The Muslim Brotherhood’s electoral success upset the military’s plans to retain power, but the “deep state” persisted. Mohamed Morsi was elected president, but he had little control—not over the military, which was an empire unto itself, or the police, which refused even to defend the Brotherhood’s headquarters from mob attack, or the courts, whose judges were Mubarak holdovers, or the bureaucracy, staffed during three decades of Mubarak’s rule.
Daily Archives: 24. Juni 2014
Egypt gets millions in Australian aid as it jails journalist Peter Greste
And Prime Minister Tony Abbott said he would pursue a pardon from Egypt’s new leader, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the former military chief.
Australians call for boycott of Egypt tourism after Al-Jazeera Australian journalist Peter Greste is jailed for seven years
Greste’s parents, Prime Minster Tony Abbott and the US have slammed the sentence — and everyday Australians are joining in to show their anger, with a flood of angry and distraught messages on ocial media and to the Egyptian consulate.
Egypt: Convicted Aus reporters family shattered by courts decision
Australia‘s Foreign Affairs department has called in Egypt‘s deputy ambassador to make an official objection to the court ruling. The ambassador is currently in Cairo.
„We‘re obviously shocked, dismayed, really bewildered by the decision of the court in Egypt,“ Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott told reporters.
Germany Still Wants Gold Back – Repatriation Campaign Continues
However, the leader of the German gold repatriation movement, “Repatriate our Gold,” Peter Boehringer immediately refuted the Bloomberg article and posted in the comment section at the bottom of the Bloomberg article:
Just to set the record straight re this article in which my name is mentioned and in which I am quoted out of context:
a) Bloomberg uncritically cites statements of politicians and BuBa-bankers who have or give no proof whatsoever re the untouched whereabouts of the german Gold.
b) Re our campaign “Repatriate our Gold” “On hold” does of course NOT mean that we are in any way satisfied with the current status of BuBa´s ongoing repatriation (far too slow and too little – only 5 tons came from NY in 2013! Not exactly a proof for the untouched existence of 1500 tons in a NY vault unaudited since 1950…). Our public campaign will therefore have to continue.
Bundespräsident: Linken-Abgeordneter nennt Gauck ‚widerlichen Kriegshetzer‘
Gauck sei ein „widerlicher Kriegshetzer“, schrieb der Parlamentarier Norbert Müller auf seiner Facebook-Seite.
BBC and press ignore massive demonstration against austerity in London
If you were in the centre of London today you might have noticed 50,000 people taking part in a massive march against the government’s austerity policies:
Hagel Notes Milestone in Ending Syria’s Chemical Weapons Program
The Syrian government‘s handover today of the last of its declared chemical stockpiles marks an important milestone in the effort to eliminate Syria‘s chemical weapons program, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said today.
Thanks to WikiLeaks, public can debate alarming new trade deal
The 18-page draft agreement involves 50 nations, which produce more than two-thirds of officially measured global economic activity. That means the consequences of the new rules would be enormous, especially for those living in the more than 140 countries not taking part in the talks. Whether people can get loans or buy insurance and at what prices as well as what jobs may be available will be affected by any new trade rules.
Keeping us in the dark
The TISA leak marked the second anniversary of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s taking refuge in Ecuador’s London Embassy, demonstrating that he may be cornered but he has not given up the fight for open government.
Egypt’s president won’t interfere in Canadian journalist’s jail sentence
According to Egypt’s constitution, the president has the right to issue a pardon or commute the sentences. U.S., Australian and other officials have urged el-Sissi to use this right to immediately release the journalists.
President Obama reaches new low on Iraq
President Obama receives his worst marks yet for handling the situation in Iraq, with 52 percent disapproving and strong negative sentiment now outpacing strong approval by 2 to 1 (34 to 17 percent) in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. (..)
Nearly two-thirds of the public, however, opposes sending U.S. ground forces to combat insurgents, including at least six in 10 Democrats, Republicans and independents.
