Trotz nach Jahrzehnten schließlich unter den Begriffen „Gladio“ oder „Stay Behind“ bekannt gewordenen geheimen Attentats-Armeen des Staates, eingebunden in Hierarchie und Befehlskette von Nordatlantikpakt und Leit-Imperium Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, drückt sich die „breite Öffentlichkeit“ in der Republik immer noch um die Tragweite der Staatsaffäre um den durch einen reinen Zufall aufgeflogenen faschistischen Elitesoldaten der Bundeswehr und deren beiseite geschaffte Munition und Sprengstoff.
Dabei ist dessen „Netzwerk“ offensichtlich der „starke Staat“ selbst.
Auf lange Sicht werden deshalb in den Staaten der EU und der NATO diejenigen Politiker favorisiert, die eine scharfe Abgrenzung gegenüber dem Osten anstreben. Laut Experten wäre den entscheidenden Kräften in der EU weiterhin ein Wahlsieg der neoliberalen Kandidaten Maia Sandu und Andrei Nastase am liebsten; beide werden regelmäßig nach Brüssel eingeladen.
(3.Mai) Das Arbeitsgericht Berlin hat heute die Lohnklage eines Bauarbeiters abgewiesen, der im Jahr 2014 als Bauhelfer für einen Subunternehmer bei der Errichtung des Gebäudes der „Mall of Berlin“ tätig war.
Burson-Marsteller worked for Saudi Arabia in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks in the US in 2001 and has offices both in Saudi Arabia and Dubai. (…) BM punches above its weight on two fronts there: both as an advocate of the EU project and its importance, and also as a paid lobbyist of multinationals who manipulate MEPs in the European Parliament by writing their own amendments to draft legislation – rules which invariably favor massive companies over smaller firms which get hit hard by new EU laws.
The world’s largest manufacturer of commercial drones has issued a software update to prevent its devices being flown over swathes of Iraq and Syria where ISIL has been converting small unmanned aerial vehicles to drop bombs, according to American specialists who spotted the revision.
04.05.2017 - 11:29 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]
Generally speaking, the hearing ended up being more about how the FBI plans to continue expanding its power and decreasing civil liberties. Comey wants a clean 702 reauth, even with the NSA shutting down part of the collection because it can‘t comply with the law otherwise. He wants legislators to hand him greater NSL powers, even though the FBI‘s history of NSL abuse is well-documented. And he still wants the government to solve his „going dark“ problem, even though the problem has been greatly exaggerated and no amount of harder nerding is going to generate a safe, government-only backdoor in encryption.
More broadly, this system evokes uncomfortable comparisons with totalitarian societies where individuals are encouraged to constantly inform on one another.
The National Counterterrorism Center is incentivizing technology companies by sharing intelligence with them to battle terrorist-recruiting strategies on the web, NCTC Director Nicholas Rasmussen said Wednesday.
Unter dem Vorwand, die wachsende Weltbevölkerung ernähren zu wollen, fahren Chemiekonzerne satte Gewinne ein: Jedes Jahr werden Agrochemikalien im Wert von rund 50 Milliarden US-Dollar verkauft.
Das Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) hat Notfallzulassungen für die Anwendung von mehreren Pflanzenschutzmitteln an Steinobst erlassen.
Gründe dafür gibt es viele – das Fehlen geeigneter Lebensräume und das Insektensterben gehören zu den wichtigen. Bei manchen Insektenarten ist der Bestand demnach um bis zu 90 Prozent zurückgegangen. Unkraut- und Insektengifte stellten dabei Studien zufolge einen „relevanten Einflussfaktor“ dar, heißt es in der Antwort der Regierung.
Der European XFEL soll eine Art Super-Kamera mit bis zu 27.000 Röntgenlaserblitzen pro Sekunde sein. Das ist rund 200-mal mehr als bei vergleichbaren Anlagen. Wissenschaftler wollen so zum Beispiel chemische Reaktionen im Nanokosmos filmen.
Militär unterhält Kontakte zu paramilitärischen Söldnergruppen. Befragung von Regierungs- und Justizbeamten zu Morden an Zivilpersonen im Parlament verschoben
The jawboning of oil prices by the Saudi Arabian/Russian tag team should be wearing off after more than a year of actions that don‘t measure up to the words. Oil prices slumped recently, dropping from around $54 per barrel to just below $50 as of Friday‘s close.
Venezuela has been ailing ever since the decline in oil prices that started in June 2014, and there is no reason to think this trend will shift anytime soon. Energy prices move in long quarter-century circles of one decade of high prices and one decade of low prices, so another decade of low prices is likely. Similarly, the biggest economic blow to the Soviet Union was the fall in oil prices that started in 1981 and got worse from there.
