It is part of a cache of hundreds of dossiers, files and cables from the world’s major intelligence services – one of the biggest spy leaks in recent times.
Daily Archives: 23. Februar 2015
Von Račak zum Majdan
Instruktionen aus Berlin
Dass das Massaker trotz aller Unklarheiten bis heute zur Legitimation für Janukowitschs Sturz herangezogen wird, erinnert an ähnliche Verfahrensweisen in früheren Konflikten – so etwa bei der Legitimation des Kosovo-Kriegs. Höchste Bedeutung kam damals dem „Massaker von Račak“ zu. Am 16. Januar 1999 waren in dem südserbischen Dorf mehr als 40 Leichen von Kosovo-Albanern gefunden worden. Die damaligen Behauptungen westlicher Politiker und Medien, es habe sich bei ihnen um Opfer einer Hinrichtung durch serbische Repressionskräfte gehandelt, sind nie glaubhaft bewiesen worden. Vielmehr deuteten zahlreiche Indizien schon bald darauf hin, dass die Toten bei Kämpfen zwischen jugoslawischen Einheiten und der Terrormiliz UÇK ums Leben gekommen waren. Wie die finnische Forensikerin Helena Ranta, die damals die Untersuchung des Falles leitete, später beklagte, sei sie unter Druck gesetzt worden und habe vom deutschen Kosovo-„Sonderbotschafter“ Christian Pauls „Instruktionen“ erhalten: Es sei klar gewesen, „dass eine ganze Reihe von Regierungen Interesse an einer Version der Ereignisse von Racak hatten“, die „allein die serbische Seite verantwortlich machte“.[5] Die Todesfälle sind bis heute ebensowenig aufgeklärt worden wie die Todesschüsse vom 20. Februar 2014 auf dem Majdan.
China Is Creating a New Economic World Order Right Under the West’s Nose
by Pepe Escobar
Markets, Markets, Markets
Open letter: Venezuela’s coup plot must be condemned internationally
We note with grave concern the announcement of the discovery of a plot to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela in a coup on 12 February (Venezuelan general arrested over plot to topple president, officials say, 13 February). Officials have said the plans included violent attacks on the presidential palace and other government buildings. The thwarting of this latest coup attempt comes as leaders of Latin American countries have warned of a similar situation developing in Venezuela to that which preceded the coup against Salvador Allende in Chile in 1973, which led to the horrendous dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
UN, banks and oil palm giants feast on the stolen land of Uganda‘s dispossessed
This means that many European financial institutions, through their investments in agribusiness projects, are supporting a significant number of what are in fact land grabs in the global South. Such incidents are widespread and growing: new cases are reported to civil society organisations on a near-weekly basis in countries from Cambodia and Papua New Guinea to Indonesia, Myanmar and Nigeria.
The Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis Nexus: “Mental Disorders” Drives Big Pharma Profit and Social Control
The calculated focus on “psychopathologizing” the general population to the absurdist degree of making everyone diagnosable translates into a mentally defective population perennially in need of a quick fix – compliments of Big Pharma.
US expands “secret war” in Afghanistan
Carter and Ghani indicated that formal arrangements for a larger long-term US troop presence, maintenance of US bases previously planned to close, and stepped up “counterterrorism” operations by US forces in Afghanistan may be finalized as early as the beginning of March.
Johanna Dohnal und die heutige Frauenpolitik
Beim Josef-Hindels-Symposium der Wiener SPÖ mit dem Titel „Große Töchter der Wiener Sozialdemokratie“ ging es auch um das Erbe Johanna Dohnals. Darüber sprachen Andrea Brem (Geschäftsführerin der Wiener Frauenhäuser), Andrea Brunner (Geschäftsführerin der SPÖ-Bundesfrauen), Susanne Riegler (Journalistin und Regisseurin) und Marina Hanke (Vorsitzende der Sozialistischen Jugend Wien). Anwesend waren auch Ingrid Dohnal, die Tochter der 2010 verstorbenen ersten Frauenministerin, und ihre Tochter Johanna, die im Anschluss eine Torte mit Frauenzeichen und Dohnal-Schriftzug anschnitten.