Kurdish Leader Warns Kerry of Challenges of ‘New’ Iraq
The Kurds are a critical element of the political equation in Iraq. But Mr. Barzani has had a difficult relationship with Mr. Maliki.
Kurdish officials have insisted in recent days that the pesh merga expanded their footprint to better defend the Kurds against ISIS extremists, but the oil in the Kurdish region has long been at the center of friction between Baghdad and Erbil.
ISIS in Iraq stinks of CIA/NATO ‘dirty war’ op
The very details of the ISIS military success in the key Iraqi oil center, Mosul, are suspect. According to well-informed Iraqi journalists, ISIS overran the strategic Mosul region, site of some of the world’s most prolific oilfields, with barely a shot fired in resistance. According to one report, residents of Tikrit reported remarkable displays of “soldiers handing over their weapons and uniforms peacefully to militants who ordinarily would have been expected to kill government soldiers on the spot.”
Putin: Weeklong cease-fire in Ukraine should be extended, accompanied by talks
President Putin has stressed that negotiations should not just focus on stopping military actions. There should be dialogue “about specific arrangements between all sides in the conflict.”
At the same time, Kiev should not be demanding disarmament in eastern Ukraine, given that “radical elements like the Right Sector and other radical [groups] are not yet disarmed, despite repeatedly talking about that and basically promising that illegal groups will lay down arms.”
„In such conditions demanding militia to lay down arms, in my opinion, makes no sense,” Putin said.
President of Ukraine considers the appeal of the President of Russia on the abolishment of the decision to use Russian military forces on the Ukrainian soil the first tangible step
The Head of State addressed Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Oleksandr Turchynov with a proposal to discuss the opportunity of considering the given issue at the forthcoming session of the Upper House of the Russian Parliament with Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko.
Proposal to Federation Council to repeal resolution to use Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine
Vladimir Putin has submitted a proposal to the Federation Council to repeal its Resolution on the use of the Russian Armed Forces on the territory of Ukraine.
The President has sent a letter to Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko with a request to repeal Federation Council Resolution № 48-SF of March 1, 2014, On the Use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the Territory of Ukraine to help normalise the situation and achieve reconciliation in the east of Ukraine and in connection with the tri-partite negotiations on the issue that have begun recently.
Data Storms and the Tyranny of Manufactured Forgetting
The current mainstream debate regarding the crisis in Iraq and Syria offers a near perfect example of both the death of historical memory and the collapse of critical thinking in the United States. It also signifies the emergence of a profoundly anti-democratic culture of manufactured ignorance and social indifference. Surely, historical memory is under assault when the dominant media give airtime to the incessant war mongering of politicians such as Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham and retro pundits such as Bill Kristol, Douglas Feith, Condoleezza Rice and Paul Wolfowitz – not one of whom has any credibility given how they have worked to legitimate the unremitting web of lies and deceit that provided cover for the disastrous US invasion of Iraq under the Bush/Cheney administration.
War Comes Home: The Excessive Militarization of American Policing
All across the country, heavily-armed SWAT teams are raiding people’s homes in the middle of the night, often just to search for drugs. It should enrage us that people have needlessly died during these raids, that pets have been shot, and that homes have been ravaged.
A SWAT team blew a hole in my 2-year-old son
After the SWAT team broke down the door, they threw a flashbang grenade inside. It landed in my son’s crib.
US police departments are increasingly militarised, finds report
The Swat team that burst into the Phonesavanh’s room looking for a drug dealer had deployed a tactic commonly used by the US military in warzones, and increasingly by domestic police forces across the US. They threw an explosive device called a flashbang that is designed to distract and temporarily blind suspects to allow officers to overpower and detain them. The device had landed in Bou Bou’s cot and detonated in the baby’s face.