Comey räumte ein, dass die Ermittlung gegen Clinton ein heikles Thema sei. „Mir wird leicht übel bei dem Gedanken, dass wir eine gewisse Auswirkung auf die Wahl gehabt haben könnten“, sagte er. Aber das FBI sei eine unabhängige Behörde. „Ich kann keine Sekunde lang darüber nachdenken, wessen politisches Schicksal in welcher Weise betroffen sein könnte.“
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson tries to reassure a US diplomatic corps rattled by talk of sharp budget cuts under Donald Trump‘s ‚America First‘ foreign policy
Senior bank officials hail the provisional agreement between the government and its creditors as a major step toward the normalization of the economy and the credit system but…
ast year Russia passed a new surveillance bill that promised to bring greater security to the country. As is par for the course for these types of bills, the legislation did the exact opposite by not only mandating new encryption backdoors, but by also imposing harsh new data-retention requirements on ISPs and VPN providers. As a result, some VPN providers like Private Internet Access wound up leaving the country after finding their entire function eroded and having some of their servers seized. The end result? Russia‘s pledge to shore up security wound up making everybody in the country notably less secure.
And now Russia appears poised to dramatically up the ante.
The Hellenic Confederation of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (ESEE) announced it will launch a strike on Sunday, May 7, to protest legislation that will increase the number of Sundays that retail outlets are allowed to operate during the year. Opening shops 30 Sundays per year is included in the deal Greece and creditors agreed on Thursday, an OECD precondition.
Sunday, May 7th, falls within the two-week mid-season sales and has been designated as a day when shops can stay open in most areas of the country.
Die Ausweitung der Videoüberwachung wird gesetzlich und auch ganz praktisch vorangetrieben. Doch hilft Videoüberwachung wirklich gegen Kriminalität? Was verspricht man sich vom automatisierten Abgleich der Überwachungsdaten? Welche Technik steckt dahinter? Wir sprachen in einem Interview mit Benjamin Kees, der über Videoüberwachung forscht.
Back in February, we had former top FCC staffer Gigi Sohn on our podcast and she laid out the likely strategy of Ajit Pai and Congress to kill net neutrality while pretending that they were protecting net neutrality. And so far, it‘s played out exactly according to plan. Each move, though, seems to be getting reported by most of the tech press as if it‘s some sort of surprise or unexpected move. It‘s not. There‘s a script and it‘s being followed almost exactly. So, as a reminder, let‘s go through the exact script:
Kriminelle Hacker haben Konten von deutschen Bankkunden über Sicherheitslücken im Mobilfunknetz ausgeräumt, die seit Jahren bekannt sind. Eigentlich wollten die Provider schon 2014…
Fayez al-Sarraj, the leader of the Government of National Accord (GNA), and Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, whose fighters control most of eastern Libya including key oil ports, held a rare meeting in the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday.
Tuesday‘s operation came following an intelligence report by the National Security and Intelligence Agency (NISA) about a suspicious movement by the arrested soldiers within the Presidential compound.
Demnach war es in der Nähe der somalischen Präsidentenvilla in Mogadischu irrtümlich zu einem Feuergefecht zwischen dem Schutzpersonal des Ministers und jenem des obersten Rechnungsprüfers Nur Jimale Farah gekommen. Die Bodyguards des Rechnungsprüfers sahen in dem Auto des Ministers offenbar eine Bedrohung und eröffneten das Feuer, wie Hassan erklärte.
Der in weltweite Bestechungsskandale verwickelte brasilianische Konzern Odebrecht hat 2015 eine halbe Million US-Dollar zum Wahlkampf des argentinischen Präsidenten Mauricio Macri beigesteuert.
In the Tarapoto Declaration, representatives of social movements, indigenous leaders and academics agreed, after four days of work, “to denounce and fight the corruption associated with the extractivist model and extractive megaprojects in the Amazon and Andes regions.”
As a means of making bombing, sanctioning or invading other countries palatable to the general population, the US government has consistently used the actions of other governments against their own people as an excuse.
Those actions have included the use of chemical weapons, torture, setting dogs against people, beatings, surveillance, forcibly removing people from their land, jailing them unjustly, holding staged trials, and issuing verbal and physical threats, among many others.
04.05.2017 - 00:53 [ Colin Todhunter / Global Research ]
Agrochemical manufacturers are knowingly poisoning people and the environment in the name of profit and greed. Communities, countries, ecosystems and species have become disposable inconveniences. Corporate totalitarian tries to hide beneath an increasingly fragile facade of democracy.
Peru‘s Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled in favor of Maxima Acuña, a campesina and winner of the Goldman Environmental Prize, acquitted of land misappropriation charges backed by U.S.-based Newmont Mining Corp.