President Obama was scheduled to meet with the leaders of the other eleven countries negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement ahead of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Bali, supposedly to plan the “end-game” for this massive trade deal. However, he has made a sudden decision to cancel his trip, claiming that this was a casualty of the government shutdown. Obama‘s announcement adds to the impression that goal of completing TPP at APEC has become unobtainable and reveal how precariously the negotiations are going.
Daily Archives: 7. Oktober 2013
Celebrities, the Police, and Surreptitious DNA Collection
That means no matter how hard we strive to keep our genetic code private, we’re always vulnerable to other parties’ secretly testing samples of our DNA. And the cheaper it gets to actually test DNA samples, the more tempting it will be for various parties to do so. By the time we all have access to portable DNA readers that can provide instant readings, we may find ourselves in a situation in which almost anyone can read anyone else’s genetic profile—including information about ethnic ancestry, mutations, disease proclivities, and whatever else we may learn about the human genome. We could see scenarios such as:
Everyone from schoolchildren to dating couples to nosy neighbors routinely checking out each other’s profiles.
Right-Wing Truckers Plan To Jam DC’s Major Commuter Highway, Arrest Members Of Congress
On October 11th, a group of right-wing truckers is planning to drive to DC to shut down the major commuter highway that circles the city. They’ll continue to block traffic, they say, until they see the arrest of elected officials who have “violated their oath of office.”
China to Join Russia in Maintaining Security in Asia-Pacific: Xi
Chinese President Xi Jinping said here Monday that China would like to work with Russia to guarantee security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.
While meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on the sideline of an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, Xi said China and Russia share a wide range of common interests in the region.
Jerusalem court rejects Israel nationality petition
The Supreme Court in Jerusalem has rejected a request by 21 people to be registered as Israeli nationals rather than Jews or Arabs.
Kerry gibt an mit Kommandoaktionen: Sie können davonlaufen, aber sie können sich nicht verstecken
Sind der daneben gegangene Überfall in Somalia und die Entführung in Libyen den Medienrummel wert?
Exclusive: India to stick with austerity despite looming election
The government recently introduced a plan to distribute cheap food for two-thirds of the population, a step widely seen as wooing voters ahead of the election.
Verteilung kostenloser Lebensmittel über EU-Programm angelaufen
Nutznießer sind über 330.000 bedürftige Menschen. Das sind 26.000 mehr als im Vorjahr.
Prosecutors say Romanian deputy PM abused power in 2012 vote
Romanian prosecutors charged Deputy Prime Minister Liviu Dragnea on Monday with orchestrating a campaign of bribery, threats and fraud to try to swing a vote to impeach President Traian Basescu.
Getöteter Botschaftsmitarbeiter: Deutschland schickt eigene Ermittler in den Jemen
Tötung eines Bundespolizisten: Deutsche Ermittler sollen bei Aufklärung im Jemen helfen
Die Bundespolizei ist mit insgesamt etwa 250 Beamten auch für den Schutz von deutschen Auslandsvertretungen zuständig. Für Krisenländer wie den Jemen, den Irak oder Afghanistan gibt es die Sondereinheit PSA. Die etwa 80 Beamten kümmern sich um den persönlichen Schutz von Botschaftern, Konsuln oder deren Gästen.
Angriff in Sanaa: Getöteter Deutscher im Jemen war Bundespolizist
Der im Jemen getötete Leibwächter der deutschen Botschafterin war ein Mitglied der Bundespolizei. Das teilte die Gewerkschaft der Polizei (GdP) am Montag in Berlin mit.
Brazil demands explanation from Canada over spying report
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff demanded on Monday that Canada explain a media report that said it spied on the Brazilian mines and energy ministry, and she called on the United States and its allies to stop spying over the Internet.
China says US has ‚responsibility‘ to resolve debt ceiling row
Vice-finance minister Zhu Guangyao outlines concern over ‚safety of Chinese investments in the United States‘
Cyprus economic crisis blamed on former President Demetris Christofias
The Democratic Party (DIKO) which was in the government coalition for three and a half years as well as EDEK-the Socialist party- in coalition for almost two years, are also held responsible, bearing political responsibility.
