Accountability projects that track deleted tweets from politicians and public officials suffered a critical setback this week when Twitter killed their ability to collect that information. This move comes a few months after the service shut down the U.S. version of Politwoops, the best known of these projects, and extends the ban to some 30 other jurisdictions.
Daily Archives: 26. August 2015
Abu Dhabi Crown Prince arrives in Moscow ahead of Putin meeting
Sheikh Mohamed, who was invited by President Putin, will attend the opening of the International Aviation and Space Salon during his two-day visit to the Russian capital.
Vodafone, Hutchison to Buy U.K. Wireless Spectrum From Qualcomm
Vodafone Group Plc and CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd. agreed to buy wireless spectrum rights from Qualcomm Inc. in the U.K. to cope with increasing mobile data traffic.
Serbian Anti-Graft Watchdog Says Telekom Shouldn’t Be Sold
The government may not be able to sell publicly owned resources that the country’s largest phone operator may be using, including the telecommunications network, the anti-Corruption Council said on Tuesday, according to news service Tanjug. The appeal came a day after the cabinet allowed all eight non-binding bidders to continue in the sale of the largest on a list of state-owned assets that the government has slated for auction.
“A decision to sell the company should be carefully made,” the council said, according to Tanjug. It said “experts” have warned that there are no economic grounds to sell and urged the government to restructure the company financially, Tanjug reported.
IAI To Supply Cyber Training Center In Japan
Israeli Aerospace Industries signed a contract to supply Dai Nippon Printing (DNP) in Tokyo with its TAME™ Range, a Cyber Range training platform. As part of the agreement, DNP, a leader in publication printing, documentation security and software security products in Japan and around the world, will become a reseller of IAI’s Cyber Range in Japan. TAME™Range allows a realistic cyber warfare training environment to improve the cyber awareness and readiness of cyber defenders.
Report: Deutsche Telekom To Invest €100M In Israeli Startups
According to a report in “TheMarker”, the German telecommunications giant Deutsche Telekom will invest € 100 million in Israeli high-tech in the coming years. The company will invest through its venture capital arm, and the investment process will be led by Guy Horowitz, the former CEO of Deutsche Telekom in Israel. In addition, Amit Keren has been appointed to the position of business developer for Deutsche Telekom in Israel.
Telekom will Milliarden in Serbien ausgeben
Die serbische Regierung besitzt einen Anteil von 58 Prozent an dem größten Telefonkonzern des Landes, der zum Verkauf steht. Die Telekom besaß bereits bis Ende 2011 einen Anteil von 20 Prozent an der Telekom Srbija, der der von ihr kontrollierten griechischen OTE gehörte. Die Anteile wurden für 400 Millionen Euro verkauft, um die Schulden der OTE zu senken.
Regierung soll Telekom exklusives Vectoring erlaubt haben
Die Bundesnetzagentur soll ein Gutachten in Auftrag gegeben haben, weil es große rechtliche Bedenken dagegen gebe, so der Bericht. Es gebe aber hohen politischen Druck auf die Behörde.
Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz: Suche NSA-Spionagesoftware, biete deutsche Daten
Ein interner Vermerk zeigt die Begeisterung der Verfassungsschützer: Die Analyse der Daten mithilfe der Software, heißt es da in sperrigem Behördendeutsch, habe „eine hohe Erkennung genutzter Applikationen, Internetanwendungen und Protokolle“ ergeben. Und: XKeyscore habe in den Daten „bspw. Hotmail, Yahoo oder auch Facebook erkannt. Ebenfalls konnten Benutzernamen und Passwörter ermittelt werden.“ Lauter Volltreffer also.
NARU Statusmeldung 26.08.2015
Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie (NARU) Status 26.08.2015, 19.30 Uhr:
Die automatische Weiterleitung ist deaktiviert. Alle URLs / Links in den Weiterleitungen werden angezeigt, so dass Ihr diese vorher kennt. Auf diese könnt Ihr dann weiterklicken.
Beste Grüße von der Brücke.
Kommentar der Woche
7) Die Austeritätspolitik ist ein voller Erfolg. Sie hat beispielsweise in Spanien und in Portugal zu einem kräftigen Wirtschaftswachstum sowie zur wirtschaftlichen Stabilisierung dieser Länder und damit auch des Euros wesentlich beigetragen.
