Daily Archives: 9. Oktober 2016

09.10.2016 - 19:08 [ Christian Today ]

Syrian Christian leader tells West: ‚Stop arming terror groups who are massacring our people‘

(1.7.2015) The world leader of Syria‘s besieged Christians has issued a heartfelt plea to the West to „stop arming and supporting terrorist groups that are destroying our countries and massacring our people.“

The Patriarch of Antioch, Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, said he was not asking the West for military intervention to defend Christians.

09.10.2016 - 18:40 [ Itar-Tass ]

West’s expectations of Russia’s ‚shrinking‘ after 1992 ended in hangover — Lavrov

Lavrov noted that some of Russia’s Western partners seem to be guided by children’s resentments or whims in their relations with Russia. „After all, it is vitally important for a politician not to shut the door close,“ he said. „It is not good and it means that a person is on the verge of a breakdown, which is inadmissible in politics. It is necessary to do everything in a well-balanced manner and have several possible scenarios meeting your interests but not to rely on only one scenario base on your and only your interests where all the rest are allocated the role with the only words, ‘Yes, Sir.’“

„It doesn’t work that way and will never do,“ Lavrov stressed.

09.10.2016 - 18:13 [ Global Research ]

Trump or Clinton? No. America’s Future Will Be Decided By the “Financial Industry”

The decision being made on Tuesday November 8, will only supply the answers to the following three questions:
– Who will be Wall Street’s CEP (chief executive politician) occupying the Oval Office until 2020 in the service of major banks, hedge funds and other financial organizations?
– Who will be in charge of diverting the American people’s attention away from their real problems by engaging in all sorts of sham battles? And last but not least:
– Who will be responsible for ideologically preparing Americans for further wars through targeted manipulation?

09.10.2016 - 18:05 [ RT ]

WikiLeaks über Clinton: Flugverbotszone wird „viele Syrer töten“

Das Thema Syrien erwies sich als heißes Eisen für Clinton seit 2013. Bei einer Rede vor der Deutschen Bank soll sie in diesem Zusammenhang von einem Zuschauer gefragt worden sein, ob sie Luftangriffe oder Bodentruppen unterstütze. Vorausgesetzt es gebe eindeutige Beweise für die Nutzung chemischer Waffen vonseiten der syrischen Regierung.

„Sie stellten eine sehr, sehr schwierige Frage“, antwortete Clinton. „Weil wir darüber lange Zeit diskutieren in den USA und Europa, auch Israel ist involviert. Wir sagten, es ist eine rote Linie. Und wenn es zweifelsfreie Beweise gibt, dann existiert die Verpflichtung zur Handlung.“

09.10.2016 - 14:08 [ Sputnik ]

Russlands UN-Botschafter: London, hör‘ auf Gesindel zu unterstützen!

„Ein Vertreter des Vereinigten Königreichs hat pathetisch geschrien: ‚Hören Sie (mit den Luftangriffen — Anm. d. R.) sofort auf. Aber eigentlich: Hören Sie (London-Anm. d. R.) auf, Gesindel in der ganzen Welt zu unterstützen — Extremisten, Terroristen und alle anderen, die die Lage in diesem oder jenem Land aufschaukeln. Hören Sie auf, sich in die Angelegenheiten souveräner Staaten einzumischen. Lassen Sie diese koloniale Gewohnheiten, lassen die Welt in Ruhe“, so Tschurkin. Dann werde die Situation in sehr vielen Regionen der Welt gesunden.

09.10.2016 - 08:59 [ Sputnik ]

Luftangriff der Koalition im Jemen: Mehr als 200 Tote

Wie Sputnik bei Quellen in medizinischen Kreisen und in den Sicherheitskräften erfuhr, traf der Luftschlag einen Raum, in dem eine Trauerfeier für den Vater des Innenministers in der Regierung der Aufständischen stattfand.

Dabei starb auch der Oberbürgermeister der jemenischen Hauptstadt Abdul Qadir Khilal, berichtet die „New York Times“.

09.10.2016 - 08:37 [ The Nation ]

Nick Turse / How Many Wars Is the US Really Fighting?

(2015) Around the world, you can find Special Operations Joint Task Forces (SOJTFs), Combined Joint Special Operations Task Forces (CJSOTFs), and Joint Special Operations Task Forces (JSOTFs), Theater Special Operations Commands (TSOCs), as well as Special Operations Command and Control Elements (SOCCEs) and Special Operations Liaison Elements (SOLEs). And that list doesn’t even include Special Operations Command Forward (SOC FWD) elements—small teams which, according to the military, “shape and coordinate special operations forces security cooperation and engagement in support of theater special operations command, geographic combatant command, and country team goals and objectives.”

09.10.2016 - 08:23 [ Weißes Haus ]

Statement by NSC Spokesperson Ned Price on Yemen

We are deeply disturbed by reports of today‘s airstrike on a funeral hall in Yemen, which, if confirmed, would continue the troubling series of attacks striking Yemeni civilians. U.S. security cooperation with Saudi Arabia is not a blank check. Even as we assist Saudi Arabia regarding the defense of their territorial integrity, we have and will continue to express our serious concerns about the conflict in Yemen and how it has been waged. In light of this and other recent incidents, we have initiated an immediate review of our already significantly reduced support to the Saudi-led Coalition and are prepared to adjust our support so as to better align with U.S. principles, values and interests, including achieving an immediate and durable end to Yemen‘s tragic conflict.

09.10.2016 - 08:06 [ Global Research ]

Joint Chiefs of Staff, CIA director, White House Convene: Threat of US-Russia Clash Grows After Washington Cuts Off Syria Talks

(5.10.2016) The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the meeting would consider classified proposals that include “bombing Syrian air force runways using cruise missiles and other long-range weapons fired from coalition planes and ships, as well as other acts of military aggression.”

An unnamed administration official is quoted by the Post as reporting that, in order to placate White House concerns over launching such direct military attacks against another country without authorization from the United Nations Security Council, it has been proposed that the strikes be carried out “covertly and without public acknowledgment.”

According to the official cited by the Post, both the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff have already “expressed support for such ‘kinetic’ options.” Another unnamed senior administration official told the Post that both the Pentagon and the CIA were backing such a military option because “the fall of Aleppo would undermine America’s counterterrorism goals in Syria.”

09.10.2016 - 04:02 [ soundcloud ]

back porch – Greater Duophonic Mass Part 03 – ( parallel modes and aleatoristic melodies for long digital tones)

artifacts are can be anything and nothing, thats the beauty.
I‘m the one having fun.

a „mistake“ is beside the point, for once anything happens it authentically is. /John Cage