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Daily Archives: 18. März 2014
OECD Report: 18% of Greeks Suffering Poverty
Poverty-GreeksA recent OECD report on poverty revealed that the 17.9% of Greeks can’t afford to buy food – more than in countries with lower per capita income such as Brazil and China. The OECD report, entitled “Society at a Glance 2014″, details huge income losses incurred by Greeks during the period 2007-2012, averaging 4,400 euros per person – the highest among OECD countries and four times the eurozone average.
Sanctions against Russia would kill 40,000 Czech jobs — official
“If imports of [Russian] raw materials, mainly oil, ceased, we would not be able to promptly compensate for this, which would seriously drag on the development of Czech industry”, primarily car manufacturing which was already in decline, Danek added.
KenFM im Gespräch mit: Dr. Daniele Ganser (Teil 1: Ressourcenkriege, Peak-Oil, Imperium USA)
KenFM traf Dr. Daniele Ganser in Basel und sprach mit ihm über NATO-Politik, Ressourcen- und Wirtschaftskriege, die Causa 9/11 und die globalen Vorgehensweisen des amerikanischen Imperiums.
Conflicting reports over shooting near military research center in Crimean capital
The Kryminform news agency, citing an unnamed local police source, reports shooting came from a house under construction opposite the center and targeted Crimean self-defense units as well the military center itself.
“Earlier today self-defense units were informed that a group of armed men had been discovered in a partially inhabited building,” a source from the ministry said. “As they were taking measures to check, self-defense units came under fire. One man was killed, one wounded,” the source explained, adding that shooting came “in two directions from one spot”.
The Kryminform source claimed another man from the military center was wounded.
RT’s producer contacted staff inside the military center, who confirmed that the shooting did take place and came from a nearby house under construction. At the same time, the man had no information on the casualties.
I am still struggling to understand how my lover and best friend could end her life in this tragic way.
We spent many wonderful years together and had made a great life for ourselves.
She had great presence and her talent was much admired, not least by me.
I have been touched by the tributes that people have paid to her, and also the personal messages of support that I have received.
I will never forget her,
Ukrainian National Guard to replenish truck fleet with confiscated Russian vehicles
The 50 Russian trucks seized by Ukrainian ultranationalists, as well as vehicles confiscated from civilians and small businesses will be used to replenish the truck fleet of National Guard, a Ukrainian lawmaker from the Svoboda (Freedom) faction in the Ukrainian parliament said on conditions of anonymity.
“The confiscated vehicles will be handed over to National Guard,” the source said on Tuesday.
France Bans Patented Monsanto GMO Corn as Sign of Firm Opposition to Modified Seeds
In contrast to France, the GMO global corporations are deeply ingrained (so to speak) in the United States government, with Monsanto holding more than one key position in Obama Administration policy-making decisions, not to mention the domestic clout of DuPont and Dow Chemical.
NSA surveillance program reaches ‘into the past’ to retrieve, replay phone calls
Each month, they send millions of voice clippings, or “cuts,” for processing and long-term storage.
At the request of U.S. officials, The Washington Post is withholding details that could be used to identify the country where the system is being employed or other countries where its use was envisioned.
Abhoerskandal: NSA kann Telekommunikation eines ganzen Staates abhören
Das System wird den Angaben zufolge seit 2011 gegen das erste Zielland eingesetzt. Die Washington Post gab an, den Namen dieses Landes auf Bitten der US-Regierung nicht zu nennen. Auch die Information, in welchen Staaten das Programm in Zukunft zum Einsatz kommen könnte, hielt die Zeitung zurück.
Putin zieht Parallelen zu deutscher Vereinigung – Dank an China und Indien
Nicht alle hatten damals den Beschluss über eine Vereinigung der DDR und der BRD unterstützt, „die UdSSR war aber voll und ganz für diese historische Vereinigung“, so Putin.
Er appellierte an die Bundesbürger und erklärte: „Ich bin sicher, dass Sie das nicht vergessen haben. Und ich rechne damit, dass die Bürger Deutschlands das Streben der russischen Welt und des historischen Russlands nach einer Wiederherstellung der Einheit unterstützen werden.“
Telephone conversation with Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh
The leaders of Russia and India expressed a firm determination to strengthen relations as a strategic, privileged partnership.
Agreement on the accession of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation signed
The Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea on the Accession of the Republic of Crimea in the Russian Federation and on Forming New Constituent Entities within the Russian Federation was signed in the Kremlin on March 18, 2014.
The document bears the signatures of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov and Chairman of the Coordinating Council for the establishment of the Sevastopol municipal administration Alexei Chaly.