Bundesregierung zur Geheimarmee Gladio: „BND an sechs Operationen oder Übungen beteiligt“
Nach einer „Kleinen Anfrage“ der Partei DIE LINKE an die Bundesregierung zu „Maßnahmen der Bundesregierung zur Aufdeckung der Tätigkeiten von Gladio“ gewährte Roland Pofalla einen kleinen Blick in die delikaten Angelegenheiten, in denen der BND verstrickt gewesen ist. So gab der für die Geheimdienstkoordinationen zuständige Chef des Bundeskanzleramtes bekannt, dass der BND an sechs Operationen oder Übungen beteiligt gewesen ist.
Christofias rubbishes panel report
(04.10.) Former president Demetris Christofias said on Friday it was humiliating for Cyprus and a blow to democracy for judges to rule on the political decisions of an elected head of state
EURO-KAPITALISMUS: Kontext der Kader
(9.April) Bezeichnenderweise wird der für massenhaftes Elend, Armut, Selbstmorde und gesellschaftlichen Verfall quer über den Kontinent verantwortlich gemachte Schäuble von keiner einzigen Bundestagspartei zum Rücktritt aufgefordert oder in Frage gestellt. Vielmehr verstecken sich explizit die paneuropäischen Finanzimperialisten von S.P.D., Bündnis 90/Die Grünen und “Linken” unter Falscher Flagge hinter Schäuble, lassen ihn die Drecksarbeit machen, fahren in seinem Windschatten und arbeiten ihm verdeckt zu, in der Hoffnung dass der Schwindel nicht auffliegt und das Kartell der paneuropäischen, imperialistischen Kader im Bundestag hält.
EURO-KAPITALISMUS, Zypern: Das Bankenopfer
(8.April) Vor wenigen Tagen Tagen nun sprach der im Juli 2012 zurückgetretene geschäftsführende Vorstand der Bank of Cyprus, Andreas Iliadis, in einer detailreichen und sehr glaubwürdigen Einlassung von einem “gut vorbereiteten Plan” zur Vernichtung der Bank of Cyprus als der “systemischen Bank mit den besten Indizes in Zypern und Griechenland”; einem Plan, den laut Iliadis u.a. der damalige Präsident Zyperns, Dimitris Christofias (“kommunistische” A.K.E.L.), und der von ihm am 29. April 2012 zum Leiter der Zentralbank Zyperns ernannte Panicos Demetriades gezielt umgesetzt hatten.
Cyprus President to pay official visit to Kuwait
He will also address a business forum and sign a number of bilateral agreements.
More financial support for Cyprus Agriculture through EU funding, says Minister
Cyprus Agriculture will be able to absorb 32 million euro from EU funds and the total amount of money for the sector until the end of 2013 will amount to 40 million, Agriculture Minister Nikos Kouyialis has said.
Ex-Cyprus president to blame for financial crisis: inquiry
Cyprus‘s former communist president and his government bear chief blame for the island‘s financial meltdown in March after they failed to control spending and behaved in an imperious manner, an independent judicial inquiry said on Monday.
If the 1% stifles New York‘s creative talent, I‘m out of here
Rampant inequality is squeezing out the artistic genius that made New York such a vibrant cultural capital. We can‘t let that happen
FBI pranked by furious Bitcoin users since Silk Road shutdown
Unfortunately for the FBI, hundreds of Silk Road users identified the FBI‘s wallet details and used blockchain to post publicly viewable messages along with miniscule transactions.
Most were no larger than 0.00000001 BTC (0.0001p), but allowed users to vent their anger at the seizure of their virtual cash.
Britain launches FBI-style force and new crime strategy
Britain launched a new crime-fighting agency on Monday and unveiled a revamped strategy to combat serious organized crime, which it says costs the country 24 billion pounds ($38.6 billion) and represents a threat to national security.
