Daily Archives: 17. November 2014

17.11.2014 - 23:13 [ Antikrieg ]

John V. Walsh – Kann China Amerika in Schach halten?

„Kann Amerika China in Schach halten?” wird oft im Westen gefragt. Ausgehend von Amerikas endlosen Kriegen und Angriffen gegen die Entwicklungsländer der Welt sollte die Frage jedoch lauten: „Kann China Amerika in Schach halten?“ Oder zumindest: kann China die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zurückhalten, mehr Schaden in Ostasien und vielleicht auch anderswo in der Dritten Welt anzurichten?

17.11.2014 - 15:17 [ Radio Utopie ]

Schäuble, Platter: faschistischer Polizeistaat auch in Österreich und Schweiz geplant?

(4. September 2007) Troja, vor einigen Tausend Jahren.

Der griechische Seher Kalchas vor Troja zu den griechischen Soldaten: “Unterziehet euch nicht ferner den Mühseligkeiten eines gewaltsamen Kampfes, denn auf diesem Wege kommt ihr nicht zum Ziele: besinnet euch vielmehr auf irgendeinen ANSCHLAG, der euren Schiffen und euch selber zum Heile gereichen mag.”

“Ihr Elenden, sehet ihr nicht, daß wir die Straße zum Hades hinunterwandeln? Daß wir am Rande des Verderbens stehen?
Ich schaue die Stadt mit Feuer und Blut erfüllt, ich sehe es aus dem Bauche des Rosses hervorwallen, das ihr mit Jauchzen auf unsere Burg hinaufgeführt habt. Doch ihr glaubet mir nicht, und wenn ich unzählige Worte spräche.”(Kassandra von Troja, nicht zu dem Pferd, sondern zu den Trojanern)

“..Bist du ganz irre geworden in deinem Geiste, daß du dich öffentlich auf den Straßen herumtreiben magst und nicht siehest, wie die Menschen dich verachten, törichte Schwätzerin? Kehre zurück in dein Haus, daß dich nicht Schlimmes treffe!” (Die Trottel von Troja, auch Trojaner genannt, die nicht mal den Unterschied zwischen sich und dem Trojanischen Pferd begriffen)

aus Gustav Schwab, Die klassischen Sagen des Altertums, Der Untergang von Troja.

17.11.2014 - 15:16 [ 20min ]

Chaos Computer Club Zürich: «Das NDB-Gesetz ist eine Gefahr für die Schweiz»

„Das NDG verstösst gegen die Verfassung (etwa den Schutz der Privatsphäre) – es besteht keine Verfassungsgrundlage für präventive Überwachung. Kommt es durch, hat der Geheimdienst praktisch unlimitierte Überwachungskompetenzen in Telefon- und Internet – ohne jegliche Transparenz, ohne Kontrollinstanz, die irgendjemandem öffentlich Rechenschaft schuldig wäre.“

17.11.2014 - 15:13 [ Arutz Sheva 7 ]

Hamas Official: Abbas is Thwarting Reconciliation

“Whenever reconciliation moves a step forward, he takes several steps backward,” Mousa told Ma’an.

He urged Abbas to “leave” because “he isn’t part of the solution anymore, but rather a problem to the Palestinian national liberation project, and poses a huge threat to the Palestinian plight and to the unity of the Palestinian people.”

17.11.2014 - 15:12 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Netanyahu’s intifada

Palestinians across East Jerusalem say that the violence that is shaking Jerusalem is not an intifada– yet. It is an unorganized Palestinian response to Israeli aggressive actions, including the visits by religious Jews to the Haram al Sharif or Temple Mount in the Old City. But it is not an uprising all over Palestine, as a third intifada would be.

That could begin in the blink of an eye.

17.11.2014 - 15:09 [ thelookofsilence.com/ ]

The Look of Silence

Historial context


Edited from observations on the massacres, their aftermath and implications, by Historian John Roosa (Professor of History, University of British Columbia; Author of “Pretext for Mass Murder: The September 30th Movement and Suharto’s Coup D’Etat in Indonesia”). Additional opening and closing notes by Joshua Oppenheimer.

In 1965, the Indonesian government was overthrown by the military. Sukarno, Indonesia’s first president, founder of the non-aligned movement, and leader of the national revolution against Dutch colonialism, was deposed and replaced by right-wing General Suharto. The Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), which had been a core constituency in the struggle against Dutch colonialism, and which had firmly supported President Sukarno (who was not a communist), was immediately banned.