#Ukraine Ein Problem des Westblocks: Es wird zuviel Mist geglaubt – weil man es glauben WILL. Erst prüfen – dann berichten, „Kollegen“…
Verfassungsbeschwerden und Organstreitverfahren gegen Europäischen Stabilitätsmechanismus und Fiskalpakt erfolglos
a) Das durch Art. 38 Abs. 1 GG geschützte Wahlrecht gewährleistet als grundrechtsgleiches Recht die politische Selbstbestimmung der Bürger und garantiert die freie und gleiche Teilhabe an der in Deutschland ausgeübten Staatsgewalt. Sein Gewährleistungsgehalt umfasst die Grundsätze des Demokratiegebots im Sinne von Art. 20 Abs. 1 und Abs. 2 GG,
die Art. 79 Abs. 3 GG als Identität der Verfassung auch vor dem Zugriff des verfassungsändernden Gesetzgebers schützt. Vor diesem Hintergrund muss der Gesetzgeber ausreichende Vorkehrungen treffen, um seine Integrationsverantwortung dauerhaft erfüllen zu können. Er darf sich namentlich seines Budgetrechts nicht begeben, auch nicht in einem System
intergouvernementalen Regierens.
Für die Einhaltung des Demokratiegebots kommt es entscheidend darauf an, dass der Bundestag der Ort bleibt, an dem eigenverantwortlich über Einnahmen und Ausgaben entschieden wird, auch im Hinblick auf internationale und europäische Verbindlichkeiten.
Rogosin: Beitritt der Krim zu Russland bedeutet Ende der unipolaren Welt
Mit diesem Schritt habe Russland das „Ende der unipolaren Welt verkündet und große Verantwortung auf sich genommen“, kommentierte Rogosin in Moskau. Den Vertrag über die Wiedervereinigung der Krim und von Sewastopol mit Russland bezeichnete Rogosin als „historisches Ereignis“ und als „Wiedergeburt des russischen nationalen Selbstbewusstseins“.
Putin dankt ukrainischem Militär für Selbstbeherrschung auf der Krim
„Hätten die örtlichen Selbstverteidigungskräfte der Krim die Situation zur rechten Zeit nicht unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht, hätte es auch dort Opfer gegeben“, betonte Putin.
„Auf der Krim gab es keine einzige bewaffnete Auseinandersetzung und keine Menschenopfer. Was denken Sie, warum? Die Antwort ist ganz einfach: Weil es schwer oder praktisch unmöglich ist, gegen das Volk und seinen Willen zu kämpfen“, sagte Putin weiter.
Arctic blast coming to Eastern US – likely to be the coldest opening to calendar spring in at least 50 years
Another massive cold wave headed for Eastern US next week to put temperature 20 degrees below normal
To AAAS: What we know? Earth hasn’t warmed significantly in over a decade, climate models failed to predict this
One really has to laugh at the repackaging attempt by AAAS
Greek Gov’t – Troika deal sealed; PM distributes ‘primary surplus’ to vulnerable society groups
After seven months of tough negotiations between the Greek government and the representatives of the country’s lenders, the Troika, a deal was sealed on Tuesday. Right after the deal, Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras held a press conference where he announced where and how the primary surplus will be distributed among several groups of the austerity-ridden and tax-hit Greek society.
Serbien nach der Wahl vor harten Zeiten
Der bisherige Vizepremier und Chef der Serbischen Fortschrittspartei (SNS), Aleksandar Vučić, der die Neuwahlen ausgelöst hatte und von Anfang an als Hauptfavorit für das Amt des Ministerpräsidenten galt, versuchte in der Wahlkampagne Aufbruchstimmung zu verbreiten.
Serbia nets alleged Balkan drug boss with help from CIA
Alleged Balkan drug boss Darko Saric, one of the most wanted figures in the crime-riddled region, surrendered to Serbian police on Tuesday as a dragnet involving the CIA closed in on him in Latin America, Serbian authorities said.
Hamas calls Egypt blockade a „crime against humanity“
The Palestinian militant group Hamas on Tuesday called Egypt‘s curbs on movement through its crossing with the Gaza Strip a „crime against humanity“, in an unprecedented rebuke of its Arab neighbor that further frays their worsening ties.
Microsoft Enlisting Clueless States Attorneys General To Shake Down Foreign Companies For ‚Piracy‘
Almost exactly three years ago, we wrote about an effort by Microsoft to try to get various states to pass laws that would make it illegal to buy from a foreign company that uses unauthorized software. The goal was, basically, an incredibly cynical way for Microsoft to abuse overeager, grandstanding Attorneys General who want to pretend they‘re „helping local businesses“ by blocking every other company from doing business with whoever might be the best supplier… unless they suddenly became licensed Microsoft customers. There were all sorts of problems with that idea, but over the past three years, Microsoft has apparently continued to push forward with variations on that concept — and are now successfully getting states Attorneys‘ General (who have no authority over copyright issues) to shake down foreign companies with claims that they‘re „pirates.“
The DHS May Have (Publicly) Dumped Its License Plate Database Plans But It Still Has Access To Millions Of Records
As we recently covered, the DHS and ICE asked for bids for a nationwide license plate database before killing off the plan a few days later, apparently realizing more massive government surveillance wasn‘t exactly what Americans were looking for at this point in time.
