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Daily Archives: 25. Mai 2015
Yahsat widens the net with satellite broadband services
Yahsat announced a partnership with Orbital Science (which in February merged with ATK) in September for the design of its third satellite Al Yah 3, which will enhance the company’s coverage of Africa and also cover 95 per cent of Brazil.
Ethiopia‘s EPRDF leads Addis Ababa polls with 70%
Ethiopia‘s ruling party is poised to win the country‘s parliamentary elections in Addis Ababa as unofficial preliminary results show it winning 70 percent of the vote in Sunday polls.
Grassroots movements sweep into Barcelona town hall
For an indication of the historic significance of En Comú’s electoral victory, just consider the photo below, taken after an occupation by activists of the Platform for People Affected by their Mortgages (PAH) in 2012. That woman in the picture is Ada Colau, Barcelona’s new mayor and the cops’ new boss. In her victory speech last night, Colau pledged to “govern by obeying,” directly citing the Zapatista principle of popular self-governance from below.
Spaniens Wähler sprengen das Zweiparteiensystem
Für Spaniens etablierte Parteien kam es bei den Regionalwahlen noch schlimmer als erwartet. Fast überall gab es harte Verluste, in Barcelona und wohl auch Madrid regieren künftig Partner der linken Podemos.
Österreichischer Weltraumexperte Harald Posch gestorben
Posch begann seine Laufbahn 1984 bei der Österreichischen Raumfahrt- und Systemtechnik ORS (heute: RUAG Space). 2002 wechselte er in die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Weltraumfragen ASA, die 2005 als Agentur für Luft- und Raumfahrt in die FFG integriert wurde. Posch war nicht nur Leiter dieser Agentur, sondern auch Vertreter Österreichs in einer Vielzahl von Gremien in der ESA, der EU, der International Academy of Aeronautics, der International Aeronautic Federation und war Experte für Weltraumangelegenheiten beim Haager Schiedsgerichtshof.
Innsbrucker Physiker vermessen „Quantendreh“ bei tiefen Temperaturen
Ein wesentliches Element der Quantenmechanik ist die Quantelung der Energie. Demnach wird Energie immer nur in einzelnen Portionen übertragen, den sogenannten Quanten. Das gilt auch für den Drehimpuls. Innsbrucker Physiker haben nun präzise vermessen, wie bei einem Stoßprozess ein einziges Quant ein Molekül in Drehung versetzt, berichten sie im Fachjournal „Nature Physics“.
Terror and the campaign to re-elect Stephen Harper: Walkom
Don’t be surprised if more well-publicized terrorist plots are uncovered in the months leading up to the scheduled October vote. And don’t be surprised if Stephen Harper and his ministers make political hay from them, writes Thomas Walkom.
The Vietnam War
The Vietnam War also known in Vietnam as Resistance War Against America was a Cold War-era proxy war that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. It ended with the loss of around 3 million lives, and communist North Vietnam winning the war. But the U.S. led war on the North came at a huge cost.
Memorial Day Event: Walk The Wall Vietnam War Memorial Service & Commemoration
We in Veterans For Peace (VFP) invite you to join us as we put together a special Memorial Day 2015 service. As many of you know, the year 2015 marks the fiftieth anniversary of what some consider to be the beginning of the American War in Vietnam– the deployment of the U.S. Marines to DaNang. The Department of Defense is very aware of the significance of this year and has mounted a heavily funded initiative to make sure that the younger generations of this country see the Vietnam War as a noble enterprise. Included in their efforts is a well-funded website as well as plans for annual celebrations, such as Memorial Day events around the country. They are planning to tell their version of the war for the next ten years.
Left Coalition Wins Barcelona, Spain‘s Main Parties Lose Ground
The results underline growing disenchantment towards the two main parties, the Conservative People‘s Party (PP), which lost its majorities in a number of cities, as well as the Spanish Socialist Workers‘ Party (PSOE). Both have dominated politics in Spain since the end of dictatorship 40 years ago.
