Daily Archives: 14. September 2013

14.09.2013 - 22:56 [ The Daily Caller ]

Alleged NSA post in Austria becomes state affair

Vienna’s a fabled city for spying — and now its cloak-and-dagger legend has a 21st-century twist.

A stately villa in a leafy district of the Austrian capital is at the center of a ruckus over whether the NSA is snooping on the city’s residents, with allegations flying that the building serves as a sophisticated a U.S. intelligence listening post.

14.09.2013 - 22:36 [ ACLU ]

FISA Court Orders Declassification Review of Rulings on NSA Spying in Response to ACLU Request

In an important decision, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ordered the government to review for release the court‘s opinions on the meaning, scope, and constitutionality of Section 215 of the Patriot Act. The ruling is on a motion filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of the Nation‘s Capital, and Yale Law School‘s Media Freedom and Access Information Clinic. Section 215, which authorizes the government to obtain „any tangible things“ relevant to foreign-intelligence or terrorism investigations, is the claimed legal basis for the NSA‘s mass phone records collection program.

14.09.2013 - 22:35 [ The Raw Story ]

Secret terrorism court orders declassification of its own rulings

The Edward Snowden leaks may have helped the ACLU win a victory in America’s most secretive courtroom Friday.

Court cases before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court — the court that reviews requests by the NSA to wiretap suspected terrorists’ communications — are generally classified. But Judge F. Dennis Saylor IV of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ordered the government to review the court’s opinions on the meaning, scope, and constitutionality of Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which authorizes the government to obtain “any tangible things” relevant to foreign-intelligence or terrorism investigations.

14.09.2013 - 20:27 [ CommonDreams ]

Internet S.O.S.

The fight for these policies is being led by a diverse and bipartisan alliance of civil liberties and communications-rights organizations, including the ACLU, EFF, Free Press and Public Knowledge.

We’re not alone. Millions joined the call for Net Neutrality in 2010; millions more stood up to defend the Internet against the PIPA and SOPA Web-censorship bills in 2012. The battle to protect users’ privacy has engaged new audiences as we‘ve learned more about the extent of the NSA‘s mass surveillance.

14.09.2013 - 20:13 [ Techdirt ]

Latest Casualty Of NSA Spying Revelations: Web Advertising Based On Tracking Users

As we‘ve noted before, Edward Snowden‘s revelations about the globe-spanning spying being conducted by the NSA are have all sorts of interesting knock-on consequences. Here‘s another: people are starting to worry about being tracked by online advertisers, and taking action to avoid it, as this story in Adweek explains:

14.09.2013 - 17:36 [ Gaza's Ark ]

Gaza fishers and farmers: nowhere to go

Since the July Egyptian coup, the Israelis have ignored the Nov 2012 ceasefire that was brokered by the previous Morsi Egyptian government. There’s been a sad litany of recent violations against Palestinian fishers:

14.09.2013 - 17:07 [ The Daily Caller ]

Report: Putin to travel to Iran for nuclear strategy talks

Russian President Vladimir Putin has accepted Iran’s invitation to visit Tehran to work out a strategy for the Islamic regime’s nuclear program, Fars News Agency reported Saturday. The West believes the Iranian program is a front for developing nuclear weapons.

14.09.2013 - 16:39 [ Radio Utopie ]

Ein guter Krieg

HIER IST wieder ein jüdischer Witz: Ein hungriger junger Jude sieht ein Ankündigungsplakat außerhalb eines lokalen Zirkus: Jeder, der auf die 50 Meter hohe Stange klettert und auf die Zeltplane unten springt, wird einen Preis von 1000 Rubeln gewinnen.

14.09.2013 - 15:36 [ The Telegraph ]

Up and away! aviator attempts to cross Atlantic with 370 helium-filled balloons

Jonathan Trappe, 39, lifted off at 6.20am EDT in heavy fog from Caribou, Maine, with the intention of making the 2,500 mile trip across the Atlantic to Europe.

Should he succeed, he would be the first ever person to cross the ocean by cluster ballooning. The journey is expected to take between three to five days, although the final destination could be anywhere.

