Daily Archives: 26. Juli 2016

26.07.2016 - 21:46 [ Heise ]

Musikerin: „Musikpiraterie ist nicht unser Feind“

Die Sängerin Imogen Heap beklagt das komplexe und unfaire System, das in der Musikindustrie die Verwertungswege bestimmt. Mithilfe von Plattformen, die das Blockchain-Protokoll nutzen, will sie eine Alternative schaffen.

26.07.2016 - 20:30 [ The Strait Times ]

Tesla on Autopilot was speeding before fatal crash: Probe

The National Transportation Safety Board said its preliminary findings showed the Tesla was traveling at 74 miles per hour (119kmh) ahead of impact, but noted that investigators have not yet completed an analysis of the crash data or assigned a cause for the fatal collision.

The car was driving in excess of the posted speed limit of 65 miles per hour (104kmh) before the crash.

26.07.2016 - 17:23 [ William D. Hartung / Truthout ]

There‘s No Business Like the Arms Business

There is, however, unlikely to be a genuine public debate about the value of the arms business and Washington‘s place in it if it isn‘t even considered a subject worthy of more than an occasional media story. In the meantime, the United States continues to hold onto the number one role in the global arms trade, the White House does its part, the Pentagon greases the wheels, and the dollars roll in to profit-hungry U.S. weapons contractors.

26.07.2016 - 17:18 [ Tom Engelhardt / Truthout ]

The World After Me: Eternal “Wartime“ in the US

No child deserves such a fate. Ever. Each uprooted child who has lost his or her parents, and perhaps access to education or any childhood at all, represents a crime against the future.

And I think often enough about our response to all this, the one we‘ve practiced for the last 15 years: more bombs, more missiles, more drone strikes, more advisers, more special ops raids, more weapons deals, and with it all not success or victory by any imaginable standard, but only the further destabilization of increasing regions of the planet, the further spread of terror movements, and the generation of yet more uprooted human beings, lost children, refugees — ever more, that is, of the terrorized and the terrorists.

26.07.2016 - 16:53 [ Prensa Latina ]

US National Security Advisor Visits China

According to Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang, Chinese and US officials will also exchange viewpoints about bilateral relations and other major issues of common interest.

26.07.2016 - 15:43 [ Hurriyet ]

Turkish President Erdoğan to visit Russia on Aug 9, says minister

“The ambassador has informed us that our president [Erdoğan] has confirmed that he will be in Saint Petersburg [on Aug. 9],”state-run Anadolu Agency reported Şimşek as saying on July 26 in Moscow, where he and two other ministers had gone to meet their Russian counterparts as part of moves to restore broken economic relations between the countries.

26.07.2016 - 15:34 [ Hurriyet ]

HDP co-chair calls for return to peace talks

Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş has called on Turkey’s government and to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) to seize the opportunity to adopt braver policies and rekindle peace negotiations following the recent failed coup attempt.

“We once again repeat our call to the PKK and the government,” Demirtaş told members of his party during a parliamentary group meeting on July 26, adding that Turkey is “not the same” as it was on July 14.

26.07.2016 - 15:33 [ Hurriyet ]

Turkey is in big danger if US was behind coup attempt: MHP leader

“It is said that this U.S. person secretly came to Turkey twice before July 15 and had meetings full of secrets in [the eastern province of] Erzurum and the [southern province of] Adana’s İncirlik Air Base. If these claims are true, which means if the CIA and Pentagon are behind these traitors, this means that we are facing a very serious problem and the U.S. will not be able to overcome this,” he said.

26.07.2016 - 15:31 [ Mevlut Cavusoglu / Al Jazeera ]

Turkey: The night of the ordinary hero

For more than 30 years Fethullah Gulen has encouraged his followers to infiltrate the military and judiciary in Turkey.

Hidden camera footage from 1997 reveals Gulen telling his followers to „avoid detection and infiltrate“ all levels of the state down to its „capillaries“.

Cloaking this sinister and heinous agenda, Gulen has formed a broad network of schools, NGOs and businesses, and covertly infiltrated into public offices to overthrow the democratically elected government in Turkey.

Gulen, who has already been sought by Turkish officials to stand trial on several counts of conspiracy, resides in southern Pennsylvania, USA.

The US has not yet extradited him to Turkey to stand trial, and continues to renew his residency permit.