Celebrations as Spain‘s ruling party loses out in local elections
Thousands of supporters of Spain‘s anti-austerity parties took to the streets of Madrid last night as Spain‘s ruling People‘s Party took a battering in regional and local elections.
Die totale Kontrolle – Banknoten mit Funkchip
EDAQS, ein österreichisch-deutsches Technologieunternehmen, hat es „geschafft“ Banknoten mit einem RFID-Funkchip auszustatten. Der blanke Horror! Dieses neuartige Geldsystem namens DICE weiß nämlich mit Hilfe eines Terminals wo sich welche Banknote gerade befindet. Die Hersteller sind stolz darauf, dass diese Hybride, fälschungssichere Banknote tatsächlich geortet werden kann.
Liebe Leute!
Air Base Ramstein: Petition und Offener Brief an die deutsche Kanzlerin Angela Merkel und Außenminister Frank Walter Steinmeier
Wir fordern Sie zur sofortigen Schließung der
Drohnen-Relaisstation in Ramstein und zum
Verzicht auf bewaffnete Drohnen für das
deutsche Militär auf.
Thousands surround Japan´s parliament, protest new US base plan
Sunday´s rally comes a week after 35,000 people on Okinawa, led by the anti-base governor, protested the new US base plan.
In Memoriam: Our Old Republic
The parallels with our own time are myriad: even as we observe this solemn holiday with barbecues and self-congratulatory parades, the Senate has just finished debating the extension of key elements of the “Patriot” Act, that “most unpatriotic of acts,” enacted at the peak of the post-9/11 hysteria. Section 215 of the Act has been interpreted by the government (and its Star Chamber known as the “FISA court”) to allow for the mass collection of Americans’ electronic communications and phone data: in effect, universal surveillance without an individual warrant.
SDS Leader Tom Hayden on Vietnam: We Must Challenge the Pentagon on the Battlefield of Memory
But as Dr. King himself said on his last night, there is something in humans that makes us aspire to climb mountains, to reach that majesty, if only for a moment. We are mountain climbers.
Former Congressman Ron Dellums: Organizing for Peace Forces Us to Challenge All Forms of Injustice
„Peace is the superior idea, that the umbrella movement for—of all movements, the peace movement, because to come together under the banner of peace forces us to challenge all forms of injustice,“ Dellums said at the recent conference, „Vietnam: The Power of Protest.“
Rechtsanwälte und Bürger demonstrieren am 30.05.2015 vor dem Bundeskanzleramt gegen Totalüberwachung
Die Veranstalter laden nicht nur alle Kolleginnen und Kollegen (gern in Robe!), sondern auch alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger herzlich ein, gemeinsam ein Zeichen gegen verdachtslose Massenüberwachung als massive Gefahr für unsere Demokratie und offene Gesellschaft zu setzen.
Die Initiative betonte vor diesem Hintergrund nachdrücklich, dass die geplante Demonstration nicht parteipolitisch motiviert sei, sondern dass es darum gehe, die Bundesregierung zur Wahrnehmung ihrer Schutzpflichten anzuhalten. Rechtsanwältinnen und Rechtsanwälte hätten einen Eid auf die Verfassung geschworen und müssten daher auch ihrer Wächterrolle gerecht werden.
Huge crowds attend mass funeral in Saudi Arabia‘s Qatif region
Activists told Middle East Eye that up to 500,000 joined the three-hour procession in the mainly Shiite region of Qatif.
Jemen: Jemen-Friedensgespräche laut UNO-Vertreter verschoben
Die für Donnerstag geplanten Verhandlungen über einen Frieden im Jemen sind verschoben worden. Das Treffen sei vertagt, sagte ein UNO-Vertreter der Nachrichtenagentur AFP am Sonntag in New York. Zu den Gründen und einem neuen Termin machte er keine Angaben.