Moskau: Israelische Handlungen gegenüber Russia Today in Ramallah unzulässig
Das russische Außenministerium hält das Vorgehen israelischer Militärs gegen die Korrespondentenstelle des TV-Senders Russia Today (RT) im palästinensischen Ramallah für unzulässig und besteht auf der Rückgabe des beschlagnahmten Vermögens.
Historians reveal secrets of UK gun-running which lengthened the American civil war by two years
New historical and archaeological research is shining an embarrassing light on one of the darkest periods of British foreign policy.
NATO-Propagandasender Ö1
Wenige Minuten zu Beginn der Nachrichtensendung „Mittagsjournal“ genügen, um den öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk als NATO-Propagandasender zu enttarnen. Der Besuch des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin wird auf emotional gefärbte Weise verurteilt, man merkt auch, wie Druck auf die Bundesregierung und die OMV ausgeübt wird, die nach einem Memorandum of Understanding im April nun den Vertrag mit der Gazprom über South Stream unterzeichnet.
Oberster Gerichtshof Kanada urteilt wiederholt: keine illegalen Online-Datenabfragen durch Polizei
Am 13.Juni 2014 fällte das Verfassungsgericht von Kanada erneut einstimmig ein Urteil zu Gunsten des Schutzes der Privatsphäre der Bürger im Internet.
Der Verteidigungsminister und die Neutralität
Am 21.6. hatte der „Kurier“ als Titelgeschichte, dass der NATO-Staat Ungarn die Luftraumüberwachung für Österreich mit übernehmen soll. Erst am 24.6. – dem Tag des Besuches von Wladimir Putin in Wien – gab es eine Presseaussendung des Verteidigungsministeriums, wonach dies nicht in Frage komme. Die tagelange Schrecksekunde ist freilich damit verbunden, dass im Ressort nie jemand zuständig ist, der formale Minister Gerald Klug am allerwenigsten. Längst werden die Fäden von der NATO gezogen, die immer wieder gegen integre Menschen vorgehen liess, die sich zur österreichischen Verfassung und zur Neutralität bekennen.
Ihr solltet Euch fragen warum Staat und Kapital versuchen uns hier mit allen Mitteln aus dem Internet zu kriegen.
DOJ Drone Memo: AUMF Trumps All And Rights Are Subject To Arbitrary Revocation In Times Of ‚War‘
The Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists was passed three days after the 9/11 attacks and is every bit the sort of kneejerk legislation every lawmaker should approach warily, but seldom do. This kicked off America‘s „War on Terror,“ a slippery slope „battlefield“ that has been used to justify everything from domestic surveillance by the NSA to the purchase of cell phone tower spoofers and discarded military vehicles by local police departments.
Full text of Pope Francis’ Interview with ‘La Vanguardia’
„And now also it is in style to throw the young people away with unemployment. The rate of unemployment is very worrisome to me, which in some countries is over 50%. Someone told me that 75 million young Europeans under 25 years of age are unemployed. That is an atrocity. But we are discarding an entire generation to maintain an economic system that can’t hold up anymore, a system that to survive must make war, as the great empires have always done. But as a Third World War can’t be done, they make zonal wars.“
Pope Francis: “We are discarding an entire generation to maintain an economic system that can’t hold up anymore, a system that to survive must make war, as the great empires have always done.”
Very interesting interview with Pope Francis in La Vanguardia newspaper in which he says:
Rand Paul empfiehlt sich hier übrigens als nächster Cäsar.
Sen. Rand Paul: „I‘m not willing to send my son into that mess“ on the crisis in Iraq
PAUL: we have a chaotic situation. We have a vacuum. And I think one of the reasons why ISIS has been emboldened is because we have been arming their allies. We have been allied with ISIS in Syria. They have had a safe haven because we have been arming the rebels to keep Assad away from them.
And now they go back and forth. So I think our intervention in Syria has led precisely…
PAUL: … Iraq.
CROWLEY: You know, it may have, Senator. But when one‘s sitting in the Oval Office, you have to think, what do we do now?