Al Jazeera veröffentlicht geleakte Daten der internationalen Korrespondenz von Geheimdiensten mit Südafrika
Der Sender Al Jazeera wird ab heute 18.00 Uhr (Ortszeit) geheime Schriftstücke veröffentlichen, die einen “beispiellosen Einblick in die operativen Geschäfte im schattenhaften und hochpolitischen Bereich der weltweiten Spionage” geben werden. Die Cables wurden dem Sender angeboten und werden in Zusammenarbeit mit The Guardian in den nächsten Tagen publiziert.
We Kill Our Revolutionaries
“Most prisoners don’t have a problem going on strike for fair wages and better conditions,” he said. “They will challenge the powers that be. The problem is that we need people on the outside to help us. If we go on a hunger strike and starve ourselves, if we refuse to work or participate in our own self-destruction there have to be groups publicizing our resistance and backing us.”
UPD SYRIZA-MEP Manolis Glezos sharply criticizes Greek gov’t for negotiations handling
“Renaming the Troika into Institutions, the Memorandum of Understanding into Agreement and the lenders into partners, you do not change the previous situations as in the case renaming meat into fish.
Of course, you cannot change the vote of the Greek people at the elections of January 25, 2015.
The people voted in favor of what SYRIZA promised: to remove the austerity which is not the only strategy of the oligarchic Germany and the other EU countries, but also the strategy of the Greek oligarchy.
To remove the Memoranda and the Troika, abolish all laws of austerity.
The next day after the elections, we abolish per law the Troika and its consequences.
Now a month has passed and the promises have not turned into practice.“
Bewirkt Digitalisierung „Umkodierung des Sozialen“? Dreht sich alles um Effizienz + Marktförmigkeit?
Big Data und Politik: Brauchen wir noch Gesetze, wenn Rechner herrschen? Der neue #Morozov-Essay in der #FAZ
Google Blasts DOJ‘s Request For Expanded Search Powers; Calls Proposal A Threat To The Fourth Amendment
The DOJ wants to amend Rule 41 (Search and Seizure) to grant its agencies unilateral powers to hack any computer in the world. This would expand its reach beyond the US, using warrants granted by magistrate judges to facilitate searches and seizures of remote data. This would obviously open up a whole diplomatic can of worms, what with the FBI hacking into computers whose locations it can‘t ascertain until after the fact.
Russia offers Iran Antey-2500 systems instead of S-300
Russia signed in 2007 a contract to supply Iran with about $800 million worth of five battalions of S-300PMU-1 consisting of 40 launchers.
Following the sanctions imposed against Iran in 2010, the Russian-Iranian contract was suspended.
Libyan government to exclude Turkish firms from contracts
Critics of Ankara say its Libya policy is an extension of a pro-Islamist agenda which has already seen relations sour with other former regional allies, notably Egypt.
Any ban of Turkish companies would be limited to eastern areas where Thinni‘s forces are in control.
Turkey to make long-range missiles compatible with NATO systems: spokesman
NATO member Turkey chose China Precision Machinery Import and Export Corp as a preferred bidder in 2013 to supply the missile system, prompting Western concern about security and the compatibility of the weaponry with NATO infrastructure.
EU ready to accelerate signing of gas supply agreements with Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan
The EU intends to sign memorandums of understanding with Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan as part of a package to improve the „stability“ of providing Europe with gas in 2015, German media reported Feb. 23.
Jack Straw and Sir Malcolm Rifkind in latest ‚cash for access‘ scandal
Two former foreign secretaries are exposed for their involvement in a new “cash for access” scandal.
Jack Straw and Sir Malcolm Rifkind offered to use their positions as politicians on behalf of a fictitious Chinese company in return for payments of at least £5,000 per day.
Merkt eigentlich irgendjemand, dass wir uns einer Orwellschen Epoche der Politik ohne Politik nähern?
Bortnikov says his visit to US is political signal
(20.2.2015) „Political problems can’t be solved without the capabilities my colleagues and I have,“ TASS cited him as saying.
According to him, the professional cooperation of the special services should continue even now, when Russian-American relations are at a new low. He said his American counterparts have a similar mindset.
Vitali Tschurkin: Russland wird möglicherweise an einer Koalition gegen IS in Libyen teilnehmen
(20.2.2015) Die Lage in Libyen soll eines der Hauptthemen eines Anti-Extremismus-Gipfels in Washington sein. Russland wird durch den FSB-Chef, Alexander Bortnikow, vertreten.
