Daily Archives: 2. Februar 2017

02.02.2017 - 17:55 [ Radio Utopie ]

Unsere CC Musikcharts im Februar 2017

Nach längerer Zeit haben wir die Radio Utopie Musikcharts mit Musik unter Creative Commons Lizenz wieder aktiviert. Dafür haben wir sechs hervorragende Neuvorstellungen am Start:

Der Londoner Britpop-Gitarrist und Sänger Ben K. Adams mit „The Man on the Hill“, die spanische Klavierspielerin und Komponistin Esther Garcia mit einer Interpretation von Camille Saint-Saens „Le carnaval des animaux (L’aquarium)“ aus „Karneval der Tiere“ vom französischen Komponisten Camille Saint-Saëns, der u.a. für seine Filmmusik bereits mehrfach ausgezeichnete Sound Designer Evgeny Teilor aus Nowosibirsk mit „Uncertainty“ („This dualism is a leitmotiv for this album“), das Duo Lyonn aus Los Angeles mit dem sphärischen „We´ll Light The Sky“, das Musikproject VOIC3S um Bogdan Yuryev mit „People from the Underground“ aus aller Welt und beeindruckendem Sound und die griechischen Elektrokünstler von StrangeZero („a ZERO can become something when it’s strange…it can have an identity…“) mit „Burning Star“. Zu diesem Song gibt es ein Video:

02.02.2017 - 17:17 [ Haaretz ]

Trump Needs a Holy War

A war would underscore his contentions that his critics are weak, his rivals myopic, liberals perverse, immigrants suspect, leftists metastases, journalists -Fox News and Breitbart excepted – subversive, anti-American, knowingly and treasonously and shrewdly deceitful.

A war would make it clear that it‘s not mass casualty shootings by loner white males that makes Americans unsafe. It is, rather, the specter of the swarthy Muslim we have never met, which should keep us up at night – even if that Muslim is in actual life a saint among physicians or a decorated former brother-in-arms of U.S. troops overseas.

Donald Trump needs a war. But not just any war. He needs just the right global non-Christian, all-powerful, all-frightening, non-white, non-negotiable enemy.

He needs a Holy War.

02.02.2017 - 17:13 [ Techdirt ]

Police Say No Evidence Of Value Was Lost In Ransomware Attack, Except Maybe Some Stuff Defense Lawyers Might Find Useful

The police reports are retained in hard copy. Any recordings of incidents detailed in these reports are apparently backed up in a more haphazard fashion.

Some of the videos were backed up on CDs, but those that were not are lost.

„No police reports, nor any criminal history information, was lost, Barlag said.“

Comforting… for the police department. Not so much for criminal defendants, who are going to have an even harder time arguing against „our word vs. yours“ assertions — which cops can back up with police reports while giving defendants nothing at all to push back with.

02.02.2017 - 17:12 [ WFAA.com ]

Cockrell Hill police lose years worth of evidence in ransom hacking

The malware, which most likely originated from either Russia or Ukraine, gained access to the department‘s computer servers after someone clicked on a cloned email made to look like it was sent from a department email address, Barlag said. Messages generated by the computer virus demanded $4,000 worth of internet currency known as Bitcoin as ransom for the return of the files, he said. After consulting with the FBI‘s Cyber Division, Barlag said the department decided not to pay the ransom demand, which was made electronically and involved no human interaction with any hackers.

02.02.2017 - 17:08 [ Ansa.it ]

‚Renzi no loner PD leader – Emiliano

„Renzi might be the PD secretary, but he is no longer its leader. Without a congress the PD is dead,“ Emiliano said in an interview with Corriere della sera. The former premier, who resigned following defeat in the December referendum on his controversial constitutional reform, must seek the support of party members through leadership primaries to avoid a split, he added.

02.02.2017 - 16:58 [ Barbara Lee, Abgeordnete des U.S. Repräsentantenhauses ]

Congresswoman Lee’s Statement on Berkeley Protests

„Milo Yiannopoulos has made a career of inflaming racist, sexist and nativist sentiments. Berkeley has a proud history of dissent and students were fully within their rights to protest peacefully. However, I am disappointed by the unacceptable acts of violence last night which were counterproductive and dangerous.

“President Donald Trump cannot bully our university into silence. Simply put, President Trump’s empty threat to cut funding from UC Berkeley is an abuse of power. As a senior member of the education funding subcommittee, I will continue to stand up to President Trump’s overreach and defend the rights of our students and faculty.”

02.02.2017 - 16:54 [ Fefe ]

Der inzwischen von Twitter verbannte Rechtsaußen-Troll Milo Yiannopoulos hat ausgerechnet in der liberalen Hochburg Berkeley ein Event angemeldet.

Wenig überraschend gab es starken Widerstand der Studenten bis hin zu brennendem Müll auf der Straße, und am Ende musste das abgesagt werden. Fox News hat berichtet, und natürlich hat Trump sich sofort triggern lassen und droht jetzt der Uni mit dem Entzug öffentlicher Gelder.

02.02.2017 - 16:46 [ Los Angeles Daily News ]

Why two LA Democratic congressmen are attending Trump’s inauguration

(17.1.2017) “Mr. Trump will be our president at the end of this week, just as Richard Nixon was our president in spite of Watergate, right up until the day he resigned,” Sherman said.

Sherman added that his constituents have claimed all 200 of the event tickets assigned to his office.