Grenzübergang zwischen Saudi-Arabien und Jemen zerstört
Bei Gefechten zwischen saudi-arabischen Truppen und Houthi-Rebellen im Jemen ist der wichtigste Grenzübergang der beiden Länder am Sonntag teilweise zerstört worden.
Why Saudi Arabia‘s Yemen war is not producing victory
(22.Mai) As the war in Yemen escalates after a short humanitarian truce, the stakes are getting higher for Saudi Arabia‘s princes, the region and Washington. The United Nations-hosted talks in Geneva next week are unlikely to get much traction.
King Salman needs total victory in Yemen
(8.Mai) Newly appointed Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubair announced that there will be a five-day cease-fire in Yemen at a joint news conference with US Secretary of State John Kerry. This is a Saudi initiative to halt military strikes, perhaps after the realization that they have become repetitive and unsuccessful, except in killing around 1,400 Yemenis and demolishing neighborhoods in already crumbling and devastated cities with little left of their infrastructures and services.
No One Is Winning South Sudan’s Civil War
(28.April) Pres. Salva Kiir’s army — and rebels loyal to his former deputy Riek Machar — are ratcheting up the fighting to put themselves in the best position before the rains.
This makes it harder for humanitarian organizations to prepare. Just like last year, many of the country’s thousands of refugees will suffer and die in overcrowded and inundated camps, even though active fighting will subside.
When the rain clears in November, the war will in all likelihood continue.
Sudan’s Bashir concludes a lightning visit to Qatar
The Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir concluded a short visit to Qatar on Sunday, a day after he returned from Saudi Arabia for talks with officials there.
Sudan and Saudi Arabia
The Sudanese-Saudi relations witnessed growing improvement since King Selman took the reins in Saudi Arabia, in less than two months, President Al-Bashir visited Saudi Arabia twice where he held significant talks with Saudi counterpart on the situations in the region and the results of military operations in Yemen
UN “deeply troubled” by reports of abuses in S. Sudan
The United Nations mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) said it is “deeply troubled” by reports of violations of human rights during recent military clashes in Unity and Upper Nile states.
Speaking on Saturday at the end of a visit to the Unity state capital, Bentiu, the head of UNMISS, Ellen Margrethe Loj, said the peace keeping body is facing numerous challenges in protecting displaced civilians.
Sudan seizes runs of 10 newspapers after sexual assault story
The newspapers had published a story on Sunday based on a speech by an activist who said rape and sexual harassment were common on vehicles taking children to school.
Employees of the newspapers told Reuters security forces had entered the newspapers‘ printing presses late Sunday night and early Monday morning to confiscate the entire print runs of Monday‘s editions.
UN expert urges Sudan to investigate mass rape allegations in Darfur
The United Nations special rapporteur, Rashida Manjoo, has called on the Sudanese government to establish a probe commission to investigate allegations of mass rape by the Sudanese army in North Darfur state village of Tabit last November.
“I urge Sudan’s government to establish a commission of inquiry comprised of national and international figures to investigate claims of mass rape in various areas including those pertaining to the village of Tabit in North Darfur,” said Manjoo in a press conference in Khartoum.
Congo soldiers clash with Rwandan rebels in transit camp
Congolese troops were moving rebel officers from a camp in Kanyabayonga in North Kivu province, which is run jointly by the country‘s United Nation mission and Congo‘s army, to a larger camp in the northern city of Kisangani. From there they would be returned to Rwanda, or possibly to a third country.
„There was some unrest and the … soldiers shot in the air,“
Air France flight escorted to New York after threat: U.S. military
An Air France flight from Paris was escorted by two U.S. F-15 fighter jets to New York‘s John F. Kennedy International Airport on Monday after an anonymous threat was made against the flight, according the U.S. military.
Flight 22 from Charles de Gaulle Airport landed safely in New York, an airport official said.
