Daily Archives: 19. Juni 2014

19.06.2014 - 20:35 [ Truthout ]

WikiLeaks Reveals Global Trade Deal Kept More Secret Than the Trans-Pacific Partnership

The whistleblower and transparency website WikiLeaks published on Thursday the secret draft text of the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA), a controversial global trade agreement promoted by the United States and European Union that covers 50 countries and is opposed by global trade unions and anti-globalization activists.

19.06.2014 - 20:34 [ Abgeornetenwatch ]

Fraktionen schweigen zu Lobbykontakten

Wer sind die Lobbyisten, die mit dem Segen der Fraktionen im Bundestag ein und aus gehen? Auf abgeordnetenwatch.de-Anfrage verweigern die Parlamentarischen Geschäftsführer Auskunft zu ihren Lobbykontakten – angeblich aus Datenschutzgründen. Nur eine Fraktion hat kein Problem mit Transparenz.

19.06.2014 - 17:57 [ Radio Utopie ]

Posse um die lukrativen Öl-Felder in der irakischen Region Kurdistan

Während der Weltöffentlichkeit wieder mal ein Terrorkriegs-Szenario im Irak um eine aus dem Nichts zu Legionsstärke aufgepoppte Miliz “ISIL” vorgegaukelt wird, dreht sich die Krise im Irak in Wirklichkeit um die lukrativen Öl-Felder Kurdistans. Deren Ausbeutung ist von der Regionalregierung der Autonomen Region Kurdistans, unter Massud Barzani als Präsidenten und seinem Neffen Nechirvan Barzani als Premierminister, in Form eines über 50 Jahre angelegten Deals mit der Regierung der Türkei an diverse Konsortien verschachert worden, komplett an der Zentralregierung in Bagdad vorbei.

19.06.2014 - 17:44 [ Secret Thirteen ]

Secret Thirteen Mix 087 – Geistform

Espinosa also collaborated with Ivens on the “Behind The Sun” album thus immediately gained a worldwide recognition and reputation amongst harsh and noisy rhythmical composition listeners. Geistform production is influenced by minimal techno and industrial sound. His powerful electronic beats, intense analog textures and distortions are generated mostly from analog sources, oscillators and strictly electronic tones. Geistform’s live shows are known to be locomotive, penetrating and extremely danceable.

19.06.2014 - 16:51 [ interfax ]

Russian amnesty applied mostly to non-incarceration sentences

The amnesty timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the Russian Constitution, marked by the release of high-profile convicts, has ended.
The State Duma announced the six-month amnesty on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Russian Constitution on December 18, 2013.(…)
The total number of people who fell under the State Duma‘s amnesty will be announced in the very near future, a spokesperson for the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) told Interfax.

19.06.2014 - 15:57 [ Radio Utopie ]

280 Milliarden Rubel: China baut Krim-Brücke, Russland zahlt in Landeswährung

Am Rande der Internalionalen Transport-Austellung in Shanghai verhandeln die grossen Baukonzerne Russian Highway (Avtodor) und China Communication Construction Corpopration (CCCC) über einen Vertrag zum Bau einer Brücke, die die Meeresenge zwischen dem Schwarzen Meer und dem Asowschen Meer überspannt und das russische Festland und die Halbinsel Krim für den direkten Verkehr erschliessen soll. Auf einer Pressekonferenz in China stellten die Firmen das Projekt vor.

19.06.2014 - 14:20 [ ITAR-TASS ]

Only UN SC can OK use of force in Iraq — Lukashevich

Any use of force in providing support to any country by another state requires approval from the UN Security Council, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich told a news briefing on Thursday following Iraq’s request for military assistance from the United States in view of a rapidly deteriorating situation in the country.

19.06.2014 - 12:28 [ Sinopec Corporation ]

Dear Shareholders:

Despite the slow recovery of the global economy in 2013, China‘s economy and domestic demand for petroleum and petrochemical products grew steadily over the past year. Giving full play to our integrated business model, we focused on the quality and efficiency of growth and development. We made steady progress on multiple fronts by deepening reform, restructuring our business model, promoting innovation in our work streams, increasing revenue and controlling costs. (…)

We hope to move forward in partnership with you, so that together we may realise our efforts to create a brilliant future for Sinopec Corp.

Fu Chengyu

Beijing, China
March 21, 2014

19.06.2014 - 12:06 [ Iraq Energy Institute ]

Iraq ‘lost Fight Against Arbil’

(10. August 2012) The central government in Baghdad has lost its energy fight against the regional administration in Arbil, says Mehmet Sepil, the chief executive of Genel Energy, which is active in the lucrative northern Iraqi oil fields

19.06.2014 - 11:54 [ Finanzministerium der Regionalregierung der Autonomen Region Kurdistan ]

A Chinese Companies Delegation visited Ministry of Finance and Economy

On July 7, 2013 Mr. Rasheed Tahir, the KRG Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy received a Chinese companies delegations heading by Mr. Kang Hubiao. In a meeting, the delegation shed light on the purpose of the visit which is to be well known of Kurdistan Region‘s economic and finance sectors‘ condition in order to bring their companies to do investment which are specialized to consultant, economic infrastructure, and finance and energy sectors.

