Daily Archives: 6. April 2015

06.04.2015 - 23:16 [ Free Malaysia Today ]

Kerry mourns victims of ill-fated heli crash

“Among those lost was Jamaluddin Jarjis, who spent 2009-2012 as Malaysia’s envoy to the United States, focused on taking our bilateral relationship to new levels of cooperation,” said Kerry.

06.04.2015 - 22:49 [ The Irish Times ]

Three Mobile network fault leaves two million customers off message

The fault also affected Tesco Mobile Ireland customers, who use the same network.

06.04.2015 - 21:04 [ Radio Utopie ]

Euro-Linke in Griechenland: “Europa braucht neuen Plan um die europäische Integration zu vertiefen”

(9.Oktober 2012) Einer der Vorsitzenden des Ablegers der 2004 maßgeblich durch die damalige PDS geschaffene “Europäischen Linken” in Deutschland, Bernd Riexinger, besucht Athen und reiht sich dort in die Demonstration des griechischen Ablegers SYRIZA ein. Deren Vorsitzender Alexis Tsipras wiederum schreibt – im Angesicht der Zerschlagung der eigenen Demokratie durch einen unter dem Siegel “pro-europäisch” agierenden und maßgeblich aus Deutschland heraus gelenkten brutalen Euro-Kapitalismus – im britischen “Guardian”:

“Europa braucht einen neuen Plan um die europäische Integration zu vertiefen”

Damit liegt der Vorsitzende der “Koalition der Radikalen Linken Griechenlands” genau auf der Linie des Banken-Kartells, des “Internationalen Währungsfonds” I.W.F., der E.U.-Kommissare, der Zentralbank E.Z.B. – die gerade die weitere Senkung der Löhne im Währungsgebiet verlangt hat – und der Kanzlerin von Deutschland, Angela Merkel, die heute in Griechenland ist und gegen die Tsipras angeblich demonstriert.

06.04.2015 - 19:55 [ University of Virginia ]

President Teresa A. Sullivan Statement Regarding Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism Report

Rolling Stone’s story, ‘A Rape on Campus,’ did nothing to combat sexual violence, and it damaged serious efforts to address the issue. Irresponsible journalism unjustly damaged the reputations of many innocent individuals and the University of Virginia. Rolling Stone falsely accused some University of Virginia students of heinous, criminal acts, and falsely depicted others as indifferent to the suffering of their classmate. The story portrayed University staff members as manipulative and callous toward victims of sexual assault. Such false depictions reinforce the reluctance sexual assault victims already feel about reporting their experience, lest they be doubted or ignored.

06.04.2015 - 19:53 [ Columbia Journalism Review ]

Rolling Stone‘s investigation: “A failure that was avoidable”

Rolling Stone published “A Rape on Campus: A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA” on Nov. 19, 2014. It caused a great sensation. “I was shocked to have a story that was going to go viral in this way,” Erdely said. “My phone was ringing off the hook.” The online story ultimately attracted more than 2.7 million views, more than any other feature not about a celebrity that the magazine had ever published.

06.04.2015 - 19:50 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Iran is ‘congenital cheating’ ‘Islamic power bent on world domination’ — Netanyahu tells US media

Notice Netanyahu’s references to “congenital cheating” in Iran:

„This is not a personal issue now between me and the president… We do have a difference of opinion. This is a difference of policies, not a clash of personalities….Iran is shown to be completely distrustful. It’s not a country that you can place your trust in. And it’s not a country that you are going to resolve its congenital cheating– you’re just not going to resolve it by placing more inspectors there.“

06.04.2015 - 17:22 [ Sputnik ]

Lawrow zu Einigung mit Iran: Verzögerung durch Position des Westens verursacht

Daraufhin haben die Iraner gefordert, genauso konkret auf die Aufhebung der Sanktionen und Garantien dafür einzugehen, so Lawrow. „Unsere westlichen Partner waren nicht dazu bereit, aber sie feilschten noch mehrere Tage lang mit den Unterhändlern und den Journalisten und versuchten (…), für sie notwendige Details zu erfahren, und vermieden es in jeder Weise, die vom Iran angeforderten Details anzugeben. Darin liegt eigentlich die Ursache für die Verzögerung“, sagte Lawrow.

