POLICE investigating the use of Scottish airports for CIA torture flights “must have access” to a new US Senate intelligence report on the spy agency’s secret rendition programme, justice campaigners warned yesterday.(…)
The Lord Advocate last year asked police to investigate the use of Scottish airports by the CIA for its programme of “renditions” — in which terror suspects are kidnapped and flown to another country in order to torture them with impunity.
Daily Archives: 25. Mai 2014
‚Army of children‘: British armed forces criticised for recruiting boy soldiers aged 16… alongside North Korea and Iran
„By recruiting at 16, the UK isolates itself from its main political and military allies and finds itself instead sharing a policy with the likes of North Korea and Iran. These are not states which the UK would normally want its military to be associated with,“ said Richard Clarke, director of Child Soldiers International.
North Carolina GOP Pushes Unprecedented Bill to Jail Anyone Who Discloses Fracking Chemicals
The bill also allows companies that own the chemical information to require emergency responders to sign a confidentiality agreement. And it‘s not clear what the penalty would be for a health care worker or fire chief who spoke about their experiences with chemical accidents to colleagues.
Facebook wants to ‚listen‘ to your music and TV
The feature, which will be available in a few weeks‘ time, uses the microphones inside users‘ smartphones to detect nearby music or TV shows.
Och joa geil, also wer nun bei WhatsApp Fotos schickt tritt automatisch die Rechte ab, geil. Sauapp!…
Obama Makes Surprise Visit to Troops in Afghanistan
White House officials said the trip was intended as a visit with troops, not as an opportunity for the two presidents to meet. They said American officials offered Mr. Karzai the opportunity to meet Mr. Obama at the Bagram Airfield, but were not surprised that it did not happen.
Hohe Chemikalienbelastung nahe Monsanto-Fabrik
Auf die Bausperre reagierte das Unternehmen mit der Forderung nach einem Runden Tisch, mit der Universität von Córdoba als Vermittlerin. In der Erklärung unterstreicht Monsanto, dass das Großprojekt im Wert von rund 400 Millionen US-Dollar rund 400 Arbeitsplätze in der Region schaffen würde.
Mujica fordert vor OAS neue Wirtschaftspolitik
„Es ist die Kunst der Politik, sich um das Wachstum der Wirtschaft zu sorgen und die Gewinne gleichzeitig gerecht zu verteilen“, ergänzte er in Anspielung auf die Tatsache, dass Uruguay für lateinamerikanische Verhältnisse eine hohe Umverteilungsquote erreicht, ohne dabei Investoren zu verschrecken.
Bild to Erdoğan: You are not Welcome!
It is stated in the open letter that “We are a country that is democratic, favors freedom and in which diversity lives together. Laws go for the politicians here, as well. Women can walk topless in streets here. We let everyone speak their opinions, even if it’s nonsense. Say whatever you want tonight, dear Erdoğan.
Köln: Zehntausende gegen Erdogan auf der Straße
Im Internet war von bis zu 50.000 Menschen die Rede, die sich zur Stunde an den Protesten gegen Erdogan beteiligen. Polizisten vor Ort schätzten die Teilnehmerzahl wegen des stetigen Zulaufs am Nachmittag ebenfalls auf rund 45.000.Wie eine Polizeisprecherin dem Evangelischen Pressedienst (epd) sagte, verlief die Gegendemonstration in der Innenstadt »vollkommen friedlich«.
Die Woche im Rückspiegel betrachtet
Mit diesem Format möchte ich Ihnen immer wieder des Sonntags im Schnelldurchlauf zehn bemerkenswerte Geschichten und Veröffentlichungen präsentieren, über die ich im Laufe der jeweils vorangegangenen sieben Tage via wilder Internet-Klickerei stolperte.
Germany‘s Schaeuble says raising defence spending would not be smart
„Ninety percent of the public not only in Germany and the European Union but beyond as well would view such a step as an aggravation of the situation,“ Schaeuble said. He also said he hoped for an improvement in relations with Russia in time.