17.11.2014 - 14:47 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Live from Athens: march to commemorate Students’ Uprising of 1973

Amid tension in Greek universities and strong anti-austerity public sentiment the march to commemorate the dead and the Students’ Uprising of 1973 against the military dictatorship started at 3 pm. Seven thousand policemen in full equipment are said to be on alert, as thousands of students, workers, unemployed, young and old walk from Polytechnic School in Patision avenue towards the US embassy in Ampelokipoi.

17.11.2014 - 14:39 [ Hurriyet ]

Why is Biden coming to Turkey?

A scandal has erupted between two allies, the U.S. and Turkey. On a speech delivered on Oct. 2; U.S. Vice President Joe Biden had mentioned Turkey’s relations to organizations like the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and had said President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan regretted foreign fighters’ passage to Syria via Turkey. It was then stated that he apologized to Erdoğan because of this statement. Although two weeks ago he said “I did not apologize,” we thought the issue was closed.

17.11.2014 - 14:31 [ Reuters ]

Zimbabwe‘s vice-president hits back at criticism in state-owned media

Mujuru, vice president in government and of Mugabe‘s ZANU-PF party since 2004, was until last month seen as a leading contender to succeed the 90-year-old leader, but Mugabe‘s wife Grace and state media have accused her of treason, graft and plotting to oust the president.

17.11.2014 - 11:01 [ Alternet.org ]

Meet the Warmongering Billionaires Who Will Spend a Fortune to Influence the Next President

The candidates will be flooded with money from these pro-Israel extremists. (…)

Saban and Adelson are on opposite ends of the mainstream (and narrow) political spectrum. Adelson is a casino mogul who bankrolled the 2012 presidential campaigns of GOP candidates Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney. Saban is in the entertainment business and is a major Democratic Party donor. But when it comes to U.S. foreign policy and Israel, Saban and Adelson take many of the the same positions, displaying an eagerness for war with Iran and a desire to keep the U.S. alliance with Israel rock-solid.

17.11.2014 - 10:54 [ Benjamin Weinthal / Foundation for Defense of Democracies ]

German-Arab Trade Group Under Fire for Boycott of Israel

Volker Beck, a senior Green Party deputy in the Bundestag, called for an inquiry into the practices of the Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry because they enable the boycott of Israel.Beck, who is president of the German-Israeli Parliamentary Friendship Group, wrote the Merkel administration on Tuesday, asking what knowledge the federal government has concerning a “boycott of Israeli products” and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s practices.

17.11.2014 - 10:51 [ Benjamin Weinthal / Jerusalem Post ]

Analysis: Making sense of Germany’s anti-Semitic ‘Toiletgate’ scandal

Israel’s government – as one veteran diplomat conveyed to me several years ago in Berlin – cannot ignore the Left. It is currently the largest opposition party in the Bundestag, with 64 MPs. Faced with an aggressively borderline violent attack last week on Gysi by two Israel haters in the Bundestag, which was enabled by Höger and Groth, the Left has divided into two camps.

17.11.2014 - 10:31 [ Junge Welt ]

Antisemitismus-Vorwurf: Israel-Kritiker am Pranger

Was sagt Stefan Liebich, Obmann der Linksfraktion im Auswärtigen Ausschuss des Bundestages, zum völkerrechtswidrigen Agieren Israels? Nichts. Statt dessen stellt er Kritiker der nahöstlichen Besatzungsmacht in seiner Partei an den Pranger. Zusammen mit anderen Mitgliedern der Linke-Strömung FDS (Forum Demokratischer Sozialismus), Bundesgeschäftsführer Matthias Höhn und der Fraktionsvorsitzenden der Europäischen Linken im Europaparlament, Gabi Zimmer, hat er im Internet eine Kampagne gegen vier Linke-Politikerinnen gestartet.

17.11.2014 - 10:30 [ Radio Utopie ]

Das rote (Wurm)Loch

(12. November) “Die Linke” repräsentiert ungefähr so etwas wie den handzahmsten, devotesten Hauspagen jedweder Lobby von Krieg und / oder allgemeinem Blutvergießen den man sich nur wünschen kann, wenn man denn einen braucht. Weichet von mir, oh Fetisch des Grauens, oh Deppen der Republik, ihr Witzfiguren par Excellence, ihr Untertanen-Blaupausen des politischen Kopfstands bei gleichzeitigem Daumen “hoch”. Von Tel Aviv bis New York höre ich sie wiehern. Oh was für eine Schande…

17.11.2014 - 10:29 [ Addicting Info ]

Jon Stewart Responds To Being Called Anti-Semitic: ‘Go F*ck Yourself’

The idea that any criticism of Israel at all is “anti-Semitic” is one that has been pushed here in the United States for decades. But Jon Stewart, himself a Jew, responded to allegations of anti-Semitism leveled against him with a statement that even Fox News would find it hard to misconstrue: “Go Fuck Yourself.”

