Surprisingly, we were joined by Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Oregon, who explained to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos why Smith said on the Senate floor that U.S. policy on Iraq may be “criminal.” “You can use any adjective you want, George. But I have long believed that in a military context, when you do the same thing over and over again without a clear strategy for victory, at the expense of your young people in arms, that is dereliction. That is deeply immoral.
Daily Archives: 30. Mai 2015
Bill C-51 brings “the entire Charter into jeopardy, undermines the rule of law, and goes against the fundamental role of judges as the protectors of Canada’s constitutional rights.”
Canadian Bar Association
Canada unites in protest to stop “insidious, deceitful, and totalitarian” Bill C-51
Canadians from coast to coast are holding rallies in a bid to stop Bill C-51 calling Conservative government’s anti-terror legislation “insidious, deceitful, and totalitarian”
Aktivist in Honduras ermordet, neue Repressalien gegen bekannte Aktivistin
Der indigene Aktivist Moisés Durón Sánchez ist am 20. Mai von Auftragsmördern erschossen worden. Durón war eine angesehene Persönlichkeit des Dorfes Somolagua in der Provinz Santa Barbara und aktives Mitglied der Menschenrechtsorganisation Copinh (Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras).
Okinawans Want Their Land Back. Is That So Hard to Understand?
Like Okinawans, Americans have demonstrated opposition to disruptive, destructive and dangerous military training and testing. Recent examples from Vermont and Alaska, to Washington State, Hawaii and elsewhere, show Americans share similar concerns to people in Okinawa. In consequence, at a minimum, we have a moral responsibility to be better informed and more engaged with how our military affects people around the world.
Klug als steirischer Landeshauptmann?
Verfassungs- und verwaltungsrechtlich handelt es sich bei Aktionen Unbefugter in Ministerien um „Weisungsversuche“, deren Auswirkungen rückgängig gemacht werden müssten, wenn sie ausgeführt werden. Eine Anfrageserie von Team Stronach-Mandatarin Martina Schenk an alle Ministerien meint freilich in erster Linie das Verteidigungsministerium, wo allen klar ist, dass nicht der Minister das Sagen hat.
Verfassungswidrige Weisungen in Ministerien
Verfassungs- und verwaltungsrechtlich handelt es sich bei Aktionen Unbefugter in Ministerien um „Weisungsversuche“, deren Auswirkungen rückgängig gemacht werden müssten, wenn sie ausgeführt werden. Eine Anfrageserie von Team Stronach-Mandatarin Martina Schenk an alle Ministerien meint freilich in erster Linie das Verteidigungsministerium, wo allen klar ist, dass nicht der Minister das Sagen hat.
Under Boycott Pressure, French Telecom Company Orange Tries to Distance Itself from Israeli Operation
The company reacted swiftly, using its official Twitter account to deny Orange’s indisputable connections to Israel’s Partner Communications. Mobinil chief executive officer Yves Gauthier asserted in statements published by Egypt’s that Orange “has no operational presence in Israel, and has no ownership connection to the Israeli company Partner Communications.” Gauthier added that the contract under which Israel’s Partner Communications does business as Orange Israel was a legacy arrangement dating from 1998.
FIFA pledges $185 mln investment next year into 2018 World Cup in Russia
Addressing the 65th FIFA Congress in Zurich, Kattner said that the world’s governing body of football plans to invest an overall of $4 billion in the sport of football between 2015 and 2018
Chris Matthews: Rand Paul Is America‘s No. 1 Whistleblower
And so, it’s not surprising that the country’s lone libertarian presidential candidate is the one Republican with the courage to call out his party for the disastrous route this government has taken since the weeks after 9/11… When Dick Cheney and the neo-cons found a route to Iraq, a route through the drafty mind of a president, a complicit mainstream media and a public dog-trained to believe whatever a president says about national security.
