Music by Elektro Guzzi
Video by Eyup Kus
Daily Archives: 30. Dezember 2016
V.A. Multiple Eargasm by Anesthetica Records
Anesthetica Records Rostock, Germany
Your Best Years by Kowloon Walled City
from Grievances, released October 9, 2015
Kowloon Walled City San Francisco, California
Assad: „L‘Europa aiuta i terroristi“
Veröffentlicht am 29.12.2016
Matteo Carnieletto, responsabile editoriale de Gli Occhi della Guerra, incontra il presidente della Siria, Bashar al-Assad.
Baschar al-Assad: „Europa unterstützt den Terrorismus in Syrien“
Der syrische Machthaber wirft der EU vor, für Terror und Flüchtlingskrise selbst verantwortlich zu sein. Die Regierungen würden gegen die Interessen der Bürger arbeiten.
There will be no partition of Syria
East Aleppo is liberated, and regime-change has lost its luster. It‘s no surprise Syria’s foes are ready to promote the next big goal: partition. Like most Syrian conflict predictions, of which few have materialized, the ‘partition’ of Syria is not going to happen.
Netanyahu Adviser Says Trump Should Recognize Golan Control
(21.12.2016) “If it weren’t for Israel’s presence, the Syria war would be spilling over to Jordan. So Israel’s presence in the Golan is indispensable for Mideast stability.”
Let‘s Talk About Israeli Annexation
Following the 2000 Camp David summit, Israel gave up on the two-state solution and laid the foundations for one state between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.
With the fall of Aleppo, the West has lost control in the Middle East – and it will haunt us for decades
(19.12.2016) James Sorene is the CEO of the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre and a former spokesman for Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg
INTERVIEW: ‘Aleppo Is Celebrating, Free From Terrorists. The Western Media Misinformed’
Despite nearly five years of conflict, Dr. Nabil Antaki remained in the Syrian city to take care of the people, and now talks about his experience
Russia & Turkey broker ceasefire in #Syria w‘out US. US responds by increasing sanctions on Russia & expelling 35 diplomats. How v. childish
The „Net war“ This poor Syrian girl doesn‘t have cloths to change neither luck: Rescued in 3 different occasions & locations.
Putin lehnt Ausweisung von US-Diplomaten ab
Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin hat den Vorschlag seines Außenministers Sergej Lawrow abgelehnt, nach der Ausweisung von 35 russischen Diplomaten aus den USA ebenso vielen amerikanischen Diplomaten die Tür zu weisen.
„Lüge!“: Moskau dementiert CNN-Bericht über School-Schließung
CNN hatte zuvor gemeldet, die Lehranstalt, an der vor allem Kinder westlicher Diplomaten lernen, sei als Reaktion auf die jüngsten US-Sanktionen dicht gemacht worden.
„Das ist eine Lüge“, kommentierte Sacharowa den CNN-Bericht. „Das Weiße Haus muss völlig den Verstand verloren haben, wenn es schon Sanktionen gegen die eigenen Kinder ausdenkt“, schrieb sie am Freitag via Facebook.
Displacement by Touché Amoré
Wladimir Putin: „Waffenstillstandsabkommen in Syrien erzielt und bereit für Friedensgespräche“
Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin hat bestätigt, dass ein Abkommen zum Waffenstillstand für Syrien sowie für Friedensgespräche erreicht wurde. Dieses wurde von der syrischen Regierung und sieben wichtigen Oppositionsgruppen vereinbart.
The Young Turks raise more than $500,000 to fund investigative journalism
The Young Turks team is gearing up for the Trump administration.
The progressive online news program announced Wednesday that it has raised more than $500,000 to help fund four new investigative journalist teams. Their end goal is to raise $2 million.
Automated Distress Signal by Lacerated Enemy records
released November 30, 2016
Fetish Bones by Moor Mother
Fetish Bones is the Don Giovanni Records debut of Philadelphia-based musician, artist, and activist, Camae, who performs under the name Moor Mother.
The album features 13 songs conceived and recorded in Camae’s home studio using a variety of machines, field recordings, and analog noisemakers. The music is often harsh and strange, projecting both the visceral anger of punk and the expansive improvisatory spirit of Sun Ra. It’s an album intended as a form of protest and also as form of time travel — a collection of sounds that are events themselves, telling stories rich in history about the journey that brings us to today and the future we are creating. Fetish Bones is not an album meant to help you forget. It is made so that you will remember the injustices that we bear witness to and participate in.
released September 16, 2016
7 by Frank Waln feat. Tanaya Winder
released October 10, 2016
Trump twits Obama’s bogus bear trap
The US and Russia maintain an intense and at times intrusive surveillance regime on each other’s diplomats. The action-reaction syndrome is so finely honed that it is predictable. If either side chooses to make a fuss about it, the intention can only be propagandistic. Therefore, the measures announced on Thursday by the US state department – expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats and shutting down 2 Russian compounds (dacha) – stand out as a political decision.
