Daily Archives: 9. Januar 2015

09.01.2015 - 23:20 [ Radio Utopie ]

Mohamed Merah: Ein durch Vorratsdatenspeicherung gefundener Sündenbock für rechtsradikale Attentäter?

Bezüglich der militärisch präzise und eiskalt exekutierten Morde am französischen Elitesoldaten Imad Ibn-Ziaten vom 1. (24.03.2012) Fallschirmspringerregiment am 11. März in Toulouse, an den französischen Elitesoldaten Abdel Chennouf und Mohamed Legouaddes vom 17. Fallschirmspringerregiment am 15. März in Montauban, an Rabbi Yonatan Sandler, seinen Kindern Aryeh, Gavriel und an Miriam Monsonego am 19. März in Toulouse, sowie dem durch eine Spezialeinheit der französischen Polizei am 23. März vermeldeten Tod des mutmasslichen alleinigen Täters Mohamed Merah eine These über mögliche Hintergründe, Abläufe und Motive der Verbrechen. Ebenso über mögliche Abscheulichkeiten der politischen Instrumentalisierung.

09.01.2015 - 23:16 [ Techdirt ]

Spanish Judge Says Use Of ‚Extreme Security Measures‘ For Email Is Evidence Of Terrorism

After a series of moves that include introducing copyright laws that threaten the digital commons and open access, as well as criminalizing online calls for street demonstrations, Spain is fast emerging as a serious rival to Russia when it comes to grinding down the digital world. Unfortunately, it seems that lack of understanding extends to the judiciary too, as shown by recent events reported by Rise Up, an „autonomous body based in Seattle“, which aims to provide secure and private email accounts for „people and groups working on liberatory social change“. Here‘s what happened to some of its users in Spain:

09.01.2015 - 23:12 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Media obsesses over ‘free speech’ in Charlie Hebdo case while ignoring Israeli targeting of journalists

The subsequent taking of hostages in a Parisian kosher supermarket by an acquaintance of the shooters was an even more despicable act, leading to the deaths of at least four. Both incidents are horrific tragedies, and deserve harsh condemnation.

Yet they have exponentially overshadowed equally tragic recent attacks on journalists. In its November 2012 attack on Gaza, “Operation Pillar of Defense,” the Israeli government admitted that it was targeting journalists. This trend was revisited only months ago in Israel’s summer 2014 assault, “Operation Protective Edge,” an incursion that left 2,310 dead—over 1,500 of whom were civilians, including at least 500 children—and 10,626 wounded.

09.01.2015 - 18:25 [ Ceiberweiber ]

Jazenjuk: Russland begann den Zweiten Weltkrieg

Der ukrainische Ministerpräsident Arsenj Jazenjuk wird in Deutschland immer besonders nett behandelt, auch in den Medien. So konnte er sich unwidersprochen in der ARD darüber auslassen, dass der Zweite Weltkrieg angeblich von Russland ausgegangen ist. Zugleich werden, obwohl bekannt ist, dass viele Millionen Euro in der Ukraine versickert sind, von Kanzlerin Angela Merkel 500 Millionen an deutscher Unterstützung zugesagt. Und in Polen geht man schon dazu über zu bestreiten, dass es die Rote Armee war, die Auschwitz am 27. Jänner 1945 befreit hat.

09.01.2015 - 14:46 [ Buzzfeed ]

Israelis Are On The Ground Assisting In The Search For Nigeria’s Missing Schoolgirls

(12.Mai 2014) “There are ongoing security ties and cooperation between Israel and Nigeria. In the wake of this crisis, Israel increased its assistance and we have been providing support in any manner possible,” said one military official, who only recently returned from Nigeria. “We have been involved on this from the beginning.”

09.01.2015 - 14:36 [ africansecuritynetwork.org ]

Cameroon’s Security Apparatus : actors and structures

Three rapid intervention battalions, the so-called BIR. As mentioned. (…) The last BIR was created in 2007 in the RMIA 2: 1000 men were then recruited. The BIR were created with the assistance of Israeli instructors who not only trained them but provided their high-tech equipment.
Finally, the presidential guard does its training in a special centre: the instruction and training centre of Minkama (Obala).The Israelis are still training the presidential guard and providing its equipment.
it is very hard to have an accurate idea of the number of staff attributed to the secret units, namely the presidential guard, the DSP (direction de la securite presidentielle) and the DGRE (Direction generale des renseignements exterieurs). The manpower of these units are unknown, and are often excluded from that of the armed forces. The BIR are also trained and organised in a parallel way by the Israelis and it is very hard to get a clear idea of the number of staff that are integrated.
In fact, Cameroon’s armed forces have no real military action planning capacity. The only operational structure is the BQG (Brigade de Quartier General), which is responsible for the security of Yaoundé. This organisation depends organically on the army, but is operationally at the disposal of the Chief of Staff and, in reality, is dependent on the President. During the riots, the chief of BQG set up an operational centre: he led the operations using an Israeli technique, which consisted of infiltrating rioters with soldiers wearing civilian clothes who can transform themselves, in a few seconds, into a repressive force, once the leaders have been identified.

