RT discusses WikiLeaks road movie ‚Mediastan‘ with a special panel of guests, including film creator Julian Assange, journalist and director Johannes Wahlstrom, and Enayat Najafizada – a young Afghan journalist and one of the heroes of the movie. Our guests raise many questions about the film, including Snowden‘s revelations, Glenn Greenwald‘s role in the story, and the NSA‘s global surveillance program.
Daily Archives: 29. Dezember 2013
30C3 – Saal 1
LIVE NOW: Julian Assange and Jacob Appelbaum – ‚SysAdmins of the World, Unite!‘
U.S. Uses 40 Tons of Antibiotics a Day Just to Grow Food
The United States consumes more than 50 tons of antibiotics a day—80% of which is not used for humans. Rather, about 40 tons goes to promote agricultural production, such as giving antibiotics to cattle and chickens.
Das ist großartig: Eine zoombare Karte des #30c3 mit der Möglichkeit Stecknadeln zu verschicken.
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Living Under Drones
In the United States, the dominant narrative about the use of drones in Pakistan is of a surgically precise and effective tool that makes the US safer by enabling “targeted killing” of terrorists, with minimal downsides or collateral impacts.[1]
This narrative is false.
Following nine months of intensive research—including two investigations in Pakistan, more than 130 interviews with victims, witnesses, and experts, and review of thousands of pages of documentation and media reporting—this report presents evidence of the damaging and counterproductive effects of current US drone strike policies. Based on extensive interviews with Pakistanis living in the regions directly affected, as well as humanitarian and medical workers, this report provides new and firsthand testimony about the negative impacts US policies are having on the civilians living under drones.
France Economic Stupidity Taxing Facebook, Google And YouTube, to Finance French Films No One Watches
The economic stupidity in France is astounding. It‘s hard keeping up with all the inane ideas of President Francois Hollande‘s socialist administration. Here‘s another one of Hollande‘s ideas for your amusement.
tune in.turn on. and: drop kraut! – german underground music 1969 – 1975
aaaaaahhhh!!! coum on!!!! here is the tracklist. and then the linernotes. and the downloadlinks. we will keep you inspired and we will not recontaminate you.
Chaostar – Ma (間)
Chaostar‘s new video for the Japanese song MA (間).
Features the legendary Butoh Dancer Sumako Koseki.
CD „ANOMIMA“ released by Season of Mist
Produced, directed and edited by Jon Simvonis for Magnum Production Studios Co. (www.jonsimvonis.com)
Kostenloser Sampler Progstravaganza XV erschienen
„Progstravaganza XV“ enthält 33 Tracks von Bands wie The Fierce and The Dead, Il Rumore Bianco, Fabio Zuffanti, The National Orchestra of the United Kingdom of Goats u.v.m. und ist als Pay-what-you-want-Download (ohne Mindestpreis, also auch für 0€) in verschiedenen Formaten (MP3, FLAC, ALAC, OGG, AAC) erhältlich.
4.9 magnitude earthquake rattles Italy
Italy‘s National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology said Sunday‘s quake at 6:08 p.m. had a magnitude of 4.9 and struck some 6.5 miles underground. Its epicenter was northeast of Naples between the towns of Caserta and Benevento.
Saudi to give Lebanon $3B to strengthen army
Michel Sleiman, who made the surprise announcement in a televised national address, did not provide any further details, but said French President Francois Hollande was to discuss the matter during his visit Sunday to Saudi Arabia.
Made in Saudi Arabia: Salafist Radicalism in Africa
Saudi Wahhabist fingerprints are being found more and more behind the coordinated activities of anti-Christian and anti-Western Salafist groups in Africa. The Nigerian Salafist group Boko Haram, which has attacked Christian villages and moderate Islamic mosques throughout Nigeria and slaughtered Christian and moderate Muslim men, women, and children, made common cause with another Salafist group in Mali, Ansar Dine, in attacking moderate Tuaregs who took over control of northern Mali after a military coup deposed the country’s civilian leadership. Boko Haram, Ansar Dine, and Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb began systematically destroying ancient UNESCO-protected shrines of Sufi Muslim saints in Timbuktu and other Malian cities. Ansar Dine pronounced the shrines «haram» of forbidden, according to Salafist dogma.
Best of 2013: Liberal Silence on Kill List Policies Stinks of Hypocrisy
In a free society, the idea that someone‘s dissent alone is dangerous to our safety because it is likely to incite or inspire someone to take up arms against us, shouldn‘t be less troubling just because we disagree with that dissent, as I suspect most Americans do in the case of al-Awlaki. Instead, Americans should be very concerned about the precedent such a policy sets and the way that it might be used and expanded by future administrations. After all, it is the vagueness of the AUMF, written before drone warfare was even a factor, that has landed us at this debate.