“My district voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton, but there are a lot of people who want to come see this inauguration,” he said

02.02.2017 - 12:48 [ Radio Utopie ]

Übrigens: Der Berliner Senat kann die Bundesregierung jederzeit wegen des Attentats verklagen

Nur falls jemand „S.P.D.“, „Grüne“ und „Linke“ im Berliner Senat satt hat, wie sie sich vor dem Apparat des von uns bereits vor bald zehn Jahren prognostizierten faschistischen Polizeistaates rausreden, sich dafür entschuldigen nicht jeder Forderung sofort nachzugeben und natürlich auch die „Videoüberwachung“, die optische Erfassung der Bevölkerung und der Besucher der Weltstadt Berlin eskalieren, nur nicht ganz bis zum geforderten Punkt: Der Senat ist nicht so hilflos, wie er tut.

02.02.2017 - 10:22 [ the Atlantic ]

A Clarifying Moment in American History

(29.1.2017) For the community of conservative thinkers and experts, and more importantly, conservative politicians, this is a testing time. Either you stand up for your principles and for what you know is decent behavior, or you go down, if not now, then years from now, as a coward or opportunist. Your reputation will never recover, nor should it.

02.02.2017 - 10:20 [ Haaretz ]

U.S. Embassy Reassures Israelis Born in Arab Countries on Trump‘s Travel Ban

The U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv issued a statement on Tuesday to clarify the status of visas held by Israelis born in Arab countries, in light of an entry ban issued by the Trump administration to nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries.
The embassy said that: “If you have a currently valid U.S. visa in your Israeli passport and were born in Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, or Yemen, and do not have a valid passport from one of these countries, your visa was not cancelled and remains valid.“

02.02.2017 - 10:19 [ Reuters ]

Some nations affected by U.S. immigration order may stay on list

Under the order released on Friday, travelers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen may not enter the country for at least 90 days while Kelly and others determine whether there is enough information available to screen them.

„Some of those countries that are currently on the list may not be taken off the list anytime soon, if they are countries that are in various states of collapse, as an example,“ Kelly told a press conference.

02.02.2017 - 10:13 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Erdogan’s MP to Greece: “Don’t mess with us or we’ll shoot you”

“I am warning Greece: You were saved owing to a cowardly [Turkish] admiral in 1996. Do not play the Kardak game with us. We will shoot you!” Hüseyin Kocabıyık, the party’s İzmir deputy, tweeted on Feb. 1.

Kocabıyık was referring to a previous escalation between the two countries 21 years ago over the small Aegean islets.

The AKP deputy also claimed that the naval commander of the time disobeyed the instruction of then-Prime Minister Tansu Çiller to sink Greek ships.

02.02.2017 - 09:55 [ Japan Times ]

Abe, Trump agree to hold summit on Feb. 10

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President Donald Trump agreed during a telephone conversation Saturday to hold face-to-face talks on Feb. 10 and affirmed the importance of bilateral ties, the Japanese and U.S. governments said.

02.02.2017 - 09:41 [ Reuters ]

Exclusive: Japan considers buying more U.S. energy as Abe prepares to meet Trump

Another idea is to offer to increase liquid natural gas (LNG) imports from the United States, a source in the ruling coalition told Reuters.

Another option, if Abe determines that Trump is most concerned about the trade gap, is to increase imports of U.S. shale oil or gas on top of the investment package, according to a top executive at a major Japanese corporation who is close to Abe.

02.02.2017 - 09:16 [ SkyNews.com.au ]

Turnbull denies Trump ‚hang up‘

Mr Turnbull said despite the president‘s tweet, he had received multiple assurances from Mr Trump, his press secretary and the US embassy the deal would be progressed.

‚This is not a deal that he would‘ve done or that he would regard as a good deal,‘ Mr Turnbull told Fairfax radio.

‚But the question is, will he commit to honour the deal? And he has given that commitment.‘

02.02.2017 - 09:14 [ Zeit ]

US-Präsident schimpft über „dummen“ Flüchtlingsdeal mit Australien

Die Washington Post berichtet, Trump und der australische Ministerpräsident Malcolm Turnbull hätten bereits bei ihrem Telefonat am vergangenem Samstag über die Umsiedlung gestritten. Der US-Präsident habe das Abkommen in einem Telefongespräch mit ihm als „schlechtesten Deal aller Zeiten“ bezeichnete.

02.02.2017 - 03:40 [ Portal 21amerika.de ]

Kolumbien weitet polizeiliche Befugnisse massiv aus

Das Regelwerk gehe grundsätzlich davon aus, dass alle Bürger – auch Kinder und Jugendliche – potentielle Verbrecher und gefährlich seien, kritisiert der linke Abgeordneter Alirio Uribe. Es kehre alle Prinzipien eines Rechtstaates um.

02.02.2017 - 00:32 [ Yonhap ]

Mattis departs for S. Korea on first overseas trip aimed at reaffirming alliance

In a message to Pentagon employees shortly after his confirmation, Mattis vowed to work closely with the State Department to strengthen our alliances, saying he recognizes „no nation is secure without friends.“ During the confirmation hearing, Mattis also said the U.S. is „stronger when we uphold our treaty obligations.“

02.02.2017 - 00:22 [ Time ]

Former U.N. Head Ban Ki-Moon Drops Out of South Korea‘s Presidential Race

Ban, during a hastily arranged news conference, said he was disappointed by the country‘s political establishment. He said, without elaborating, that he tried to dedicate himself to resolving a national crisis and achieving unity but his „pure patriotism“ and push for political reform were badly damaged by political slander and „fake news “ that targeted him.