Vom Minister of Awesomeness zu Minister Stinkefinger? Yanis Varoufakis, der größte Lügner seit Bill Clinton? Peinlicher Politkasper statt der neue Chuck Norris? Von Günther Jauch öffentlich an den Pranger gestellt, aber ist es wirklich so, wie es scheint?
Daily Archives: 18. März 2015
From ‚Downton Abbey‘ to Downfall: Spend-Happy GOP Lawmaker Resigns
Following a wave of questions over lavish spending and financial impropriety, including new allegations this week about major inconsistencies with his congressional and campaign expense reports, Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Illinois) issued a statement on Tuesday saying he will resign from the U.S. Congress effective March 31.
Google Disables All Ads on Antiwar.com
– because we have a page showing the Abu Ghraib abuses.
On 3/18/15 we received a note from Google Adsense informing us that all ads for our site had been disabled. Why? Because of this page showing the horrific abuses committed by U.S. troops in Iraq at Abu Ghraib.
Whistle-Blower: State Department Employees Who Don’t Sign Separation Agreement Face Dire Consequences
Failure to sign a formal separation agreement can have dire consequences for rank-and-file State Department employees, an agency whistle-blower told The Daily Caller.
‘I’ve Made My Decision — I’m Out.’ Glenn Beck Leaves The Republican Party
Beck, whose program appears on TheBlaze.com, said the GOP lost him when they said “they were going to stand against Obamacare and illegal immigration.” Beck added that the party “set us up” and “enough is enough.”
Perquisitions à Uber France : une enquête ouverte depuis la fin de novembre
Lors des perquisitions, qui ont été autorisées par un magistrat et ont duré toute la journée, de la documentation, des téléphones portables et des ordinateurs ont été saisis.
Ouverte depuis le 27 novembre 2014, l‘enquête du parquet de Paris vise des faits présumés d‘« organisation illégale » de « système de mise en relation de clients avec des personnes qui se livrent au transport routier (d‘autres personnes) à titre onéreux ».
Psychiatrieopfer in Deutschland -Der Fall Ilona Haslbauer
ZDF Frontal 21 vom 11.11.2014
Frontal21 hat Menschen getroffen, die viele Jahre in der geschlossenen Psychiatrie verbringen mussten, weggesperrt auf Grundlage von zweifelhaften Gutachten und Gerichtsentscheidungen.
Ilona Haslbauer wohnt seit ihrer Entlassung aus der Psychiatrie (August 2014) in Passau.
Am 11. November berichtetete das ZDF Frontal 21 um 21Uhr über ihr Schicksal. Das Fernsehteam hat Sie am13. Oktober in Berlin auf der Bühne mit Nina Hagen besucht. Auch Gustl Mollath war bei der Theaterpremiere in Berlin mit dabei, und wurde auch zu den Missständen in der Psychiatrie befragt. …..
Kommentar des Tages/Telepolis
`Der russische Botschafter hat angekündigt
Kekse auf dem Frankfurter Römer zu verteilen. Auch hat er die Bundesregierung gewarnt, Gewalt gegen die Demonstranten anzuwenden –
dass könnte ernste Konsequenzen nach sich ziehen.´
Landgericht Frankfurt verbietet UberPop deutschlandweit
„Wir nehmen das Urteil mit großer Genugtuung auf. Endlich ist auf juristischer Ebene in der Sache entschieden worden, dass Ubers Geschäftsmodell gegen das Personenbeförderungsgesetz verstößt.
Zuvor waren Gerichtsentscheidungen viel zu oft nur wegen formaler Gründe verworfen worden. Nun ist in der Sache auch wettbewerbsrechtlich entschieden worden, dass das Personenbeförderungsgesetz für alle gilt und nicht ausgehöhlt werden kann.
Dass Fahrer und natürlich auch die Unternehmer eine Lizenz zur Personenbeförderung besitzen müssen, hat der Gesetzgeber wohlüberlegt beschlossen. Dient es doch dem Schutz des Fahrgastes und der Qualität der Beförderung.
