Daily Archives: 22. Juli 2016

22.07.2016 - 22:37 [ Organisation der Vereinten Nationen ]

Selecting the next UN Secretary-General: Security Council holds first round of secret poll on candidates

Since 1946, the Council has done just that, discussing and voting behind closed doors in straw polls for members to ‘encourage’ or ‘discourage’ a candidate to continue. This process has come to be known as the ‘Wisnumurti Guidelines,’ named after Ambassador Nugroho Wisnumurti of Indonesia who held the rotating presidency of the Council in November 1996 when the guidelines were set.

22.07.2016 - 19:43 [ RT ]

Frankreich: Anti-Terroreinheit fordert Nizza auf, alle Kamera-Aufnahmen des LKW-Attentats zu löschen

Le Figaro berichtete, einen Tag nach dem Angriff verlangte die Polizei die Zusammenfassung von 30.000 Stunden Videomaterial, das mittels öffentlichen Überwachungskameras zur Verfügung stand. Derzeit scheinen Sicherheitsbehörden in Operationen zur Datensicherung involviert zu sein. Laut Le Figaro sind die Behörden in Sorge um den Erfolg der Sicherungsoperationen angesichts der neuen Forderungen der Anti-Terroreinheiten.

22.07.2016 - 19:09 [ Netzpolitik ]

Jahr der „gemeinsamen Zentren“: Europäische Geheimdienstzentrale in den Niederlanden geplant

(2.2.2016) Die Gründung der „Counter Terrorism Group“ erfolgte durch den informellen „Berner Club“. Über dessen Struktur ist äußerst wenig bekannt, auch parlamentarisch ist der Zusammenschluss kaum kontrollierbar.

22.07.2016 - 18:58 [ Netzpolitik ]

Überwachung aus einer Hand: Planungen für gemeinsame TKÜ-Zentren der Bundesländer werden konkret

(8.10.2015) Das GKDZ soll als „zentraler Dienstleister“ alle Formen der operativen Telekommunikationsüberwachung ausführen. Benannt werden diese nur vage. Aus der Präsentation geht hervor, dass Server zur Ausleitung von Daten abgehörter Telekommunikation von den Netzanbietern betrieben werden. Vermutlich übernehmen die Zentren aber auch Einsätze von Stillen SMS oder Trojaner-Programmen.

22.07.2016 - 18:46 [ Scharf-links.de ]

„Überwachungszentrum ein weiterer Schritt zum Überwachungsstaat“

Erst war es der Verfassungsschutz und jetzt die Polizei, denen SPD, Grüne und SSW immer weiter gehende Überwachungsmöglichkeiten einräumen. Mit dem Staatsvertrag zur Errichtung eines Telekommunikations-Überwachungszentrums gibt das Schleswig-Holsteinische Parlament seine Kontrollrechte im Überwachungsbereich weitgehend auf und zahlt Millionen zur Perfektionierung der Telefon- und Internetüberwachung.

22.07.2016 - 18:41 [ Al Arabiya ]

Anti-ISIS meeting: How can the coalition boost Syria and Iraq gains?

(21.7.2016) US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter hosted on Wednesday counterparts and senior military leaders from more than 30 nations at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington, D.C. to discuss the next steps in the fight against ISIS, including how the US-led coalition can liberate the Iraqi and Syrian cities of Mosul and Raqqa.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Iraqi Defense Minister Khaled al-Obaidi attended the meeting as well.

22.07.2016 - 18:17 [ Lexology ]

Bavarian Data Protection Authority issues guidance paper on video surveillance under the General Data Protection Regulation

On 6 July 2016, the Bavarian Data Protection Authority issued a brief guidance paper on video surveillance under the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

This short paper is the first issue within a series of non-binding guidance papers on selected topics in relation to the GDPR, which the Bavarian Data Protection Authority has planned to publish periodically, and which can be found here.

22.07.2016 - 18:02 [ Ekathimerini ]

Ex-wife of German neo-Nazi victim speaks out

“Today we know that there had obviously not been that many ‘mistakes.’ German authorities, police and intelligence, had much more information about the so-called NSU than they were ready to admit. False accusations against the victims were spread deliberately while available information about the real murderers was deliberately held back by authorities. We even found out that intelligence services prevented police from arresting the terrorists on many occasions.

22.07.2016 - 17:50 [ Ekathimerini ]

Eight energy giants mull Cyprus gas exploration

Officials from Italy‘s ENI and Frances Total have met with President Nicos Anastasiades in recent weeks to discuss exploring the blocks.

The Cypriot government said on Friday it would appoint a team to negotiate contracts with the winning companies.