So, does – would a President Paul at this moment send U.S. advisers and say, go and see what we can do to help the Iraqi army? Would a President Paul say, I might do airstrikes?
PAUL: I think the first thing you would have to do is follow the Constitution. The Constitution says that Congress decides. The president doesn‘t have the unilateral authority to begin war.
Paul: ISIS emboldened after US armed its allies in Syria
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Sunday that the Sunni militants taking over Iraq have quickly gained power because the United States armed their allies in Syria.
“I think we have to understand first how we got here,” he said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” „I think one of the reasons why ISIS has been emboldened is because we have been arming their allies. We have been allied with ISIS in Syria.“
Wisst ihr eigentlich, wo diese ISIS-Islamisten ihre Waffen haben? Ihr wisst schon, die, die gerade den Irak übernehmen? Ja? Na von den Amis natürlich. In Syrien.
Erinnert ein bisschen an die Mudschaheddin-Situation in den 80ies. Nur im Zeitraffer halt.
Key oil refinery ‚seized by rebels‘ in Iraq
The reports were rejected by the foreign minister, Hoshyar Zebari, who told Al Jazeera on Tuesday that Iraqi special forces soldiers were in control.
However, sources said that ISIL rebels had offered 460 Iraqi troops still near the refinery safe passage to Erbil if they gave up their weapons. The ISIL would then hand the facility to local Sunni leaders, the sources said.
Kennt Ihr diesen Spruch aus Jurassic Park? „Wie ich es hasse immer recht zu behalten“? #Barzani #Irak
EXCLUSIVE: Iraqi Kurdistan leader Massoud Barzani says ‚the time is here‘ for self-determination
“The time is here for the Kurdistan people to determine their future and the decision of the people is what we are going to uphold.”
Iraqi Kurdish independence has long been a goal, and the region has had autonomy from Baghdad for more than two decades, but they have never before said they would actually pursue that dream.
Barzani gives ‚concrete sign Iraq really is breaking up‘
„And it‘s obvious that the federal or central government has lost control over everything. Everything is collapsing – the army, the troops, the police,“ Barzani said during an interview with CNN‘s Christiane Amanpour. „We did not cause the collapse of Iraq. It is others who did.“
Kerry back in Iraq, meeting with Kurdish leader
Kerry is hoping that support from Kurdish regional President Massoud Barzani will force al-Maliki to cede more power to Iraq‘s Sunni and Kurdish minorities and, in turn, soothe anger directed at Baghdad that has fueled the insurgent Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
Beim letzten Fnord-Jahresrückblick haben wir uns noch darüber lustig gemacht, wie Deutschland aus PR-Gründen angesagt hat, das Gold aus New York zurück ins Inland zu karren.
Und jetzt? Jetzt kommt raus, dass das Gold doch lieber in New York bleibt. Na da haben ja alle Beteiligten nochmal Schwein gehabt! Das hätte echt peinlich werden können!
German Gold Stays in New York in Rebuff to Euro Doubters
“The Americans are taking good care of our gold,” Norbert Barthle, the budget spokesman for Merkel’s Christian Democratic bloc in parliament, said in an interview.
Germany ready to keep Patriot missiles in Turkey
Ingo Gerhartz, the deputy spokesman of the German Defense Ministry, said: „If they would need us and if there would be a demand, we can extend the mission for another two years.“
Im Abhörskandal in Polen ist gerade ein schönes Telefonat des Außenministers an die Öffentlichkeit gekommen.
Hey, der wäre doch mal was für den EU-Außenministerposten?
US Embassy In Berlin Offering Cold, Hard Cash For People To Create Pro-TAFTA/TTIP Propaganda
We‘ve been writing about the big US/EU „free trade“ agreement negotiations (which aren‘t really about free trade at all), variously named TAFTA or TTIP (negotiators prefer TTIP, to avoid comparisons to NAFTA) for quite some time now. If it were really about free trade, there might be some interesting elements to it, but it‘s much more about the standard issues like providing corporate sovereignty over national sovereignty, and other things like ratcheting up copyright and patent laws in secret. All this „democracy“ is all done very much behind closed doors that won‘t be opened until many years after the agreement is already reached.
