Daily Archives: 18. Januar 2014

18.01.2014 - 22:56 [ Udo Vetter / Lawblog ]

Redtube-Gutachten veröffentlicht

Das Gutachten erschöpft sich über etliche Seiten in Beteuerungen, die Software habe als Ergebnis korrekte Werte gezeigt. Die entscheidende Frage, wie diese Werte technisch zustande gekommen sind, wir mit keinem Wort beantwortet. Tatsächlich wird sie noch nicht einmal gestellt.

Zu den technischen Hintergründen verrät das Gutachten also nichts.

18.01.2014 - 22:53 [ Thomas Stadler / Internet-Law.de ]

Gutachten zur Redtube-Software veröffentlicht

An dem Gutachten fällt zunächst auf, dass durchgehend von einem Download die Rede ist und nicht von einem Stream. Außerdem wird nicht deutlich, wie die Software die IP-Adressen der Nutzer ermittelt. Es wird lediglich behauptet, die Software könne IP-Adressen von Nutzern ermitteln, die von einem beliebigen Hoster Dateien downloaden. Selbst eine rudimentäre technische Erläuterung hierzu lässt das Guatchten aber vermissen.

18.01.2014 - 21:49 [ Bernie Sanders, U.S. Senator / Google Plus ]

Today‘s news from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.):

What If Nixon Had the NSA?: Sanders on Friday raised the possibility of what the bulk data storage means for a future „unscrupulous president“ or „rogue operator“ at the NSA. „I want people to think, if Nixon had the resources and the technology that now exists. Think of what he would have done,“ Sanders said on CNN. Sanders said the NSA still “has the potential to give an unscrupulous administration enormous power,” according to Canada’s Calgary Herald.

18.01.2014 - 21:47 [ Hassan Rohani, Präsident der Islamischen Republik Iran ]

Dr. Rohani bei den Treffen mit einer Gruppe von Künstlern: Kunst ist ohne Freiheit bedeutungslos

Der iranische Präsident Hassan Rohani hat sich am Mittwochabend in Teheran mit einer Gruppe von Künstlern getroffen und dabei den Wert der Freiheit für die Kunst hervorgehoben.

18.01.2014 - 21:39 [ Guardian ]

François Hollande: what became of dull Mr Normal?

A few hours before François Hollande‘s press conference last Tuesday afternoon, the telephone rang. „So, will he resign?“ asked an excited colleague on the other end of the phone in London. It was not a joke, but this side of the Channel it seemed a funny question.

What to say?

„Of course he won‘t; this is France.“

18.01.2014 - 21:15 [ Techdirt ]

Will Monsanto Become The NSA Of Agriculture?

But it would seem that the company is starting to explore new fields, so to speak; as Salon reports in a fascinating and important post, Monsanto is going digital:

Monsanto spent close to $1 billion to buy the Climate Corporation, a data analytics firm. Last year the chemical and seed company also bought Precision Planting, another high-tech firm, and also launched a venture capital arm geared to fund tech start-ups.

18.01.2014 - 21:11 [ AlterNet ]

‚Agent Orange Corn‘: Biotech Companies Are Waging a Chemical Arms Race on Our Food Supply

The Obama administration announced last week that it expects to approve corn and soybeans that have been genetically engineered by Dow Chemical company to tolerate the toxic herbicide — 2,4-D. They are planning this approval despite the fact that use of this herbicide is associated with increased rates of deadly immune system cancers, Parkinson’s disease, endocrine disruption, birth defects, and many other serious kinds of illness and reproductive problems.

18.01.2014 - 20:55 [ Idaho Statesman ]

New analysis of rocket used in Syria chemical attack weakens U.S. claims

Relying on mathematical projections about the likely force of the rocket and noting that its design — some have described it as a trash can on a stick — would have made it awkward in flight, Lloyd and Postol conclude that the rocket likely had a maximum range of a little more than 1.2 miles. That range, the report explains in detail, means the rockets could not have come from land controlled by the Syrian government.

18.01.2014 - 20:44 [ Press TV ]

Top German MP due in Tehran for talks

A senior German lawmaker from the co-ruling Christian Democratic Party (CDU) is scheduled to travel to Iran to hold talks with senior officials of the country about the Geneva nuclear agreement.

18.01.2014 - 20:30 [ Los Angeles Times ]

Demonstrators to protest acquittal of two Fullerton police officers

The shocking decision led to a rallying cry by an organization that calls itself A California Campaign to STOP Police Brutality.

“We do not accept a NOT GUILTY verdict in the murder of Kelly Thomas! We DEMAND the murderers to be imprisoned or FULLERTON will continue to feel the wrath of the people,” read the Facebook page that promoted the Fullerton protest. By Saturday morning, more than 1,000 people planned to attend the event.

