Daily Archives: 4. Februar 2017

04.02.2017 - 22:17 [ teleSUR ]

Another Indigenous Leader Killed in Mexico, Investigation Opens

Juan Ontiveros, an Indigenous activist and defender of ancestral lands in the Sierra Tarahumara in northern Mexico was killed on Jan. 31 by a group of armed men who stormed his house in the Indigenous community of Choreachi in the state of Chihuahua.

04.02.2017 - 19:54 [ CNN ]

Trump just got checked and balanced

The rapid halting of President Donald Trump‘s immigration order has given him his first exposure to the limits on his presidential power, a sharp awakening for a real estate mogul accustomed to the wide unilateral prerogative of a chief executive.
With the order mired in legal challenge and travelers again weighed with uncertainty, Trump is facing his first run-in with a system of federal checks and balances.

04.02.2017 - 19:47 [ Ansa.it ]

Rosi against Trump‘s ban

The writer, director and producer of the Oscar-nominated Fire at Sea, Gianfranco Rosi, is in Los Angeles where he took part in protests at Los Angeles International airport against President Donald Trump‘s travel ban against seven Muslim-majority countries.
Rosi‘s documentary on the refugee emergency on the Italian island of Lampedusa is nominated for a best feature documentary Oscar.

04.02.2017 - 19:46 [ Breitbart ]

German Magazine Spiegel Portrays Trump as Islamist Beheader in Cartoon Front Page

Showing President Trump holding the severed head of the Statue of Liberty in one hand and a blooded knife in the other, the cartoon was produced for the magazine by United States-based Cuban artist Edel Rodriguez. The design follows a number of other covers and articles by the magazine, one of Europe’s largest, which have been highly critical of Trump, both during the election campaign and after his election.

04.02.2017 - 19:34 [ Jonathan Cook ]

A dangerous nostalgia for the pre-Trump order

Freedland has been cheerleader-in-chief at the Guardian of the “Great American Democracy” for nearly three decades, beginning with his posting to Washington. Despite his protests now, he and other liberals made very little noise against the slow erosion of civil rights in the US and the accretion of powers to the security state, especially under Democratic presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

The gradual reversal in recent times of the democratic gains made in the US during the 1950s and 1960s have gone largely unremarked by the liberal punditocracy. But it was these very reversals that created, first, the political and media climate Trump exploited to win power and, second, the national security infrastructure he will exploit to entrench his rule against opponents.

04.02.2017 - 19:26 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Greek Coast Guard arrests Turkish sailor for spying

A Turkish sailor is facing charges of spying following his arrest at the port of Elefsina, western Attica, the Hellenic Coast Guard said on Friday.

According to a statement from the Hellenic Coast Guard, the 51-year-old, a member of the crew of the Turkish cargo vessel M/V Makbule Ana, was arrested on Wednesday morning.

04.02.2017 - 18:39 [ Ansa.it ]

Italians want to vote ASAP

Some 38% of those polled by Ixè for Raitre said they want to vote as soon as possible, while 35% want to vote after the approval of a new electoral law and 23% want to wait until the natural end of the legislative term in February 2018, the poll said.

04.02.2017 - 10:40 [ ORF.at ]

„Die Verfassung hat heute gesiegt“

Juristischer Schlag für US-Präsident Donald Trump: Ein Bundesrichter in Seattle hat das von ihm verhängte Einreiseverbot für Bürger aus sieben mehrheitlich muslimischen Ländern vorerst gestoppt. Die Entscheidung von Richter James Robart vom Freitag (Ortszeit) gilt so lange landesweit, bis über die Klage des Generalstaatsanwalts des Bundesstaates Washington, Bob Ferguson, entschieden ist.

04.02.2017 - 10:25 [ Haaretz ]

Even Trump Can’t Stay Silent as Israel Runs Amok in Settlements

The White House statement was a warning that he should show up with the goods. Netanyahu and his cabinet have seen how Trump behaves with leaders he believes are standing between him and his goals. The last thing Israel needs is for Trump to hang up the phone on Netanyahu, declare that talking to him is a waste of time or tweet about how he’s expecting payback for the funding Israel receives from Washington.

04.02.2017 - 10:22 [ Reuters ]

Australian foreign minister says U.S. refugee swap proceeding

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said on Saturday that a controversial refugee resettlement deal with the United States would go ahead, despite U.S. immigration officials postponing interviews with asylum seekers.

Reuters reported on Friday that U.S. officials had pulled planned second-round interviews with detainees in an Australian camp on the Pacific island of Nauru, suggesting Washington is already blocking progress on a controversial refugee resettlement deal.