Minister Klug als Ablösekandidat
In weniger als zwei Monaten werden wir wissen, ob die SPÖ bei den nächsten beiden Landtagswahlen in Oberösterreich und Wien dramatisch verloren hat. Damit ist zu rechnen, und deshalb werden jetzt auch bereits Spekulationen über kommende Personalrochaden laut.
Erneut Spitzel in Hamburg enttarnt
Erneut soll eine Polizistin in Hamburg jahrelang als verdeckte Ermittlerin die linke Szene ausgeforscht haben. In einem langem Statement decken Aktivisten ihre Tätigkeit nun auf und fordern rasche Aufklärung.
Veröffentlichung: Enttarnung von Maria “Block” / Böhmichen
Die Beamtin Maria Böhmichen drang tief in Strukturen der linken Szene Hamburgs ein und beteiligte sich vielfältig an z. T. auch strafrechtlich relevanten Aktionen. Außerdem ermittelte sie mindestend in Dänemark (Gegenproteste gegen die Klimakonferenz 2009), Griechenland (No Border Camp 2009 auf Lesvos) und Belgien (No Border Camp 2010 in Brüssel). Sie verschaffte sich über langjährige „Freundschaften“ und mindestens ein sexuelles Verhältnis vielfältigen Zugang zum Privatleben und Privaträumen linker Aktivist_innen.
Neben den über diese „Freundschaften“ erlangten Information konnte sie sich durch diese Beziehungen Vertrauen erschleichen und in vielen linken Zusammenhängen teilnehmen (siehe Veröffentlichung). Dabei beteiligte sie sich aktiv an der Organisation von Veranstaltungen, Kongressen und Demonstrationen in den Bereichen Antirassismus, Antifaschismus und Anti-Atom- sowie Klimakämpfe. Im Rahmen ihrer jahrelangen Ermittlungen war sie auch an strafrechtlich relevanten Aktionen beteiligt.
Greek Elections: January and September 2015 – From Hope to Fear and Despair
The contrast between January and now is dramatic: Syriza’s leader, Prime Minister Alexi Tsipras, aroused joy and great hope among the Greek voters with his promises to end Greece’s subjugation to the European oligarchs (the “Troika”) but now convokes snap elections exploiting the pervasive fear and misery among the population. Greeks confront a future of even greater impoverishment and despair with an entire generation bound up and delivered to forty years of debt slavery and colonial subjugation by their elected Syriza leaders.
The ‘Cult’ of Climate Change (née Global Warming)
1) Climate alarmists pretend to possess indisputable truths about the past, present, and future. From minute details of the paleoclimate to the world state 200 years in the future, alarmists know everything.
2) The alarmist movement stubbornly refuses to debate its dogma, calling it “settled science” and viciously attacking its critics. The attacks are not limited to name calling but include prohibiting scientific research that contradicts this dogma. Significant figures within the movement call for criminal persecution of those who publicly disagree with the dogma and, in some cases, for those who do not follow it. Proposed punishments for “heretics” and “infidels” include prison and even death.
Ich unterstütze die Klage gegen den BND
Reporter ohne Grenzen verklagt den Bundesnachrichtendienst wegen Verletzung des Fernmeldegeheimnisses. Die Klage wurde am 30. Juni 2015 beim Bundesverwaltungsgericht in Leipzig eingereicht. Wir werfen dem Bundesnachrichtendienst vor, unseren E-Mail-Verkehr mit unseren ausländischen Partnern, Journalisten und anderen Personen im Zuge seiner strategischen Fernmeldeüberwachung ausgespäht zu haben.
UN-Sonderberichterstatter für Datenschutz: Digitale Massenüberwachung schlimmer als bei Orwell
Die Kontrolle der britischen Geheimdienste würde einem Witz gleichkommen, so der unlängst ernannte UN-Sonderberichterstatter für Datenschutz, Joseph Cannataci. Die Zustände seien schlimmer als alles, was sich George Orwell jemals hätte ausmalen können:
Italy rebuffs Paris, Berlin on migrants
Speaking to the Corriere della Sera newspaper, Gentiloni said the Dublin agreement is out of date and new rules are needed on migrant flows, EU asylum and repatriation.
Ex- Salt Lake City mayor sues NSA over Olympics surveillance
A former mayor of Salt Lake City has sued the National Security Agency over what he calls a mass warrantless surveillance program monitoring texts, emails and phone calls during the 2002 Winter Olympics.
