Die Uno hat Großbritannien und Schweden aufgerufen, die von der UN-Arbeitsgruppe für widerrechtlichen Freiheitsentzug gefassten Beschlüsse und Empfehlungen hinsichtlich der Beschwerde des WikiLeaks-Gründers Julian Assange unverzüglich und strikt einzuhalten. Das geht aus einer Erklärung des UN-Menschenrechtsexperten Alfred de Zayas hervor.
Daily Archives: 15. Februar 2016
Pro-Israel Fraternity Scandal Erupts at U of Chicago, Where Authorities Have Long Ignored Its Culture of Racism
Within this climate, students across the country “are demanding that their Universities take a stand against institutional racism and discrimination, as well as specific incidents like the AEPi emails,” said Saksena. “This includes anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab and anti-Muslim targeting.”
5 of the Most Dangerous Acts of Incitement From Israel This Week: Netanyahu‘s Paranoid Meltdown Edition
This week in Israeli racism was hard to top.
MK Haneen Zoabi: Israel’s ‚political culture‘ has moved ‚towards fascist values‘
Haneen Zoabi, a Member of Knesset as part of the Joint List, currently suspended for four months, has described Israel as entering a “new era”, with a “clear deterioration towards fascist values.”
Yemen: Cluster Munitions Wounding Civilians
US Supplied Weapon Banned by 2008 Treaty
New Report of U.S.-Made Cluster Bomb Use by Saudis in Yemen
“Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners, as well as their U.S. supplier, are blatantly disregarding the global standard that says cluster munitions should never be used under any circumstances,” Steve Goose, the arms director at Human Rights Watch, said in the report.
UN warns of famine in besieged Yemeni city
On Sunday, Human Rights Watch released a detailed report, saying internationally-banned cluster munitions supplied by the United States have been used by Saudi Arabia in numerous attacks on civilian targets.
Erdogan uses ISIS to suppress Kurds, West stays silent – Turkish MP
“Unfortunately, the international community is indifferent towards these events. Turkey has taken Europe prisoner by using Middle Eastern refugees as an instrument of blackmail. The US keeps silent too, having common interests with Turkey. For instance, the US wants to keep using the Incirlik airbase […] and the Turkish Army is emboldened by such impunity.”
Week 18 of Russia‘s Syria Campaign: A Dramatic Escalation Appears Imminent
The situation in Syria has reached a watershed moment and a dramatic escalation of the war appears imminent. Let’s look again at how we reached this point.
Stuttgart 21-Gegner in den Landtag
„Vor fünf Jahren habe ich zusammen mit 10.000 anderen in der Stuttgart 21 Bewegung, für den Machtwechsel in Baden-Württemberg gekämpft. Wir waren erfolgreich! Fünf Jahre später sind viele zu recht von Grün-Rot enttäuscht – ich auch. Stuttgart 21 wird fast kritiklos gebaut und vom versprochenen demokratischen Aufbruch ist nicht viel zu spüren. Das will ich ändern.“
Stuttgart 21 war noch nie ein Bahnprojekt. Um was es wirklich geht, sieht man am besten direkt hinterm Bahnhof. Die Realität im neuen Stuttgart. Im Baukomplex „Pariser Höfe“ werden für 80 qm Wohnraum über 2.000 € Miete verlangt. 61 Meter ist die Spitze der Spekulation. Im Hochhaus namens „Cloud Nr. 7“ wird um das ganz große Geld gezockt. 14.000 € kostet zur Zeit hier der Quadratmeter.
Wie sozial ist das Programm der AfD wirklich?
Wie steht die Partei zu Mindestlohn und HartzIV? Und sollen die Steuern rauf oder runter? Hier die wichtigsten Fakten:
Umfragen Baden-Württemberg (#ltwbw)
Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Landtagswahl wäre …
Baden-Württemberg : Der bestmögliche Heimatwahlkampf
Einst gehörte Baden-Württemberg der CDU. Nun kämpft Spitzenkandidat Guido Wolf darum, nicht mit den regierenden Grünen verwechselt zu werden. Und der AfD zu entkommen.