Hartz IV: Weiterbildung Lama führen
Arbeitslosenstatistik wird durch Maßnahmen vom Jobcenter geschönt
Wallraffs Fazit nach seinem Einsatz: Maßnahmen wie Bewerbungstrainings, Motivationscoachings und Lama-Wanderungen seien zum größten Teil sinnlose Veranstaltungen. „Das ist wie eine Art vorsätzliche Körperverletzung, die man an den Leuten begeht“, sagt der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Stefan Sell, der früher selbst ein Arbeitsamt leitete, gegenüber RTL. „Weil man sie reintreibt in eine Situation, die am Ende ihren Zustand oftmals eher noch verschlimmert.“
A Sovereign Nation Stands Tall
Lummi Indian Business Council (LIBC) Chairman Tim Ballew II sent a January 5, 2015 letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (“the Corps”) requesting that the Corps take action and immediately deny SSA/PIT’s permit application for the proposed GPT project, “Based, inter alia, on the project’s adverse impact on the treaty rights of the Lummi Nation.” The LIBC letter further stated, “The impacts on the Nation’s treaty rights associated with this project cannot be mitigated.”
Indizien sprechen gegen Suizid
Den Ermittlern zufolge soll sich Florian Heilig aus Liebeskummer am 16. September 2013 mit Benzin übergossen und dann selbst verbrannt haben – am selben Tag, an dem er Aussagen aus dem Jahr 2011 zum NSU wiederholen bzw. präzisieren wollte.
Nach dem Willen der ermittelnden Staatsanwaltschaft in Stuttgart stand der Suizid fest, bevor Ermittlungen aufgenommen und bevor sie offiziell abgeschlossen wurden.
Neue Erkennt. im Fall Florian #Heilig: Familie fand Waffen und Handy im ausgebrannten Auto sowie Schlüssel und übergab dies #NSU UA BaWü
Palästinas Position bleibt unverändert
„Die Wahlen in Israel sind eine innere Angelegenheit. Zugleich muss die Weltgemeinschaft die Wahlen jedoch als Anlass zur Wiederbelebung eines ernsthaften Friedensprozesses nehmen.
Dies muss auf Basis relevanter UN-Resolutionen, der Arabischen Friedensinitiative, der Umsetzung vereinbarter Verträge einschließlich einem sofortigen Siedlungsstopp mit dem Ziel der Beendigung der israelischen Besatzung und Errichtung des Staates Palästina in den Grenzen von 1967 mit Ost-Jerusalem als Hauptstadt erfolgen,“ so das Außenministerium Palästinas in einer heute veröffentlichen Pressemitteilung.
Statement by PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Saeb Erekat on the Israeli Elections
At a time when we are gravely concerned about a culture of hate which brings with it unprecedented levels of incitement against the 1.6 million Palestinian citizens of Israel, the results of the Israeli elections show the success of a campaign platform based on settlements, racism, apartheid and the denial of the fundamental human rights of the Palestinian people. Such a result would not have been possible had the international community held Israel to account for its systematic violations of international law.
Now, more than ever, the international community must act. It must rally behind Palestinian efforts to internationalize our struggle for dignity and freedom through the International Criminal Court and through all other peaceful means.
Poll finds strong support for Iran negotiations
More than two-thirds of Americans back diplomatic negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program, as congressional Republicans continue to call for a role in that outcome, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.
White House won‘t congratulate Netanyahu after stunning election victory: ‚We‘re not going to weigh in one way or another‘
Opposition leader immediately congratulated Netanyahu on his stunning win, but the White House hasn‘t
PM: Congratulations to @netanyahu on election result. As one of #Israel’s firmest friends, UK looks forward to working with new government.
The Demonization of Arabs, Muslims: The Harper Government Spreads Hate in Canada While it Supports Terror Overseas
Speaking on January 22, 2015 about the multinational insurgents that he deployed Canadian military to fight in the Middle East, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper confidently declared to reporters in St. Catharines, Ontario, that, “If those guys [the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria militants] fire at us, we’re going to fire back and we’re going to kill them.”