19.06.2014 - 11:47 [ DNO.no ]

Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani

Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani was elected to DNO’s board of directors in the spring of 2011 and to the chairmanship of the Company in the summer of that year. Mr Mossavar-Rahmani serves concurrently as Chairman of the board and Chief Executive Officer of RAK Petroleum PCL, DNO’s largest shareholder, and also Chairman of the board of directors of Foxtrot International, LDC, a privately held Franco-American oil and gas company active in West Africa.

19.06.2014 - 11:47 [ Wikipedia ]


DNO ASA ‘DNO’ is a Middle East and North Africa (MENA) focused oil and gas company listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The Company holds stakes in oil and gas blocks in various stages of exploration, development and production both onshore and offshore in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, the Republic of Yemen, the Sultanate of Oman, the United Arab Emirates, the Tunisian Republic and Somaliland.

19.06.2014 - 11:42 [ Wikipedia ]

Genel Energy

Genel Energy plc is an oil company with a registered office in Jersey and field office in Turkey. It has its exploration and production operations in Iraqi Kurdistan with plans to expand its activities into other Middle East and North African countries. The company owns rights in six production sharing contracts, including interests in the Taq Taq, Tawke, and Chia Surkh fields.

Genel Energy was created in 2011 as a result of the reverse acquisition of Turkish Genel Enerji by Tony Hayward led investment company Vallares. Vallares was set up by Tony Hayward, financier Nat Rothschild and banker Julian Metherell. Genel Enerji was controlled by Mehmet Emin Karamehmet through Çukurova Group (56%) and Mehmet Sepil‘s family (44%).

19.06.2014 - 11:35 [ Forbes ]

In Iraq Oil Deal, Tony Hayward And Nat Rothschild Are Now Partners With Sinopec

(07.09.2011) Today came the announcement of their first foray — the acquisition of Turkish oil company Genel Energy, a subsidary of Cukurova Holdings, owned by billionaire Mehmet Emin Karamehmet, the richest man in Turkey ($4 billion net worth at Forbes’ last reckoning). (…)
But the most significant partner is Sinopec. The Chinese giant is a relatively new partner for Genel.

19.06.2014 - 11:18 [ nationalia.info ]

Economic interest forges growing alliance between Turkey and South Kurdistan

(09.12.2013) The pipeline starts at Taq Taq oilfield, passes through Khurmala oilfield and reaches the North Kurdistan-South Kurdistan border (i.e., Iraq-Turkey border) in Fishkhabur. It connects there with another pipeline that runs to the Mediterranean port of Ceyhan. (…) The contract between Turks and Kurds was announced immediately after a landmark meeting that the South Kurdistan President Massoud Barzani (left picture) and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan maintained in mid November in Diyarbakir, the city regarded as the de facto capital of North Kurdistan.

19.06.2014 - 11:13 [ Nicholas Borroz ]

Turkey and the KRG won’t fully benefit from the pipeline untill it is revealed

(25. Januar 2014) Of the numerous missing details about the new pipeline, two fundamental facts are conspicuously absent:

1) Where is the new pipeline? Maps previously published by oil companies operating in the region indicated that the pipeline (blue in the map below) would start in Iraqi Kurdistan, either near the Taq Taq or Kurdamir licenses. Media reports speculated that the pipeline would then connect to the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline (red in the map below) in Turkish territory, beyond a Baghdad-controlled metering station (yellow in the map below) near Fish Khabur.

2) Who is building the pipeline? It is certainly being built with the consent of both the Turkish government and Iraqi Kurdistan. The construction, however, is likely subcontracted out to an unknown private company.

19.06.2014 - 11:11 [ hypotheses.org ]

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan rencontre Massoud Barzani à Diyarbakır

(19. November 2013) Recep Tayyip Erdoğan était ce week-end, comme prévu, à Diyarbakır pour y rencontrer le président de la région kurde d’Irak du nord, Massoud Barzani. Ce séjour avait comme premier objectif affiché de raviver le processus de règlement de la question kurde, entré en sommeil, depuis que les événements de Gezi Parkı ont ébranlé la Turquie, en mai-juin derniers. De fait, il n’est pas étonnant qu’il se soit attaché à entretenir une symbolique forte.