„Increasing the defence budget at the present moment would not be a smart move. In fact it would be the opposite of what we need,“ he added.
Wir halten einen 2. Untersuchungsausschuss zum #NSU nicht für ausgeschlossen. Es muss rückhaltlos aufgeklärt werden!
#vs und #bnd beobachten den #nsu-Ausschuss! Wozu? Um ihre Zeugen zu briefen, Absprachen zu treffen und so.
Spot an – TTIP aus! Diese Kids können in die Zukunft sehen
Unglaublich, was diese Jungs auf die Beine gestellt haben: ein durch und durch professionell gemachtes Video. So deutlich hatten Sie die Zukunft mit TTIP noch nie vor Augen! Schauen Sie doch mal rein. Und wenn Sie den Clip gut finden, verbreiten Sie ihn bitte im Internet, über…
ARTE – Welt ohne Menschen (Dokumentation)
President Obama plays soccer with a robot
President Obama takes a moment to interact with ASIMO, a robot at Japan‘s Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
Internet-Task Force der Computer-Giganten unter UNO-Schirmherrschaft
(23.2.2010) Am Montag, den 22.Februar trafen sich zum zweitägigen Kriegsrat UNO-Vertreter und Computergiganten in den Vereinigten Staaten in Seattle (wo sonst?), um zu beraten, wie man diesen freien Geist der Menschheit wieder in die Flasche sperren kann.
Die Vereinten Nationen und Computerriesen wie Microsoft, Google CISCO, Symantec und andere arbeiten zusammen, um Wege zur Bekämpfung von Terroristen zu finden, die das Internet für die Rekrutierung von Mitgliedern nutzen, die strafbare Handlungen organisieren und dafür Geld sammeln, hiess es am 22.Februar auf der UNO-Webseite UN News Centre.
“Es gibt eine hohe Kriminalität im Internet.”
wird dort Richard Barrett, der Co-Vorsitzende der Arbeitsgruppe zur Eindämmung des Internet-Terrorismus der Vereinten Nationen zitiert.
Die UNO hatte im Jahr 2006 eine Task Force (CTITF) gegründet, um die Kontrolle über das Internet zu erlangen.
Robot rock band plays on stage in Tokyo.A three-piece band made entirely from robots plays guitar
(24.06.2013) A three-piece band made entirely from robots plays guitar, drums and keyboard alongside Japanese pop singers in Tokyo on Monday. The trio, called Z-Machines, was designed by engineers and academics at Tokyo University who hope to one day send them to play in space. The robots performed to a crowd of 100 people and accompanied Japanese group Amoyamo
This video of a robot running 45 mph is insane
Robot running
Toyota humanoid robot running at 7km/h.
robot run speed 28.3 mph
Le robot Cheetah développé par Boston Dynamics a été encore amélioré et peut maintenant courir à une vitesse de pointe de 45,5 km/h (28,3 mph) au lieu de ses 30 km/h d‘origine. Ce robot quadrupède court ainsi plus vite que Usain Bolt.
Crabster CR200 onland walking without skin
Crabster CR200 continuous walking on land, carefully and carefully step by step!!
Giant six-legged robot Crab to walk the Ocean floor – 1 April
Monsters of the deep will have a man-made horror to contend with, as the Crabster CR200 is released into the oceans. Weighing over half a ton, the six-legged, crustacean-inspired robot is intended for the most dangerous undersea exploration.
Developed by the Korean Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), the Crabster offers a solution to a longstanding problem.
Journalists take care of the censorship as Sisi poised to rule
Many journalists now eagerly engage in self-censorship.
It‘s a far cry from the free press many hoped for after the popular uprising that toppled Mubarak in 2011.
Thailand coup: Tensions rise after scuffles between protesters and soldiers – video
Protesters are involved in scuffles with Thai soldiers during demonstrations against Thailand‘s military coup in Bangkok on Sunday.
Russia disagrees with role of passive listener in relations with U.S. – Putin
„If the bonus for Russia boils down to being allowed to sit nearby and listen to what others are saying, this is not the role which Russia can agree to,“ Putin added.
