In something of a coda to last night‘s presidential address, the Pentagon has just issued press release confirming that a previously-reported November airstrike conducted by the U.S. military in Libya did indeed kill ISIL‘s senior leader there. And DOD revealed that it carried out a strike in Somalia last week in which it killed al Shabaab leader (and al Qaeda member) Abdirahman Sandhere.
Daily Archives: 7. Dezember 2015
Und wie immer seit 14 Jahren (Afghanistan,Irak,Syrien…) gibt´s Al-ibis (im Westen zusammengeschrieben) gratis dazu.
U.S.-Imperium fliegt Luftangriffe in den Trümmern von Libyen, das es 2011 als Staat zerstörte und eine permante Kriegszone schuf.
Freifunk ist eine nichtkommerzielle Initiative, die sich dem Aufbau und Betrieb eines freien Funknetzes, das aus selbstverwalteten lokalen Computernetzwerken besteht, widmet. Im deutschen Sprachraum hat die Initiative ihren Ursprung in Berlin. Zu den Ziele gehören ein hoher Grad an Zensurresistenz, eine Förderung lokaler Kommunikation, ein möglichst dezentraler Aufbau, Anonymität und Überwachungsfreiheit. Freifunk baut auf dem Pico Peering Agreement auf, das für ein diskriminierungsfreies Netzwerk sorgen soll (siehe Netzneutralität).
„Kämpfer für freie Software“ in Bolivien stellen freies Internet bereit
Anhänger freier Software in Bolivien haben Pionierarbeit geleistet, um in abgelegenen Regionen für die Bevölkerung Zugang zum Internet zu schaffen. In einem Gebäude der Universität von San Andres in La Paz auf 3.700 Metern Höhe haben sie für Lernende und Lehrende der Informatik das Zentrum „r00tHouse“ eingerichtet, und verfolgen dort ihr Projekt eines freien Internetzugangs.
The Drone War Comes Home
Drones are the new high-tech “toys” and will likely increasingly clutter the nation’s air space. One can count on local law-enforcement to increasingly deploy them particularly in light of the rising hysteria about domestic anti-Muslim “terrorism” as well to meet more mundane objectives like tracking speeding cars, drug smugglers and prostitutes. And for ordinary Americans, is there a drone in your future?
Witness Lied About Seeing Man With Firearm Before He Was Gunned Down By Police
“It was a lie that I thought it was a gun,” he responded, when asked if he lied about the gun. “I made up hearing — I made up the gun. The detectives let me know that the situation was a situation in which they knew where they were going to go. My testimony was to say, to give, testimony…to that.”
It’s Time for the United States to Stop Hitting the Bottle
It is common for people who have an alcoholic in the family to dread the holidays.
They try to imagine the joy and celebration, but in their heart they know what’s really coming is just the next episode of drunkenness.
The United States is like that alcoholic family member, for whom every circumstance is an excuse to hit the bottle. Except, with the US, the bottle is violence.
Barack Obama addresses the nation this evening. He will respond to the attack in San Bernardino that is now being characterized as an act of terror, and linked to ISIS.
Syrian opposition gathers in Riyadh for talks
Syrian rebels and members of the country’s political opposition gather on Tuesday in Riyadh aiming to establish a plan for talks with the Assad regime.(…)
“I think Saudi Arabia is the only big Arab country that is supporting the moderate Syrian opposition.
445 Verbrechen
Die LINKE hat leider – wieder einmal – eine weichgespülte Opposition gegeben, die nicht die Dinge gesagt hat, die hätten gesagt werden müssen.(…)
Die politische Führung dieses Landes hat mit dieser Entscheidung bewiesen, dass sie nicht im Stande oder nicht Willens ist, „das Wohl des deutschen Volkes zu mehren und Schaden von ihm zu wenden“, worauf sich jedes Regierungsmitglied im Amtseid verpflichtet hat.(…)
Sie haben das Recht verwirkt, für dieses Land zu sprechen. Sie haben das Recht verwirkt, für dieses Land zu handeln.
U.S. military’s ¥226 million in donations to Japanese research institutions stoke concern
The U.S. military has provided a total of ¥226.46 million ($1.8 million) in research funds to at least 12 universities and research institutions in Japan since 2000.
The donations came to light as Japan and the United States continue to boost their already close security ties after the government passed contentious new security legislation in September. The new laws allow Japan to exercise the right to collective self-defense, or aiding an ally under armed assault, even if Japan itself is not attacked.