Ernst Bloch: Widerstand und Friede
Rede aus dem Jahre 1968.
Israelische Geheimdienst Schin Bet – Töte zuerst
Wir sind grausam geworden
(18.02.2013) Sie, die gezielt Menschen getötet haben, um ihr Land sicherer zu machen, sagen: „Man kann keinen Frieden mit militärischen Mitteln schaffen.“ Sie sagen: „Israel kapiert nicht, dass es jeden Kampf gewinnt. Aber den Krieg verliert.“ Die sechs Männer, allesamt keine Pazifisten, sind der Meinung, dass Israel aus den palästinensischen Gebieten abziehen muss.
Leftist Israeli polemic „The Gatekeepers“ endangers Israel & Jews- says Israeli Prof Abe Sion
Geheimdienst-Film: „Wir haben Israel zum Stasi-Land gemacht“
(05.03.2013) „Wenn dieser Film nicht dazu führt, dass sich die Dinge ändern, gibt es keine Hoffnung für Israel“: An Selbst- und Sendungsbewusstsein mangelt es dem israelischen Filmemacher Dror Moreh nicht. Er gab dieses Statement anlässlich der US-Premiere von „Töte zuerst“ ab. Doch tatsächlich hat er mit seinem Dokumentarfilm eine historische Leistung erbracht. Er hat es geschafft, alle sechs noch lebenden ehemaligen Chefs des israelischen Inlandsgeheimdienstes Schin Bet vor die Kamera zu bekommen. Und das ist längst nicht alles.
Erekat condemns Israel‘s bill to annex Jordan Valley
In an interview with Ma‘an, Erekat said the Palestinian response should be to seek statehood recognition by the United Nations and other international bodies.
Israeli forces demolish Palestinian properties in Jordan Valley
(24.12.) Israel has destroyed more than 604 Palestinian properties in the West Bank and East Jerusalem since the beginning of this year, displacing 1011 people, according to UNOCHA.
Israel rarely grants Palestinians permits to build in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. It has demolished at least 27,000 Palestinian homes and structures since occupying the West Bank in 1967, according to the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions.
US offered to guard Jordan Valley, Palestinians say
(23.12.) American troops could guard the border between a Palestinian state and Jordan, US Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly proposed to Palestinian officials, amid discussions of a security plan for a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.
Secretary Kerry’s Derring-Do
(17.12.) Kerry’s strategy has been to get the Pentagon to design a security scheme for the West Bank and Jordan Valley that would rely on satellites and other high-tech infrastructure to take the security question off the table as much as possible, so the choice for Israel is ideology versus a workable peace. (..)
The truth is, no security arrangement is foolproof. The only thing that might be foolproof is, along with the best security tools, giving Palestinians a state worth their defending and preserving by surprising them with a little trust — exactly the way Nelson Mandela surprised South African whites.
Kerry in Middle East to talk Jordan Valley security proposals with Israelis, Palestinians
(12.12.) Joint presentations to Netanyahu and Abbas last week by Kerry and retired Marine Gen. John R. Allen, the Obama administration’s special envoy, do not appear to have been well-received. Neither leader spoke in support of the proposals.
Ministerial committee approves annexing Jordan Valley
Eight ministers support bill proposing that Israel annex Jordan Valley, so that it remains within Israeli sovereignty even if peace accord is reached with Palestinians. Several ministers appeal, say will block legislative process
Terroranschlag in Wolgograd: Putin ordnet Suche nach Drahtziehern an
„Wladimir Putin hat die zuständigen Minister und Leiter der Militär- und Sicherheitsbehörden beauftragt, alle notwendigen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um die Ursachen und Umstände des Terrorakts aufzuklären und diejenigen, die hinter diesem stehen, zu identifizieren und an die Justiz zu übergeben“, teilte Kreml-Sprecher Dmitri Peskow am Sonntag mit.
Puschkow: Man bereitete in Ukraine „Machtwechsel nach jugoslawischem Szenario“ vor
„Der Kampf um die Ukraine ist das Drama Nummer eins am Jahresende“, twitterte Puschkow am Sonntag. „Für sie bereitete man ein ‚jugoslawisches Szenario‘ des Machtwechsels durch Massenausschreitungen vor. Die Technologien sind dieselben.“
Ukrainian opposition focuses on 2015 election as protests wane
Klitschko and other opposition leaders appear unwilling to end the street protests, even as they lose steam.
Klitschko called for a general strike after the holidays and, together with other opposition leaders, urged supporters to gather at the square again on New Year‘s eve.
