09:56 [ Korean Central News Agency (Nordkorea) / kcnawatch.co ]

Kim Jong Un Inspects KPA Strategic Force Command

Then he listened to General Kim Rak Gyom‘s decision on the Strategic Force‘s plan for an enveloping fire at Guam at the command post.

He examined the plan for a long time and discussed it with the commanding officers in real earnest.

He praised the KPA Strategic Force for drawing up a close and careful plan as planned and intended by the Party and examined the firing preparations for power demonstration.

After listening to the commander of the Strategic Force that it is waiting for the order of the Party Central Committee after rounding off the preparations for the enveloping fire at Guam, he said with great satisfaction that the spirit of Hwasong artillerymen is very high and he was freshly determined, seeing by himself the combat preparedness and the sky-high spirit of the Hwasong artillerymen of the large combined unit.

He said that the U.S. imperialists caught the noose around their necks due to their reckless military confrontation racket, adding that he would watch a little more the foolish and stupid conduct of the Yankees spending a hard time of every minute of their miserable lot.

15.08.2017 - 09:12 [ KBS.co.kr ]

Korea feiert 72. Unabhängigkeitstag

Die Regierung hat am Dienstag in Seoul eine Zeremonie anlässlich des 72. Unabhängigkeitstags veranstaltet.

Anwesend waren über 3.000 Personen, darunter auch solche, die für die Unabhängigkeit Koreas gekämpft hatten. Die Regierung lud erstmals offiziell zwei Opfer der Sexsklaverei der japanischen Armee zur von ihr veranstalteten Feier zum Unabhängigkeitstag ein.