06.04.2015 - 17:20 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Hurt by the Israel lobby, Obama kisses it goodbye

Everyone is talking about Tom Friedman’s interview with President Obama Saturday, published in the New York Times today. Meeting with the official press, Obama states his firm commitment to a new relationship with Iran even as he says that he was personally hurt by the attacks on him for not being supportive of Israel.

06.04.2015 - 17:19 [ Techdirt ]

Turkish Censorship Order Targets Single Blog Post, Ends Up Blocking Access To 60 Million WordPress Sites

A lawyer and Turkish Pirate Party member tracked down the root of the sudden ban on all of WordPress: a court order seeking to block a single blog post written by a professor accusing another professor of plagiarism. This post apparently led to several defamation lawsuits and the lawsuits led to a court order basically saying that if blocking the single post proved too difficult, fuck it, block the entire domain.

06.04.2015 - 15:36 [ DiePresse.com ]

Russlands UN-Botschafter: „Es war eine geopolitische Explosion“

Unterstützen Sie die militärische Intervention der Saudis im Jemen?

Die Militärintervention ist passiert. Wir fürchten, dass die Kämpfe im Jemen eskalieren und sich auch nach Saudiarabien ausbreiten könnten.

Wie kann der Konflikt eingedämmt werden? Indem man den Iran und Saudiarabien an einen Tisch bringt?

Das ist nicht sehr realistisch.

06.04.2015 - 15:32 [ Sputnik ]

Saudi-Led Coalition Operation in Yemen Has No Legal Foundation – Lavrov

„As of now it [the Saudi-led operation] has no international legal foundation. Of course, we were a bit disappointed, to say the least, by the fact that the operation was launched even without any consultations either in the [UN] Security Council or via bilateral channels, and that our partners – we value our relations with Saudi Arabia, with other members of this coalition, that they came to the Security Council post factum and began asking, again post factum, to approve what they had [already] started,“ Lavrov said.

06.04.2015 - 15:30 [ Washington Post ]

Saudi Arabia’s hostile relationship with Russia is leaving Egypt stuck in the middle

At a gathering of Arab leaders in Sharm el-Sheikh this weekend, Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi read a letter from Vladimir Putin. „We support Arab nations in their effort to ensure a safe future and urge them to resolve all emerging challenges peacefully without any foreign involvement,“ the Russian president‘s message read, according to Sputnik News.

06.04.2015 - 15:28 [ Zeit ]

Türkei sperrt Zugang zu Twitter und YouTube

Grund für die Sperren sei die Verbreitung eines Fotos aus der vergangenen Woche: Darauf war der von Linksextremisten in einem Gerichtsgebäude als Geisel genommene Istanbuler Staatsanwalt Mehmet Selim Kiraz zu sehen, wie er mit einer Pistole bedroht wurde. Kiraz, der zu den Gezi-Protesten ermittelte, war vergangene Woche aus einem Gerichtsgebäude in Istanbul entführt worden.

06.04.2015 - 15:27 [ Ansa ]

Varoufakis says Eurogroup deal possible

Greece must pay 458 million euros to the International Monetary Fund on Thursday, and media reports said that Lagarde emerged from Sunday‘s meeting with Varoufakis saying that she welcomed „confirmation“ that debt payment would come this week.

06.04.2015 - 08:58 [ Süddeutsche ]

Obama verteidigt Atomdeal mit Iran

Er sagte der New York Times, es gebe keine effektivere Option, um den Iran von Nuklearwaffen abzuhalten, als die diplomatische Initiative und das vereinbarte Rahmenabkommen. In dem Interview, das am Sonntag veröffentlicht wurde, bezeichnete Obama die Atomvereinbarung als „einmalige Chance im Leben“.