10 Years After Katrina
From the moment the storm surge of Hurricane Katrina dismantled a fatally defective levee system, New Orleans became a global symbol of American dysfunction and government negligence. At every level and in every duty, from engineering to social policy to basic logistics, there were revelations of malfunction and failure before, during, and after Katrina.
Ten years later, it is not exactly right to say that New Orleans is back. The city did not return, not as it was.
9//11 ‘Dust Lady’ Marcy Borders, featured in haunting photo, dies of cancer
Some types of cancers are among the illnesses covered by the Sept. 11 compensation fund, but it is unclear whether there is a link between the disease and the wreckage and debris left after the attacks. A 2012 study by the New York City health department found no clear link.
But last September, just a month after Borders was diagnosed with cancer, three former members of the New York City fire department who had responded to the World Trade Center died on the same day. All three suffered from cancer.
Centcom Skewed ISIS War Intel To Be More Upbeat
According to officials familiar with the probe, the inspectors general formally informed the House and Senate Intelligence Committees in recent weeks about the “credible” claims of intelligence being deliberately skewed, and escalated the initial inquiry into a full-scale investigation.
Centcom is trying to downplay the situation, with Col. Patrick Ryder, the Centcom spokesman usually responsible for delivering these dubious claims of war progress, insisting the command “welcomes” the IG oversight of their intelligence.
Inquiry Weighs Whether ISIS Analysis Was Distorted
The investigation began after at least one civilian Defense Intelligence Agency analyst told the authorities that he had evidence that officials at United States Central Command — the military headquarters overseeing the American bombing campaign and other efforts against the Islamic State — were improperly reworking the conclusions of intelligence assessments prepared for policy makers, including President Obama, the government officials said.
WDBJ7 Livestream
We love you, Alison and Adam.
Two WDBJ7 employees killed in attack at Bridgewater Plaza
Police are looking for a suspect who apparently opened fire on WDBJ7 photographer Adam Ward and WDBJ7 reporter Alison Parker.
Adam was 27-years-old. Alison just turned 24.
Both were from the WDBJ7 viewing area.
Shots fired during live broadcast of WDBJ7 TV crew in Virginia.
A gunman killed a reporter and cameraman during a live TV report in Virginia
Deutscher Patriot Act: Staat will Terrorgesetze bis 2021 verlängern lassen
Während im Schatten von Operation Asyl die Flüchtlingsheime in der Republik brennen, laufen die nach Kriegsausbruch in 2001 geschaffenen und in 2011 zum zweiten Mal verlängerten Terrorgesetze Ende 2015 erneut aus. Mit dem Auslaufen von Artikel 10 „Terrorismusbekämpfungsergänzungsgesetz“, Pendant des 2001 blitzkriegartig in den Vereinigten Staaten installierten „Patriot Act“, würden Geheimdienste und Geheimpolizeien eine Reihe bisheriger Vollmachten und Ermächtigungen über die Bevölkerung verlieren. Da kommt natürlich auch „rechter Terror“ recht günstig für den Apparat, dessen Unterwanderung und Steuerung auch der rechtsextremen Szene für den staatssicheren Zweck im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes legendär ist.
GREEK DEFICIT: How Berlin encouraged Papandreou to big-up the 2009 Greek deficit
(26.Juni 2012) Rather like an Olympics Budget, the deficit figure kept rising with each week, as the new government opened more and more worm-cans. First ELSTAT said 7.8%, then 9.8%, then it went to 11%, before finally settling at 13.6%. Only then – some time shortly before Christmas 2009 – did Papandreou talk to Brussels, Paris and Berlin about the possible need for a bailout.
In fact, through her Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, Angela Merkel already know about the Greek deficit lies. Schäuble became Finance Minister shortly after Papandreou came to power. Although Angela Merkel had shafted the wheelchair-bound assassin’s victim on at least two previous occasions, she wanted him now for three reasons: first, as Minister of the Interior, he had an excellent head for secrecy and covert operations. Second, he was hugely in favour of EU political union. And third, he didn’t have the scruples of his SPD predecessor, Peer Steinbrück
Greek Prosecutor Wants Papandreou Investigated
(20.Januar 2012) Peponis has also recommended that Andreas Georgiou, a former International Monetary Fund top official who heads the country’s statistics bureau ELSTAT, should be prosecuted for allegedly misstating Greece’s economic condition in order to force the austerity measures.