19.06.2014 - 10:42 [ Abgeornetenwatch ]

Fragen an Ronald Pofalla

Oder kann man Sie künftig als weiteres Beispiel für die moralische Verkommenheit unserer Volksvertreter ansehen?
Es interessiert mich ernsthaft, wie man dieses Verhalten vor sich selbst rechtfertigt. Vielleicht kann man ja davon lernen.
Kennen Sie eigentlich den kategorischen Imperativ?

19.06.2014 - 10:38 [ Süddeutsche Zeitung ]

Gesetzemachen im WM-Taumel

Wann sich der Bundestag mit diesen Themen beschäftigt, ist bisher unklar. Vor der Sommerpause sind noch zwei Sitzungswochen angesetzt. Am 4. Juli kommt das Plenum zum letzten Mal zusammen. Es ist der Tag des Viertelfinales der Fußball-WM – und das Jubiläum des Wunders von Bern.

19.06.2014 - 10:37 [ Hurriyet ]

Main opposition CHP questions Turkey’s oil deal with KRG

Turkey’s main opposition party has submitted a motion to launch a parliamentary investigation over the government’s decision to commence the shipment of Kurdish oil to world markets.

Ankara and Arbil signed the deal without the consent of the central government in Iraq. The Republican People’s Party (CHP) has argued this move risks regional stability and Turkey’s relations with Iraq and the international community.

19.06.2014 - 10:36 [ Regionalregierung der Autonomen Region Kurdistan (KRG) ]

Minister Hawrami: New Iraq needs power-sharing and adherence to constitution to avoid further chaos

(18. Juni) “As of last week (following the crisis in Mosul) there is a new Iraq. Iraq needs power-sharing, revenue-sharing and adherence to the constitution. Otherwise we will have more chaos in Iraq.”

Dr Hawrami explained that the federal budget law in 2013 had introduced a minimum export requirement of 400,000 barrels per day by the KRG, but this figure was unrealistic and had been inserted into the budget without consultation with the KRG. He said that the KRG should have received $6 billion as its budget so far this year; instead, it had received $900 million.

19.06.2014 - 10:20 [ Petro Poroshenko, Präsident der Ukraine ]

Petro Poroshenko expects broad support for the peaceful plan

The key elements of the plan are the closure of the Ukrainian-Russian state border and amendments to the Constitution that will provide for the decentralization of power.

„The plan will begin with my order on unilateral cease-fire,“ the Head of State said answering the questions of journalists about the peaceful plan.

„I can say that the cease-fire time will be pretty short. We expect that disarmament of military groups and restoration of order will take place right after it,“ Petro Poroshenko said.

„We expect that hostages and seized premises will be liberated. We expect that a large number of civilians will use the security guarantees for the citizens of Donbas,“ he stressed.

The President emphasized that the government will offer amnesty to those who didn‘t commit serious crimes and organize an escape corridor for the disarmed militants willing to leave the territory of Ukraine.

19.06.2014 - 10:19 [ Petro Poroshenko, Präsident der Ukraine ]

President approved amendments to the laws of Ukraine on struggle against terrorism

Amendments proposed in the given Law ensure the following:

– holding within the framework of the counterterrorist operation of a complex of coordinated special measures aimed at prevention, alteration of the scale of the CTO, minimization of its consequences and ensuring the security of population;

– significant broadening of powers for subjects directly involved in the struggle against terrorism;

– securing the rights of special units directly involved in the struggle against terrorism;

– change in the order of forming the Interagency Coordinating Commission of the Counterterrorist Center under the Security Service of Ukraine composed, in addition to other officials, of any officials specified by the President of Ukraine.

19.06.2014 - 10:13 [ Außenministerium der Russischen Föderation ]

Erklärung des Außenministeriums Russlands zum Tod eines russischen Journalisten in der Ukraine

Am 17. Juni kam es in der Nähe von Lugansk zu einer weiteren schrecklichen Tragödie. Infolge eines Granatwerferbeschusses durch die ukrainischen Sicherheitskräfte eines Ortes ohne irgendwelche militärische Objekte kam der Korrespondent von WGTRK, Igor Korneljuk, ums Leben. Sein Mitstreiter, der Tonregisseur Anton Woloschin, gilt als vermisst.

Wir trauern und drücken den Familienangehörigen und Freunden Igor Korneljuks unser aufrichtiges Beileid aus.

19.06.2014 - 10:11 [ Ria Novosti ]

USA billigen Poroschenkos Erklärung über Feuereinstellung als erster Schritt – Außenamt

„Das waren jedoch einseitige Schritte. Diese Schritte wurden von der ukrainischen Regierung unternommen. Wir billigen ihre Bemühungen. Aber es ist offensichtlich, dass sie bei diesen Bemühungen einen Partner brauchen“, fügte die Außenamtssprecherin hinzu.

Sie rief Russland auf, den „Friedensplan“ zu unterstützen.