09.01.2015 - 14:29 [ Jewish Telegraphic Agency ]

Netanyahu: Paris Islamist attack requires global response

(8.Januar) “These extremists are part of a global movement, and this necessitates a global response,” Netanyahu said of the slaying a day earlier of 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo offices, which witnesses said was carried out by at least three men who said they were supporters of al-Qaida and had come to avenge perceived insults to Islam in items published by the weekly.

09.01.2015 - 14:11 [ Youtube ]

Here Lies My Brother

On May 15, 2014, Mohammad Abu Daher, 16, was fatally shot in the back by an Israeli soldier in the occupied West Bank city of Beitunia. One hour earlier, Israeli forces shot and killed Nadeem Nawara, 17, in the same spot.

09.01.2015 - 14:03 [ Trend.az ]

US ‘concerned’ over Hamas-Turkey relations

“Our position on Hamas has not changed. Hamas is a designated foreign terrorist organization that continues to engage in terrorist activity and demonstrated its intentions during the summer’s conflict in – with Israel,” U.S. State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki said during daily press briefing on Jan. 8.

09.01.2015 - 13:26 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Europe Releases its TTIP Proposals on Intellectual Property

Secrecy is trade negotiators‘ stock-in-trade, and it has allowed them to sneak through rules on topics such as copyright and patents that would never pass muster under public scrutiny. EFF has not hesitated to call them out over this, whether the trade agreement in question is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between Europe and the United States, or the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA).

09.01.2015 - 13:06 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

In Wake of Charlie Hebdo Attack, Let’s Not Sacrifice Even More Rights

There are numerous instances in which countries enacted sweeping new laws in the wake of an attack or in response to a threat, when grief and fear outweighed commitments to freedom of expression and privacy. The consequences can be far reaching. In the United Kingdom, the government swiftly revised police powers with the Terrorist Act of 2006 in the wake of bombings in London. In Australia, new legislative measures were introduced in response to a foiled terrorism plot. In 2012, Iraq tried to quickly push through a set of strict “cybercrime” laws in the wake of the Arab Spring uprisings. And in the U.S., the 9/11 attacks were used to justify poorly considered legislation that significantly broadened surveillance authorities. Already, U.S. senators are using the Paris attacks to justify mass surveillance programs by the National Security Agency.

Let us defend freedom of expression by committing to uphold all rights.

09.01.2015 - 10:59 [ PressTV ]

French telecom company behind staff suicides: Probe

Recent investigations by the French judiciary have found a telecommunications company responsible for a number of suicides by its employees between 2008 and 2009, Press TV reports.

The investigations show that 35 employees working for the Orange telecommunications company, known as France Telecom at the time, had taken their own lives during the 24-month period.

09.01.2015 - 10:37 [ avantblargh ]

Before social media sparks fire and everyone claims the phrase #jesuischarlie I want to point out some lovely truths about Charlie Hedbo that the news media may “forget” to point out.

Though my heart goes out to the victims to the shooting at the Charlie Hedbo headquarters ( I ALSO DO NOT CONDONE THE ACT OF VIOLENCE AS A SOLUTION TO RACISM OR HATE ) I need it to be known that this newspaper was not some sweet periodical that used it’s platform of freedom of speech as a catalyst to social change in France. Before you allow Fox News to label the shooters as Muslim Terrorist and that all Muslims are terrorist and that Charlie Hebdo was a magazines for families and saints you need to know that this newspaper was infamously known for being racist, homophobic, and highly islamophobic. I am not one to laugh at a blatant racist comic as “oh lol free speech” because with free speech comes RESPONSIBILITY.

It should be no secret that the Muslim community in France has often been abused, push to the side, and ignored. Even laws are put in place to prevent then from practicing their beliefs comfortably.For Charlie Hebdo to be a left wing newspaper that questioned the actions of the right wing, why does it often look like they are laughing along with them? Why can’t this magazine question why we are racist and islamophobic than to continue to justify their belief in supposed “ironic” comics?