UN finds no ‘common ground’ on statement deploring deaths of Palestinians
Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, the current council president, told reporters he proposed the press statement after listening to a Palestinian appeal for council action. But he said one council member wanted stronger language and one didn’t want any reference to Israel, so unfortunately the council was not able to find “common ground.”
Irak: USA gehen auf Distanz zum schiitischen Präsidenten Maliki. Sein Rücktritt sei effektiver als Luftschläge..
(19. Juni)
Erdogan, Biden call for consensus government in Iraq
They also discussed the ongoing efforts to ensure the safe return of the Turkish nationals seized in the restive country, said Turkish Prime Minister‘s office.
Turkey refutes spy claims in eastern Libya
A statement by the spokesperson of renegade Libyan General Haftar on Sunday claimed that Turks and Qataris, who have been accused of spying, have 48 hours to leave eastern Libya.
Turkey had closed its consulate in Benghazi, the second largest city in Libya, in May and warned its citizens against traveling there due to the deteriorating security condition.
Erdogan, Cameron discuss developments in Syria and Iraq
Turkey‘s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has discussed latest developments in Syria and Iraq with British Prime Minister David Cameron in a telephone conversation, Anadolu Agency reported.
Keith Alexander Wants $1 Million Per Month For ‚Cybersecurity‘ Consulting
In May, we wrote about how ridiculous it was that former NSA boss Keith „collect it all“ Alexander was now launching a cybersecurity consulting firm. After all, it‘s difficult to think of anyone who has done so much to undermine cybersecurity as Keith Alexander. Now Bloomberg is reporting that he‘s offering his „services“ for the cut-rate price of $1 million per month. Yes, I‘ll repeat that:
Keith Alexander wants banks and other companies to pay him $1 million per month to help them with their „cybersecurity.
Prosecutor objects to release of Turkish PM‘s wiretapping suspects
An Ankara prosecutor has objected to the release of five suspected police officers detained as part of an investigation into the illegal wiretapping of the prime minister‘s office, Hurriyet Daily News reported.
Platinum union declares end to South Africa‘s longest strike
In the end, its members settled for three-year deals that amount to monthly increases of around 20 percent, or 1,000 rand a month.
Polish minister says Cameron incompetent or reckless on EU: magazine
In remarks that appeared to refer to Cameron‘s approach to Eurosceptics at home, Sikorski said the British leader was making concessions to them, and the policy had backfired.
Survey: 75% of Greek families will not go on summer vacation
The overwhelming majority of Greeks will not go on summer vacation this year because of economic reasons, I read today on a survey conducted nationwide by the Consumers’ Institute INKA. And how could they? According to INKA, a family of four needs to spend at least €2,700 for a two week vacation in a tourist destination.
Polizeikessel bei Blockupy-Demo rechtens
Der Anmelder der Kundgebung, Werner Rätz, hatte gegen das Land Hessen geklagt, weil das Aufhalten des Protestzuges mit seinen rund 10 000 Teilnehmern aus seiner Sicht rechtswidrig war. Rätz kündigte nach dem Urteil an, vor den Kasseler Verwaltungsgerichtshof zu ziehen.
Land startet Modell mit anonymem Krankenschein für Flüchtlinge
So wagen es Menschen ohne definierten Aufenthaltsstatus oft nicht, sich mit Beschwerden oder nach Unfällen in medizinische Behandlung zu begeben, weil sie fürchten, durch die Ausländerbehörden entdeckt zu werden. Ärzte, die ohne sichere Kostenübernahme durch das Sozialamt eine Behandlung durchführten, gingen ein Kostenrisiko ein.