Victory on the front lines of the war against surveillance
“With liber—ty and just—ice for all,” said the girl at the microphone. She accentuated the ends of her words, almost as if she were performing slam poetry, so the members of the city council had more time to contemplate their meaning and gravity. After a short pause, she recalled how she had recited the Pledge of Allegiance every morning in school during her childhood.
If Spying on Senate is So Bad, Why is it OK For Them To Spy On Us?
by Ron Paul
When CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou exposed the CIA’s role in torturing prisoners he was sent to prison for nearly three years. But Senator Feinstein and her colleagues didn’t lift a finger to support him. So again you have the double standards and hypocrisy.
Address by President of the Russian Federation
Federation Council members, State Duma deputies, good afternoon. Representatives of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol are here among us, citizens of Russia, residents of Crimea and Sevastopol! (Applause)
Dear friends, we have gathered here today in connection with an issue that is of vital, historic significance to all of us. A referendum was held in Crimea on March 16 in full compliance with democratic procedures and international norms.
More than 82 percent of the electorate took part in the vote. Over 96 percent of them spoke out in favour of reuniting with Russia. These numbers speak for themselves.
To understand the reason behind such a choice it is enough to know the history of Crimea and what Russia and Crimea have always meant for each other.
Heute ab 12h live bei @phoenix_de die Rede des russischen Präsidenten #Putin zum #Krim-Referendum #Ukraine #Russland
Ukraine: Premier Jazenjuk fordert Entwaffnung illegaler Milizen
„In der Regierungssitzung haben wir die Pläne von Innenminister (Arsen) Awakow, alle nicht registrierten Waffen zu beschlagnahmen, unterstützt“, sagte Jazenjuk, der nach dem Februar-Umsturz vom Parlament (Oberste Rada) an die Spitze der neuen Regierung ernannt worden war, am Dienstag in Kiew. „Diese Operation wird alle illegal Bewaffneten betreffen, egal unter welchen Parolen sie auch auftreten.“ Jazenjuks Statement ist auf der Regierungsseite veröffentlicht.
Yatsenyuk says no one is prohibiting people from freely using Russian language in Ukraine
The Russian language in effect has official status and the same capabilities and rights as the Ukrainian language in the regions of Ukraine where Russian-speaking people are predominate, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said.
Yatsenyuk: Ukraine will conduct decentralization
Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said reforms aimed at the decentralization of the country‘s administration will be conducted in the country and all changes will be outlined in the new edition of the Ukrainian Constitution.
Ukraine has no plans to join NATO: PM
Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said in a televised address to the nation that „for the sole purpose of preserving the unity of Ukraine, the issue of (Ukraine‘s) accession to NATO is not on the agenda.“
Jazenjuk: Ukraine wird Nato nicht beitreten
„Ausschließlich für die Erhaltung der Einheit der Ukraine steht der Nato-Beitritt der Ukraine nicht auf der Tagesordnung – eine starke moderne ukrainische Armee wird das Land schützen“, so Jazenjuk.
SOROS bei GAUCK: Kennt Präsident Gauck die Vergangenheit von Soros nicht? Hat dieser Besuch mit der Krise in Ukraine zu tun? Brisant!
OMG! George Soros is the new German President. At least that‘s what this picture seems to show. Tell me I‘m wrong:
Imprisoned CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou Threatened with ‘Diesel Therapy,’ Suffers Shakedowns for Talking to Press
In Kiriakou’s most recent letter from prison, written on February 10, he reports a threat allegedly made by a “senior prison official,” who told him months ago that officials have discussed putting him in “diesel therapy” for the rest of his sentence.
“Diesel therapy is when a prisoner is transferred from one prison to another all across the country via prison van, bus or “conair” plane, never staying in any one prison long enough to receive telephone, email, mailing or visitation privileges,” Kiriakou explains. “I could move to a different prison every week for the rest of my sentence and still not hit them all.”
Visiting CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou in Federal Prison
On Saturday, I drove three and a half hours with Firedoglake editor-in-chief Jane Hamsher from Washington, DC, to the federal correctional institution in Loretto, Pennsylvania, to visit former CIA officer and whistleblower John Kiriakou.
He has been imprisoned for nearly a year and in that time Firedoglake has been publishing “Letters from Loretto,” which have provided him a way to share his experiences inside the prison with the world (and also provided the prison with excuses for retaliating against him).