18.01.2014 - 20:20 [ CBS ]

Panel: Former federal judge sent hundreds of inappropriate emails

Former U.S. District Judge Richard Cebull sent emails to personal and professional contacts that showed disdain for blacks, Indians, Hispanics, women, certain religious faiths, liberal political leaders, and some emails contained inappropriate jokes about sexual orientation, the Judicial Council of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found.

18.01.2014 - 20:03 [ CNS ]

Who Read 1,582-Page $1.1T Spending Bill? Congressman: ‚Nobody Did‘

On Capitol Hill on Thursday, CNSNews.com asked Blumenauer: “The omnibus bill yesterday, it was 1,582 pages, did you have a chance to read all the pages before voting on it?”
Blumenauer laughed and said: “Nobody did!”
“Nobody did?” said the CNSNews.com reporter.
“Nope,” said Blumenauer.

18.01.2014 - 18:43 [ Buzz Flash ]

Chicago Alderwoman Proposes City Stop Doing Business With JPMorgan Chase After It Admits to Illegal Actions

Hairston argues that JPMorgan Chase should be treated like any other person or business prohibited from doing business with the city:

“The bank has violated the city code by making admissions of dishonesty and deceit in the way they dealt with their investors in the mortgage securities and Bernie Madoff Ponzi scandals,” Hairston [said].

18.01.2014 - 18:40 [ Save the Internet ]

The Fight to Save Net Neutrality

We must push the FCC to correct the agency’s past mistakes and truly protect our nation’s communications infrastructure. The agency must ensure that broadband communications networks are open, accessible, reliable and affordable for everyone.

18.01.2014 - 18:37 [ Truthout ]

The Internet Is Dead, Long Live the Internet!

Verizon are labeled as common carriers, not information service providers.
That way, net neutrality will be preserved and the internet will remain open to everyone, not just giant corporations.

Go to freepress.net to sign the petition and tell the FCC how you feel!

18.01.2014 - 17:35 [ Office of the Director of National Intelligence ]

DNI Clapper Declassifies Additional Documents Regarding Collection Under Section 501 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

These releases reflect the Executive Branch’s continuing commitment to make information about the implementation of Sections 501 and 702 publicly available when appropriate, while ensuring the protection of the national security of the United States. Because these documents include discussion of matters that must remain classified so as to protect national security, it was necessary to redact some information from them.

18.01.2014 - 17:34 [ Office of the Director of National Intelligence ]

Statement from DNI James R. Clapper on Intelligence Reforms Announced Today by President Obama

In the coming weeks, we will work with our oversight committees to implement the President’s reforms while we continue to focus on the intelligence challenges facing the United States and our allies.

As intelligence professionals, we have historically preferred to avoid the spotlight, but we know that for the foreseeable future, the public will remain focused on what we do and how we do it. To build on and maintain the trust of the American people and our international partners, we must embrace the President’s call for transparency.

18.01.2014 - 16:53 [ idg.no ]

Full text of President Obama‘s intelligence directive

The 1 For the purposes of this directive, the terms „Intelligence Community“ and „elements of the Intelligence Community“ shall have the same meaning as they do in Executive Order 12333 of December 4, 1981, as amended (Executive Order 12333). (..)

2 For the purposes of this directive, the terms „foreign intelligence“ and „counterintelligence“ shall have the same meaning as they have in Executive Order 12333. Thus, „foreign intelligence“ means „information relating to the capabilities, intentions, or activities of foreign governments or elements thereof, foreign organizations, foreign persons, or international terrorists,“ and „counterintelligence“ means „information gathered and activities conducted to identify, deceive, exploit, disrupt, or protect against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, or assassinations conducted for or on behalf of foreign powers, organizations, or persons, or their agents, or international terrorist organizations or activities.“ Executive Order 12333 further notes that „[i]ntelligence includes foreign intelligence and counterintelligence.“ (..)

7 Departments and agencies shall apply the term „personal information“ in a manner that is consistent for U.S. persons and non-U.S. persons. Accordingly, for the purposes of this directive, the term „personal information“ shall cover the same types of information covered by „information concerning U.S. persons“ under section 2.3 of Executive Order 12333.

18.01.2014 - 16:41 [ American Civil Liberties Union ]

The Most Important Surveillance Order We Know Almost Nothing About

(30.12.2013) Why is Executive Order 12,333 so important? Here is how we explained it in our complaint (filed today in federal court in New York):

„Although EO 12,333 permits the government to target foreigners abroad for surveillance, recent revelations have confirmed that the government interprets that authority to permit sweeping monitoring of Americans‘ international communications. How the government conducts this surveillance, and whether it appropriately accommodates the constitutional rights of American citizens and residents whose communications are intercepted in the course of that surveillance, are matters of great public significance and concern. While the government has released several documents describing the rules that govern its collection and use of Americans‘ international communications under statutory authorities regulating surveillance on U.S. soil, little information is publicly available regarding the rules that apply to surveillance of Americans‘ international calls and emails under EO 12,333.“

18.01.2014 - 16:40 [ Huffington Post ]

ACLU Sues NSA For Details Of U.S. Surveillance Under Executive Order

(30.12.2012) The latest lawsuit seeks information related to the use of Executive Order 12333, which was signed in 1981 and governs surveillance of foreign targets.