US needs Spain base to patrol Africa, Mideast: Analyst
Bigio: Well, these bases have more than 50 years, but now the United States is going to multiply by three the number of aircraft and troops and this [agreement] comes a few days after the elections. They didn’t want to have this debate before the elections, because the People’s Party did very bad last Sunday. So after the elections, they want to increase the number of US troops in Seville. Why they need this base? Because they need to patrol Africa, the Mediterranean Sea and the Middle East. And that area in southern Spain is quite strategic. They are not in Africa, so they are not at risk. They are in Spain which is relatively secure [from] attacks [by] terrorist organizations…. So they will use these bases to attack Libya and to patrol Africa and to make more interventions in Iraq and in the Middle East.
South China Sea disputes of Atlantic World‘s making: Lawyer
“I am no fan of the Chinese system. But let us not be confused about this. It is called the South China Sea because it is to China what the Caribbean is to the USA,” he added.
Berlin to host confab of Iranian tech diaspora
Germany is preparing to host a major gathering of Iranian tech diaspora next month. In a three-day conference titled iBRIDGE Berlin, over 80 Iranian entrepreneurs and businesspeople from inside the country, the US and Europe to explore opportunities in Iran’s tech sector.
The conference – that will open on June 4 and will last until June 6 – is meant to study the role that a high-tech entrepreneurial ecosystem can play in Iran’s economic development and diversification.
The event – which is expected to draw over 2,000 attendees and online viewers – will be comprised of keynote speeches, panel discussions, and breakout sessions, as well as visits to local incubators in Berlin.
iBRIDGE Berlin is a sequel to iBRIDGE Berkeley, the innovative conference held at the University of California, Berkeley on September 6, 2014.
Kolumbien – BP wird von einem Gewerkschafter vor Gericht gezerrt
In Großbritanien hat am 29. Mai 2015 ein bemerkenswerter Prozess begonnen. Gilberto Edgar Torres, ein ehemaliger Aktivist der kolumbianischen Erdölarbeitergewerkschaft USO hat BP vor ein Gericht gebracht und zur Entrichtung von Schadenersatz verklagt. Er wirft dem Erdöl Riesen eine Verwicklung in seine Entführung und Folterung vor. In Casanare wurde er im Februar 2002 von Paramilitärs entführt und
Ukraine-Heute, erinnert immer mehr, an die Stalinzeit. Wo Jeder, Jeden bespitzelt hat, wo Wahrheitsliebende/suchende und Regierungskritiker aus dem Weg geräumt wurden.
US Urges Burundi to Postpone Election
The United States wants Burundi to postpone its upcoming elections, following weeks of political unrest. „This environment is not conducive to the holding of credible, free, fair and democratic elections,“ U.S. State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said Friday.
Studierende in Chile gehen trotz Gewalt wieder auf die Straße
Tote und Verletzte bei Protesten. Studierendenverband Confech fragt: „Wie viel wird heute in Repression investiert und wie viel in Bildung?“
Gegen das Imperium der Überwachung
Unter der Kontrolle der USA war Lateinamerika ein globales Folterzentrum. Jetzt haben sie sich geweigert, an diesem schrecklichen Spiel mitzuwirken, an dieser Art der Folter, die von den USA implementiert wurde. Das ist eine signifikante Veränderung, ein wirklich ausschlaggebendes Signal. Es hat in Lateinamerika also gewisse, zumindest teilweise Erfolgsfälle gegeben. Lateinamerika hat so gesehen den Widerstand gegen das neoliberale Projekt angeführt.
Der Patriot Act in den USA vor dem Aus: „Das unpatriotischste aller Gesetze“
Der Patriot Act räumt den US-Geheimdiensten weitgehende Befugnisse bei der Überwachung von Zivilisten ein. Nun laufen die Bestimmungen des Patriot Acts am 31. Mai aus. Für NSA, FBI, CIA & Co. hieße dies zum Beispiel: Richter müssen Abhöraktionen wieder genehmigen, Hausdurchsuchungen dürfen nicht mehr geheim stattfinden.