Psychedelic Mood by Adam Kvasnica
Hi, Everyone! This is my collection of psychedelic music. I started this mix with music from great Czech movies – The Cremator (music by Zdenek Liska), Morgiana (music by Lubos Fiser) and Saxana – The Girl On A Broomstick (music by Angelo Michajlov and Karel Vlach Orchestra). Next you can also hear Polish, Italian and French psychedelic music.
This Airplane Seat Can Tell If You´re Nervous
`Managing your personal health is getting more common and accepted,´ he said. `People will get more used to this technology over time.´
…Now all we need are more free peanuts.
A rebuke in Spain
The vote has shaken up Spain’s traditional two-party system that saw power alternate between PP and PSOE since democracy was re-established in Spain after the death of military strongman Francisco Franco in 1975. The rising popularity of Podemos has also fed concerns in Brussels and Berlin that Spain might follow Greece toward the hard left.
HSBC fears world recession with no lifeboats left
The world authorities have run out of ammunition as rates remain stuck at zero. They have no margin for error as economy falters
Will Computers Redefine the Roots of Math?
(19.Mai) The idea of doing mathematics in a program like Coq has a long history. The appeal is simple: Rather than relying on fallible human beings to check proofs, you can turn the job over to computers, which can tell whether a proof is correct with complete certainty. Despite this advantage, computer proof assistants haven’t been widely adopted in mainstream mathematics. This is partly because translating everyday math into terms a computer can understand is cumbersome and, in the eyes of many mathematicians, not worth the effort.
Radikaler Wandel
Neben Barcelona und Madrid werden mindestens 5 weitere Großstädte von Bürgerbündnissen rund um die vor etwas mehr als einem Jahr entstandenen Anti-Austeritätspartei Podemos regiert werden. In vielen mittleren und kleineren Gemeinden wiederholt sich das Bild. Wieviele Städte und Gemeinden letztendlich an Links-Koalitionen verloren gehen, wird sich zeigen.
Hofreiter versucht sich als Gabriel-Bremse
In der laufenden Staatskrise um die seit Jahrzehnten unkontrolliert wuchernden und nun endlich aufgeflogenen Metastasen der “Anarchos vom B.N.D.” versucht die Merkel-Fraktion von “Bündnis 90/Die Grünen” ihrem dünner werdenden “Teflon-Hosenanzug” im Kanzleramt zu Hilfe zu eilen.
Wie immer geht dies mehr oder weniger tolpatschig vonstatten.
Michele Kiesewetter War Martin Arnold wirklich in einer Schulung? Handystandorte widersprechen
Die Staatsanwaltschaft Heilbronn beschreibt 2012 in ihrem Ermittlungsbericht zum Heilbronner Polizistenüberfall, dass die Polizisten Michele Kiesewetter und Martin Arnold am 25.04.07 von 12:30 bis 13:30 eine Schulung besuchten und kurz darauf beim Pausemachen um 14:00 überfallen wurden. Die Vortatzeit ist von großer Bedeutung – die Rekonstruktion der Staatsanwaltschaft steht jedoch im Widerspruch zu den Standorten des privaten Handys von Martin Arnold. Eine interessante Recherche von “nachdenkerin”, Mitglied im Arbeitskreis NSU, regte mich zu eigenen Nachforschungen an, die ihre Arbeit abrunden könnten.
Turkey says agrees deal with US on air support for Syrian rebels
The United States and Turkey have agreed „in principle“ to give air support to some forces from Syria‘s mainstream opposition, Turkey‘s foreign minister said, in what if confirmed could mark an expansion of U.S. involvement in the conflict.
Cold war games: NATO, friendly air forces brace for large Arctic drills
The jets will be joined in the air by various other multirole aircraft, among them NATO’s early warning and control jets, known as AWACS, and the DA-20 Falcon Jets, specializing in electronic warfare.
Among the participants are the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany and France.
