Nur wenn solche Fakten geschaffen werden, lässt sich der Konflikt lösen. Wenn es die internationale Gemeinschaft und vor allem die US-Regierung aber weiter nur bei Worten und Mahnungen belassen, wird die Nahost-Diplomatie brotlose Kunst bleiben.
Daily Archives: 23. Oktober 2015
Security chiefs refused order from PM in 2010 to prepare military to strike Iran within hours if necessary, TV report says
(4.November 2012) The report cited sources close to Ashkenazi and Dagan – who since stepping down from their respective posts have both been outspoken in their opposition to a strike on Iran – to the effect that as the two men were leaving the meeting, Netanyahu “matter-of-factly” instructed them to initiate the “P Plus” code, which is essentially a readying of the military to imminently launch an attack.
Ashkenazi and Dagan reportedly vehemently objected to the order.
REPORT: Israeli Security Officials Say Netanyahu ‘Tried To Steal A War’ With Iran In 2010
(5. November 2012) The request, delivered to the top seven security officials but not to the full security cabinet, angered Dagan and Ashkenazi, leading Dagan to reportedly say that Netanyahu and Barak “tried to steal a war –- it was as simple as that.” To Dagan, the meeting betrayed standard protocol for launching a war. “You may end up going to war based on an illegal decision. Only the security cabinet is authorized to make such a decision,” he said.
Report: U.S. Officials Detected Israeli Planes in Iranian Airspace in 2012
An Israeli plan to attack the heavily fortified Fordo from the inside was deemed to be a “suicide mission” by the United States, which refused to sell Israel the materiel it felt was needed to carry out the strike, the Journal reported.
U.S. officials, according to the Journal, believed that Israel was serious about striking Iran and the Obama administration stepped up surveillance of Israeli air activity. Israel was found to be practicing “strike missions” and undetected flyovers in Iran.
Spy vs. Spy: Inside the Fraying U.S.-Israel Ties
The U.S. closely monitored Israel’s military bases and eavesdropped on secret communications in 2012, fearing its longtime ally might try to carry out a strike on Fordow, Iran’s most heavily fortified nuclear facility.
Nerves frayed at the White House after senior officials learned Israeli aircraft had flown in and out of Iran in what some believed was a dry run for a commando raid on the site.
Brisante Dokumente an Universität nach Besuch des C.I.A.-Direktors verschwunden
John Brennan, Direktor der C.I.A., hielt am Freitag, den 16. Oktober 2015 an der Juristischen Fakultät der University of Washington eine Rede. Während des Zeitraums seines kurzfristigen Aufenthaltes auf dem Campus entwendeten Unbekannte auf professionelle Weise ohne Spuren zu hinterlassen Dokumente, die in der vom Verfassungsgericht von El Salvador eröffneten Untersuchung zu Kriegsverbrechen, unterstützt von der C.I.A., von hoher Bedeutung sind.
Russia, Jordan to coordinate militaries on Syria
Russian news reports say Moscow and Jordan have agreed on creating a center in Amman for coordinating their military activities in Syria.
Lavrov Speaks to Press Following Meeting With Kerry on Syria
Lavrov dismissed media reports, claiming that the Russian, US, Saudi Arabian and Turkish foreign ministers during a Vienna meeting agreed on resignation of Syrian President Bashar Assad.
„Rumours have begun to circulate that we are discussing or will be discussing that President Assad must go after some time. This is not true,“ Lavrov said.
LIVE: Lavrov holds press conference following meeting with Kerry in Vienna
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is due to meet US Secretary of State John Kerry and Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs Adel Jubeir in Vienna on Friday, October 23.
The main topic on the agenda is expected to be the crisis in Syria and the fight against the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).
A coalition led by the United States, and which includes Saudi Arabia, started targeting IS in Syria in September 2014. The Russian Air Force has been carrying out air strikes against IS targets in Syria since September 30, 2015.
Politics Russian FM Lavrov Holds Press Conference After Talks With Kerry in Vienna
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is to hold a press conference following his talks with US Secretary of State John Kerry and Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs Adel Jubeir in Vienna on Friday.
In Wielding Rarely Used Veto, President Obama Puts Budget Heat on Republicans
President Obama on Thursday vetoed a $612 billion defense policy bill, rejecting a broadly supported measure that sets funding for military salaries and equipment, and intensifying his struggle with the Republican-led Congress over federal spending.
Time to end Israeli occupation of Palestine: Iran’s UN envoy
The Iranian envoy, whose country currently holds the rotating presidency of NAM, denounced Tel Aviv as the source of “instability, despair and rage in the Middle East,” adding that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands as well as the failure to punish the regime for its crimes against the oppressed nation pose a “threat to world peace.”