Chronik der Griechenland-Krise
2009: Mit dem Aufstieg an die Macht entdeckt der Sozialist Giorgos Papandreou „gezinkte“ fiskalische Daten und führt Sparmaßnahmen ein
Mit seinem Aufstieg an die Macht begreift der Sozialist Giorgos Papandreou die Größe des von der fünf Jahre lang regierenden Rechten versteckten Defizits des Landes. Während von den Rating-Agenturen die Bewertung der Kreditwürdigkeit Griechenlands herabgestuft wird zieht Papandreou sein Konjunkturprogramm in Höhe von 2,5 Mrd. Euro zur Stimulierung der Wirtschaft zurück und präsentiert ein Paket mit Sparmaßnahmen, um das Defizit von 12,7% des BIP noch vor 2013 auf 3% des BIP zu senken:
Greeks suffered wages losses of -28.16% from 2010 to 2015
Five years of loan agreements, memoranda of understanding, austerity measures and internal devaluation. And here is the bill for Greece’s employees: a decrease of 28.16% within five years.
Macron und Steinmeier für eigene Eurozone-Finanzinstrumente
Der französische Wirtschaftsminister Emmanuel Macron und der deutsche Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier haben eine energische Weiterentwicklung der Eurozone einschließlich eines eigenen finanziellen Instruments gefordert. Die Währungszone drohe sonst zu zerfallen, warnte Macron am Dienstag auf dem Wirtschaftstag der Botschafterkonferenz in Berlin.
MOE: Wirtschaftstag der Botschafterkonferenz 2015
(25.August) Nach der Eröffnung durch Bundesminister Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier werden Foren und Workshops durchgeführt, in denen der Auswärtige Dienst die Sichtweisen und außenwirtschaftlichen Interessen deutscher Unternehmen aufnehmen möchte.
I am suspending trading for now since I suspect we are in a triangle. Dangerous times $DAX #DAX #DAX30
Börsenturbulenzen – Chinas Zinssenkung verpufft – Börsen fallen weiter
Milan and other European bourses down
Milan was down 1.55%, Paris 2.28%, Frankfurt 2.26%, London 1.88%, Madrid 2% and Athens 1.5% off. In Asia Tokyo closed 3.20% up but the recovery in Shanghai was limited to a lower fall than previous days, 1.27%, and Shenzhen closed 3.05% down.
As Part Of Its War On Encryption, Russia Briefly Blocks All Of Wikipedia Over One Weed Reference
The country recently thought it would be a great idea to ban all of Reddit because of one thread on growing hallucinogenic mushrooms. Reddit complied and was unbanned after deleting the content, since complying with country-by-country censorship requests (sometimes reasonable, sometimes not) is something Reddit‘s ok with these days. This week, Russia briefly banned all of Wikipedia as well because of one entry on charas (an Indian version of hashish). Instead of censoring the entry in question (like Reddit), Wikipedia refused and only changed the URL of the entry so it technically adhered to Russian law:
Russia, NATO need new rules to cut risk of war, ex-ministers say
Calling for a high-level NATO-Russia meeting, the group of 14 — including former Russian foreign minister Igor Ivanov, ex-German defense minister Volker Ruehe and colleagues from Britain, France, Spain and Turkey — said rules for communication at sea and in the air were paramount.
U.S. plans more Asia-Pacific drills to counter China reclamation
Admiral Harry Harris, commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, highlighted key aspects of the Pentagon‘s freshly drafted Asia Pacific Maritime Security Strategy during talks with his Filipino counterpart, General Hernando Iriberri, during a visit to Manila.
Google Disappears Techdirt Article About Right To Be Forgotten Due To Right To Be Forgotten Request
Well, well. Just a few days ago, we wrote about the fact that Google was being asked to „forget“ articles about the right to be forgotten, under new right to be forgotten requests… and suddenly we‘ve been notified that a Techdirt article about the right to be forgotten has been similarly stuffed down the memory hole*. The article in question, is our story from last fall about the NY Times writing about the right to be forgotten requests that resulted in NY Times articles disappearing from some searches. The NYT detailed what each story was about and it wasn‘t too difficult to figure out who was likely trying to make sure the articles were no longer linked to their names.
Editorial: Quebec‘s hate speech bill is problematic
Quebec’s attempt to create an additional layer of anti-hate speech legislation in the form of Bill 59 — currently the subject of hearings at the National Assembly — is therefore redundant. But more than this, the bill’s lack of clarity and a potentially low burden of proof may open the door to all manner of abuses which, in turn, could have a chilling effect on open discourse in this province.
