Daily Archives: 22. Juli 2017

22.07.2017 - 22:36 [ Washington Post ]

Israeli troops deploy across East Jerusalem and West Bank after violence over holy site

Israeli officials argue that the detectors are vital for security after the gun attack outside the mosque. Palestinians say they will refuse to pass through the devices, which they condemn as another implement of control employed by a hostile force.

On Saturday, Abbas’s political party, Fatah, asserted that the protests “will not stop until a Palestinian victory and the release of the holy sites from Israeli occupation.”

22.07.2017 - 22:31 [ Al Jazeera ]

The al-Aqsa metal detectors aren‘t a security measure

The demand for freedom of religion for Palestinians – the ability to worship without the interference of Israel‘s armed forces – is conveniently ignored. The metal detectors must be viewed in their proper context: as another of Israel‘s settler-colonial acts of erasing us, the indigenous population, erasing our homes, our culture and our religious sites and replacing us with settlers.

For his part, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is happy to see Jerusalem erupt in violence. Facing a corruption investigation for a submarine scandal, Netanyahu is refusing to remove the metal detectors so as to ensure that attention is deflected from this deal and instead focused on violence. You see, in Israel, „security“ sells – it ensures votes and ensures that corruption charges are deflected.

22.07.2017 - 17:21 [ Press TV ]

Philippine Congress votes for extending martial law

But opposition lawmakers dragged out the debate, questioning why martial law was needed for the whole of Mindanao when the fighting was limited to only one city. „I fear that the plan to extend the martial law in Mindanao will pave the way for a Philippines-wide martial law,“ said Senator Risa Hontiveros ahead of the vote.

22.07.2017 - 17:16 [ Porta amerika21.de ]

Eskalation der Gewalt gegen Studentenbewegung in Honduras

Mit Eisenketten und -stangen bewaffnete Männer sind am Montagmorgen auf den Campus der Nationalen Autonomen Universität Honduras (UNAH) in Tegucigalpa eingedrungen, um die besetzte Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie zu räumen. Zusammen mit der Sicherheitsfirma Spartan Security begannen nach Angaben von Augenzeugen etwa 50 zum Teil Vermummte unvermittelt auf die anwesenden Studierenden einzuschlagen.

22.07.2017 - 16:46 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Brüchige Brücke

Mit demonstrativer Zurückweisung, faktisch aber relativ zurückhaltenden Maßnahmen reagiert Berlin auf die jüngsten Repressalien Ankaras gegen Menschenrechtler und Journalisten aus Deutschland.

22.07.2017 - 14:24 [ Haaretz / googleusercontent.com ]

Dear God, Not Again

It’s like sleep paralysis. You think you’re wide-awake but can’t move a muscle to stop the nightmare that’s unfolding in front of your eyes. You shout out but no one hears you. You know the tragedy can be avoided, but no one seems to care.

22.07.2017 - 14:15 [ Korean Broadcasting System ]

Hawaii plant Evakuierungsübung gegen nordkoreanischen Atomangriff

Die lokale Zeitung „The Honolulu Star-Advertiser” berichtete am Freitag, dass die Notfall-Managementsbehörde von Hawaii beschlossen habe, eine regelmäßige Evakuierungsübung für Bewohner und Besucher ab November einmal im Monat durchzuführen. Dabei werde ein Szenario geprobt, bei dem eine 15-Kilotonnen-Atombombe in einer Höhe von 300 Metern über Honolulu explodieren würde.

22.07.2017 - 14:12 [ Spiegel.de ]

Orbán springt Polen zur Seite

Ungarns Ministerpräsident Viktor Orbán hat der national-konservativen Regierung Polens Unterstützung zugesagt, um mögliche Strafen der Europäischen Union (EU) wegen der umstrittenen Justizreform zu verhindern. Ungarn werde alle rechtlichen Möglichkeiten in der EU nutzen, mit den Polen Solidarität zu zeigen, sagte Orbán in einer vom Fernsehen übertragenen Rede im rumänischen Baile Tusnad.

22.07.2017 - 08:48 [ B'Tselem ]

Summer 2017: New movement restrictions in Hebron heighten isolation of Palestinian neighborhoods

As a result of this policy, thoussands of Palestinians have left downtown Hebron, and what used to be a lively regional trade center is now practically a ghost town. The residents who have not moved out suffer violence and daily harassment at the hands of Israeli security forces and the settlers who have moved in under their protection.

22.07.2017 - 07:50 [ New York Times ]

Saudi King’s Son Plotted Effort to Oust His Rival

As next in line to be king of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Nayef was unaccustomed to being told what to do. Then, one night in June, he was summoned to a palace in Mecca, held against his will and pressured for hours to give up his claim to the throne.

By dawn, he had given in, and Saudi Arabia woke to the news that it had a new crown prince: the king’s 31-year-old son, Mohammed bin Salman.

22.07.2017 - 07:11 [ Quartz ]

Candidate Trump called the Iran agreement “the stupidest deal of all time.” This week, he recertified it

Two years ago, the United States and its allies in Europe, China, and Russia announced to the world that the diplomatic coalition that had been negotiating with Tehran for the previous two years finally arrived at an agreement on Iran’s nuclear program. And this week, one of the accord’s loudest critics—president Donald Trump—had to formally admit to Congress that the Iranians continue to uphold their side of the bargain.

22.07.2017 - 07:11 [ Reuters ]

Iran skips opportunity to upset nuclear deal over U.S. sanctions: sources

A source with knowledge of the matter said „the Iranians did complain a lot and the Russians supported them, but they won‘t play along to Washington‘s game and be turned into killjoys.“

This source, and another one with knowledge of Friday‘s meeting, said Iran did not use the plenary session comprised of envoys from Iran, the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain, Germany and the EU to start a dispute resolution.

22.07.2017 - 06:27 [ National News Agency - Ministry of Information Lebanese Republic ]

Foreign Ministry: Diplomatic appointments filled 60% of vacant posts

On the other hand, the Ministry urged media outlets to be cautious in the dissemination of information, notably that „the distribution of any false information will adversely affect Lebanon‘s relations with foreign countries.“

22.07.2017 - 05:46 [ Bandcamp ]

Sandstorms by INTRCPTR

Ben Carr – Guitars
Larry Herweg – Drums
Engineered and mixed by Gabe Van at Akira Audio in January of 2017
Mastered by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege in May of 2017
Artwork by Brian Montouri
released July 21, 2017