Great @nytgraphics use of ISW‘s #Aleppo map. Syrian War Could Turn on Battle for Aleppo
Saudi-Arabien verlegt Kampfflugzeuge in die Türkei
„Das saudiarabische Königreich hat heute eine Präsenz auf der Luftwaffenbasis Incirlik in der Türkei“, sagte der Brigadegeneral Ahmed Assiri in der Nacht zu Sonntag im Fernsehsender Al-Arabija.
Luftangriffe in Syrien: Frankreich zerstört 35 Stellungen des IS
(19.11.2015) Frankreichs Luftwaffe beteiligt sich seit mehr als einem Jahr an Luftschlägen einer US-geführten Koalition gegen den IS im Irak, seit Oktober fliegen französische Flugzeuge auch Angriffe auf syrischem Gebiet.
Es wird voll am Himmel über Syrien
(18.11.2015) Bisher hatten die USA eine gewisse Zurückhaltung an den Tag gelegt. Um die Umwelt zu schonen und nicht die Infrastruktur eines künftigen syrischen Staates zu zerstören attackierten sie Ölfelder und wichtige Fördereinrichtungen nur sporadisch. Auch hängen Millionen Menschen im Herrschaftsgebiet des IS gerade auch angesichts des nahenden Winters von Treibstoff aus diesen Quellen ab.
Air strike hits France based health establishment in Syria
Médecins Sans Frontières reported that an air strike hit their hospital in Idlib, Syria and caused many casualties.
„This appears to be a deliberate attack on a health structure, and we condemn this attack in the strongest possible terms.“ said Massimiliano Rebaudengo, MSF head of mission.
Krieg in Syrien: Russen geben USA die Schuld an jüngsten Angriffen auf Aleppo
(11.2.2016) Das behauptet jedenfalls der Sprecher des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums, Igor Konashenkov, laut der russischen Nachrichtenagentur Tass. Zwei amerikanische A10-Kampfflugzeuge, die in der Türkei gestartet seien, hätten die Einsätze geflogen. Russische Flugzeuge hätten am Mittwoch keine Einrichtungen in Aleppo attackiert.
US A-10s bombed city of Aleppo on Wednesday, shifted blame onto Moscow – Russian military
(11.2.2016) Two US Air Force A-10 warplanes carried out airstrikes on Aleppo Wednesday, destroying nine facilities, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported. The same day, the Pentagon accused Moscow of bombing two hospitals, despite no Russian flights over the city.
“Yesterday, at 13:55 Moscow time (10:55 GMT), two American A-10 assault aircraft entered Syrian airspace from Turkey, flew right to the city of Aleppo and bombed targets there,” Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said Thursday.
Bürgerkrieg in Syrien – Saudi-Arabien sendet düstere Drohung an Russland
Türkische Angriffe auf Kurden: Syrien klagt vor UN-Sicherheitsrat
Russlands Außenministerium hat die jüngsten Angriffe der Türkei auf Kurden im Norden Syriens als „absolut unannehmbar“ kritisiert.
Wie die Sprecherin des russischen Außenministeriums, Maria Sacharowa, sagte, hat Syrien bereits Klage beim UN-Sicherheitsrat eingereicht. „Zweifelsohne werden wir darauf bestehen, dass diese Angelegenheit bei der Sitzung des UN-Sicherheitsrates erörtert wird“, sagte sie.
Azaz (Arabic: أعزاز / ALA-LC: A‘zāz; Kurdish: Ezaz or Mergakesk) is city in Syria, roughly 20 miles (30 kilometres) north-northwest of Aleppo.
Turkey will not allow Syrian town of Azaz to fall to Kurdish militia: PM
Speaking to reporters on his plane en route to Ukraine, Davutoglu said YPG fighters would have seized control of Azaz and the town of Tal Rifaat further south had it not been for Turkish artillery shelling them over the weekend.
„YPG elements were forced away from around Azaz. If they approach again they will see the harshest reaction. We will not allow Azaz to fall,“ Davutoglu said.
Syria: Kurdish YPG Cuts Road between Militants-controlled Tall-Rifaat and Azaz
According to reports, the Kurdish YPG units have cut the road between the militant-controlled towns of Tall-Rifaa and Azaz. The Kurdish has established a fire control of the road with sniper and mortar fire.