19.06.2014 - 08:15 [ Matthias Monroy / Netzpolitik ]

Internetausdrucker vs. Privacy Handbuch: Verfassungsschutz beargwöhnt Verschlüsselungstechniken

Den 53 NSA-Folien des Spiegel ist zu entnehmen, wie sich der deutsche Inlandsgeheimdienst um neue Möglichkeiten zum Ausspähen der elektronischen Kommunikation bemüht. Veröffentlichungen wie der gestrige Verfassungsschutzbericht dienen dazu, die technische Aufrüstung gegenüber den Enthüllungen in Schutz zu nehmen und Begründungen für die Spionage nachzureichen. So nimmt es nicht wunder, dass sich der Verfassungsschutz vor allem an digitalem Aktivismus stört, insbesondere wenn er von links kommt:

19.06.2014 - 08:12 [ Neues Deutschland ]

BND ausgebremst? Irrtum!

(11. Juni) Der BND hat in seiner Vorlage, deren Geheimhaltung übrigens erst im Jahr 2074 endet, für das Jahr 2014 genau diese sechs Millionen Euro gefordert, die ihm von den zuständigen Haushältern des Bundestages zugestanden wurden. 3,3 Millionen Euro sollen für die Aufklärung durch technische Signalerfassung (SIGINT) ausgegeben werden. Insgesamt schluckt der SIGINT-Ausbau über die Hälfte der bis 2020 geplanten 300 Millionen Euro.

19.06.2014 - 08:05 [ Spiegel ]

Spying Together: Germany‘s Deep Cooperation with the NSA

The official nature of the cooperation between Germany and the US in Bad Aibling is documented in a contract, written two years prior to the NSA‘s official departure, drafted under the auspices of then-Chancellery Chief of Staff Frank-Walter Steinmeier, now Germany‘s foreign minister. The „Memorandum of Agreement,“ signed on April 28, 2002, is six pages long and marked Top Secret. It is not from Snowden‘s material.

19.06.2014 - 07:55 [ Süddeutsche ]

NSA-Affäre: Was die Behörden hätten wissen müssen

MAD-Unterlagen, die die Süddeutsche Zeitung einsehen konnte, dokumentieren jedenfalls eine vergleichsweise offene Auseinandersetzung mit den eigenen Fehlern, aber auch den Versäumnissen der anderen Dienste in der Abhöraffäre NSA. Vieles, was der Whistleblower Edward Snowden in den vergangenen zwölf Monaten über die US-Geheimdienste enthüllt hat, hätten die deutschen Behörden demnach eigentlich wissen müssen. Das stellt der MAD vertraulich fest.

19.06.2014 - 07:52 [ Techdirt ]

Stop The NSA‘s Backdoor: Call Congress Today To Support Key Amendment

The amendment has powerful bipartisan backing, sponsored by Reps. James Sensenbrenner, Thomas Massie and Zoe Lofgren, along with co-sponsors Reps. Conyers, Poe, Gabbard, Jordan, O’Rourke, Amash, and Holt. Having Sensenbrenner bring out this amendment is a big deal. This amendment would restore at least one aspect of the USA Freedom Act that was stripped out at the last minute under pressure from the White House. Sensenbrenner sponsoring this bill highlights that he‘s clearly not satisfied with how his own bill got twisted and watered down from the original, and he‘s still working to put back in some of the protections that were removed. Conyers is a powerful force on the other side of the aisle, whose support for the USA Freedom Act was seen by some as a signal that the bill was „okay“ to vote on. Having both of them support this Amendment suggests that neither were really that satisfied with the bill and felt pressured into supporting it.

19.06.2014 - 07:52 [ Techdirt ]

IRS Now Says It Has Lost Emails From Six More Accounts Tied To The Investigation Of Its Targeting Of Tax-Exempt Groups

The IRS recently blamed a „computer crash“ for the disappearance of two years of email correspondence involving Lois Lerner, the IRS official at the center of the controversy surrounding the agency‘s apparent targeting of certain non-profit groups (Tea Party, Occupy, open source).

Apparently, this computer crash also destroyed any backups of the email between Lerner‘s office and outside government agencies, along with the hard copy backups IRS employees are required to maintain as part of its public records obligations. The latter part of that hasn‘t been specifically denied, but it‘s assumed no one‘s rounding up email printouts at the moment. As is the new Standard Operating Procedure for Grandstanding, a Congressman has demanded the NSA hand over the metadata on the missing Lerner emails.

Now, it appears that Lois Lerner‘s computer crash was only part of a much larger series of well-timed computer crashes.

19.06.2014 - 07:46 [ trend.az ]

Israel arrest of freed Palestinian prisoners draws condemnation

Since the disappearance of three Israeli teenagers near the southern West Bank city of Hebron on Thursday, the Israeli army has already arrested 240 Palestinians all over the territory, including leaders, lawmakers and students, officials said on Wednesday, Xinhua reported.