About 100 U.S., European jets join Arctic exercise near Russia
NATO members involved were the United States, Germany, Britain, France, the Netherlands and Norway, as well as non-members Sweden, Finland and Switzerland, which are linked to the alliance via NATO’s partnership for peace.
Second poll shows Turkish ruling party may lose majority in election
Turkey‘s ruling AK Party is seen losing its parliamentary majority in a June 7 election and may have to form a coalition government, according to the results of a survey by pollster SONAR seen by Reuters on Monday.
@YanniKouts Yeah. For now. They, WE are coming for the collaborationists of capitalism and imperialism. MEET THE HARD CORE.
#Greece | Syriza central committee rejects Left Platform proposal for a hard line to the creditors, w 95 to 75 votes. [Oops, that was close]
Wussten Sie denn nicht, dass “Europa” zurückgeht?
Der 1992 nach dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion unter der falschen Flagge “Europäische Union” aufgebaute Nachfolger und Kontrollapparat über die unberechenbaren europäischen Demokratien liegt noch nicht ganz am Boden. Insofern ist es legitim noch einmal kräftig nachzutreten.
Ein Kommentar zur Wahl des Präsidenten von Polen.
Finanzkrise in Griechenland – Syrizas Ultralinke scheitern mit IWF-Rebellion
Großbritannien schließt bei Referendum viele EU-Bürger aus
Das Prozedere der Volksabstimmung richtet sich demnach nach den Vorgaben für die britische Parlamentswahl. Damit wären die meisten Bürger aus anderen EU-Staaten von der Abstimmung ausgeschlossen. In Großbritannien dürfen abgesehen von den Briten nur Bürger aus Irland und den Commonwealth-Staaten wählen.
Linksruck in Spanien: Podemos feiert Wahlerfolge
In Barcelona erhielt das von Podemos unterstützte Linksbündnis Indignados nach dem vorläufigen Endergebnis die meisten Stimmen. Der nationalkonservative Bürgermeister Xavier Trias müsste demnach sein Amt abgeben. In Madrid behauptete die PP sich zwar als stärkste Kraft, errang aber nur einen Sitz mehr als eine von Podemos angeführte Allianz.
Portugal: Beliebtes Urlaubsland und das Armutsproblem
(27.März 2014) Nie hat es in Portugal so viel Arbeitslosigkeit, so viel Armut, so viel Elend und Verzweiflung gegeben.
Europe faces second revolt as Portugal‘s ascendant Socialists spurn austerity
(19.Mai) Germany is worried that any concession to Greece will set off political contagion and cause fiscal discipline to collapse across southern Europe
Portugal, like Europe, loses hunger for reform
„l compared the case of Portugal to the film ‚Match Point‘,“ Jose Manuel Barroso, the former president of the European Commission, and one-time prime minister of Portugal, told Reuters, referring to Woody Allen‘s film.
„Which side of the tennis court would the ball land on after hitting the net? Ireland or Greece. It was Ireland‘s. Recovery is now under way in Portugal.“
Duda: ‘Doors to Presidential Palace will be open’
Speaking to a jubilant crowd at Law and Justice election headquarters in Warsaw on Sunday evening, Duda said “The president who is elected must serve the nation, must listen and be open; the doors to the Presidential Palace will be open”.
Duda added that “I would like to think that after five years of my presidency people will say that ‘Andrzej Duda is a president of all Poles’”, commenting that he wants to be open to social dialogue.
Das Ende des warmen Wassers
Ein junger Mann ging auf ihn zu und fragte ihn, wie, bitteschön, seine Schwester eine Wohnung finden solle, wenn sie gerade mal 2.000 Zloty (370 Euro) verdiene, nachdem sie drei Jahre lang einen Job gesucht hatte. „Nun“, antwortete Komorowski vor laufenden Kameras, „wusste sie nicht, dass die Arbeitslosigkeit in Polen zurückgeht?“