Saudi Arabia launches military exercise with 20 nations
The news agency did not provide much information on what the exercise entails but called it „the largest in the region‘s history.“ The agency said it will involve air, sea and land forces. In addition to Saudi Arabia, other participating nations include Jordan, Bahrain, Senegal, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Kuwait, the Maldives, Morocco, Pakistan, Chad, Tunisia, Comoro Islands, Djibouti, Malaysia, Egypt, Mauritania and Mauritius.
Turkey PM: Russia acts like ‚terrorist organization‘
„If Russia continues behaving like a terrorist organisation and forcing civilians to flee, we will deliver an extremely decisive response,“ Davutoglu told reporters in Kiev, speaking through an official translator.
Einsatz an der deutschen Medienfront: Der Russe ist schuld!
In den vergangenen sechs Monaten hat sich die Lage im syrischen Bürgerkrieg grundsätzlich verändert. Nach aktuellen Berichten steht die syrische Armee kurz vor der informellen Hauptstadt des „Islamischen Staates“, Rakka. Auch um Aleppo, wo sunnitische Extremisten und Söldner aus aller Herren Länder neben angeblich „gemäßigten Rebellen“ ihr Willkürregime errichtet haben, zieht sich die Schlinge zu.
Das freut nicht alle.
Fiber optic cable along TANAP to turn Turkey into regional telecommunication hub
He added that SOCAR Fiber is laying the cable.
Some 300 Militants, Trucks With Arms Move to Syria‘s Tel Rifaat From Turkey
A group of approximately 300 militants with trucks laden with weapons attempted to break into the northern Syrian city of Tel Rifaat in Aleppo from Turkey, but most of the militants were killed, a source in the Kurdish self-defense forces said Monday.
“Reinforcements were sent to Tel Rifaat from Turkish territory. Around 300 militants and weapons. Airstrikes were conducted against the convoy heading out of Turkey on the Azaz-Tel Rifaat road. Most of the reinforcements were destroyed, some were able to reach the city,” the source told RIA Novosti.
Elizabeth Warren Rips Into Republicans For Pledging To Block Supreme Court Process
For her part, Warren on Sunday stressed that President Obama has every right to nominate someone. She mocked Republicans for saying they want to upholding the constitution, while refusing to let Obama carry out his Constitutional duties. “I can’t find a clause in the Constitution that says ‘…except when there’s a year left in the term of a Democratic President,‘” she said in a Twitter post.
Breaking: Syrian Kurds Storming Terrorist Stronghold of Tel Rifaat in Aleppo province on Border With Turkey
Hillary Clinton and the Syrian Bloodbath
This is the kind of compulsive misrepresentation that makes Clinton unfit to be President. Clinton‘s role in Syria has been to help instigate and prolong the Syrian bloodbath, not to bring it to a close.
Syrian army advances into Raqqa in major anti-ISIS assault
Syrian army units and paramilitary forces are reportedly moving into Raqqa province, seizing strategically important areas along the Salamiyah-Raqqa road which leads directly into the Islamic State stronghold.
Saudi Arabia to host ‘largest’ military exercises in region, 20 states invited
The so-called “Northern Thunder” exercise will take place in the north of the country and will include air, sea and land forces. SPA said that it will show that Riyadh and its allies “stand united in confronting all challenges and preserving peace and stability in the region.”
Among the participants will be Arab and African countries. The US and other Western powers have not been invited.
A New Era of Global Protest Begins
The only certainty is that government ministers will invite further social unrest if they fail to act on the rising demand for real democracy and justice that is at the heart of the current wave of popular unrest. The way forward has long been clear to global activists and engaged citizens: curtail the power of elites and corporations, and ensure that governance systems truly serve the people and protect the biosphere. As a minimum – and in line with the growing demands of a disaffected majority – this necessitates a radical decentralisation of power and the redistribution of wealth and resources across the world as a whole.
An aide to Turkey’s president kicked a protester. Then photos of the assault started disappearing.
(22.1.2016) Last month an Ankara court ruled in favor of Yerkel, who requested that hundreds of YouTube videos and web pages showing the notorious kick be blocked in Turkey.
The blocked URLs include not only domestic news stories, but international stories as well, including articles published on Foxnews.com, Huffington Post, the Daily Mail and InfoMine, a mining industry publication.