Under the order, the National Security Administration is collecting „vast quantities“ of data globally under the order‘s authority, „inevitably“ including communications of U.S. citizens, the lawsuit said.

18.01.2014 - 15:59 [ World Policy ]

Freedom of Assembly Under Attack

Human Rights Watch said “the draft law falls far short of Egypt’s obligation to respect freedom of assembly under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.”

The new Spanish law proposes harsh penalties for unauthorized protesting and bans protesters from assembling in front of national and regional parliaments. Protesters who transgress the new boundaries could face fines of up to 600,000 euros.

18.01.2014 - 15:55 [ antikrieg.com ]

Sheldon Richman – Sie meinen es nicht gut

Wenn man das blutige Register der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika im Bereich der Außenpolitik verfolgt, dann kommt man nur sehr schwer auf den Gedanken, dass die lange Spur von Tod, Chaos und Verwüstung etwas anderes ist als das Ergebnis von Böswilligkeit bei der Verfolgung politischer und wirtschaftlicher Interessen.

18.01.2014 - 15:32 [ Ynet ]

Report: Kerry to present interim peace agreement at end of January

US Secretary of State John Kerry is working on formulating an interim document between Israel and the Palestinians, to be presented at the end of January, according to Palestinian sources quoted in Al-Hayat. The sources said the document is a general outline with vague and flexible demands which will allow room for both sides to maneuver.

18.01.2014 - 15:30 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

Pro-Democracy National Alliance Calls Non-Violent Revolutionary Escalation Week

Let the putschists deceive themselves and hold fools‘ celebrations. The whole world laughs at them as they bring back six decades‘ corruption and fraud, and the usual 99.99% results in all elections, in their favor – of course. Certainly, if they made referendums and elections ​​every day, and if they declared false results with ludicrous figures every day, they would change nothing on the ground. Remember: what is built on falsehood is false itself. Mubarak fell the same way, but they do not want to understand the lesson yet. They never will.

18.01.2014 - 15:15 [ boing boing ]

Random NSA program generator, with denials

The NSA-O-Matic generates eerily plausible leaked NSA programs at the click of a mouse, including non-denial denials from NSA shills and spokesjerks.

18.01.2014 - 15:07 [ mtv ]

Kristen Stewart Shares The Embarrassing Story Behind Her New Dog‘s Name

Kristen Stewart ended her break from the spotlight at this year‘s Sundance Film Festival with the premiere of „Camp X-Ray,“ where she plays a young, conflicted guard at Guantanamo Bay. (..)

„I was so nervous when I first started working and preparing because I didn‘t think that people would believe me or think that I looked tough in a uniform,“ she said, „that I could do that job, that I could wrangle detainees that are massive and scary.“

18.01.2014 - 15:00 [ Golem ]

Instant-Messenger: Whatsapp hat über 30 Millionen Nutzer in Deutschland

Im Sommer vergangenen Jahres hatte der Dienst noch 20 Millionen deutsche Nutzer.
Koum erwähnte in seinem Tweet, dass es sich bei der Anzahl um aktive Nutzer handele. Das bedeutet, dass die 30 Millionen Nutzer den Messenger mindestens einmal im Monat verwenden.

18.01.2014 - 14:52 [ Ria Novosti ]

Russlands Außenpolitik: Völlig losgelöst von der Innenpolitik

Wenn man die Lösungen bei Themen wie Syrien, Iran, Zollunion und die Ukraine bedenkt, dann hat die russische Führung und insbesondere das Außenministerium gute Arbeit geleistet. Nicht zufällig wurde Präsident Wladimir Putin vom „Forbes“-Magazin zum einflussreichsten Politiker der Welt gekürt. Auch Außenminister Sergej Lawrow wurde von vielen Experten…

18.01.2014 - 14:43 [ European Union Naval Force ]

EU Naval Force Warship FGS Hessen Gives Assistance to Stricken Seafarers in the Gulf of Aden

On Friday 10 January, EU Naval Force warship FGS Hessen gave assistance to a Yemeni Dhow that was adrift and suffering from technical problems off the coast of Yemen.

FGS Hessen, who was conducting EU counter piracy patrols, was alerted by the Japanese Maritime Patrol and Reconaissance Aircraft (MPRA) that the dhow was drifting and surrounded by an oil slick.