America‘s police are looking more and more like the military
America‘s streets are looking more and more like a war zone.
White House official says Obama would accept short-term agreement on debt ceiling
President Obama would accept a short-term increase in the debt ceiling, rather than a permanent one, a senior White House official said Monday, acknowledging that it may not be possible to reach agreement on a long-term increase in the federal borrowing cap before a critical Oct. 17 deadline.
#SPD party convent will decide on formal coalition talks with #Merkel‘s CDU on 20 October
German SPD opening door to coalition deal with Merkel
„I‘d rather see the SPD in a government shaping policy than outside looking in,“ Gabriel said.
Deutsches Innenministerium drängt auf neue, riesige Sammlung von Vorratsdaten
Alle EU-Mitgliedstaaten sollen Ein- und Ausreisen protokollieren und hierfür zehn Fingerabdrücke aller Reisenden abnehmen. Die Rede ist von 269 Millionen Datensätzen im Jahr
Bei was die SPD wohl ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken mitmachen wird:
EXKLUSIV: Freitag treffen sich #Merkel (#CDU), #Seehofer (#CSU) und #Gabriel (#SPD) zur nächsten Sondierungs-Runde für eine große Koalition
Sondierungsgespräche: Grüne sehen kaum Chancen für Koalition mit Merkel:
U.S. terror raids: 2 operations. 2 outcomes. 5 questions
5. Who is next?
The operatives of the 9/11 era are largely dead or captured. And key operatives like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — an alleged 9/11 mastermind — are detained at Guantanamo Bay.
Topping the list of still-wanted is Ayman al Zawahiri, the leader of al Qaeda. With a $25 million reward on his head, Zawahiri is believed to be hiding in Pakistan.
Tor and the Silk Road takedown
In this case we‘ve been watching carefully to try to learn if there are any flaws with Tor that we need to correct. So far, nothing about this case makes us think that there are new ways to compromise Tor (the software or the network). The FBI says that their suspect made mistakes in operational security, and was found through actual detective work. Remember: Tor does not anonymize individuals when they use their legal name on a public forum, use a VPN with logs that are subject to a subpoena, or provide personal information to other services. See also the list of warnings linked from the Tor download page.
Václav Klaus: „Nicht nur Tschechien, ganz Europa sollte EU verlassen“
Auf einem von veröffentlichten Video der Veranstaltung legte Klaus gegenüber Pressevertretern sogar noch nach: „Wir wollen nicht nur, dass Tschechien die EU verlässt. Wir wünschten uns schrecklich, dass ganz Europa die EU verlässt.“
Der 72-Jährige zeigt sich zudem davon überzeugt, dass sein Wunsch schon bald in Erfüllung gehen werde
Forty detained in operation against leftist group in Istanbul
A total of 40 people have been detained during the operation which was conducted at a number of locations in the two aforementioned districts, with around 1,500 members of the special police forces and riot teams with helicopter support.
A long-barreled weapon and four pistols were seized during the raids.
Turkey: Israel is not meeting all our expectations
Netanyahu already apologized for Marmara incident, but Turkey is in no rush to forgive or forget. ‘Israel apologized too late,’ Turkish President Abdullah Gul tells Yedioth Ahronoth.
Destruction of Syria‘s chemical weapons programme begun, joint UN team confirms
(06.10.) A joint team of United Nations and international inspectors today began to oversee the process of dismantling and destroying Syria‘s chemical weapons production programme, it was announced.
The team oversaw Syrian personnel who used cutting torches and angle grinders to destroy or disable a range of items, including “missile warheads, aerial bombs and mixing and filling equipment,” the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said in a press release.
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2013: James E. Rothman, Randy W. Schekman, Thomas C. Südhof
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2013 was awarded jointly to James E. Rothman, Randy W. Schekman and Thomas C. Südhof „for their discoveries of machinery regulating vesicle traffic, a major transport system in our cells“.