US firm Noble Energy made the first gas find off Cyprus in 2011. The Aphrodite field is thought to contain over 125 billion cubic meters (4.5 trillion cubic feet) of gas.

22.07.2016 - 17:37 [ Common Dreams ]

Brazilian Prosecutor Finds No Crime Committed by Dilma: Will the Law Count for Anything in Brazil?

In a society where the rule of law is in effect, that would spell the end of the effort to remove the elected president. But press reports — inasmuch as they even bothered to report on the prosecutor’s conclusion — seem to indicate that pro-impeachment forces are acting as though the law, and the prosecutor’s statement, are irrelevant. They are pressing full steam ahead for the Senate to reverse the results of the October 2014 presidential elections. And as we now know from leaked transcripts of phone conversations, some of the leaders are doing it to prevent further investigation of their own alleged corruption.

Can they get away with it? Much depends on whether the media — and the public — will now accept that a group of corrupt politicians can remove a democratically elected president, without any legal basis for doing so.

22.07.2016 - 16:05 [ Hurriyet ]

Turkey’s intel chief under fire for alleged failure in stopping coup attempt

The chief of Turkey’s National Intelligence Agency (MİT), Hakan Fidan, has come under fire for not informing high level officials of the July 15 failed coup attempt. Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Interior Minister Efkan Ala said they learned about the coup attempt from various sources other than the country’s intelligence chief.

22.07.2016 - 15:59 [ RT ]

Kerry: Russland und die USA wollen innersyrische Gespräche in Schwung bringen

(21.7.2016) Der US-amerikanische Außenminister John Kerry gab nach einem Treffen mit seinem russischen Amtskollegen Sergei Lawrow bekannt, dass beide Seiten daran arbeiten, den syrischen Friedensprozess aufrechtzuerhalten. Die Verhandlungen sind zuletzt ins Stocken geraten und sollen mit internationaler Unterstützung wieder voran getrieben werden.

22.07.2016 - 12:18 [ RT Deutsch ]

Blick in die Geschichte: Wie Angela Merkel für den Irak-Krieg geworben hat

14 Jahre sind vergangen, seitdem eine von den USA geführte Koalition den Irak angegriffen hat. Deutschland lehnte damals unter Bundeskanzler Schröder eine direkte Beteiligung ab. Ganz zum Unmut der damaligen Oppositionsführerin und Schröders späterer Nachfolgerin Angela Merkel. In scharfen Worten geißelte Merkel im Bundestag das Nein zum Krieg. Selbst die Bergpredigt und der Holocaust mussten dafür herhalten, um den Angriffskrieg zu legitimieren. Noch heute ein aussagekräftiges Zeitdokument.

22.07.2016 - 12:15 [ teleSUR ]

Gewaltsame Antwort auf Lehrerproteste im mexikanischen Chiapas

Die Aggressoren, die unter anderem Schusswaffen einsetzten, verletzten mehrere Personen und zerstörten das Protestcamp. Ein Lehrer befindet sich mit einer Schussverletzung im Krankenhaus, eine Journalistin wurde während der Dokumentation der Vorfälle bedroht und geschlagen. Zudem wurde das naheliegende Krankenhaus der Kulturen von dem Tränengaseinsatz während der Räumung betroffen.

22.07.2016 - 12:11 [ teleSUR ]

White House to Reauthorize Military Equipment for Police

Reuters reported Thursday that the U.S. government will revisit a 2015 ban on police forces getting riot gear, armored vehicles and other military-grade equipment from the U.S. armed forces.

The use of military gear by police agencies was criticized by supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement as being part of a broader militarization of police, which was seen as a factor in the mistreatment of demonstrators.

22.07.2016 - 11:16 [ Süddeutsche ]

Präsident Paranoia

Das ist keine normale Rede, das ist kein normaler Kandidat. Mehr als 75 Minuten brüllt Donald Trump am letzten Abend des Parteitags von Cleveland seine Botschaft Tausenden begeisterten Delegierten und Millionen TV-Zuschauern entgegen.

Und nie klang die Botschaft eines amerikanischen Präsidentschaftskandidaten düsterer, brutaler, apokalyptischer, faschistischer.

22.07.2016 - 11:15 [ New York Magazine ]

Inside Operation Trump, the Most Unorthodox Campaign in Political History

A conservative source close to the campaign told me that Trump only truly consults one person, Alabama Republican senator Jeff Sessions: “When Jeff Sessions calls, Trump listens.” (…)

Then, while in D.C. for the anti-Iran-nuclear-deal protest in September, he met privately with Sessions in the basement of the Capitol. “That was a very long meeting,” recalled Stephen Miller, then an adviser to Sessions. “They discussed immigration, taxes, welfare, the Supreme Court, and entitlements.”
Trump stayed in contact with Sessions throughout the fall and in January strengthened ties by hiring Miller to serve as his campaign’s policy adviser.

