Daily Archives: 9. Juli 2014

09.07.2014 - 19:37 [ Kreml ]

Meeting with representatives of international public and religious organisations

VLADIMIR PUTIN: Good evening, friends.

We are meeting on the eve of a very sorrowful date, when thousands of Jews and Turkic individuals were killed in Sevastopol in 1942. In Russia, we are quite familiar with the tragedy of the Holocaust: six million Jews were exterminated on the territory of the Soviet Union and in European nations. At the same time, we are well aware that Jewish individuals fought Nazism in the ranks of the Red Army – they served as political officers as well as ordinary soldiers, doctors, and overall, made a worthy input into the fight against fascism. But the tragedy of the Jewish people certainly holds a special place among the crimes committed by the Nazis during World War II. I repeat, here in Russia, we know about this and feel that pain as no one else, because as you know, more than 20 million Soviet citizens, the majority of them Russians, died during the fight against fascism.

I remember when I visited the Yad Vashem museum in Israel; the experience really affected me. Everything was created with such great talent and was so penetrating that nobody can be left feeling indifferent. Following the Jewish community’s initiative, we have created our own museum – the Tolerance Museum in Moscow. In my view, in some ways, it might have illustrated the events of the Second World War and the tragedy of the Jewish people even more brightly.

09.07.2014 - 19:26 [ Ansa ]

ENI oil workers block Libya gas pipeline

Oil workers employed by Italian oil and gas multinational ENI in the Sicilian city of Gela on Wednesday took over a terminal bringing natural gas through the Green Stream pipeline from Libya in protest against company plans to revoke a promised 700-million-euro investment in the oil refinery where they work, shutting it down.

09.07.2014 - 19:24 [ Techdirt ]

CIA Didn‘t Bother Informing Obama About Blown Cover Of German Double Agent Before His Call With Merkel

Reports suggest that the first guy was a bit of a bumbling buffoon who was caught because he sent via email classified documents to the Russians, offering to spy for them as well (leading to an investigation that turned up his existing spying activities for the CIA), but it‘s still a diplomatic black eye for the US.

However, the craziest bit about this is that no one bothered to inform the President that the cover of a CIA plant had been blown in Germany — even though President Obama was scheduled to talk to Angela Merkel a day after the arrest.

09.07.2014 - 19:07 [ Techdirt ]

Senate Intelligence Committee Approves Dangerous Cybersecurity Bill

The „good“ news is that despite the overwhelming support by the NSA‘s biggest cheerleaders on the rest of the Senate Intelligence Committee, it seems unlikely that the bill will have enough support in the overall Senate. And it will hopefully remain that way. This bill is a dangerous one, that is solely designed to give the NSA and some companies additional legal „cover“ for aiding the NSA‘s surveillance efforts.

09.07.2014 - 17:55 [ The Raw Story ]

Presidential aide Mohamed Dionne named new prime minister of Senegal

Mohamed Dionne, a close aide to Senegal’s president who once worked for the United Nations, was named the country’s new prime minister Sunday, two days after the resignation of his predecessor.

Dionne, 54, will be the third prime minister serving under President Macky Sall, after former banker Abdoul Mbaye and Aminata Toure, previously also a justice minister.

09.07.2014 - 16:16 [ The New York Times ]

Ray Nagin, Former New Orleans Mayor, Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison

Mr. Nagin, a Democrat, was arrested in January 2013, nearly three years after he left office. He was charged with taking kickbacks in the form of cash, cross-country trips or help with the family-run granite countertop company; the bribes were handed out by men looking for city business ranging from software supplies to sidewalk repair. Many of the schemes, though not all, took place after Hurricane Katrina, when contractors crowded into the city for rebuilding work.

09.07.2014 - 14:52 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Festung

Todesursache: Fluchtweg blockiert

In einem neuen Bericht, der am heutigen Mittwoch öffentlich vorgestellt wird, übt die Menschenrechtsorganisation Amnesty International scharfe Kritik an der Flüchtlingsabwehr der EU. Wie Amnesty konstatiert, befindet sich unter den zehn Ländern, die weltweit die meisten Flüchtlinge aufnehmen, kein einziges EU-Mitglied, obwohl einige von diesen zu den reichsten Staaten der Welt gehören.[1] Stattdessen sind regelmäßig Todesopfer an den EU-Außengrenzen zu beklagen: Seit dem Jahr 2000 seien mindestens 23.000 Menschen bei dem Versuch umgekommen, nach Europa zu gelangen, berichtet Amnesty unter Bezug auf das Projekt „The Migrants Files“ [2], das die zahlreichen Todesopfer unter Flüchtlingen zu dokumentieren sucht. Dass so viele Menschen ums Leben kämen, liege nicht zuletzt daran, dass die EU systematisch sämtliche Fluchtrouten blockiere und Flüchtlinge auf immer gefährlichere Wege ausweichen oder sich dubiosen Machenschaften mafiöser Menschenschmuggler anvertrauen müssten, schreibt Amnesty. Exemplarisch sei dies an den Außengrenzen Griechenlands zu beobachten.[3]

09.07.2014 - 11:58 [ New York Times ]

Spying Case Left Obama in Dark, U.S. Officials Say

When President Obama placed a call to Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany last Thursday, he had a busy agenda: to consult with a close ally and to mobilize wavering Europeans to put more pressure on Russia to end its covert incursions in Ukraine.