26.07.2016 - 10:50 [ Radio Utopie ]

Operation Asyl: Psychologische Kriegführung gegen unsere Republik und Gesellschaft im Zuge der Verwicklung in Angriffskriege gegen Syrien und Irak

Sofort nachdem sich herausgestellt hatte dass die angeblichen Attentäter nicht existierten, nahm dies Minister Thomas de Maiziere zum Anlass eine noch verstärkte Kooperation der deutschen Ableger mit dem geheimdienstlichen Komplex zu propagieren, also der „deutschen“ Geheimdienste mit „ausländischen“ Geheimdiensten.

26.07.2016 - 10:49 [ wsws.org ]

Der Amoklauf von München und die Amerikanisierung der deutschen Gesellschaft

(24.6.2016) Die World Socialist Web Site hat immer wieder aufgezeigt, dass die Ursache dieser regelmäßig wiederkehrenden Massengewalt „in der Fäulnis und der bösartigen Krise des amerikanischen Kapitalismus“ liegt. So wiesen wir vor einem Monat auf den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Massaker von Orlando, dem 49 Besucher einer Schwulenbar zum Opfer fielen, und den von den USA geführten Kriegen, der Militarisierung des gesellschaftlichen Lebens und den ständigen Angriffen auf die Arbeiterklasse hin.

„Die Auswirkungen dieser täglichen Realität innerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten kann man schwerlich übertreiben“, schrieben wir. „Besonders die instabilsten Teile der Gesellschaft bekommen sie zu spüren. Politische Reaktion, nationaler Chauvinismus, immigrantenfeindlicher Rassismus – die rückständigsten Stimmungen werden systematisch kultiviert, um eine Politik imperialistischer Kriege und der Verelendung der Arbeiterklasse durchzusetzen.“

Eine ähnliche gesellschaftliche Entwicklung findet auch in Deutschland statt.

26.07.2016 - 10:48 [ Global Research ]

“Stories within Stories”: The CIA’s Strategies to Dupe the American Public

Recently Paul Craig Roberts recounted a conversation he had with James Jesus Angleton, a former head of CIA counterintelligence, in which they discussed strategies that the CIA employs to dupe the American and global public, with a view to perpetrating criminal agendas, cloaked beneath the lie of “national interests”. Angleton explained to Roberts that,

intelligence services create stories inside stories, each with its carefully constructed trail of evidence, in order to create false trails as diversions. Such painstaking work can serve a variety of purposes … Then if the official story gets into trouble, the backup story can be released in order to deflect attention into a new false story or to support the original story.

26.07.2016 - 10:47 [ Institute for Political Economy ]

Is the Saudi 9/11 Story Part Of The Deception?

ames Jesus Angleton, head of CIA counterintelligence for three decades, long ago explained to me that intelligence services create stories inside stories, each with its carefully constructed trail of evidence, in order to create false trails as diversions. Such painstaking work can serve a variety of purposes. It can be used to embarrass or discredit an innocent person or organization that has an unhelpful position on an important issue and is in the way of an agenda. It can be used as a red herring to draw attention away from a failing explanation of an event by producing an alternative false explanation. I forget what Angleton called them, but the strategy is to have within a false story other stories that are there but withheld because of “national security” or “politically sensitive issues” or some such. Then if the official story gets into trouble, the backup story can be released in order to deflect attention into a new false story or to support the original story. Angleton said that intelligence services protect their necessary misdeeds by burying the misdeed in competing explanations.

26.07.2016 - 10:46 [ wsws.org ]

Weißbuch 2016: Ein weiterer Schritt zur Wiederbelebung des deutschen Militarismus

(14.6.2016) Das neue Weißbuch steckt sich weitgehende Ziele: den Einsatz der Bundeswehr im Inneren, die Ausweitung von Auslandseinsätzen auch unabhängig von den Verbündeten der Nachkriegszeit, eine von Deutschland dominierte europäische Außen- und Verteidigungspolitik und eine massive Aufrüstung der Bundeswehr.