Harper’s comments immediately came under fire by political leaders, who accused the prime minister of deliberately misleading Canadians and their legislators in the wake of the attack on Parliament Hill several months earlier — an attack perpetrated by one mentally ill drug addict.
In considering the series of events, “cui bono,” a Latin adage used by the ancient Romans, comes to mind. In other words, who benefits from these events like the attack on Parliament Hill on October 22, 2014?
I congratulate PM Netanyahu on his election results. We look fwd to working w/ the gov‘t once formed. Israel has no greater friend than Cda.
Congratulations my friend Bibi @netanyahu! Recall our New York meeting last September warmly.
EU foreign policy chief Mogherini congratulates Netanyahu, hopes for relaunch of peace process
„I congratulate Benyamin Netanyahu for his victory. I look forward to the formation of a new government,“ the statement read.
Labor MK Yachimovich: „This morning I spoke with Herzog & he explicitly told me that we are going to the opposition“
Likud fined for misleading voters with old recording of Moshe Kahlon
Party distributed 2-year-old messages of Kahlon endorsing Likud, well before he formed Kulanu, to potential voters.
As an Israeli, I am ashamed that my prime minister is a racist
All this week, he made us one consistent promise: In his coming term as prime minister, there will be no hope. It is one promise that we have all come to believe he can keep.
Who can save Israel now?
I had just walked through East Jerusalem to get to the German Colony. There are no polling places in the Nablus Road or on Salah ad-Din Street. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who are governed by Israel, who according to Israel live In Israel, cannot even vote because of the color of their skin. If this is not apartheid, what is? And if this is your idea of a Jewish democracy, why would your children want to be Jewish?
Turkey, Russia to agree on gas supply – Matthew Bryza
Turkey and Russia will agree on the gas supply issue, Matthew Bryza, the former deputy assistant of the US secretary of state for Europe and Eurasia, former US ambassador to Azerbaijan and director of International Centre for Defence and Security in Tallinn told Trend on Mar.18.
Syrian army takes control of strategic village north of Aleppo
Aleppo city is divided between the Syria military, backed by militia, and a range of insurgent groups including al Qaeda‘s Nusra Front, Islamist brigades and Western-backed rebels.
Saufen, pöbeln, prügeln: Antideutsche in Leipzig denunzieren und wenden Gewalt an.
Am letzten Freitag stellte die Autorin Susann Witt-Stahl auf Einladung des Arbeitskreis (Ak) Nahost an der Universität Leipzig ihr Buch »Antifa heisst Luftangriff – Zur Regression einer Revolutionären Bewegung« vor. Bereits am Donnerstag (jW berichtete) veranstaltete der Ak eine Diskussion mit der Bundestagsabgeordneten Annette Groth (Die Linke) über das Russel-Tribunal, das israelische Menschenrechtsverletzungen anklagt.
Internationale Unterstützung für Venezuela
Bewegung der Blockfreien erklärt Solidarität und weist Maßnahmen der USA zurück. Forum von São Paulo ruft zu weltweitem Aktionstag am 19. April auf
War with Iran is probably our best option
(13.März) Such visionary regimes do not trade power for a mess of foreign goods. Materialism is not their priority: They often sacrifice prosperity to adhere to ideology.
Atomverhandlungen mit Iran: „Bomb the Deal“
(16.März) Die Gegner einer Vereinbarung zwischen Iran und den 5+1-Staaten feuern rhetorisch aus allen Rohren. Ein Vertreter Saudi-Arabiens droht indirekt mit der Vorstellung einer atomaren Aufrüstung des Nahen Ostens.
#CDU Mißfelder schließt sich nach #Knesset Wahl #Netanyahu an: „Zweifel an Atomdeal mit Iran“
Palestinians denounce Netanyahu, vow to keep up statehood push
“The entire world is going to be with us,” Erekat said.