Why I Choose Optimism Over Despair: An Interview With Noam Chomsky
We have two choices. We can be pessimistic, give up and help ensure that the worst will happen. Or we can be optimistic, grasp the opportunities that surely exist and maybe help make the world a better place. Not much of a choice.
Despite Turkish artillery fires Kurdi YPG gain ground and is close to capture Tell Rifaat #Syria
#Aleppo: #YPG captured west and north neighborhoods of Tell Rifaat & reached the train station, Intense clashes.
Überblick: Fliegende Radarstationen – das System AWACS
Hinter dem Kürzel AWACS – Airborne Early Warning and Control System – verbirgt sich die luftgestützte Überwachungsflotte der NATO. Deutschland trägt maßgeblich zur Einsatzbereitschaft dieses ganz besonderen Verbandes bei: Ein Drittel der Besatzungsmitglieder sind Soldaten der Bundeswehr.
Tal Rifaat
#Breaking Turkish defense minister confirms its forces opened fire on Tel Rifaat & Minagh inside Syria.
Liebe Leser, ihr müsst jetzt sehr tapfer sein: Der Bundesanwalt ermittelt gegen einen V-Mann des Verfassungsschutzes. Der Mann hatte vom Verfassungsschutz Geld gekriegt und es an eine terroristische Vereinigung weitergeleitet.
Nanu, fragt ihr euch jetzt vielleicht, wenn das für Ermittlungen und eventuell eine Anklage reicht, wieso ermitteln die dann erst jetzt? Tja. Gute Frage. Ist es vielleicht der neue Generalbundesanwalt?
Also wenn ich´s mir recht überlege: die letzten zwei Weltkriege sind doch irgendwie alle am Telefon geplant worden. ALSO WEG DAMIT, JAAA?!
ISIS Is Using Everything From Encryption To PlayStations To Avoid Being Spied On
(14.11.2015) “We know of three agencies who passed on these warnings — we were one of them,” said an Israeli diplomat, who acknowledged the intelligence they passed on did not include specific targets for an attack or a date. Jordanian officials told BuzzFeed News they had also sent France a warning, less than a week ago, while Iraqi and Turkish officials have said that they passed on more specific intelligence to French authorities.
@RadioUtopie_de Na wen haben wir denn da? Den #CIA Chef,wie er sagt: jaja, von Paris wussten wir irgendwie, aber man kann ja nichts machen..
Israeli forces shot, injured over 20 Palestinians in Ramallah
On February 11, a UN human rights expert slammed Israel for using excessive force against Palestinian protesters amid ongoing tensions between the two sides in the occupied territories.
PHOTOS: Gazans hope to get out during rare border opening
Egyptian authorities decided to open the Rafah border crossing for two days this weekend. Thousands of people showed up hoping to leave the besieged Gaza Strip.
Abu Marzouk: Sabotaging Sinai’s security and siege on Gaza are in Israel’s interest
The question is: Who benefits from the continuation of the crossing’s closure? Who benefits from the suffering of the [Gaza] Strip’s people? Who benefits from the continued absence of security in Sinai and the consequent absence of investments and development in Sinai?”
Syrische Armee rückt gegen IS-Hochburg Rakka vor
Syrische Regierungstruppen und verbündete paramilitärische Formationen haben einen Vorstoß gegen die IS-Terrormiliz in der Provinz Rakka unternommen. Dabei wurden strategisch bedeutende Ortschaften entlang der Salamiya-Rakka-Hauptstraße eingenommen. Diese führt auf direktem Wege zur inoffiziellen Hauptstadt des „Islamischen Staates“. Damaskus will einer etwaigen saudischen Bodenoffensive im Osten des Landes durch eine verstärkte Offensive vorbeugen.
17-year-old Palestinian shot and killed after stabbing attempt in Hebron
During the attack, which occurred near the Cave of the Patriarchs, the 17-year-old stabbed a Palestinian bystander, moderately wounding him in the upper body.
Magen David Adom paramedics and an IDF medical team evacuated the Palestinian man to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem.
The IDF said there were no wounded among its soldiers in the attack.
The wild beast of Israeli racism
All to often it is to denigrate the enemy as not human in some fashion or another.
Look How #Israeli soldiers push disabled #Palestinian man from wheelchair in #WestBank.