Turkish Airlines cancels over 20 int’l flights
Most affected were flights to Albania, France and Kuwait
Four national security ministry generals fired in Azerbaijan, more expected
Those dismissed are the Chief of the MNS Main Directorate for Combating Transnational Economic Crime Major General Subahir Gurbanov, Chief of the MNS Main Directorate Major General Tarverdi Mammadov, Chief of the MNS Main Directorate Major General Parviz Safarov, Military Unit Commander Major General Vugar Allahguliyev, Chief of the MNS Airports Directorate Colonel Parviz Valiyev, the Deputy Chief of the MNS Personnel Department Colonel Tehran Babatov, and heads of departments of Khatai and Pirallahi districts of Baku, and Masalli district.
Die Welt hält den Atem an: Schafft es Putin, der Welt wieder Hoffnung zu geben?
Es ist viel nachgedacht worden über die globale Polizeirolle, die die Vereinigten Staaten sich nach 1990 angemaßt haben. Augenfällig wurde allerdings, dass über das amerikanische Budget eine Armee herangezüchtet worden ist, die den amerikanischen Haushalt dominiert. Eine Armee, die diese Rolle einmal eingenommen hat, lässt sie sich kaum noch nehmen. Sollten die Republikaner den nächsten amerikanischen Präsidenten stellen, dürfte über die sogenannten Präsidentendirektiven zur ziemlich breit angelegten „nationalen Sicherheit“ uns allen noch Hören und Sehen vergehen. Diese Armee kann eigentlich gar nicht mehr nach USA zurück, ohne umgehende Staatsstreichüberlegungen hervorrufen zu müssen. Selbst wenn man seit Präsident Eisenhower und seinen Warnungen vor dem „militärisch-industriellen Komplex“ ohnehin bestimmte Vermutungen in diesem Kontext haben dürfte, dann würde die Militärherrschaft endgültig manifest. Von Russland heute ist das nicht bekannt.
Kerry und Lawrow beraten in Wien über Syrien
Wien wird Schauplatz eines hochrangigen Treffens zur Syrien-Krise: US-Außenminister John Kerry und Russlands Chefdiplomat Sergej Lawrow wollen am Freitag gemeinsam mit ihren Amtskollegen aus der Türkei und aus Saudi-Arabien über eine Lösung des seit 2011 andauernden Syrien-Krieges beraten.
Saudi arabischer Airbus A340-200 in Wien gelandet
Donnerstagfrüh landete auf dem Flughafen Wien ein besonders seltener Gast. Der saudiarabische Außenminister nutzte für seine Reise in die österreichische Bundeshauptstadt nämlich den Airbus A340-200 mit der Kennung HZ-A1.
Deutschland liefert Kampfpanzer nach Katar
(22.Oktober) Deutschland hat nach SZ-Informationen kürzlich vier Panzer vom Typ Leopard 2 sowie drei Panzerhaubitzen Richtung Katar verschifft.
Das Land ist Medienberichten zufolge in den Bürgerkrieg in Jemen verwickelt.
Enormes Absatzplus für deutsche Waffenhändler in Israel und Saudi Arabien– Kritik aus der Opposition
Deutsche Waffenverkäufe sind in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2015 im Vorjahresvergleich auf 3,5 Milliarden Euro um 59 Prozent angestiegen. Zu den Profiteuren deutscher Schmiedekunst dürfen sich Großbritannien, aber auch Israel und Saudi Arabien zählen. Das absolutistische saudische Herrscherhaus gilt als „Hauptsponsor des Dschihadismus“.
Sie bombardiert die Falschen: Erneut tödlicher Irrtum der Militärallianz
(17.Oktober) «Die Koalition hat das falsche Ziel getroffen.» Der Vorfall ereignete sich in einem Berggebiet nahe der Stadt Tais, wo jemenitische Soldaten gegen Anhänger des gestürzten Präsidenten Ali Abdullah Saleh kämpfen, der sich auf die Seite der schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen gestellt hat.
Arabische Militärallianz tötet regierungstreue Kämpfer in Jemen
(18.Oktober) Rettungskräfte und Augenzeugen berichteten am Samstag von mindestens 30 Toten und etwa 40 Verletzten.
There‘s a Method to Netanyahu‘s Hitler-Mufti Madness
Benjamin Netanyahu is a scion of personal and political dynasties of renowned orators. His grandfather, Nathan Mileikowsky, who bequeathed his pen name “Netanyahu” to his children, preached Zionism to crowds of Polish and Lithuanian Jews a century ago. His political predecessor, Menachem Begin, mesmerized many with his soaring rhetoric.