Palästinenser sehen Israel nach Wahl nicht als Partner für Gespräche
Da Netanjahu die neue Regierung bilden werde, sei „sehr klar, dass es in Israel keinen Partner für den Friedensprozess gibt“, sagte Erekat. Netanjahu war noch kurz vor der Wahl politisch deutlich nach rechts gerückt. Es werde keinen Palästinenserstaat geben, solange er Regierungschef sei, hatte Netanjahu am Montag der Nachrichtenseite „NRG“ bestätigt.
Deep Wounds and Lingering Questions After Israel’s Bitter Race
Many Israelis called it the “gevalt campaign,” using a Yiddish expression for alarm. In the final days of a closely fought election race, Mr. Netanyahu threw all political and diplomatic niceties to the wind.
Britische Regierung maßt sich das Recht an, weltweit Computer und Mobiltelefone zu hacken
(17.März) Die britische Regierung hat zugegeben, daß sie ihren Geheimdiensten umfängliche Rechte einräumt, sich in Telefone, Computer und Netzwerke zu hacken, und behauptet, daß sie dazu berechtigt seien, jedermann überall in der Welt zu hacken, selbst wenn die Betroffenen keine Gefahr für die „nationale Sicherheit“ darstellen oder eines Verbrechens bezichtigt werden. Wir veröffentlichen das Dokument unter [1].
Diese alarmierenden Zugeständnisse stammen aus einem Gerichtsdokument, das heute von Privacy International und dem Chaos Computer Club veröffentlicht wird.
France To Require Internet Companies To Detect ‚Suspicious‘ Behavior Automatically, And To Decrypt Communications On Demand
Techdirt has been charting for a while France‘s descent from a bastion of enlightenment values to a country that seems willing to give up any freedom in the illusory hope of gaining some security. According to a story in Le Figaro, even worse is to come in the shape of a new law (original in French, found via @gchampeau):
FBI Pins ‚Terrorist‘ Nametag On ‚Retarded Fool‘ Without A ‚Pot To Piss In‘
The agents referred to Sami Osmakac as a „retarded fool“ without a „pot to piss in.“ According to The Intercept‘s in-depth report, Osmakac couldn‘t have financed his own glorious Muslim „revenge.“ He couldn‘t even afford to replace the dead battery in his ‘94 Honda. He had no money, no social life and no wheels. And yet, the FBI portrayed him as capable of doing the following:
„After recording this video in a rundown Days Inn in Tampa, Florida, Osmakac prepared to deliver what he thought was a car bomb to a popular Irish bar. According to the government, Osmakac was a dangerous, lone-wolf terrorist who would have bombed the Tampa bar, then headed to a local casino where he would have taken hostages, before finally detonating his suicide vest once police arrived.“
And yet, when it came down to it, the FBI had to supply everything, including a ride.
„The FBI provided all of the weapons seen in Osmakac’s martyrdom video. The bureau also gave Osmakac the car bomb he allegedly planned to detonate, and even money for a taxi so he could get to where the FBI needed him to go.“
Das BSI hat anscheinend doch beim Staatstrojaner mitprogrammiert
„Wir haben doch bloß die Software auditiert!1!!“ Mit anderen Worten: die Wernher von Braun-Verteidigung!
Wahlkampf in letzter Minute: #Bibi und die „Busse voller Araber“ #Israelelex nachlesen bei
Israel: left-wing Meretz chief Gal-On resigns in light of party‘s disappointing election results
(18.März) Israel‘s tightly fought elections are claiming their first political victim, as the leader of the left-wing Meretz party says she is resigning in the wake of her party‘s poor showing in the polls.
Liberman to citizens: Vote for any Zionist party, even Meretz
(17.März) „It doesn‘t matter if it Meretz, Yisrael Beytenu or Bayit Yehudi. The main thing is to go out and vote for a Zionist party because it is important to preserve the Jewish and Zionist character of the state of Israel,“ Liberman said.