26.07.2016 - 10:43 [ Yassin Nasri / Heise.de ]

Oh, erstarktes Deutschland: Ein Plädoyer für eine stärkere weltpolitische Rolle Deutschlands

(14.08.2015) Für Obama stand, zum ersten Mal in der jüngeren Geschichte der USA, nicht mehr im Vordergrund, die Probleme der Welt zu lösen. Er wollte sich nicht mehr in Konflikte verwickeln lassen oder in die verhasste „Weltpolizistenrolle“ schlüpfen.

Dass diese neue Haltung Amerikas katastrophale Folgen für die Welt hat, ist unbestritten: V. Putin hätte die Krim nicht annektiert, der Iran hätte sich nicht getraut, sich in der Region des Mittleren Osten auszudehnen.

26.07.2016 - 10:40 [ Wikipedia ]

Psychologische Kriegsführung

Der Ausdruck psychologische Kriegsführung, auch psychologische Kriegführung, (aus dem Englischen oft auch psychological operations (PSYOP)) bezeichnet im Militärwesen und der Kriegsführung alle Methoden und Maßnahmen zur Beeinflussung des Verhaltens und der Einstellungen von gegnerischen Streitkräften sowie fremder Zivilbevölkerungen im Rahmen oder im Vorfeld militärischer Operationen.

26.07.2016 - 10:37 [ Szene Jena / Facebook ]

Wir empfehlen: „Der schwarze Nazi“ heute Abend in der Kulturarena Jena

Die Regisseure haben hier mit dem Mittel einer Groteske einen witzigen aber auch zum Nachdenken anregenden Film geschaffen und das nicht irgendwo, sondern hier in Mitteldeutschland, in Sachsen und in Thüringen.

26.07.2016 - 10:25 [ Der Standard ]

Michael Landy: Der kaputten Gesellschaft aus der Reihe getanzt

1977 wird Landys Vater als Tunnelarbeiter verschüttet und bleibt zeit seines Lebens arbeitsunfähig: ein „total wreck case“. Als Antwort auf solch zynische Begriffe und die Arbeitsmarktpolitik gründet Landy die Scrapheap Services-GmbH, also ein Schrotthalden-Service, der solche Restposten entsorgt: Als kleine Pappfiguren konnte man die überflüssig Gewordenen beim Müllsammeln aufspießen. Bitterböser Sarkasmus von einem radikal-authentischen Künstler

26.07.2016 - 05:54 [ Bandcamp ]

Can All Times Be One​?​: Solo, Duo & Trio Performances From 1950s Indepent U​.​S. Labels

Born blind, Hrant Kenkulian (b. 1901; d. Aug. 29, 1979) was one of the most innovative, influential, and virtuosic oudists of the 20th century. Armenian, he was born in Adapazari in the Marmara region of north-west Turkey. During the Armenian genocide, his family fled to Konya from 1915-18 but returned to Adapazari before settling in Istanbul. ..

26.07.2016 - 05:36 [ Hurriyet ]

Some AKP members may be behind the coup attempt: HDP

“The EU has a subjective responsibility for Turkey’s coup process. They see Turkey’s internal problems as only Turkey’s problem. But this human rights and democracy problem is also the EU’s problem. Turkey is a candidate to join the EU but they have remained silent for a long time. They also remained silent when Kurdish cities were burned and destroyed,” he said, suggesting that the EU did nothing while “conditions for a coup attempt” were developing in Turkey.

“For this reason, some European leaders and the EU have indirect responsibility. I don’t see any clearness in their stance. They should take a clear stance against the coup,” Demirtaş added.

26.07.2016 - 05:35 [ Süddeutsche ]

Erdoğan wirft EU beim Flüchtlingsdeal Wortbruch vor

Die EU habe ihre finanziellen Versprechen zur Unterstützung der etwa drei Millionen syrischen Flüchtlinge in der Türkei bisher nicht gehalten. „Drei Milliarden waren zugesagt“, sagte Erdoğan, doch seien bisher nur ein bis zwei Millionen Euro eingetroffen. „Wir stehen zu unserem Versprechen. Aber haben die Europäer ihr Versprechen gehalten?“, fragte der AKP-Politiker.