UK Goes Full Orwell: Government To Take Children Away From Parents If They Might Become Radicalized
In other words, the High Court Judges within the Family Division are now tasked with determining whether children will be made wards of the state based solely on suspicions of possible radicalization. Children torn from mothers and fathers in Muslim homes will be subject to the whims and inherently flawed watch of the larger citizenry. A citizenry, mind you, that has had its vigilance unduly ramped up by the government‘s past actions and requests. It‘s hard to imagine a better recipe for the unfair targeting of Muslim families than this.
Deutscher Patriot Act: Staat will Terrorgesetze bis 2021 verlängern lassen
(26.August) Während im Schatten von Operation Asyl die Flüchtlingsheime in der Republik brennen, laufen die nach Kriegsausbruch in 2001 geschaffenen und in 2011 zum zweiten Mal verlängerten Terrorgesetze Ende 2015 erneut aus. Mit dem Auslaufen vom „Terrorismusbekämpfungsergänzungsgesetz“, Pendant des 2001 blitzkriegartig in den Vereinigten Staaten installierten „Patriot Act“, würden Geheimdienste und Geheimpolizeien eine Reihe bisheriger Vollmachten und Ermächtigungen über die Bevölkerung verlieren. Da kommt natürlich auch „rechter Terror“ recht günstig für den Apparat, dessen Unterwanderung und Steuerung auch der rechtsextremen Szene für den staatssicheren Zweck im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes legendär ist.
Derweil macht das Parlament natürlich Urlaub und dessen „Opposition“ begreift noch weniger als sie tut. Dabei tut sie schon nichts.
Koalition plant Ausbau der Sicherheitsbehörden
Auch SPD-Innenexperte Burkhard Lischka forderte eine Stärkung: „Wir brauchen eine erhebliche Personalaufstockung sowohl beim Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz als auch beim BKA.“ Dem Bericht zufolge sollen die Voraussetzungen dafür noch bei den laufenden Haushaltsberatungen geschaffen werden.
Goldene Eintrittskarte zum Gespräch mit Israels MP Netanjahu @BILD_Politik
Apologies to the Fuhrer
Netanyahu’s attempt to place the mufti at the center of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict shows just how bankrupt the extremists in Israel have become. It’s a declaration of all-out war on the Palestinian people. It’s ‘us or them.’
Drohnen-Video zeigt Grauen des Syrien-Krieges
Diese Aufnahmen einer Drohne zeigen das wirkliche Ausmaß der Zerstörungen in Syrien. Die Drohne fliegt über das Gebiet Damaskus und filmt Spuren der Kampfhandlungen: große zerstörte und verlassene Wohngebiete.
Saudi-AM Abel Al Jubeir mit Steinmeier: „stimmen in allen wichtigen Fragen überein…“ Ach so? @BILD_Politik
Saudi says Assad must be removed from power to crush Islamic State
(22.Oktober) Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said on Thursday that to eliminate militant group Islamic State, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must be removed from power.
Jubeir also said that Assad was the magnet „that attracted foreign fighters from all over the world to fight on the side of Daesh (Islamic State) against Assad‘s regime,“ he told Al Arabiya al-Hadath television channel in Vienna, after talks with Austria‘s foreign minister.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Terrorist Unleashed
(20.Oktober) The Erdogan regime’s ‘hypothesis’ is that ISIS or the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) was responsible for the terrorist attack, a position echoed by all of the NATO governments and dutifully repeated by all of the Western mass media. Their most recent claim is that a Turkish member of ISIS carried out the massacre – in a ‘copy-cat action’ after his brother, blamed by the Turkish government for an earlier bombing which left 33 young pro-Kurdish activists dead in July in Suruc, on the Syrian border.
The alternative hypothesis, voiced by the majority of the Turkish opposition, is that the Erdogan regime was directly or indirectly involved in organizing the terrorist attack or allowing it to happen.
„Crisis in Russian-Turkish relations left behind“ (exclusive)
(21.Oktober) The crisis in Russian-Turkish relations was left behind, since both countries perceived the strategic importance of each other, a source in Turkey’s presidential administration told Trend Oct.21.
Turkish, Russian presidents discuss Syrian counterpart‘s visit to Moscow
(21.Oktober) Turkish and Russian Presidents Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Putin have discussed Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad‘s visit to Moscow, Turkish CNN Turk TV channel reported Oct. 21.