What Mr. Obama did not know was that a day earlier, a young German intelligence operative had been arrested and had admitted that he had been passing secrets to the Central Intelligence Agency.

09.07.2014 - 11:55 [ Intercept ]

Meet the Muslim-American Leaders the FBI and NSA Have Been Spying On

The National Security Agency and FBI have covertly monitored the emails of prominent Muslim-Americans—including a political candidate and several civil rights activists, academics, and lawyers—under secretive procedures intended to target terrorists and foreign spies.

According to documents provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, the list of Americans monitored by their own government includes:

09.07.2014 - 11:42 [ Al Jazeera ]

Israelis flock to Berlin for better life

(9. Mai 2013) „It‘s strange,“ says Avisar Lev, 35, nestling into the snug armchair near the window. „I immediately felt at home in Berlin, for the first time in my life.“ When he and his wife, Noa Golan, moved to the German capital three months ago, they only took their most important belongings: their cat Buja and their dog Lucy.

All the restrictions and constraints of their Israeli life were left behind.

09.07.2014 - 11:25 [ Deborah´s Palm ]

A Mindset of Peace, Tolerance and Love — Even Now, Especially Now

We learn that, no matter how different we are, how little we understand each other, how much work it takes to cultivate peace, we should weigh our words and our actions with care. The terrorists who killed the three Israeli boys (may their memories be for a blessing) wanted to stir things up – to create more violence, to justify their cause. Their cause is not our cause. Our path is the path of peace. Words of blessing, not curses, make all the difference.

09.07.2014 - 11:24 [ The Interreligious Coordinating Council in Israel ]

Tag Meir, 40 Organizations, 1 Message

In December 2011, during the Jewish holiday of Hannukah, ICCI joined a coalition of more than 30 different organizations for a series of events aimed at expressing a clear message of tolerance and co-existence, which opposed Tag Mechir (“price-tag”) terrorism. These events, entitled Tag Meir (“spreading the light”) took place at various locations around the country in which “price-tag” incidents of violence occurred.

09.07.2014 - 10:56 [ תג מאיר: אור במקום טרור / Facebook ]

350 ישראלים הגיעו אתמול לסוכת האבלים של סוהא וחוסיין אבו-חדיר בשועפט ונחמו אחת-אחד את שורת האבלים.

מי שהבליג להצתה וחילול של 34 מסגדים וכנסיות נדהם לגלות שיהודים הציתו ילד ערבי.

בבנין האחווה והשלום בין העמים ננוחם.

09.07.2014 - 10:49 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Center Field: What do we do when we sin

Moreover, “Tag Meir” (tag of light) should become a mass movement. The organization, which is sending over 600 people on a mass condolence call to the Khdeir family in Shuafat, is a Left-to-Right coalition which responds with money, volunteer help, apologies and love whenever a “tag mechir,” or “price tag” attack of Jews against Arabs occurs. It is not “their job” to do this – every Israeli is responsible for fighting this scourge.

09.07.2014 - 10:00 [ Süddeutsche ]

Geheimdienst-Affäre in Deutschland: Spionageaffäre mit USA weitet sich aus

Seit dem heutigen Morgen durchsuchen Beamte des Bundeskriminalamts und der Bundesanwaltschaft im Großraum Berlin die Wohn- und Büroräume eines Beschuldigten, der für einen amerikanischen Geheimdienst in Deutschland spioniert haben soll. (…)
Er soll im militärischen Bereich gearbeitet haben und wird vermutlich noch heute von der Bundesanwaltschaft vernommen.

09.07.2014 - 09:57 [ Electronic Intifada ]

Israeli lawmaker’s call for genocide of Palestinians gets thousands of Facebook likes

It is a call for genocide because it declares that “the entire Palestinian people is the enemy” and justifies its destruction, “including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.”

It is a call for genocide because it calls for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to “little snakes.”

09.07.2014 - 09:54 [ אחדות Единство Unity الوحدة / Facebook ]

„המשמר השחור“

חברי ארגון „אחדות“ פיטרלו אתמול ברחובות ירושלים כדי לתעד ולמנוע התפרעויות של הימין הקיצוני. לא מדברים עם פאשיזם, אלא משמידים אותו. תודה לכל הנוכחים!