26.07.2016 - 05:31 [ wikipedia ]

Demarkation (Politik)

Als Demarkation (französisch démarcation, zu althochdeutsch marcha ‚Grenze‘, vergl. Mark), auch Delimination, wird in der internationalen Politik die Festlegung einer zwischenstaatlichen Grenze nach territorialen Veränderungen oder bei Gebietsstreitigkeiten verstanden. Die Demarkation erfolgt im Regelfall durch völkerrechtliche Vereinbarungen.(…)

26.07.2016 - 05:22 [ Reuters ]

Kerry meets Russia‘s Lavrov on Syria cooperation plan

They met on the sidelines of a meeting of Southeast Asian nations in Laos, the second time they have met this month to discuss the Syria plan, which would see Washington and Moscow share intelligence to coordinate air strikes against the al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front and prohibit the Syrian air force from attacking moderate rebel groups.

26.07.2016 - 05:21 [ Sputnik ]

Russia Rules out New Coalitions in Syria Without UN Resolution

(25.7.2016) „There are two absolute circumstances that allow a military operation in a foreign state to comply with the international law. That is either a decision of the UN Security Council or a direct request of the country’s legitimate authorities. In case of Russian military operation in Syria there was a request of Bashar Assad,“ Kosachev said.

26.07.2016 - 05:21 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Foreign Ministry: Syria welcomes Russian-US agreement on counterterrorism

(24.7.2016) The source said that Syria stresses the Army and Armed Forces’ determination to go ahead in combating terrorists for eliminating them in cooperation with the Russian Federation based on mutual trust and also in cooperation with the other members of the international community who share us, as well as cooperate with Russia, in achieving this goal; to this end, Syria is ready to coordinate counterterrorism air raids in accordance with the agreement between Russia and the USA.

26.07.2016 - 05:17 [ Reuters ]

Kerry‘s Syria plan with Russia faces deep skepticism in U.S., abroad

(22.7.2016) Some European members of the coalition against Islamic State forces have expressed concern about sharing intelligence with Russia, which they say has been an untrustworthy partner in Syria.

The current proposal, which Kerry hopes to conclude within weeks, envisions ways in which Washington and Moscow would share intelligence to coordinate air strikes against the al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front and prohibit the Syrian air force from attacking moderate rebel groups.

26.07.2016 - 05:16 [ James Petras ]

Polarization and the Powder Keg

The constitutional order of the US, such as it exists, faces a profound crisis of legitimacy, rooted in the multi polarity of US society. The US is divided among (1) a deeply entrenched police – judicial – presidential state against civil society organized in community based Afro-American, Hispanic and disinherited workers; (2) a corrupt Federal police, Justice , State Department and Presidential Office against a constitutional legal system upheld by the vast majority of citizens; and (3) a rigged Presidential electoral system against the consent and approval of the majority of the electorate.

26.07.2016 - 05:15 [ Techdirt ]

Wikileaks Leak Of Turkish Emails Reveals Private Details; Raises Ethical Questions

Last week, we (like many others) reported on the news that Turkey was blocking access to Wikileaks, after the site released approximately 300,000 emails, supposedly from the Turkish government. We‘ve long been defenders of Wikileaks as a media organization, and its right to publish various leaks that it gets. However, Zeynep Tufekci, who has long been a vocal critic of the Turkish government (and deeply engaged in issues involving the internet as a platform for speech) is noting that the leak wasn‘t quite what Wikileaks claimed it was — and, in fact appears to have revealed a ton of private info on Turkish citizens.

26.07.2016 - 05:10 [ Techdirt ]

Verizon Buys Yahoo In $4.8 Billion Attempt To Bore The Internet To Death

Remember when Yahoo rejected a $44.6 billion offer by Microsoft? Good times. After months of redundant rumors about the bidding process, Verizon has confirmed that it has acquired Yahoo in a $4.8 billion all cash deal. According to Verizon‘s press announcement, the acquisition of Yahoo‘s stumbling empire will position Verizon as a superpower in the new media age, helping the formerly stodgy telco in its pivot toward slinging ads at Millennials. As you might expect, the press release trots out AOL boss Tim Armstrong to sell a dull deal he claims will finally let poor Yahoo shine:

26.07.2016 - 03:02 [ Ouest-France ]

Un incendie fait 39 morts dont 16 enfants à Madagascar

Anthony Rakotoarison, un haut responsable de la police malgache, a déclaré lundi à Reuters que 38 personnes étaient mortes samedi. Une trente-neuvième victime a succombé lundi. Le village, situé dans une région rurale et isolée, ne dispose pas de caserne de pompiers.