Israel quiet over ‚hotline‘ with Russia on Syria
Israel is unusually tight-lipped about the military coordination, a reticence that officials and experts say stems in part from reluctance to signal any significant strategic shift away from the United States, its key ally but one that has reduced Middle East engagements as Russia steps up its own.
FBI Tells Me It Will Take 475 Days For It To Get Around To Responding To My FOIA Request
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requires that federal agencies respond to FOIA requests within 20 days. If it needs more information, the government agency is allowed to wait for you to respond and not count that against the 20 days. The law does provide for a situation where, „in unusual circumstances“ the 20 day period can be extended with a specific notice explaining the „unusual circumstances,“ but „no such notice shall specify a date that would result in an extension for more than ten working days.“
EU will mit der Türkei wieder über den EU-Beitritt verhandeln
(17.Oktober) «Wir sollten die Kapitel 23 und 24 zu den Themen Rechtsstaat und Menschenrechte eröffnen», sagte EU-Erweiterungskommissar Johannes Hahn dem Nachrichtenmagazin «Der Spiegel». «Nur wenn man verhandelt, kann man Druck machen und Verbesserungen erreichen», fügte er hinzu. Wie die Zeitung «Die Welt» unter Berufung auf übereinstimmende Informationen von EU-Diplomaten berichtete, sind auch Verhandlungen über das Kapitel 17 zur Wirtschafts- und Währungspolitik im Gespräch.
Turkey arrests some 1300 PKK-linked suspects, less than 300 ISIL-linked suspects since late July
While more than 1,300 suspects have been arrested for their alleged links to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and their affiliates since operations were launched following the deadly Suruç bombing on July 20, only 276 suspects have been arrested for their links to al-Qaeda or the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), according to figures announced by Justice Minister Kenan İpek, reported.
China‘s Xi seals nuclear power deal as part of $62 billion splurge in Britain
Chinese President Xi Jinping has sealed a multi-billion dollar deal to finance nuclear power stations in Britain, crowning a visit that Prime Minister David Cameron hopes will unleash a wave of investment from the world‘s second largest economy.
President Hollande in Athens to support Greece & boost French business interests
(22.Oktober) French President Francois Hollande is expected to land in Eleftherios Venizelos airport at 4:50 pm Thursday, rush to Athens downtown, lay a wreath at the Monument of the Unknown Soldier and start talking “business”. Investments in Greek public assets that currently enjoy an extended Sales period. It is not coincidence that 70 French businessmen accompany Hollande in his 24-hour visit to Athens.
A controversial cybersecurity bill is one step closer to becoming a law
Dozens of industry and business groups, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, back the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), saying it would help encourage companies and the government to share information that might help thwart high-profile cyber attacks.
But many privacy activists and a few lawmakers, including Republican Senator Rand Paul and Democratic Senator Ron Wyden, vehemently oppose it. Several big tech companies also have come out against the measure, arguing that it fails to protect users‘ privacy and does too little to prevent cyber attacks.
CISA Moves Forward: These 83 Senators Just Voted To Expand Surveillance
(22.Oktober) Well, it‘s not a huge surprise that it moved forward, but the faux „cybersecurity“ bill, which is actually a surveillance bill in disguise, CISA, has moved forward in the Senate via an overwhelming 83 to 14 vote.
NATO, White House hackers tried to pwn MH17 air disaster probe
„These discoveries show that it is very likely that Pawn Storm coordinated attacks against different organizations to get sensitive information on the MH17 plane crash,“ said Trend Micro senior threat researcher Feike Hacquebord.(…)
Trend notes that the crew also appears to be targeting people critical of Russian strikes on Syria, launching attacks on websites condemning Russia‘s actions in the Middle East.
Corporate Media Won’t Tell You Hillary Clinton is a Lying Fascist
When she became a Democrat she joined husband Bill in the leadership of the Democratic Leadership Council, a corporate-funded group whose goals were clearly to clone a second Republican Party of the Democrats, so that their brand of fascism would not be distinguishable from that of the former.
Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Are Making Us Fat and Giving Us Diabetes
Epidemiological studies of EDC exposure in humans also point to an association with obesity and diabetes, although the research design did not allow scientists to determine causality. The research offers insights into factors driving the rising rates of obesity and diabetes. About 35 percent of American adults are obese, and more than 29 million Americans have diabetes, according to the Society’s Endocrine Facts and Figures report.
South Africa Student Protests Continue Despite Police Violence
What started as a student-led protest against a raise in tuition fees at the University of Witwatersrand (Wits) in Johannesburg last week, became a nationwide day of mass action in South Africa on Wednesday.