Poll shows Turkey‘s AK Party short of votes needed to form government alone
According to the Metropoll survey, backing for the secular main opposition CHP was at 25.5 percent, the nationalist MHP at 15.7 percent and the pro-Kurdish HDP at 14.7 percent – a rise in its support from 13.1 percent in June.
Whistleblowers Band Together To Sue FBI, NSA And DOJ For Malicious Prosecution, Civil Liberties Violations
Thomas Drake, Diane Roark, Ed Loomis, J. Kirk Wiebe and William Binney have filed a civil rights lawsuit against the NSA, FBI, DOJ, Michael Hayden, Keith Alexander, Chris Inglis, Robert Mueller and a handful of others. They will be represented by Larry Klayman, who has some experience suing intelligence agencies.
The claims arise from the government‘s treatment of these whistleblowers after they started making noise about the NSA‘s surveillance programs. More specifically, the lawsuit points to the short-lived internet surveillance program THINTHREAD, which was ignored and abandoned in favor of something more expensive, but less protective of Americans‘ communications.
Rouhani says war shadow over Iran gone
The war shadow over Iran is gone thanks to the nuclear agreement, the country‘s president Hassan Rouhani said, during his speech in Iran‘s western city of Hamadan on Aug. 25, IRINN TV reported.
Turkey closes two border crossings to Iran
According to the official, Turkey has closed the crossings on security grounds.
Iran arrests Daesh would-be bombers, minister says
Iranian Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi says Iran has arrested Daesh terrorists who planned to carry out a bombing after entering the country, Press TV reported.
Geht Erdoğans Kriegspolitik bei der Wahl nach hinten los?
Tayyip Erdogan hat nun offiziell verkündet, dass es Neuwahlen geben wird. Das Wahlergebnis vom 7. Juni hatte ihm ohnehin wenig gefallen. Radio Dreyeckland sprach vor kurzem Gürkan Özturan, Radio Dreyeckland Hörerinnen bekannt durch seine Kritischen Berichte zur Internetzensur und zur Behandlung von Minderheiten.
Internet Of Not-So-Smart Things: Samsung‘s Latest Smart Fridge Can Expose Your Gmail Password
The sometimes blisteringly-inane hype surrounding the „Internet of Things“ appears to be on a collision course with the sophomoric security standards being employed in the field. As we‘ve seen time and time again, companies were so bedazzled by the idea of connecting everything and anything to the Internet (your hat! your pants! your toilet!) they left device and network security as an afterthought — if they could be bothered to think about it at all. The result has been smart TVs that share your personal conversations, vehicles that can easily be used to kill you, and a home full of devices leaking your daily habits.
Iranian company to develop satellite observation system
The Iranian company of Bonyan Danesh Shargh has signed an agreement on building the system with the Russian companies of NPK BARL and VNIIEM, the Russian state-funded television network, RT, reported on Wednesday.
Under the agreement, signed in the presence of Dmitry Rogozin, the Russian deputy prime minister and Igor Komarov, the general director of Russia’s Federal Space Agency, the Russian corporations will help the Iranian company create a remote-sensing system which can be employed for collecting information about the Earth‘s surface, atmosphere and oceans.
US Jews shifting their views on Israel, Iran: Analyst
“What we’ve seen in the United States, in American culture and politics generally in recent times is that the younger generation has taken a sharp shift leftward on a lot of social issues and cultural issues,” he added.
Earlier this month, a petition urging support for the Iran nuclear deal Iran in Congress was signed by 340 US rabbis from the major denominations of Judaism.
In contrast, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and other pro-Israel lobbying groups in the US have launched a massive campaign to scuttle the historic agreement with Iran.
Ermordung Mundlos/Böhnhardt – was könnte der NSU-Untersuchungsausschuss in Thüringen fragen?
In der Anlage sind einige Fragen nach Schwerpunkten zusammengestellt, die in der PUA-Sitzung am 27. August ergänzend helfen können, einige wesentliche Unklarheiten des Geschehens am 4.11.2011 in Eisenach-Stregda aufzuklären. Die bisher bekannt gewordene Auswahl der Geladenen gibt Anlass zu hoffen, dass der Thüringer PUA entschlossen ist, die wirklichen Hintergründe der Ereignisse aufzudecken.