He said Russia always takes the interests of partners into account but there are certain lines that „are not to be crossed.“ „This is the very line regarding Ukraine and Crimea,“ Putin said.
Protestvideo: Fehlstart bei der Endlagersuche
(11.05.) Raul Zelik: Warum ich nicht mehr für die TAZ schreibe
Fast ebenso skandalös wie der Fall erscheint mir allerdings das Schweigen der europäischen Medien. Die Verteidigung von Menschen- und politischen Rechten ist offensichtlich nur dann von Belang, wenn es um Missstände außerhalb oder am östlichen Rand der EU geht.
Ich bin sehr enttäuscht darüber, dass diese Haltung auch von der TAZ geteilt wird. Bei der Verfolgung von Oppositionellen in Kuba, Russland oder einem afrikanischen Land zeigt sich die TAZ als Speerspitze des engagierten Journalismus. Die Verhältnisse in der EU selbst hingegen scheinen ihr weniger relevant.
‚Mit dem gebotenen Hohn‘
Uwe Krüger: „Ich nehme an, dass der Druck nach einer Fernsehsendung mit Millionenpublikum recht hoch geworden ist. Sichtbar sind jedenfalls Shitstorms unter Online-Artikeln, und offenbar gab es auch Abbestellungen von Abos.“
Kraftwerk – Radio-Activity
Kraftwerk Radio-Activity (1975).
Aufruf zur Parteigründung an Digitalcourage, Chaos Computer Club, Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte und Kritische Polizisten
Mittels des Teilens und des “Likens” dieser Seite wird der Aufruf u.a. an die Gruppen bzw Organisationen Digitalcourage, Chaos Computer Club, Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte und Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft kritischer Polizistinnen und Polizisten (Hamburger Signal) unterstützt ihren Worten, Erklärungen und Taten nun die entsprechende Organisation zu deren Durchsetzung folgen zu lassen. Alle etablierten Parteien haben sich dazu als unfähig und / oder unwillens erwiesen.
Project PM Leaks Dirt on Romas/COIN Classified Intelligence Mass Surveillance
(22.06.2011) For at least two years, the U.S. has been conducting a secretive and immensely sophisticated campaign of mass surveillance and data mining against the Arab world, allowing the intelligence community to monitor the habits, conversations, and activity of millions of individuals at once. And with an upgrade (Odyssey) scheduled for later this year, the top contender to win the federal contract and thus take over the program is a team of about a dozen companies which were brought together in large part by Aaron Barr – the same disgraced CEO who resigned from his own firm earlier this year after he was discovered to have planned a full-scale information war against political activists at the behest of corporate clients. The new revelation provides for a disturbing picture, particularly when viewed in a wider context. Unprecedented surveillance capabilities are being produced by an industry that works in secret on applications that are nonetheless funded by the American public – and which in some cases are used against that very same public. Their products are developed on demand for an intelligence community that is not subject to Congressional oversight and which has been repeatedly shown to have misused its existing powers in ways that violate U.S. law as well as American ideals.
A sinister cyber-surveillance scheme exposed
(22.05.2011) Scattered discussions of Arab translation services may indicate that the programme targets the Middle East.
F.B.I. Informant Is Tied to Cyberattacks Abroad
An informant working for the F.B.I. coordinated a 2012 campaign of hundreds of cyberattacks on foreign websites, including some operated by the governments of Iran, Syria, Brazil and Pakistan, according to documents and interviews with people involved in the attacks.
New leak exposes how the FBI directed Anonymous’ hacks
(24.04.2014) “These intrusions, all of which were suggested by Sabu while cooperating with the FBI, affected thousands of domain names and consisted largely of foreign government websites, including those of Turkey, Brazil, Iran —,” Hammond managed to say before being silenced by US District Court Judge Loretta Preska. Moments later, Preska sentenced him to the maximum time behind bars allowable under a mutually agreed upon plea deal: 120 months.