04.02.2017 - 09:59 [ Techdirt ]

The Real Controversy Over The Non-Existent ‚Bowling Green Massacre‘ Is That It Was The FBI‘s Own Plot

It turns out that the two guys arrested were involved yet another of the FBI‘s „own plots.“ If you‘re new to this, for years we‘ve covered how the FBI (rather than actually taking on criminal activity) has been inventing its own fake terrorist plots, and then using undercover agents and informants to bully dupes into „joining“ the non-existent, FBI-created, FBI-financed, FBI-supplied „plots.“ We‘ve written about examples of this over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again (so don‘t go in the comments and ask why this story is on Techdirt…)

04.02.2017 - 09:57 [ Erich Schmidt-Eenboom / geheimdienste.info ]

Der BND in Afghanistan

(Oktober 2008) Den bedeutendsten nachrichtendienstlichen Apparat innerhalb des afghanischen Widerstands während des Kampfes gegen die Sowjetunion unterhielt Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, der Vorsitzende der Hizb-e Islami-Gulbuddin, dem etwa 35.000 Kämpfer zuzuordnen waren. Allein in der Provinz Kabul hatte Hekmatyar bis 1992 etwa zwanzig Geheimdienstgruppen, die zwischen 30 und 50 Leute umfassten, im Einsatz. Seine weit mehr als 1.000 Geheimdienstmitarbeiter waren vom pakistanischen ISI, von der CIA und vom ägyptischen Nachrichtendienst ausgebildet worden.

04.02.2017 - 09:54 [ Reuters ]

U.N. lifts sanctions on notorious Afghan warlord

In removing Hekmatyar from the list of people sanctioned for their ties to al-Qaeda, Islamic State, and other militant groups, the U.N. unfroze his assets, and dropped a travel ban and arms embargo against him.

Hekmatyar‘s whereabouts have been unknown since he signed the peace deal with Ghani in September via a prerecorded video from an undisclosed location.

04.02.2017 - 09:47 [ Spiegel.de ]

Fazit nach EU-Gipfel Merkel setzt auf ein Europa verschiedener Geschwindigkeiten

Merkels Satz ist das ehrliche Eingeständnis, dass man mit Integrationsrhetorik und dem Beschwören europäischer Gemeinsamkeiten nicht mehr weiterkommt. In einer Zeit, in der nicht nur die Briten sich verabschieden, sondern Populisten auf dem ganzen Kontinent Wahlen mit einem Feldzug gegen Brüssel gewinnen wollen, zeigt Merkels Satz, dass in die Debatte über die Zukunft der EU jetzt auch an prominenter Stelle eine Prise Realismus einzieht. Es wird höchste Zeit.

04.02.2017 - 09:42 [ Europe Elects / Facebook ]

Czechia, Median poll:

(28.12.2016) ANO-ALDE: 27% ↑
ČSSD-S&D: 18%
ODS-ECR: 10%
TOP09-EPP: 7% ↓
SZ-G/EFA: 3%

04.02.2017 - 09:39 [ Zeit.de ]

Tschechien : ANO-Bewegung gewinnt Regionalwahlen

(8.10.2016) Der Aufschwung der Partei Aktion unzufriedener Bürger (ANO) um den Finanzminister und Milliardär Andrej Babiš hält auch bei den tschechischen Regional- und Senatswahlen an. Die liberal-populistische Bewegung kommt nach Auszählung fast aller Stimmen auf 21,3 Prozent.

04.02.2017 - 09:30 [ NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence ]

Countering propaganda: NATO spearheads use of behavioural change science

(12.5.2015) The Canadian Ambassador to Latvia, Mr. Alain Hausser, and the Latvian State Secretary for Defence, Mr. Janis Sarts, jointly opened a revolutionary NATO training programme in Riga on 8th May, teaching advanced counter-propaganda techniques designed to help member states assess and counter Russia’s propaganda in Eastern Europe.

Twenty intelligence analysts, psychologists, and military and defence personnel from across NATO countries will be trained in what is known as Target Audience Analysis, a scientific application developed by the UK based Behavioural Dynamics Institute, that involves a comprehensive study of audience groups and forms the basis for interventions aimed at reinforcing or changing attitudes and behaviour. Significantly, the methodology increases the resilience of susceptible audiences and enables them to withstand foreign propaganda effects.

04.02.2017 - 09:29 [ Fefe ]

Gute Nachrichten: Das EU-Wahrheitsministerium ist jetzt online!

Wenn ihr euch fragt, wieso die EU eine „East StratCom Task Force“ hat, wo man FooCom eigentlich aus dem Militär kennt (siehe CENTCOM, Central Command), und in der Tat gibt es auch ein StratCom beim Militär: NATO hat auch ein StratCom, aber bei dem steht Com für Communications und nicht Command, und die kümmern sich um Social Media und Russia‘s Information Activities. Die Vermutung liegt nahe, dass es sich nicht um eine EU-Institution handelt, sondern um ein NATO-U-Boot (und DEN Link solltet ihr euch mal dringend in Ruhe durchlesen). Hier ist ein Dokument aus dem EU-Parlament über die Zusammenarbeit der EU mit NATO StratCom.