Israeli Election: Joint List Wins 13 Seats, Third Place, In “Historic Moment”
“It is the only list that goes against racism, fascism and the right wing,” Tareq Awwad, a leftist college student at Tel Aviv University who backs the coalition told Al Jazeera Tuesday. “It calls for equality between Arabs and Jews, and it promotes women’s rights. It stands for peace and democracy.”
The Joint List appeared to benefit from elevated turnout in majority-Arab areas, which the right-wing Likud, in turn, tried to play to its advantage. In a video clip posted to his Facebook page Tuesday, Netanyahu warned: “The rule of the right is in danger. The Arabs are moving in droves to the polling stations.”
Netanyahu’s ugly final pitch: Relying on fear-mongering to close the deal
(17.3.2015) The braggadocio displayed by Netanyahu in this video should have raised red flags for the president. Instead, the Obama administration pressed ahead with its ill-fated negotiations, naively believing that Netanyahu—a life-long, ardent opponent of Palestinian self-determination—now shared “the same objective,” in the words of Special Envoy for Middle East Peace George Mitchell, as the Palestinians.
Tricky Netanyahu: I Deceived the US to Destroy Oslo Accords. English Subtitles
Hochgeladen am 10.08.2010
In this video, leaked and aired on Channel 10 News in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seen speaking candidly back in 2001 at a constituent‘s home about the Oslo Accords, the peace process, Bill Clinton, and the United States.
Tricky Bibi
(15.Juli 2010) This video should have been banned for broadcast to minors. This video should have been shown in every home in Israel, then sent to Washington and Ramallah. Banned for viewing by children so as not to corrupt them, and distributed around the country and the world so that everyone will know who leads the government of Israel.
Kommentar zur Wahl in Israel: Sieg der Panik
Selbst wenn er – wie erwartet – wieder zurücksteuert, ist der Vertrauensverlust jetzt schon immens. Bereits in den vergangenen Jahren verloren viele europäische Länder die Geduld mit Israel und erkannten einen palästinensischen Staat einfach an. Nun ist der Schlingerkurs so offensichtlich und opportunistisch, dass Netanyahu es seinen Gegnern tatsächlich leicht macht.
Palestinians say Israeli election results «buried» peace process
„It is very clear that there is no partner in Israel for the peace process,“ he says. „It is clear now that Israeli society is in favour of burying the peace process, burying the two-state solution and continuing with dictates and settlements.“
Erekat says the election results justify the Palestinian diplomatic strategy to join the ICC and other international treaties and organizations.
Israel election: Benjamin Netanyahu claims shock victory despite ugly racism row overshadowing final acts of bitter campaign
That culminated in an ugly row over racism on polling day itself, as the Prime Minister warned that the country’s Arab citizens were voting in “droves” to prevent him winning. In a video clip posted on his Facebook page Mr Netanyahu said: “The rule of the right is in danger. The Arabs are moving in droves to the polling stations. Left-wing organisations are bringing them there in buses.”
Palestinians: Netanyahu‘s win forces us to intensify diplomatic offensive
„It is clear that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will form the next government, so we say clearly that we will go to the International Criminal Court in the Hague and we will speed up, pursue and intensify“ all diplomatic efforts, chief negotiator Saeb Erakat told AFP.
Herzog concedes defeat after surprise Netanyahu victory
Likud said that Netanyahu met with various party leaders and „intends to immediately begin forming a government in order to complete this task within two to three weeks.“
Israel: Benjamin Netanjahu gewinnt überraschend die Wahl
Change from `1973´ by SEIROM
SEIROM is about ‚beauty‘ and melancholy, the more beautiful aspects of life.
SEIROM is about personal expression without boundaries, internal or external.
SEIROM is about grand bombastic melody filtered through noise and black metal aesthetics. The marriage of wedding bells to blastbeats.
About a certain feeling..a longing lost long ago.
Vladimir Martynov – Tardema
`Tardema´ – multimedia project by Vladimir Martynov is an entity of visual art and sound design immersing viewer into a cyber-hallucinogenic trance.
Directed by Vladimir Martynov