Kurse an Führungsakademie: Bundeswehr schult Offiziere der chinesischen Armee
48 chinesische Offiziere, so teilte die Bundeswehr auf Anfrage von SPIEGEL ONLINE mit, haben seit 1998 „eine Ausbildung an der FüAkBw“ abgeschlossen.
SOCHI 2014: Red Square celebrations welcome Olympic Flame to Russia
The Olympic flame has been officially welcomed to Russia, with celebrations taking place in Moscow’s Red Square ahead of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch Relay.
Zerrbild: “Ismailowskaja”
Die “Ismailowskaja” war im August 2006 Zugriffsziel des LKA Baden Württemberg.
Es ging um Geldwäsche. Involviert in den Fall war ein ehemaliger Top Manager von Daimler Benz bzw. dessen Sekretärin in seinem Konsulat. Der Herr ist Honorarkonsul der Russischen Föderation in Baden Württemberg.
Die LKA-Beamten staunten nicht schlecht, als sie auf einem beschlagnahmten Computer Kontakte zwischen dem Herrn Honorarkonsul und Mister Sicherheit feststellten, wie die Tageszeitung “FAZ” Wolfgang Schäubles Staatssekretär August Hanning einmal nannte.
Europe needs Germany to form government soon: ECB‘s Asmussen
„Swift formation of a government would certainly be helpful from a European point of view as there are important decision to be taken for Europe, for example on banking union,“ Asmussen told Reuters.
French investigators drop charges against Sarkozy
Sarkozy, who many conservatives want to see lead the center-right in the 2017 presidential race, was being pursued with others in an investigation into his UMP party‘s ties with France‘s richest woman, L‘Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt.
New documentary on undercover spies is in the pipeline
Previews of the film about Mark Kennedy and other police spies to be held around the country this month
Putin says he agrees with Obama‘s decision to cancel Asia trip
„We see what is happening in U.S. domestic politics and this is not an easy situation. I think the fact that the U.S. president did not come here is quite justified,“ Putin said at APEC.
„I think that if I was in his situation, I would not come either. Any head of state would do that, probably.“
Letta told to butt out after declaring Berlusconi-era over
Italian Premier Enrico Letta has been told to butt out of the centre right‘s business after declaring Silvio Berlusconi‘s two-decade dominance of Italian politics over at the weekend.
China plans Maritime Silk Road with ASEAN nations: Report
The Maritime Silk Road (MSR) formed the basis the plans to enhance trade between China and ASEAN countries during the current visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Indonesia and Malaysia where he stated the MSR would help turn the „Golden Decade“ between China and the region into „Diamond Decade“.
Indonesiens Präsident gibt Geburtstagsständchen für Putin am APEC-Gipfel
Anlässlich des Geburtstages Putins sang er ihm das Lied „Happy Birthday to You“. Die Gitarre-Begleitung führte der Staatschef von Indonesien selber aus, hieß es.
Chinesen ausgeschlossen: US-Astronomen boykottieren Planetenkonferenz der Nasa
In den Augen vieler Forscher geht die Nasa damit eindeutig zu weit. Einige Forscher sind derart wütend, dass sie sich nun dagegen auflehnen und laut „Guardian“ planen, die Kepler Science Conference sogar zu boykottieren.
Top-500-Liste: Deutschlands Reiche sind so reich wie nie
Deutschlands Superreiche sind reicher denn je: Nie zuvor wurden so viele Milliardenvermögen gezählt, nie zuvor besaß der hiesige Geldadel größere Reichtümer als heute. Das Vermögen der Top 100 stieg in den vergangenen zwölf Monaten um 5,2 Prozent auf den Rekordwert von 336,6 (Vorjahr: 319,85) Milliarden Euro. Es hat damit die Bestmarke des Jahres 2008 übertroffen, als sie 324,6 Milliarden Euro auf sich vereinigt hatten.
Cabinet was told nothing about GCHQ spying programmes, says Chris Huhne
Ex-minister says he was in ‚utter ignorance‘ of Prism and Tempora and calls for tighter oversight of security services