Russland bereit, bei Terrorismusbekämpfung mit Ägypten zusammen zu arbeiten
(17.2.2015) Ägyptische Kampfjets bombardierten zur Vergeltung der Verbrechen der Terrormiliz IS bei der Enthauptung von 21 ägyptischen Kopten die Trainings- und Waffenlager dieser Terrorgruppe in Derna und Sirte in Lybien, wobei 50 IS-Terroristen getötet wurden.
Egypt blames Muslim Brotherhood for deadly Sinai attack
(30.1.2015) Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi blamed the Muslim Brotherhood for playing a role in a sophisticated insurgent attack that killed 31 people in Egypt‘s volatile northern Sinai Peninsula.
Egypt‘s army flies special forces to Sinai to fight terrorism: Spokesman
(27.10.2014) A military checkpoint was hit by a car bomb in North Sinai on Friday, killing 28 Egyptian soldiers and injuring 30. Another attack hours later left three more soldiers dead.
A state of emergency was declared in Sinai soon after the attacks by President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi.
A militant insurgency by jihadist groups in Sinai has intensified since the ouster of president Mohamed Morsi in 2013.
Attacks in Egypt‘s Sinai kill 33 security personnel
(24.10.2014) Washington provides Cairo with military aid of around $1.3 billion annually. A partial suspension of aid following Mursi‘s ouster was relaxed in April, when the U.S. said it would deliver 10 Apache helicopters, which have not yet arrived in Egypt.
The Pentagon said at the time that aid would help Egypt‘s counter-terrorism operations in the Sinai.
U.S. deploys 400 troops to assist Sinai peacekeeping force
(25.6.2013) The U.S. soldiers, who came from the Army’s 1st Cavalry Division, were ordered to remain in Sinai for at least nine months. On June 19, the troops underwent riot control exercises at Fort Hood, Texas that included mock firebomb attacks.
In Egypt’s Sinai, violence poses new challenge for peacekeepers
(18.8.2012) The task force was created to ensure Egypt and Israel abided by the terms of a peace deal, including the demilitarization of the Sinai. Its American contingent includes 800 soldiers.
Netanyahu and Livni Trade Barbs Over Jerusalem Attack
Shortly after the attack, the Likud published a statement saying, „The Jerusalem attack took place a few weeks after Tzipi Livni, the secret candidate of the Labor party for Prime Minister, said again that she is willing to consider splitting Jerusalem.”
“If Tzipi and Buji [Herzog] will head a leftist government, Hamas will be in the heart of Jerusalem,” the statement went on to warn.
Video: Mayor Barkat Catches Jerusalem Stabber
The stabber was caught by Mayor Nir Barkat and his bodyguard. Security camera footage shows how Barkat (in white shirt) and other members of his team tackled the terrorist, after the bodyguard pointed his gun at him.
Barkat then crossed the street and approached the wounded man, helping him to the sidewalk.
Catie Lazarus‘s Uncircumcised Interview with Jon Stewart
After announcing he is leaving The Daily Show, Catie Lazarus spoke with Jon Stewart about directing Rosewater, leaving Comedy Central, and being fired from Woolworth by his brother.
Prozess gegen #Edathy bis 2. März unterbrochen
Fall #Edathy: Ohne Geständnis könnten schon nächste Woche die Kinderporno-Medien vor Gericht vorgeführt werden, sagt der Staatsanwalt.
Wenn #Edathy am kommenden Montag Geständnis ablegt und 5000 Euro zahlt, könnte Verfahren eingestellt werden.
Der Fall #Edathy ist ein Strafprozess mit politischer Sprengkraft. Wir schildern die Chronologie der Staatsaffäre.
Wollt Ihr die Totale Weltordnung?
(4.10.2014) Was die Entwicklung auf der höchsten Ebene der Weltpolitik nun so entscheidend macht, ist, dass sich offensichtlich auch die vermeintlichen Konkurrenten Russland und China mit dem U.S.-Imperium und seinem Einflussbereich in einem imperialistischen Konsens auf den Eintritt in ein Orwellsches Zeitalter des Ewigen Krieges sich (und deren ökonomischen Systeme) gegenseitig stabilisierender autoritärer Blöcke geeinigt haben. Die Invasion Syriens identifiziere ich Teil dieses Konsens, nicht erst seit heute.