22.07.2016 - 11:03 [ Politico ]

The Believer: How Stephen Miller went from obscure Capitol Hill staffer to Donald Trump’s warm-up act—and resident ideologue.

He was a strong supporter of the war in Iraq and called Ted Kennedy a “traitor” for criticizing American use of torture. He went after professors for being registered Democrats. He blamed 9/11 on “politically correct domestic security” and unenforced immigration laws. He wrote about black students’ racial “paranoia” and their mistaken understanding of where true racism resides. The problem is not rich, conservative white people, he wrote. It’s “Democrats [who] continue to fuel the destructive vision of a powerful, racist white oppressor from which they need to protect black voters in order to keep their lock on that vote.” He wrote that “worshipping at the altar of multiculturalism” undermines American culture and ignores the fact “we have shared with the world the cultural value of individualism and liberty, a value rooted in our unique and glorious history of settlers, pioneers and frontiersman [sic].” Although he identified himself as “a practicing Jew,” he lamented the “War on Christmas,” saying “you‘d probably find more Christmas decorations at your local mosque.”

22.07.2016 - 10:38 [ New York Times ]

His Tone Dark, Donald Trump Takes G.O.P. Mantle

Donald John Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday night with an unusually vehement appeal to Americans who feel that their country is spiraling out of control and yearn for a leader who will take aggressive, even extreme, actions to protect them.

22.07.2016 - 09:56 [ RT ]

Syrien-Experte Tim Anderson: „Westliche Medien geben die Kriegsagenda ihrer Regierungen wieder“

Das Buch „Der Schmutzige Krieg gegen Syrien – Washington, Regime Change und Widerstand“ des australischen Wissenschaftlers Tim Anderson ist kürzlich auch in deutscher Sprache erschienen. Andersons Anliegen ist es, den Krieg in Syrien in seinem gesamten Kontext zu analysieren. Insbesondere die US-amerikanische Außenpolitik spielt dabei eine zentrale Rolle.

22.07.2016 - 09:55 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Greece’s Air Force: Erdogan’s aircraft at no point harassed by rebel F-16s on Coup night

High-ranking sources from the Greece’s Air Force General Staff told private Skai TV, that Greek radars were monitoring the flight of the presidential aircraft until the moment it landed in Istanbul and that monitoring data showed that the business jet of Recep Tayyip Erdogan “was neither accompanied by Turkish F-16 nor harassed by any other aircraft. “

22.07.2016 - 09:42 [ Reuters ]

Syrian opposition calls for suspension of U.S.-led air strikes

(21.7.2016) The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 56 civilians were killed in air strikes north of Manbij on Tuesday, a day after it said 21 civilians were killed in a northern district of the besieged, Islamic State-held city.

SNC president Anas al-Abdah said the strikes should be halted while the incidents were investigated, and warned that the killing of civilians by U.S.-led aircraft would „prove to be a recruitment tool for terrorist organisations“.

22.07.2016 - 09:41 [ Techdirt ]

German Software Company Sues US Gov‘t For Copyright Infringement

A German software company, Bitmanagement Software, is now suing the US government for copyright infringement and demanding almost $600 million. The lawsuit, which was filed in the US Court of Federal Claims (basically a special court set up just for cases involving suing the US government for money), says that the US Navy copied Bitmanagement‘s 3D virtual reality software, BS Contact Geo. Apparently, the Navy had tested the software and had an evaluation license allowing the software to be used on 38 computers. And then the Navy just copied it onto hundreds of thousands of computers.

22.07.2016 - 06:59 [ Radio Utopie ]

Nizza-Attentat: Wenn die Justiz dem Bürgermeisteramt befiehlt, 24 Stunden Aufzeichnungen zu zerstören

Panik und Unverständnis im Bürgermeisteramt von Nizza. Am Mittwoch um 11 Uhr hat die Antiterroristische Unterabteilung (SDAT) unter Berufung auf die Artikel 53 und L706-24 der Strafprozeßordnung, sowie dem Artikel R642-1 Strafgesetzbuch die Angestellten, welche die Videoüberwachung der Stadt managen, angewiesen, 24 Stunden von Aufnahmen, die von sechs angegebenen und nummerierten Kameras stammen, vollständig zu löschen, sowie alle Szenen seit dem Beginn des Attentats, die am 14. Juli von der „Promenade des Anglais“ herstammen.