Hackers Dumps Thousands UAE Bank Customers ‘Transactions History’ Online
when they previously twitter bank customers information it found that mostly corporate accounts which had stolen from Invest Bank of UAE – Hackers blackmailing the Bank owner ransom of $3 million in payment through Bitcoin.
Europe at Crossroads
At present, it is hardly possible to confidently predict what state the EU will be in by 2017.
MUSE LYRICS „Uprising“
They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
Syria: Ultimate Pipelineistan War
It all started in 2009, when Qatar proposed to Damascus the construction of a pipeline from its own North Field – contiguous with the South Pars field, which belongs to Iran – traversing Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria all the way to Turkey, to supply the EU.
Muse – Uprising
Muse – Lollapalooza Berlin 2015
Muse performing at Lollapalooza Berlin on 13th September 2015
Analyse: Laufende Spionage-Operation der Terrorkriegs-Lobby zur Störung des Völkerfriedens in der Weltstadt Berlin
(9.8.2014) Meiner Einschätzung nach läuft zur Zeit eine um den 20. Juli begonnene konzertierte Aktion maßgeblich aus den mit Faschisten, Soziopathen und Verrückten vollgelaufenen deutschen Geheimdiensten / Geheimpolizeien heraus, unter Führung ihrer internationalen Vorgesetzten und „Leitwölfe“, Alliierte im 2001 begonnenen Terrorkrieg und der in hegelianischer Dialektik sich aufbauenden totalen Spionage gegen die Bevölkerung in den kriegführenden Ländern, zur Störung und Sabotage des deutschen Verfassungsgebots, des friedlichen Zusammenlebens der Völker, explizit in der Hauptstadt Berlin, als der von Imperialisten weltweit beneideten und gehassten Heimat aller Religionen und dem neuen Anziehungs- und Fluchtpunkt für Dissidenten, Verfolgte und Bedrohte weltweit.
Kurden, Jesiden, Türken, Israelis, Palästinenser, Muslime, Juden, Sunniten, Schiiten, sie brauchen in der Weltstadt Berlin, Hauptstadt unserer Republik, keine Angst vor Verfolgung, Unterdrückung oder Benachteiligung zu haben.
No explosives found on German plane grounded in Budapest: police
Police said they found no explosives on a German passenger plane after it diverted to Budapest on Monday following a bomb threat.
German Foreign Minister to visit Erbil
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier will visit Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, on Monday evening, following his visit to Baghdad, to discuss the latest security and political developments in the war against the Islamic State (IS).
One of the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) top officials, that wanted to remain anonymous in the report, confirmed that F.M. Steinmeier will visit the Kurdistan Region on Monday evening.
Prime Minister Barzani and US Deputy Secretary of State discuss regional situation
(24.11.2015) Prime Minister Barzani thanked the United States for its efforts and support that helped change the military balance of power in favor of the Peshmerga and coalition forces.
Turkey pulls 350 troops from border after tension with Baghdad
Turkey has pulled 350 troops back from the Turkish-Iraqi border after reaction from Baghdad over the deployment of more Turkish soldiers in Mosul.
The troops were waiting on the border and will be sent to Iraq if Ankara and Baghdad agreed on the issue, sources told Hürriyet Daily News.(…)
The United States has reiterated its opposition to the deployment of any military forces inside Iraq without consent from the Iraqi government.
Turkey says has duty to protect soldiers in Iraq after Baghdad ultimatum
Turkey said on Monday it had a duty to protect its soldiers around the Islamic State-controlled city of Mosul in Iraq and that they were there simply on a training mission, after Baghdad ordered the immediate withdrawal of its latest deployment.
Türkei-Einmarsch: Irak will Russland um Hilfe bitten
Sollte die türkische Armee nicht wieder aus dem nordirakischen Mossul abziehen, droht Bagdad damit, Moskau um Hilfe zu bitten. Man werde diesen feindseligen Akt nicht dulden. Dies könnte zu einer weiteren Eskalation des Konflikts und unter Umständen gar zum Ausbruch eines Krieges mit der NATO führen.
„Akt der Aggression“ – Damaskus verurteilt US-Luftangriff auf syrische Bodentruppen
Kampfflugzeuge der US-geführten Anti-IS-Koalition haben nach Angaben der syrischen Regierung am Montag ein Militärcamp in der östlichen Deir-Ezzor-Provinz bombardiert. Dabei sollen drei Regierungssoldaten getötet und zahlreiches Militärgerät zerstört worden sein. Damaskus nannte den Vorfall einen „Akt der Aggression“. Die USA bestreiten den Angriff auf syrische Truppen in Deir Ezzor
Watch Live Stream from Paris #COP21 skeptic conference here – including new film, “Climate Hustle”
The program begins at 09:00 GMT+1 with a press conference featuring several representatives of “skeptic” organizations in the United States, Canada, and Europe. It will be followed by panel presentations by some of the world’s leading climate scientists and policy experts, and a keynote luncheon address — featuring recorded remarks by Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK).