06.04.2015 - 08:57 [ New York Times ]

The Obama Doctrine and Iran

„We know that a military strike or a series of military strikes can set back Iran’s nuclear program for a period of time — but almost certainly will prompt Iran to rush towards a bomb, will provide an excuse for hard-liners inside of Iran to say, ‘This is what happens when you don’t have a nuclear weapon: America attacks.’“

06.04.2015 - 08:40 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu faces new danger in U.S. following Iran deal: Being ignored

It was Elie Wiesel, one of Benjamin Netanyahu’s great admirers, who once said, in another context: “The opposite of love isn’t hate. It’s indifference”. This is the emerging nature of the prime minister’s current relations with the Obama administration and with liberal public opinion in America: instead of sparking anger, Netanyahu is being increasingly ignored.

06.04.2015 - 08:39 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Conservative revolutionaries and the echo of German fascism

With the Likud Party electoral victory in Israel, the Republican Party is on a roll, having won two major elections in a row. The first was winning control of the U.S. Congress last fall. The second is the victory by the Republicans’ de facto party leader Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel’s recent election. As the Israeli Prime Minister puts together a coalition with other parties “in the national camp,” as he describes them, meaning the ultra-nationalist parties of Israel, it will be a coalition that today’s Republicans would feel right at home in.

The common thread linking Republicans and Netanyahu’s “national camp” is a belief of each in their own country’s “exceptionalism,” with a consequent right of military intervention wherever and whenever their “Commander in Chief” orders it, as well as the need for oppressive laws to suppress dissent.

06.04.2015 - 08:39 [ Hans Hoff / dwdl.de ]

Der Journalismus existiert nicht mehr

Ich verlasse also den Journalismus, der ohnehin nicht viel mehr ist als das bleiche Gewand eines sterbenden Gewerbes. Ich bin die Ratte, die vom sinkenden Schiff flieht. Journalismus eint niemanden mehr. Journalismus ist dabei, eine tote Hülle zu werden oder ist es bereits. Heutzutage läuft das Geschäft nur noch zwischen der jeweiligen Publikation und den Lesern, den Zuschauern und den Anzeigenkunden. Alles ist darauf abgestellt, dieses System rotieren zu lassen. So etwas erzeugt eigene Zwänge, eigene Gesetzmäßigkeiten. Moral wird dabei neu definiert. Oder anders gesagt: Moral ist das, was Klicks bringt.

06.04.2015 - 08:34 [ Media Matters ]

Conservatives Trash Iran Deal Framework That Experts Call „A Very Convincing Agreement“

Conservative media figures are lashing out against tentative framework for a historic deal on Iran‘s nuclear program as a „surrender to Tehran,“ — ignoring the widespread approval among diplomats, foreign relations and nuclear weapons policy experts of the agreement between the United States and five other nations aimed at limiting Iranian nuclear ambitions.

06.04.2015 - 08:25 [ Reuters ]

Czech president bans U.S ambassador from Prague Castle: media

President Milos Zeman has „closed the door“ of Prague Castle to the U.S. ambassador following comments perceived as critical of the Czech‘s decision to attend a World War Two commemoration in Moscow, according to local media reports on Sunday.

06.04.2015 - 04:59 [ Russia Insider ]

`Anti-Sanctions´ National Payment Card System Introduced in Russia

(1.4.) The Central Bank announced 1 April 2015 as the launch date for the National System of Payment Cards (NCPS) of the Russian Federation. This new system will operate inside Russia and control the issuing of bank cards connected with the international payment systems of Visa and MasterCard. This now means that the West will not be able to block the cards of Russians through the introduction of financial sanctions.

06.04.2015 - 04:45 [ Bandcamp ]

Wishful Lotus Proof by Jakub Zytecki

Hi! My name is Jakub Zytecki, I‘m a solo musician and guitarist of a band Disperse as well. I play Ernie Ball/Music Man guitars, love to drink coffee and do some jogging.
Thank you for checking out my music!

06.04.2015 - 02:30 [ Gulf Times ]

QC sponsors 10,000 people in Somalia

The sponsorships include orphans, poor families, people with special needs, preachers and teachers, and come within the framework of comprehensive care adopted by the Somalia office, which prioritises support for the most vulnerable groups in society, according to a statement.