DocPatch: Entdecke unsere Verfassung! [SIGINT13]
Die Open-Data-Plattform DocPatch ermöglicht das Nachvollziehen aller Änderungen am Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit seinem Inkrafttreten im Jahr 1949. In diesem Vortrag stellt der Chaospott Essen vor, wie spaßig und mühsam der Weg bis zur Veröffentlichung gewesen ist und in welche Richtung es weitergehen kann.
Indien: “Cash Transfer an die Armen durch biometrische Indifikation” von 1,2 Milliarden Menschen
(14.Mai 2013) Indien hat 1,2 Milliarden Staatsbürger. Wie Reporter Clive Crook für die Nachrichtenagentur Bloomberg vermerkte, lauschte das anwesende Publikum, allesamt Spezialisten für “Entwicklungshilfe”, dem Vortrag “bewundernd und stellte nicht eine einzige feindselige Frage”.
Die biometrische Erfassung der 1,2 Milliarden Inder durch das “Unique Identification”-Programm (auch UID, Aadhar, oder Aadhaar genannt) soll angeblich der Bekämpfung von Armut in der Bevölkerung dienlich sein. Wie der “Chefökonom” der Asian Development Bank, Changyong Rhee, letzte Woche nach dem 46. Jahrestreffen der Bank in Indien erläuterte, solle “Cash Transfer an die Armen durch biometrische Indifikation direkt ausbezahlt” werden. Dies werde die Effektivität von Sozialleistungen erhöhen, so der Banker.
#UID becomes compulsory in India. Govt will take fingerprints and iris scan from everybody. #30c3 #surveillance #policestate #biometrics
10 Minuten lang was über Überwachung in Indien gehört und schon bereue ichs, dort jemals ins Internet gegangen zu sein… #30c3 #hallG
It was worth the wait: Maria Xynou of @cis_india is painting a horrific picture of the surveillance State/companies in India. #30c3
lecture: #SOPA, #NSA, and the New Internet „Lobby“
The movement against SOPA in the US was the largest protest in online history, and as one of the core organizers, we learned a lot of lessons on how to build a grassroots movement for internet freedom.
How can these lessons learned be applied to the anti-surveillance movement both in the US and globally? Can millions of internet users really counter millions of dollars and entrenched interests on the other side? And how can we continue to have our voices heard on these issues?
Saal G Live
30C3 – Bullshit made in Germany by Linus Neumann
Bullshit made in Germany – So hosten Sie Ihre De-Mail, E-Mail und Cloud direkt beim BND!
Die technischen Probleme der De-Mail ließen sich juristisch lösen, und auch bei der E-Mail setzen deutsche Provider bald Sicherheitsstandards der Neunziger Jahre um. Auch für „die Cloud“ hat das BSI einen feinen Standard parat — natürlich ohne Verschlüsselung. Wofür bräuchten wir die auch im Schlandnet?
Die mediale Aufmerksamkeit auf die NSA-Leaks nutzen deutsche Unternehmen für PR-Kampagnen, in denen „made in Germany“ als Gütesiegel für IT-Sicherheit etabliert werden soll.
Aus Security-Perspektive reicht ein kurzer Blick, um zu erkennen, dass die Konzepte meist zumindest fahrlässig unsicher, wenn nicht sogar absichtliche Mogelpackungen sind.
Im Vortrag werden die Design-Schwächen dargestellt und die Rollen der im Hintergrund wirkenden Behörden und Konzerne beleuchtet.
China überweist Venezuela fünf Milliarden Dollar für Wohnungsbau
Das Geld sei bereits auf dem Konto eines zuständigen Fonds angekommen, teilte Venezuelas Präsident Nicolas Maduro am Samstag mit.
Egypt’s Pinochet
Junta power runs Egypt. It reflects the worst of fascism writ large. General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi rules as strongman. He heads the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF).
‚War is Good for Business‘: Military Spending Is Destroying the US Economy, Boosting the Production of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Passage of Budget Bill Is not a Victory for the American People … Only for the Military-Industrial Complex
Statement from OPCW-UN Joint Mission – Latakia, Syrian Arab Republic, 28 December 2013
Preparations continue in readiness for the transport of most of the critical chemical material from the Syrian Arab Republic for outside destruction. However, at this stage, transportation of the most critical chemical material before 31 December
is unlikely.
A number of external factors have impacted upon timelines, not least the continuing volatility in overall security conditions, which have constrained planned movements. The Syrian Arab
Republic has also indicated its specific requirements, which it deems critical to the package and transport of chemical weapons material. A wide-scale procurement effort by individual Member
States has been facilitated by the OPCW-UN Joint Mission to source, collect and deliver various packaging and transport materials requested by the Syrian Arab Republic. Logistical challenges coupled with inclement weather have contributed to this delay.
die #redtube #internet #verbindungsdaten können nur von der #telekom zur #verfügung gestellt worden sein ! so werden die #leute #beschissen
#Pornoskandal wird immer irrwitziger. Jetzt besitzt http://Archive.org die Rechte womöglich gar nicht…
I worked on the US drone program. The public should know what really goes on
Few of the politicians who so brazenly proclaim the benefits of drones have a real clue how it actually works (and doesn‘t)
Saudi royal faces death penalty for murder: newspaper
Prince Salman‘s message followed a statement from the victim‘s father that he was not ready to pardon the killer and he was not happy with the amount offered as blood money.