Foreign Clinton Foundation donors received $165 billion in arms deals from Hillary’s State Department
According to the International Business Times, Saudi Arabia received a huge arms deal of $29 billion worth of advanced fighter jets. They were just one of the 20 nations who donated to the Clinton Foundation and went on to receive more than $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales during the tenure of Clinton as Secretary of State.
@justinamash @RepThomasMassie Great work guys. Keep fighting.
Will 5 Patriots chip in $10 in the next 30 minutes? Show the spy state we aren‘t backing down:
Patriot Act’s future uncertain as Sunday night Senate vote looms
President Barack Obama on Friday urged the Senate not to let the National Security Agency’s power to collect Americans’ phone records expire, warning that U.S. intelligence agencies could be left in the dark.
McCain Urges Military Strikes Against FIFA
Calling the Obama Administration’s actions against the soccer organization “weak and ineffective,” Senator John McCain on Thursday proposed military action to “dismantle and destroy FIFA once and for all.”
Amash stands guard against Patriot Act
Most of Congress took a break this week. Not U.S. Rep. Justin Amash, a Republican from west Michigan.
Amash stood watch over a House empty of most representatives to guard against the possibility that the leadership would renew controversial surveillance provisions of the Patriot Act while members were away.
Thousands of websites block Congress in Patriot Act protest
Thousands of websites are blocking Congress’s access to their sites in a show of force to protest the Patriot Act.
Led by the online activist group Fight for the Future, more than 10,000 sites have added code that redirects any visitors from Internet protocol (IP) addresses from Congress away from their site and towards a protest page.
Congress: this is a blackout.
You have conducted mass surveillance of everyone illegally and are now on record for trying to enact those programs into law. You have presented Americans with the false dichotomy of reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act or passing the USA Freedom Act. The real answer is to end all authorities used to conduct mass surveillance. Until you do, thousands of web sites have blocked your access, and more are joining every day.
U.S. to bring Japan under its cyber defense umbrella
Both the United States and Japan are wary of cyber threats, including potential attacks from China or North Korea.
Westen unterstützte die Schaffung eines «salafistischen Staats»
(25.Mai) Die Westmächte, die Türkei und die Golf-Araber haben den IS vorausgesehen. Die Entwicklung wurde begrüsst – als Massnahme gegen das Assad-Regime in Syrien.
Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia to hold joint military drills
Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia will hold joint military exercises dubbed the Caucasian Eagle (Kafkas Kartalı), said Turkey’s General Staff on its website May 30.
Washington’s Two Track Policy to Latin America: Marines to Central America and Diplomats to Cuba
Talk is rife of a ‘major shift’ in US policy toward Latin America with the emphasis on diplomacy and reconciliation. Even most progressive writers and journals have ceased writing about US imperialism.
However, there is mounting evidence that Washington’s negotiations with Cuba are merely one part of a two-track policy. There is clearly a major US build-up in Latin America, with increasing reliance on ‘military platforms’, designed to launch direct military interventions in strategic countries.
Moreover, US policymakers are actively involved in promoting ‘client’ opposition parties, movements and personalities to destabilize independent governments and are intent on re-imposing US domination.
Hey, psst! Was glaubt ihr, wie ernst das Hacker-Problem des Bundestages ist? Kommt ihr NIE drauf!
„Das Problem könnte so ernst sein, dass der Bundestag früher in die Sommerpause geht.“
APN to Obama: Reject Netanyahu‘s Bluff; Support Two-State Resolution in UN Security Council
As a pro-Israel, pro-peace organization, we are committed first and foremost to Israel‘s security and its survival as a democracy and a state with a proud Jewish character – things that only a two-state peace agreement can deliver. Regrettably, for his entire career – including his three previous terms in office as Prime Minister – Netanyahu has demonstrated by his own actions that rather than seeking Israeli-Palestinian or Israeli-Arab peace, he is wholly supportive of settlements and an expansionist ‚Greater Israel‘ agenda.