09.01.2015 - 06:43 [ Radio Utopie ]

Mörderische Polizei: Manager für Öffentliche Sicherheit schmeisst Job

Dieses “Versagen” ist Teil der Agenda, demokratische Werte abzubauen hin zur Diktatur eines Polizeistaats. Neben dem Terrorisieren der eigenen Bevölkerung gehören dazu auch bewusst herbeigeführte Vorfälle wie jetzt in Frankreich. Es sind zwei Seiten der gleichen Medaille, die diejenigen, die Kerzen für die Opfer der zündelnden Satirezeitung Charlie Hebdo in Paris anzünden, nicht sehen sollen. Diese Karrikaturen sind keine Verteidigung der Pressefreiheit. Sie dienen dazu, dass noch mehr Geld für den Überwachungsapparat bereit gestellt wird – und letztendlich für eine von ihm kontrollierte Presse.

09.01.2015 - 06:41 [ Pepe Escobar / Asia Times ]

Who profits from killing Charlie?

Scrap option two, please; this was a pro job. And staying with option one, this points right at – what else – blowback. Yes, they could be Daesh/ISIS/ISIL mercenaries trained by NATO (crucially, France included) in Turkey and/or Jordan. But it might get even false-flag nastier. They could also be former or current French special forces.

09.01.2015 - 06:38 [ The Vineyard of Saker ]

I am NOT Charlie

Okay, let’s be clear. I am not Muslim. I oppose terrorism. I don’t even support the death penalty. I loathe Takfirism. I oppose violence as a means to make a political or ethical point. I fully support freedom of speech, including critical speech and humor. But this morning I am most definitely NOT Charlie. In fact, I am disgusted and nauseated by the sick display of collective hypocrisy about the murders in France. Here is why:

09.01.2015 - 05:52 [ Freitag ]

Herausforderer Abbas

Mahmud Abbas wäre schlecht beraten, wollte er bei solchem Rückhalt nicht die diplomatische Offensive suchen. Auch wenn ihm die israelische Regierung einen „Krieg der Diplomatie“ vorwirft? Gerade weil sie dies tut.

09.01.2015 - 05:25 [ Techdirt ]

Sickening: Police & Surveillance State Apologists Leap At Charlie Hebdo Opportunity To Advocate For More Spying, Less Freedom

In the wake of the attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris yesterday, many people have been talking about various issues related to free speech and satire. We didn‘t have much to add to that discussion so we stayed out of it, but it‘s concerning to see that those who wish to suppress other civil liberties are jumping at the chance to use the attack yesterday as a jumping off point. Here are just a few examples. The NY Post ran an article saying that this proves the NYPD shouldn‘t have stopped its „Muslim Mapping“ program:

09.01.2015 - 05:18 [ Barbara Lee, Abgeordnete des U.S. Repräsentantenhauses ]

Congresswoman Lee Speaks Out Against Fast Track for Trans-Pacific Partnership

I support international trade and commerce because it is critical to the economy of the district and our nation.

However, I join the vast majority of Americans, from both parties, in opposing Fast Track for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

I oppose Fast Track because I oppose bad trade deals that hurt American workers, American families and American businesses, especially in communities of color.

NAFTA and the US-China trade deal resulted in the loss of more than 3.4 million American jobs. Many of these jobs came from California and from communities of color.

09.01.2015 - 04:18 [ Peter Nowak ]

Martin Matthias Becker: Mythos Vorbeugung

Becker weist an vielen Einzelbeispielen nach, dass die Ungleichheit für viele gesundheitliche Probleme in der Gesellschaft verantwortlich ist. Dabei geht es nicht nur um das Erleiden von Mangelsituationen. Auch Stress und Arbeitshetze sind krankmachende Faktoren. Eine politisch gewollte Überwindung ungleicher Verhältnisse wäre demnach die beste Vorbeugung.

09.01.2015 - 03:59 [ ND ]

Berlins neue Radikale

Belege bleibt der Geheimdienst wie auch bei der Behauptung über die Militanz der RLB schuldig. Die Informationsgrundlage für die Einschätzung dürfte bei einer Gruppe, die erst seit wenigen Wochen existiert, ohnehin recht dünn sein. Dass sich die Behörde trotzdem soweit aus dem Fenster lehnt, überrascht umso mehr, weil sie über Jahre in ihren veröffentlichten Berichten militante Aktionen der linken Szene als »No Name-Militanz« konspirativ agierenden, losen Kleingruppen ohne festen Namen zugeschrieben hatte.