14.09.2013 - 15:00 [ Guardian ]

Israeli intelligence ‚intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack‘

The 8200 unit collects and analyses electronic data, including wiretapped telephone calls and emails. It is the largest unit in the IDF.

Israel has invested in intelligence assets in Syria for decades, according to a senior government official. „We have an historic intelligence effort in the field, for obvious reasons,“ he said.

14.09.2013 - 14:54 [ RIA Novosti ]

Durchbruch in Genf: Russland und USA einigen sich auf Aktionsplan für Syrien

Die beiden Minister betonten, dass der Syrien-Konflikt nur auf dem Verhandlungswege beigelegt werden könne. „Wir haben entschieden, dass es keine militärische Lösung gibt“, sagte Kerry. Ein Unterhändlerteam müsse eingesetzt werden. Der russische Spitzendiplomat Lawrow äußerte, die Umsetzung des russisch-amerikanischen Plans würde ein militärisches Szenario abwenden.

Die Gespräche mit Kerry bezeichnete Lawrow als „exzellent“. Mit dem Verhandlungsergebnis seien die vom russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin und von US-Präsident Barack Obama gesetzten Ziele erreicht worden.

14.09.2013 - 14:47 [ Asia Times ]

China stitches up (SCO) Silk Rd

By Pepe Escobar

While the whole world was terrified by the prospect of the Obama administration bombing Syria, Chinese President Xi Jinping was busy doing the Silk Road.

14.09.2013 - 14:45 [ Unser Politikblog ]

Sendung „Macht und Menschenrechte“ am 14.09.2013 ab 19.00 Uhr weitere Sondersendung zu Syrien auf Jungle Drum Radio

Wir sprechen mit Dr. Kamal Sido, Nahost-Experte der Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker und selbst kurdischer Syrer, über die akutelle Lage in seinem Geburtsland. Wir wollen u. a. die politische Lage und

14.09.2013 - 07:41 [ New York Times ]

U.S.-Russia Talks on Syria’s Arms Make Progress

President Obama will not insist on a United Nations Security Council resolution threatening Syria with military action, senior administration officials said Friday, as American and Russian negotiators meeting in Geneva moved closer to an agreement that would seek to ultimately strip Syria of its chemical weapons.

14.09.2013 - 04:29 [ Radio Utopie ]

Narrenfreiheit: Schwarzes Peterle John McCain nutzt ‘Prawda’ zur Antwort an Putin

“Wir lieben Krieg!” Antwort an die russische Nation durch Kriegspartei der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in Vorbereitung und wird den Diplomaten weltweit viel Aufwand ersparen.

14.09.2013 - 04:18 [ Truthout ]

Snowden Documents Reveal NSA Gave Israeli Spies Raw Emails, Texts, Calls of Innocent Americans

Despite assurances from President Obama, the scandal around the National Security Agency continues to grow. The Guardian reports the NSA has routinely passed raw intelligence to Israel about U.S. citizens. „The NSA was sharing what they call raw signals intelligence, which includes things like who you are calling and when you are calling, the content of your phone call, the text of your emails, your text messages, your chat messages,“ says Alex Abdo of the American Civil Liberties Union. „It sounds like all of that was handed over.“ Abdo also discusses the ACLU’s successful fight to force the government to declassify documents that show the NSA wrongly put 16,000 American phone numbers on an „alert list.“


14.09.2013 - 04:10 [ Counterpunch ]

American Style: Chemical Hypocrisy

Earlier on that very same day, Foreign Policy published an exclusive investigative report that shows for the first time that how the CIA helped Saddam Hussein as he gassed Iranian troops and civilians from 1983-1988. The fact that the US and Western European powers, particularly Germany, France, and Italy, assisted Saddam during the bloody 8-year war with Iran is not new.

14.09.2013 - 04:06 [ ACLU ]

How NSA’s cyber sabotage puts us all at risk

Earlier this year, the director of national intelligence told Congress that cybersecurity is now a bigger threat to the security of this country than terrorism, echoing a similar point previously made by the head of the FBI. Members of Congress have heard this message loud and clear, holding numerous hearings, proposing legislation, and repeatedly stressing that cybersecurity is a high-priority issue.