New West Bank settlement casts light on clandestine role of international support for settlers
Driving south from Bethlehem to Hebron on Route 60, a main settler road in the Occupied West Bank, is Beit al-Baraka, an old church compound made up of eight buildings built from Jerusalem yellow stone. It sits just to the north of Al Arroub refugee camp and for many years it existed as the site of a Presbyterian mission, first as a hospital and later as a hostel. But now its ownership is being questioned, following allegations that it has been sold to right-wing settlers.
Haaretz published last Friday that the site had been sold to Aryeh King, who was renovating the site in anticipation of moving settlers into it.
Billionaire tycoon Denis O’Brien wins legal fight to silence RTE over personal finances
(21.Mai) Mr O’Brien and the Irish Bank Resolution Corporation, formerly Anglo, said the details of the report would damage his reputation beyond repair and took legal action against the broadcaster.
And on Thursday, Mr Justice Donald Bichey agreed that it was a breach of the billionaire’s privacy and granted the injunction.
None of the contents of the judge’s ruling can be released until lawyers from both sides decide what parts of the report should be redacted.
Insanity Rules In Ireland: Media Ordered Not To Report On Parliamentary Speech
Now, you may notice that Murphy mentions that O‘Brien is trying to get an injunction to stop that information from being made public. Apparently, that even extends to what is said in Parliament — because O‘Brien then successfully got an injunction barring the Irish media from reporting on this. He apparently claimed that this was all a „breach of his privacy rights.“
Gibt es hier eigentlich Grünen-Wähler?
Mehr als Joschka Fischer muss man ja gar nicht mehr sagen.
NSA-Affäre: Joschka Fischer vermisst bei Merkel Bekenntnis zu US-Geheimdiensten
Dem Magazin „Cicero“ sagte der Grünen-Politiker: „Wir kommen ohne die Sicherheitskooperation mit den USA auch im Geheimdienstbereich nicht aus. Punkt. Sie ist für uns essenziell.“
„Bild“-Statement des Tages: „Die FIFA-Korruptionsergebnisse haben wir der NSA zu verdanken!1!!“
Rand Paul declares surveillance ‚war‘ and hints at filibuster for NSA reform
“By collecting all of your records, we’re wasting so much money, so much time, and the haystack’s so large we can’t find the terrorists,” Paul said. “I’m for looking at all of the terrorists’ records – I just want their name on the warrant and I just want it to be signed by a judge just like the constitution says.”
India launches virtual memorial wall to honour peacekeepers
UNITED NATIONS: India has launched a virtual Memorial Wall to honour its soldiers who laid down their lives while serving in UN peacekeeping operations, a precursor to the eventual construction of a permanent memorial wall at the world body‘s headquarters proposed by the country.
U.S. Embassy helps boost Armenian border security
Over the past ten years, the U.S. Embassy has partnered with various ministries and agencies to develop Armenia’s border security capacity. Leading the U.S. Embassy’s efforts in Armenia are the Export Control and Related Border Security (EXBS) program, the Defense Threat Reduction Office (DTRO), and Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC). “Our border security cooperation is robust, and we are committed to an open door partnership with Armenia,” said Ambassador Mills.
No radiation found after scare at Delhi airport
Airport authorities reported earlier that there had been a leak in a consignment of sodium iodide 131 – a radioactive liquid used in so-called nuclear medicine – that arrived on a Turkish Airlines passenger flight.
Various Artists – netBloc Vol. 46: #returnofthenetbloc
Published July 11, 2014
After a shocking nine months since the last netBloc release, I’m very happy to say that we return today with Volume 46 of the series with “#returnofthenetlboc”!After such a long wait, I want the focus to be the music, so all I want to say is thank you to all participating artists and labels… it’s an honor to have you all on board.
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Behaltet diese ganzen Zusammenhänge bitte im Hinterkopf, wenn ihr Kampagnen wie aktuell mal wieder „wir brauchen doch eigentlich gar kein Bargeld mehr“ seht. Gerne auch als „Bargeld hilft nur Verbrechern“ verkleidet. Dreimal dürft ihr raten, wessen Lobbyisten da dahinter stecken.