The families of murder victims are encouraged by authorities to accept blood money instead of insisting on execution.
Why won‘t the west call out Saudi Arabia for persecution of democratic activists?
A Saudi activist was sentenced to four years and 300 lashes. He is the fourth to be imprisoned from one organization this year
Russia and China conduct their First Joint Military Operations
Russia and China are in charge of providing security for the Syrian government’s chemical arsenal as it is being taken out of the country, a senior Russian diplomat said on Wednesday.
Wer spekuliert, trägt das Risiko!
Der etwas andere Rettungsschirm der Isländer/innen – von einem Staat, der bei der letzten Finanzkrise nicht die Banken, sondern die Einwohner/innen rettete. Kann man diese Woche über „7 Tage Ö1“ hören – sehr zu empfehlen (Klaus, antikrieg.com)
Die Bundesrepublik — das am meisten überwachte Land in Europa [30C3[preview-resync]]
Seit Monaten hält uns die NS-Affäre in Atem. Immer neue Abhörmaßnahmen und geheimdienstliche Praktiken werden enthüllt. Ein gigantisches Ausmaß an Überwachung durch die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika tut sich auf, weltweit. In Europa ist die Bundesrepublik Deutschland das am meisten überwachte Land.
Ein Blick in die Geschichte zeigt: Die Affäre ist keineswegs ein singuläres Ereignis. Sie ist vielmehr der bisherige Höhepunkt in einer über sechzigjährigen Geschichte der Überwachung Deutschlands. Seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs wird dieses Land systematisch überwacht.
So, Tag 2 vom 30c3 ist vorbei.
Danach habe ich mir den Foschepoth angeguckt. Den hatte ich auch schon im Blog, das war der mit dem Buch dazu, wie Westdeutschland Post und Telefonate abgehört hat, und wie da eigentlich die Gesetzeslagen sind. Der Vortrag war noch krasser als ich befürchtet hatte. Am Ende muss man schlecht gelaunt konstatieren, dass der Pofalla uns nicht mal anlügen musste, als er uns ins Gesicht sagte, dass keine deutschen Gesetze verletzt wurden. Es ist alles ganz furchtbar. Auch hier: Klare Empfehlung, angucken!
Thousands of Cambodians rally to demand PM steps down
Tens of thousands of Cambodian opposition supporters, backed by striking garment-factory workers, rallied on Sunday to demand long-serving Prime Minister Hun Sen step down and call an election.
Ugandans fear curse of oil wealth as it threatens to blight ‚pearl of Africa‘
Oil drilling may bring benefits in healthcare and education, but critics are concerned about corruption and the effect on wildlife
Senior official: Netanyahu is driving us towards boycott
Source privy to closed-door talks slams prime minister‘s political conduct: ‚Today Israel is in a more poor and sensitive condition than it was in 1948. Netanyahu‘s conduct is leading to sanctions, boycotting,“ undisclosed official said
Assad nutzt islamische Extremisten aus – François Hollande
Am Sonntag trifft Hollande in Saudi-Arabien zu einem offiziellen zweitägigen Besuch ein. Die Hauptthemen seiner Verhandlungen mit der Regierung des Königreichs werden die Lage in Syrien, im Iran, Irak und Libanon sein.
Hollande in Saudi Arabia for talks on Mideast crises, trade ties
French President François Hollande is expected in Saudi Arabia on Sunday to meet with Saudi leaders on crises in the Middle East as well as discuss economic ties between the two countries.
France tries to supplant US as Saudi Arabia‘s arms supplier
Three issues are on the desk of French President Francois Hollande and Saudi King Abdullah: Lebanon, Syria and Iran.
The top priority of the French president, who‘s visiting Saudi Arabia Dec. 29-30, is to conclude an unprecedented arms deal with Saudi Arabia, thus exploiting the chill in US-Saudi relations and entering the oil region’s largest arms market, which has spent more than $70 billion during in one decade to accumulate the region’s largest arsenal.
Saudis lament, ‚we have been stabbed in the back by Obama‘
„We are glad the Americans are here,“ said Ahmed al-Ibrahim, an adviser to some of Saudi Arabia‘s royals and officials, when I met with him recently, „but we fear that the president has lost credibility after Syria.“