Schedule and live video follows:
President Obama Hints At Asking Silicon Valley To Magically Block Terrorists From Using Tech Products
As you probably know, last night President Obama gave a big address from the Oval Office about what he plans to do about ISIS, along with dealing with the threat of lone wolf and other attacks at home. Buried deep within (in fact, I missed it the first time through) was a nod towards the idea of pushing Silicon Valley to magically undermine encryption. Here‘s the entirety of what he said on the subject:
I will urge high tech and law enforcement leaders to make it harder to use technology to escape from justice.
Russia expects Iran nuclear deal to be implemented in January
Russia‘s envoy to the U.N.‘s nuclear regulatory agency said on Monday he expected a historic nuclear deal between Iran and world powers to be implemented in January, leading to sanctions being lifted on Tehran.
Iran arrests 53 people for running pro-Islamic State websites: Tasnim
Shi‘ite Muslim power Iran said last month it had broken up a cell recruiting fighters for the hardline Sunni Muslim group in Kermanshah, a western province close to the Iraqi border.
The area has a large Sunni Kurdish population that has risen up against Tehran in the past
Iran to construct railway to Iraq
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has tasked Roads and Urban Development Ministry with accelerating the construction of a project extending Iran’s railway to Iraqi city of Basra.
Iran can participate in road construction in Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan and Iran have held talks on further developing the partnership in the sphere of transport, said the message from Turkmen government.
The negotiations were held in Turkmenistan’s Foreign Ministry. During the meeting, the Iranian delegation was led by Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development Ali Nourzad.
Iran in talks for multi-billion gas pipeline to India
Iran said negotiations are underway to lay a $4.5 billion undersea gas pipeline to Gujarat, India.
Mahinur Özdemir est-elle députée belge ou turque? Dogan Ozguden
(3.Dezember) Selon l’agence officielle turque AA, lors de son discours accusant la Belgique de discrimination, Cavusoglu a fait l’éloge à Mahinur Özdemir en rappelant qu’elle est passée à l’histoire en tant que première députée voilée en Belgique et en Europe, mais exclue de son parti à cause de son refus de reconnaître les affirmations arméniennes relatives aux évènements de 1915.
“Nous avons constaté comment les pays soi-disant libertaires et démocratiques ont exclu les politiciens turcs de leurs partis politiques quand ils n’acceptent pas leurs propres diktats. Il s’agit d’un comportement honteux. Il est l’exemple le plus dégoutant du double standard en Europe”, a-t-il ajouté.
President Erdogan, free Cumhuriyet’s editors and all other detained journalists!
KRG requests Russia avoid Kurdish airspace for Syria missions
Kareem Sinjari, the interior minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), met with Russian Consul General to Erbil Victor Simakov on Monday to hold talks regarding Kurdistan suspending flights at the Erbil and Sulaimani airports as Russian jets fly over the region on missions to Syria.
Sinjari reportedly asked Simakov to request Moscow find an alternate route for its aircraft and cruise missiles that avoids using the Kurdistan region’s airspace.
Int’l Red Cross says it has attempted to contact ISIS
„Yes, we are of course looking at building a relationship,“ said Daccord.
Iraqi Shiite Commander: US Military Bases Will be Targeted by Shi’ite Militias
The Commander of the Shi’ite Badr Brigade Hadi Amri has insisted that foreign interventions in Iraq’s internal affairs will not be tolerated.(…)
Amri warned that any US military base in Iraq will be targeted by Shi’ite militia forces.
Two dead, 29 missing as Azeri oil rig fire in Caspian Sea prompts evacuation (VIDEO)
The fire started overnight at a rig at the Gunashli field southeast of Neft Daşları (Oil Rocks) settlement. It was caused by strong winds that damaged a gas pipeline on the platform, the Azeri state energy company SOCAR said.
„The fire in the gas pipeline has not been completely extinguished and it has not been ruled out that it could spread to oil and gas wells near the platform,“ it stated.
The rescue operation was hampered by stormy weather with waves rising up to 11 meters high, Trend news website reported.
Wäre Assad tatsächlich Diktator, hätte er Walid al-Muallem bereits erschiessen lassen.