Die Herrschaft der Superreichen – Die Macht der Geldelite und die Kapitulation der Politik
Und in der Folge verkommt alles Regieren, sogar in den stärksten Demokratien, zu einem bloßen Schauspiel der Ohnmacht.
More U.S. Workers Have Highly Volatile, Unstable Incomes
More Americans than before are part of what’s considered the contingent workforce, working on-call or on-demand, and as independent contractors or self-employed freelancers, often with earnings that vary dramatically month to month.
These workers span the socioeconomic spectrum, from low-wage workers in service, retail, hospitality and restaurant jobs—and temps in industry, construction and manufacturing—to highly educated Americans working job-to-job because their professions lack fulltime employment opportunities given the structure of many information age businesses.
China’s startups hit by dramatic funding slowdown
“We are concerned about the consequence of massive flooding of capital from some institutions, including local government-backed policy guidance funds and fund-of-funds,” said Jia Hongbo, general secretary at AMAC, a self-regulatory body supervised by China’s securities regulator, speaking at an industry event earlier this month.
Greek ambassador to Brazil missing, his car with corpse found in Rio
He was driving a rented car and it is believed he was headed for Rio. Stationed in Brazil‘s capital city Brasilia, the ambassador was in Rio for an end-of-year vacation.
Serbia buys 9 Airbus helicopters for its army and police
The signing on Thursday was also attended by representative of Airbus Group, and France‘s and Germany‘s ambassadors in Belgrade.
MCMC blocked 2,407 websites this year
On fake or false news going viral on social media, Zulkarnain urged the public be more responsible and critical in verifying news.
„The public should play their role and co-regulate with other ministries, departments and agencies. Get an official reply from the related agencies rather than from unofficial groups and start spreading rumours and fake news that may cause chaos,“ he said.
Feuerpause soll ganz Syrien zur Ruhe bringen – Übertragung aus Aleppo
Seit Mitternacht gilt in Syrien nach fast sechs Jahren Bürgerkrieg eine landesweite Waffenruhe. Sputnik zeigt Ihnen die aktuelle Lage in der syrischen Metropole Aleppo.
„Coming out der Loser“: Sacharowa kommentiert neue US-Sanktionen
Sie nannte die Obama-Regierung ein „schlimmes Theater“. „Die ganze Welt beobachtet den Vernichtungsschlag gegen Amerikas Autorität und gegen seine Führungsrolle, den Barack Obama und sein Halbanalphabeten-Team versetzten“, hieß es.
„Sie haben der ganzen Welt ihr größtes Geheimnis offenbart – die Ausschließlichkeit war nur Tarnung für Hilflosigkeit. Und kein Feind der USA hätte das schlimmer tun können.“
Generalbundesanwalt Frank lässt „die Auswertung ALLER Fahrzeugdaten“ vornehmen. JETZT SCHON! #GBA #Breitscheidplatz
„Zweifel in der Logistikbranche, ob allein das Notbremssystem den Lkw zum Stehen brachte“ #Breitscheidplatz #GBA
genauer „Todeszeitpunkt des polnischen LKW-Fahrer weiter unsicher“ #Breitscheidplatz #GBA
Falsch verdächtigter Pakistaner: Naveed B. macht Polizei Vorwürfe
Momentan sei der 24-Jährige an einem geheimem Ort untergebracht, an dem er sich weiterhin jedes Mal polizeilich melden müsse, wenn er hinausgeht.
Man wrongly arrested over Berlin attack says he fears for his life
Exclusive: Naveed Baloch says he was tied up, blindfolded and slapped by police after being held ‘because he ran across road’
Margaret Thatcher had deep misgivings over reunification of Germany, National Archives reveal
Bob Blackwill, a senior official in the National Security Council (NSC), told one British diplomat, Andrew Wood, that Mr Bush believed she even wanted an „entente cordiale“ with the Soviet Union as a counter-balance to a united Germany.
More Than 50 Internet Shutdowns in 2016
Governments around the world shut down the internet more than 50 times in 2016 – suppressing elections, slowing economies and limiting free speech.
In the worst cases internet shutdowns have been associated with human rights violations, Deji Olukotun, Senior Global Advocacy Manager at digital rights organisation Access Now told IPS.
US shale boom has already ‘peaked’ says former govt geoscientist
(15.Dezember) The two new reports find that US forecasts of oil and gas abundance are over-hyped, unrealistic, and ignore mounting evidence of an industry in decline.
Palestine calls to save prisoners on hunger strike
Both Palestinian prisoners, who are now in the Assaf Harofeh Hospital, have even refused to drink water since last week, after an Israeli court rejected an order to release them alleging the need to examine medical reports.
Der KFC – „Bremen 80“ u. „Ohne Grund“