17.11.2014 - 10:21 [ Mondo Weiss ]

‘Zionism’ is now a dirty word for American opinion elite, Frank Luntz concedes

Republican pollster Frank Luntz is a guru of selling Israel to the American public, and Jewish Philosophy Place has published a Luntz Power Point that looks like a ransom note but is stuffed with polling data that reflects Israel’s crisis in US public opinion post Gaza. Some tidbits from “Communicating the Truth About Israel”.

“Zionist/Zionism a negative,” Luntz concedes. Here’s the data.

17.11.2014 - 10:20 [ Association for Civil Rights in Israel ]

Concerns of Excessive Use of Skunk Spray in East Jerusalem

(10. August) According to testimonies gathered by ACRI during the events of recent weeks in East Jerusalem, the police excessively utilized skunk spray vans in breach of proper procedures and in a manner that caused property damage and personal injury to Palestinian residents. Witness testimony reveals that the police indiscriminately sprayed the skunk liquid towards houses, people, restaurants brimming with people and in crowded streets, causing harm to innocent residents. Evidence suggests that in some cases the skunk repellent was arbitrarily used with no apparent justification and in the absence of any public disturbances.

17.11.2014 - 10:07 [ Ria Novosti ]

Bundesregierung und BND mauern bei MH17

(10. November) Der Linke-Abgeordnete Dr. Alexander S. Neu, Obmann im Verteidigungsausschuss, wirft der Großen Koalition „Zensur“ vor. „Ich bin empört und wütend darüber, wie der Verteidigungsausschuss mit meinen Abgeordnetenrechten umgeht. Das Vertreten einer anderen, als der Koalitionsmeinung führte heute dazu, dass ich von Informationen ausgeschlossen wurde. Das ist weder demokratisch noch ist es ein würdiger Umgang mit einem gewählten Volksvertreter“, heißt es in einer Erklärung des Parlamentariers, verfasst, nachdem in der Obleuteunterrichtung des BND der Punkt Ukraine abgesetzt worden war.

17.11.2014 - 09:55 [ Haaretz ]

Clashes in Jerusalem spurred by rumors of Palestinian bus driver‘s ‚lynching‘

Ramouni was supposed to begin his scheduled 57 route at 9:20 P.M., and at 10 P.M., another driver found his body hanging in the center of the bus from a thin chord. Relatives of the deceased took photos of his body that they claim show signs of violence.

Ramouni‘s family claim he had no reason to commit suicide as he was not in any crises.

17.11.2014 - 09:36 [ Sicht vom Hochblauen ]

OCG und die alternativen Nachrichtensender des Herrn Sasek

Das sind die Kinder der Schweizer Familie Sasek. Herzallerliebst zurecht gemacht, brav und züchtig tragen sie vor, was man ihnen so eingetrichtert hat. Denn Papa Ivo ist Laienprediger. Er hat die Organische Christus Generation gegründet, was immer das auch sein soll…

Solche Bilder kennt man sonst von us-amerikanischen TV Predigern, die ganze Konzerthallen füllen und ganz nebenbei kräftig abkassieren.

17.11.2014 - 09:34 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Dark Ages: Greek gov’t spoxwoman lashes out against the Internet

It’s a fact Greek style: “The internet will never replace the newspapers!” Government spokeswoman Sofia Voultepsi, a …journalist, discovered the future of information and how it will be spread around the world. That is the Greek world of the Greek government, apparently, because the rest of the world is up to believe otherwise.

17.11.2014 - 08:45 [ Reuters ]

Hagel says U.S. military accelerating mission to train Iraqi troops

„We agreed with General Austin‘s recommendations to take some of the special operations forces that he has in Iraq and give them some early missions with the Iraqi security forces in Anbar province just to kind of continue the mission, accelerate the mission,“ Hagel said.

„So yes, we‘re doing what we can with the resources we have to give some acceleration to that,“ he said.