Syria welcomes U.S. strikes against ISIS there, with conditions
(25.8.2014) „Syria is ready to cooperate and coordinate with regional and international efforts to combat terror in accordance with U.N. resolutions and respect of Syrian sovereignty,“ Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem told a press conference in Damascus.
Syrien protestiert bei UN gegen Angriff der US-Koalition auf Armeelager
Eine US-geführte Koalition ist bereits seit August vergangenen Jahres in Syrien im Einsatz – jedoch ohne Zustimmung der Regierung in Damaskus.
Updated- Foreign Ministry: U.S.-led coalition targets Syrian army post in Deir Ezzor
Damascus, SANA- Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said that four U.S.- led coalition warplanes targeted with 9 rockets one of the Syrian army’s posts in Deir Ezzor province, claiming the lives of 3 soldiers and injuring 13 others in addition to destroying three armored vehicles, four military vehicles, 23 mm machinegun, 14.5 machinegun and a depot of arms and ammunition.
In two identical letters addressed to the UN Secretary General and Chairman of the UN Security Council on Monday, the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry stressed that the Syrian Arab Republic strongly condemns this heinous aggression by the coalition and affirms that it contradicts with the goals and wills of the UN Charter.
Deutsche schicken bis zu 1200 Soldaten nach Syrien
(4.12.2015) Die ersten deutschen Flugzeuge können ab Montag auf den vorgesehenen Stützpunkt in der Türkei verlegt werden.
No evidence California gunmen ‘part of organised group’: White House
There is no indication that the shooters who killed 14 people in California are part of a larger terrorist group, the White House said on Saturday, even as the Islamic State group claimed the pair were “soldiers” of its caliphate.
A team of top officials including FBI Director James Comey, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson told President Barack Obama “that they had as of yet uncovered no indication the killers were part of an organized group or formed part of a broader terrorist cell.”
FBI: No evidence connecting shooters to terrorist ‘cell’
“So far, we have no indication that these killers are part of a larger group or form part of a cell,” FBI Director James Comey told reporters in Washington, noting that the investigation was still in its early days. “There’s no indication that they are part of a network.”
Four Syrian soldiers die in suspected U.S. coalition strike: group
A source close to the Syrian government confirmed the strike and said there had been casualties and vehicles destroyed.
Syria condemns Turkish intervention in Iraq
Damascus, SANA – Foreign and Expatriates Ministry strongly condemned Turkey’s intervention into Iraqi territory.
This “flagrant” act of intervention is but a part of the subversive role which the Turkish government under the Justice and Development Party has been practicing against Syria and Iraq, the Ministry said in a statement on Sunday.
The Turkish government, it added, has repeatedly transgressed the Syrian sovereignty and continues providing support to the terrorist organizations and facilitating their crimes.
Turkey, Iran in war of words over Syria
Bilgiç said Turkey was pursuing policies that were principled and in harmony with the rules of the international community to effect a peaceful resolution to regional problems while also exerting efforts to address the humanitarian dimension of the issue in excess of what the rest of the world was currently doing.
“[As such] these accusations against our state about terrorism made by countries who are causing the escalation of the crisis in cooperation with the [bloody Bashar] al-Assad regime that is committing state terror against its own people have no seriousness at all,” Bilgiç said.
Clinton: US Ready to Re-Impose Sanctions on Iran in Case of Any Provocation
In her speech on Sunday, Clinton listed Iran’s “increasingly aggressive regional ambitions,” as a reason for the United States to strengthen ties with Israel.
„Tehran‘s fingerprints are on nearly every conflict across the Middle East,” the politician said.
U.S. must watch Iran for signs it is violating nuclear deal, Clinton says
Iran is sure to violate the international nuclear pact it signed this year, and the United States must be firm and swift in cracking down on any cheating, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Sunday.
..und #Leyen, #Barzani, @dieLinke, #Steinmeier, etc, sind ehrenwerte Leute.
Coincidentally, Erbil international airport closed tomorrow due to Russian missiles crossing Kurdistan Region airspace…
Germany‘s Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier to arrive in #Kurdistan Region capital Hawler tomorrow to meet with senior KRG officials.
KRG Spokesperson’s statement on Turkish military movement
(5.12.2015) Within the framework of the international coalition against the Islamic State terrorist organisation, ISIS, Turkey opened tow military training bases for Peshmerga forces in the end of 2014 in Soran and Qalacholan districts, in the Kurdistan Region.
Turkish military to have a base in Iraq‘s Mosul
The deal regarding the base was signed between Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) President Massoud Barzani and Turkish Foreign Minister Feridun Sinirlioğlu, during the latter’s visit to northern Iraq on Nov. 4.