Barrett Brown lawyer: US tried to ‚kill a fly with a sledgehammer‘
(28.04.2014) Brown writes to the hacker: “It occurred to me that it might be a good idea to tell Stratfor that you guys will consider making any reasonable redactions to emails that might endanger, say, activists living under dictatorships with whom they might have spoken… If they fail to cooperate, it will be on them if any claims are made about this yield endangering anyone”.
Ghappour told the Guardian that he found it ironic that the government had accused Brown of something so vastly different from what he actually did. “The government charged Brown with criminally transferring credit card information, when in fact what he did was to offer to redact sensitive material.”
Hooray for the Justice Department
(24.12.2012) Over a year ago, it was revealed that the federal contractors HBGary Federal, Palantir, Berico, and Endgame Systems had combined forces to create a sort of cyber-offense unit called Team Themis. With the assistance of the law firm Hunton & Williams, they went about collecting potential clients, including two institutions which desired to go on the offensive against certain activist groups. One of these institutions, the Chamber of Commerce, provided them with the names of various individuals believed to be involved with groups that opposed their policies, and asked them to come up with a plan by which to discredit them. This was one of the options that Team Themis came up:
„Create a false document, perhaps highlighting periodical financial information, and monitor to see if U.S. Chamber Watch acquires it. Afterward, present explicit evidence that such transactions never occurred. Also, create a fake insider persona and generate communications with CtW. Afterward, release the actual documents at a specified time and explain the activity as a CtW contrived operation. Both instances will prove that Chamber Watch cannot be trusted with information and/or tell the truth.“
In the eyes of the Justice Department, this sort of thing does not constitute even probable cause of criminal activity on the part of any of the individuals involved, or their companies, or the various other employees who viewed these kinds proposals. I say this because no one involved has had their apartment door knocked down and their equipment and notes seized by the FBI, as I have. The fact that Team Themis also discussed the option of hacking the servers of Wikileaks, and engaging in a campaign of intimidation against the journalist Glenn Greenwald due to his support of the organization, did not seem to generate much activity over at the DoJ or FBI, either. Perhaps this is because these latter measures were proposed for another of Team Themis‘ prospective clients, Bank of America, and that Bank of America first got in touch with Team Themis and Hunton & Williams after they were recommended to them by the Justice Department itself.
What Was Hastings Working On?
(07.08.2013) When the FBI raided the Dallas home of journalist Barrett Brown in March 2012, the travails of the Vanity Fair and Guardian contributor didn’t get much ink — that is, until Michael Hastings published an exclusive on the Brown raid on Buzzfeed.
The story included a copy of the search warrant that revealed why the government was so interested in Brown: Along with colleagues at the research wiki he started, ProjectPM (PPM), Brown was looking into a legion of shadowy cybersecurity firms whose work for the government raised all sorts of questions about privacy and the rule of law.
Since Hastings was familiar with the government contractors listed in the search warrant, he was also potentially culpable in whatever “crimes” the feds believed Brown and PPM were guilty of. Is this why he was being investigated in the days before his fatal crash on June 18, 2013? By then, Hastings had established a reputation as a fearless muckraker, whose stories often stripped the haloes from the powerful and well-connected:
Was Michael Hastings‘ Car Hacked? Richard Clarke Says It‘s Possible
(26.03.2013) Former U.S. National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism Richard Clarke told The Huffington Post that what is known about the single-vehicle crash is „consistent with a car cyber attack.“
Clarke said, „There is reason to believe that intelligence agencies for major powers“ — including the United States — know how to remotely seize control of a car.“
´Self-driving‘ robot car unveiled by engineers from Oxford University
A car, which has the ability to remember a route and drive itself, has been unveiled by engineers from Oxford University.
Seven killed in Somalia car bomb explosion
Witnesses said that the car sped towards the gate before it exploded outside the parliament building where lawmakers were holding a meeting.
3 killed in explosion at restaurant in Djibouti
The two sources, who do not want to be named, confirmed three people died and an unknown number of others were wounded.
The sources do not believe it was a suicide bombing.
Willing Accomplices: The NSA’s Corporate Collaborators
Above all hi-tech companies want to look like they’re siding with their users.