Saudis Risk Draining Financial Assets in 5 Years, IMF Says
(21.Oktober) Saudi Arabia may run out of financial assets needed to support spending within five years if the government maintains current policies, the International Monetary Fund said, underscoring the need of measures to shore up public finances amid the drop in oil prices.
The same is true of Bahrain and Oman in the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council, the IMF said in a report on Wednesday.
Bank of England wades (tentatively) into EU referendum campaign
The report is the opening salvo in the campaign from a public institution and as such will always carry some weight. However, it is quite a different beast from the BoE’s intervention in the Scottish referendum and is unlikely to have the same impact. That said, on balance it seems to slightly favour the Remain side by giving a clear endorsement that the single market has been good for the UK economy and that on balance the UK has had influence over regulation. But it is worth considering that, if this is the BoE’s only intervention, it is far from categorical and is very narrow in its focus. In the longer term this could shift the balance back towards the Leave side. In the end, it’s hard to see this report jumping into people’s minds when they go to vote in a year or two’s time in the EU referendum. In that sense it might have less impact than some will have expected or hoped.
Das Europa der zwei Gesichter – Teil 3: Podemos Weg des linken Populismus
Die alte Sozialdemokratie hat eine Fehlstelle hinterlassen, die bislang nicht von linken Parteien geschlossen werden konnte, wohl auch, weil es diesen an gesellschaftlichen Ressourcen fehlt. Ein weiterer beobachtbarer Weg zur Überwindung der desaströsen, vorherrschenden Politik setzt wiederum auch auf die Revitalisierung alter Strukturen und Erfahrungen und lässt sich aktuell an der Labour Party in UK beobachten. Wir hatten bereits darüber berichtet, doch sollen die Vorgänge in einem nächsten Artikel noch einmal aufgegriffen werden, da diese Entwicklung ebenso zum zweiten Gesicht eines Europas gehört, dessen erstes sich zunehmend als Fratze entlarvt.
Checking Our Library Privilege
So, let’s say I’m doing research on issues related to privilege and inequality. Google Scholar tells me there’s a an article on stratification in higher education that’s looks interesting. Here’ another one on how postcolonial theory can inform resistance to neoliberalism in universities. And ooh, this looks really interesting: digital inequality and participation in the political process. How great that academics turn their methods and theories to solving the problem of inequality. Too bad most people won‘t be able to read these articles.
MIMS Guest Mix: MUTE SPEAKER (UK) „Cabinet of Curiosities“ by Music Is My Sanctuary
On the mix he calls “Cabinet of Curiosities”, the musician, producer and DJ goes deep into some of his influences ranging from psych rock, afrobeat, cumbia and other worldwide grooves.
Currently based in Cambodia, he recently released “Radio Bokor” an album of instrumental beats constructed from chopped-up songs from the ‘golden age’ of Cambodian music (60’s to ’75). Highly Recommended listen.
But first, start with this mix!
StillStream – Your place of solace on the web
StillStream is an ambient, non-commercial, zero-revenue independent net radio station based in the United States. Our mission is to make ambient artists successful. We play strictly by the rules when it comes to music licensing. There are numerous people to whom we are grateful for generous support. We have been broadcasting since 2005 and hope to keep broadcasting for many years to come.
URL für winamp/screamer:
These Inmates Got Years In Solitary Confinement For Making A Music Video
Seven South Carolina inmates received a combined total of nearly 20 years in solitary confinement after a rap video they created behind bars made its way to
How Trade Agreements Harm Open Access and Open Source
We don‘t know exactly what the TPP‘s E-commerce chapter contains yet (it hasn‘t yet been published, officially or otherwise), but it may well contain a similar provision to TISA‘s. If it‘s any indication, we do know is that the TPP‘s IP chapter requires that “government agencies only use non-infringing computer software protected by copyright and related rights”—which, if taken literally, would exclude the use of software that has been dedicated to the public domain, such as SQLite.
Open Access Is a Human Rights Issue
There are a lot of complicated questions about the future of academic publishing and how publishers can transform and sustain themselves. But let’s always remember the underlying issue: when only people with large budgets or institutional connections can access and use research, it puts many others at a severe disadvantage.
No hashtag can change that.
Bosnian Army Killed Children, Mladic Witness Says
On the second day of her testimony at Ratko Mladic’s trial in The Hague on Wednesday, defence ballistics expert Zorica Subotic claimed that Sarajevo police and the UN protection force UNPROFOR made a series of mistakes in reports which concluded that the Bosnian Serb forces, under Mladic’s command, fired the mortar bombs at civilians. After reviewing the evidence and traces in the field, Subotic insisted that the missiles were fired by the Bosnian Army.