Rep. Rogers Insists CIA Oversight Is Great… Just As We Learn CIA Hid Thousands Of Documents From Congress
Since the Senate spying scandal story came out last week, and then went into overdrive this week with Dianne Feinstein‘s public statement on the details, her counterpart in the House, Rep. Mike Rogers (a staunch defender of the intelligence community) had remained mostly quiet. He finally did an interview in which he actually admits that if the CIA broke the law, „that would be a pretty horrific situation and would destroy that legislative-CIA relationship.“ Relationship? Then there‘s this nugget, where he suggests that the CIA isn‘t out of control and Congressional oversight is working great:
Congresswoman Barbara Lee Issues Statement on the Passing of Henry Ramsey Jr.
I am deeply saddened by the passing of Henry Ramsey Jr., and my thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and family.
Judge Henry Ramsey was truly a renowned leader in the fight for social justice. As an early activist in the Civil Rights Movement, a Contra Costa County prosecutor, a Berkeley City Councilmember, faculty at UC Berkeley’s Boalt Hall School of Law, and as an Alameda County Superior Court judge, Judge Ramsey was acutely aware of the role the judicial systems plays in the fight for equality and justice.
Rome transport strike March 19
Buses, trams, metros to be suspended
Free Trade Supporter Cato Institute Says Drop Corporate Sovereignty Provisions In Trade Agreements
Even though the formal negotiations for TAFTA/TTIP have begun only recently — earlier meetings were largely exploratory — it is already clear what the most contentious chapter will be: that dealing with corporate sovereignty, or „investor-state dispute settlement“ (ISDS) as it‘s more formally known. Indeed, even back in January, ISDS was generating so much negativity that the European Commissioner responsible for TTIP, Karel De Gucht, decided to pull the corporate sovereignty chapter from the negotiations for a three-month EU consultation in an attempt to draw the sting from the criticisms.
It hasn‘t worked.
Wow, even MSM reporters want to see Michael Mann’s UVa emails now
Here’s something out of left field (literally) and almost too good to be true, but it really is. Get this: 17 news organizations, including NPR, WaPo, AP, now have grown a spine and filed an amicus brief (see download below) to OPPOSE in court Michael Mann’s effort to keep his UVa CLIMATEGATE-related e-mails secret.
Analysis points to China‘s work on new anti-satellite weapon
Brian Weeden, a former U.S. Air Force space analyst, published a 47-page analysis on the website of The Space Review, which he said showed that China appears to be testing a kinetic interceptor launched by a new rocket that could reach geostationary orbit about 36,000 km (22,500 miles) above the earth.
Law Enforcement Agencies All Over California Have Been Secretly Using Stingray Devices
More documents have been uncovered (via FOI requests) that show local law enforcement agencies in California have been operating cell phone tower spoofers (stingray devices) in complete secrecy and wholly unregulated.
@BVerfG Urteil: #ESM und #Fiskalpakt formal durchgewunken. Nun geht es in die Details. Da heisst es: achten auf #GG Kernidentität und Art.38
@BVerfG Urteil: Unfassbar. Schon bei Beginn der Urteilsverkündung hat @ARD_Recht im @phoenix_de Livestream bereits 3X dazischen gequatscht.
Um 10h verkündet Karlsruhe das Urteil zum ESM – hier die Hintergrundinfos:
Dax: Kurse „pausieren „ vor unterer statistischer Bandbreite: #Trading #scalping #futures #dax
Karlsruhe entscheidet über ESM-Klagen #Bankenrettung #ESM #Verfassungsgericht
The President has notified the Government, the State Duma and the Federation Council of proposals by the Crimean State Council and the Sevastopol Legislative Assembly regarding their admission to the RF ..
Pursuant to Article 6 of the Federal Constitutional Law On the Procedure of Admission to the Russian Federation and the Formation Within It of New Constituent Territories, Vladimir Putin has notified the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly and the Government of proposals by the State Council of the Republic of Crimea – the Parliament of the Republic of Crimea and the Legislative Assembly of the city of Sevastopol regarding the admission of the Republic of Crimea, including the city of Sevastopol, into the Russian Federation and the formation of new constituent territories within the Russian Federation.
Duma an Obama: Sanktionen müssen für alle Abgeordneten gelten
„Solche Ablehnung des Willens des Volkes ist verwunderlich: Sowohl die USA als auch die EU haben ständig ihre Treue zur Demokratie bekräftigt und das Recht der Völker verteidigt, ihr Schicksal selbständig zu bestimmen“, heißt es im Entwurf der Erklärung.
„Wir schlagen Herrn Obama sowie den EU-Beamten vor, die für diese Erklärung gestimmten Abgeordneten auf die Liste der russischen Bürger zu setzen, gegen die die Sanktionen der USA und der EU gelten.“
EXKLUSIV: Nach der Edathy-Affäre: Seehofer räumt Fehlstart der Großen Koalition ein