These gestures are likely theater, being performed by executives on behalf of quarterly earnings. Such is the beauty of PR. Hi-tech companies don’t really need to fend off government spies but merely provide users with the perception of resistance.
Keep in mind that social media survives by selling user data. Spying is their business model.
Exclusive: Emails reveal close Google relationship with NSA
The classified briefing cited by Alexander was part of a secretive government initiative known as the Enduring Security Framework (ESF), and his email provides some rare information about what the ESF entails, the identities of some participant tech firms and the threats they discussed.
Spying news: Google’s relationship with the NSA, plus ‘Reset the Net’ effort
Tech companies (not the Internet giants) and civil liberties groups have declared June 5 the day to “Reset the Net.” The effort is powered by Reddit, Imgur, DuckDuckGo, CREDO Mobile, Greenpeace, Demand Progress and others. It calls for developers to create and add security features such as encryption to apps and websites, which would help make it harder for the government to carry on its mass surveillance.
Cyberspace: The U.S. “Plan X”
“Plan X is a foundational cyber warfare program that we are building to allow us to have the visibility and the understanding of cyberspace so that we could start to deal with how cyber warfare is happening today and where it will be in the future,” DARPA director Arati Prabhaker told members of the Senate Appropriations Committee’s Defense Subcommittee May 14. “We think it will be integral to the kinetic warfighting of the future.”
Wise Intelligence Systems – The future of Homeland Security
The intelligence data fusion domain is another example of the migration of technologies from the military / strategic world to the field of Homeland Security. Systems, that previously for many reasons were solely the domain of only large armies and intelligence agencies – in fact the technology is now also available to police and other institutions.
Israeli weapons firm arrives in Nigeria to install Internet surveillance system
(05.12.2013) Oglala Emanuel, who broke the original story in April, writes, “As the world battles the American government over its invasive Prism project that has snooped on Americans and other world leaders, workers of Israeli defense electronics firm, Elbit Systems, have quietly landed in Abuja, to install a comprehensive spying facility that will help the Nigerian government spy on all online activities by its citizens.”
As part of the sale, a “team of about twenty Nigerian intelligence officers are currently training” at Elbit’s headquarters in Haifa to operate the Wise Intelligent Technology (WIT) system.
‚Nigerian army holding up hunt for abducted girls‘
ABUJA: Intelligence agents from all over the globe have poured into Nigeria‘s capital, to help find the nearly 300 schoolgirls abducted by the Islamist group Boko Haram more than a month ago – but there hardly progress in bringing the girls home.
Boko Haram – The inadvertent Western spin
The age-old nationalist gripe about allowing the United States of America to fulfill its age-old ambition of establishing military bases in Africa is not purely on pan-Africanist grounds.
Pope‘s Mideast programme refers to „State of Palestine“
With a Rabbi and a Muslim leader in tow, Pope Francis makes his first visit to the Middle East on Saturday, a delicate mission to push his vision of inter-religious dialogue as a vehicle for peace in the region.
Pope launches Holy Land visit with Syria peace appeal
Pope Francis made an urgent appeal for an end to Syria‘s devastating civil war and an unscripted condemnation of the arms industry on Saturday at the start of his first trip to the Holy Land as pontiff.
Boko Haram: Ugandan President, Museveni, mocks Nigeria over foreign military assistance
“I have never called the United Nations to guard your security. Me, Yoweri Museveni to say that I have failed to protect my people and I call in the UN….I would rather hang myself,” Mr. Museveni was quoted by the country’s state-owned newspaper, New Vision, as saying.
Nigeria at war with unknown enemies – Jang
(23.05.) “This is a different type of war from the wars that we all know; these are enemies that are unknown.
“And these are the worst enemies that you can fight because you don’t know where they are coming from, you don’t know where and how to tackle them until suddenly you are taken by surprise as it is now,” he said.
The governor was of the view that most of the perpetrators of the heinous crimes were non-Nigerians, employed by the evil people in Nigeria to kill Nigerians.“