Anti-IS-Einsatz in Libyen: Russland erwägt Engagement
Dem russischen UN-Botschafter Vitali Tschurkin zufolge könnte Russland sich an einer internationalen Koalition in Libyen zur Bekämpfung der Terrororganisation Islamischer Staat (IS) beteiligen, schreibt die „Nowyje Iswestija“ am Freitag.
Sisi sees growing need for joint Arab force to fight ISIS
The soldier-turned-politician said both Jordan and the United Arab Emirates have offered to dispatch military forces to aid Egypt following last week‘s beheading in Libya of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians by fighters pledging allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group (ISIL).
Turkish FM: „Turkey now has a new exclave in Syria“
Cavusoglu also stated that „there will be no abandoning, no lowering the flag. Right now, our flag is waving in Ashmeh.“
He said the Turkish Armed Forces „showed what they are capable of.“
Egypt court sentences prominent activist to five years in jail
The court erupted into chants of „Down, down with military rule“ after the verdict was read out.
Abdel Fattah was a leading secular figure in the 2011 revolt that toppled veteran autocrat Hosni Mubarak.
French aircraft carrier begins Iraq operations: French sources
„The carrier and its naval group has officially started missions as part of its Chammal operation in Iraq,“ the source told Reuters in a reference to the name of the mission.
German airline launches Tehran-Berlin direct flight
A direct Tehran-Berlin flight re-launched after 10 years during a ceremony attended by Iran‘s Ambassador to Germany Ali Majedi at Berlin‘s Schoenefeld Airport, Iran’s official IRNA news agency reported Feb. 23.
Greece sends draft with reforms proposals to IMF, EU, ECB
A hectic weekend and an open hotline between Athens and Brussels for consultations, as the Greek team prepares the list of planned structural reforms to the country’s lenders. The deadline decided by the Eurogroup on February 20th, expires Monday midnight. A teleconference will follow, with Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis on one side and Christine Lagarde (IMF), Mario Draghi (ECB) and Pierre Moscovici (EU Commissioner for Monetary Affairs.) on the other. The Eurogroupp is not involved at this stage.
Poll: 81% of Greeks support SYRIZA in negotiations with lenders
80 percent of the Greeks approve they way the Greek government deals with the lenders, EU, IMF and ECB. The public opinion polls was conducted12-17 February, that is in the time period SYRIZA was negotiating with the Eurogroup partners, and one day after Greece rejected the Dijsselbloem draft on February 16th 2015..
Enttäuschter U.S.-Oberkriegstreiber: “Ich schäme mich für mein Land, meinen Präsidenten und mich selbst”
Unendliches Leid wurde über die ukrainische Bevölkerung gebracht. John McCain hat allen Grund, sich für sein Land, den U.S.-Präsidenten und sich selbst zu schämen.
Son of peace talks victims representative murdered, 13 more reps receive death threats
Nilson Liz, a representative of farming communities in the troubled Cauca region, told press at the meeting that following his trip to Cuba, unknown assailants murdered his son Dayan.
UPDATE 8 P.M.: Military plane crashes in Echols County
Two pilots parachuted from the plane; both were taken to South Georgia Medical Center in Valdosta, said 2nd Lt. Brianca Williams from Moody Air Force Base. There were no fatalities connected with the crash
Exploratory US-Israeli oil drilling begun in Golan Heights
Drilling was delayed by opposition of residents and environmental groups by court gave green light
After lengthy delays, exploratory oil drilling began this week in the southern Golan Heights, according to a statement by the US-based oil exploration company Genie Energy.
Das Adware-Imperium von Komodia
Die SSL-Interception-Technologie von Komodia wird auch von zahlreichen anderen Programmen verwendet. Außer in der Superfish-Adware findet sie sich in Trojanern, weiterer Adware und sogar in einem Anti-Adware-Tool von Lavasoft.
Die Troika demütigt Griechenland: Humanitäre Katastrophen interessieren nicht
Seit 2010 hat die Troika aus IWF, EZB und EU-Kommission wechselnde Regierungen in Athen zu insgesamt sechs Sparprogrammen gezwungen, die den Lebensstandard der arbeitenden Menschen drastisch herabgesetzt, die Sozialsysteme zerstört und Millionen einkommensschwacher Griechen in bittere Armut gestürzt haben.