Daily Archives: 11. Juli 2016

11.07.2016 - 17:23 [ Bundesverfassungsgericht ]

Übersicht für das Jahr 2016

5. 2 BvE 5/15 Organstreitverfahren zu der Frage, ob die Bundesregierung und der Chef des Bundeskanzleramtes die verfassungsmäßigen Rechte der Antragstellerin nach Art. 10 Abs. 2 GG verletzt haben, indem sie es ablehnen, der Antragstellerin die Liste mit den Suchbegriffen (Selektoren) herauszugeben, die der Bundesnachrichtendienst ab 2004 aus den ihm von der National Security Agency der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika übergebenen Selektorenlisten herausgefiltert hatte (Filter-Liste).
Antragstellerin: G10-Kommission des 18. Deutschen Bundestages

11.07.2016 - 17:19 [ Haaretz ]

Report: Israel Launched Numerous Drone Strikes in Sinai

The attacks were carried out with Egypt‘s blessing, the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said.

IDF deputy chief Maj. Gen. Yair Golan, also quoted in the article, said cooperation between Israel and Egypt has never been better. “It’s not about love, it’s not about common values,“ Golan told Bloomerg.

11.07.2016 - 17:18 [ Bloomberg ]

Old Mideast Foes Unite Over Gas Deals and Fighting Militants

Israel’s closeness to El-Sisi precedes his presidency. When he was defense minister, Israel lobbied the U.S. to release military aid to Cairo suspended over Egypt’s deadly crackdown on Islamists. They argued it was needed to address security threats in Sinai, the former senior Israeli official said.

Potential gas deals would take cooperation to another level.

11.07.2016 - 17:09 [ Fars News ]

Syria: Terrorists Fail to Open New Supply Line to Aleppo City

The Syrian artillery units targeted terrorists‘ construction machinery in al-Lairamoun in the Northern countryside of Aleppo and did not allow them to open a new supply route form the city to the Northern parts of the province. The terrorist groups, whose supply line of Castillo highway has been cut off by the Syrian army and its allies, also suffered a heavy death toll in the shelling.

11.07.2016 - 16:46 [ RT Deutsch / Youtube ]

Live vom Flughafen in Lissabon: Portugiesische Nationalmannschaft kehrt nach EM-Sieg heim

Heute kehrt die portugiesische Fußball-Nationalmannschaft zurück nach Portugal. Gestern hat sie im EM-Finale 1:0 gegen den Gastgeber Frankreich gewonnen und sich den Titel des Europameisters gesichert

11.07.2016 - 16:35 [ Finextra ]

Brit cyber-security firm Post-Quantum scores £8 million investment

The firm was founded in 2009 by Professor Martin Tomlinson, Andersen Cheng and Dr Cen Jung Tjhai. Cheng has a pedigree in financial circles, as a founding member of LabMorgan Europe, the e-finance unit of JP Morgan which focused on sourcing, investing and incubating early stage ventures. The firm‘s advisory board including Brian Snow, former technical director of the NSA and Rebecca Bace, former NSA research leader..

11.07.2016 - 16:05 [ The Sun ]

EYE SPY? Google reveals plans to put ‘eyes in machines’ as digital surveillance fears reach boiling point

“Many people will find the ability for a machine to see everything we see creepy. Covering the camera on your phone, computer or connected device with some dark tape may be one of the few things we can do to keep ourselves safe from prying eyes in the future.”

11.07.2016 - 13:40 [ theSource.com ]


24 Hours after the footage of Alton Sterling being shot and killed by Baton Rouge police went viral, the man who initially posted the clip online has had his own brush with law enforcement. Chris LeDay, an Atlanta native who did not film the shooting video but was the first person to post it online, helped the story gain national attention when he shared it on his Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts. As the story began to circulate into being front page news, LeDay was arrested while on the way to his job at Dobbins Air Reserve Base.

11.07.2016 - 01:43 [ Asia Times ]

Japan’s ruling bloc wins landslide in upper house elections

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s ruling coalition won a landslide victory on Sunday in an election for parliament’s upper house, despite concerns about his economic policies and plans to revise the nation’s post-war pacifist constitution for the first time.