„Als Demokrat sehe ich mich dem Volk verpflichtet und will daher für Aufklärung sorgen, wo parlamentarische Kontrollmechanismen versagt haben. Wenn die unbeschränkte Weitergabe von sensiblen Daten unserer Bürger an ausländische Geheimdienste nicht den Tatbestand des Landesverrats erfüllt: so muss ich mich doch fragen, welche noch tiefgreifenderen Verletzungen unserer verfassungsmäßig garantierten Grundrechte es hierzu noch bedarf.
Daily Archives: 8. Juli 2013
Unterrichtung durch das Parlamentarische Kontrollgremium
(Berichtszeitraum 1. Januar bis 31. Dezember 2010) …
Im Berichtszeitraum entschied die G 10-Kommission in monatlichen Sitzungen nach ausführlicher Darlegung und
Einsichtnahme in die entsprechenden Akten über die Zulässigkeit und Notwendigkeit von Beschränkungsmaßnahmen im Einzelfall. Sie erbat bei ihrer Prüfung im Bedarfsfall von den zuständigen Ministerien und vom Bundeskanzleramt ausführliche Berichte und ließ sich im
Einzelfall von den Mitarbeitern der Dienste eingehend die näheren Hintergründe einer Anordnung erläutern.. Die Kommission
wurde in diesem Rahmen über technische Neuerungen und Entwicklungen unterrichtet und erhielt Einblick in den Ablauf von Beschränkungsmaßnahmen. (…)
Im Gefahrenbereich „Internationaler Terrorismus“ (§ 5 Absatz 1 Satz 1 und 3 Nummer 2 G 10) waren 2010 im ersten Halbjahr 1 944 und im zweiten Halbjahr 1 808 Suchbegriffe angeordnet worden. Anhand dieser Suchbegriffe qualifizierten sich im Berichtszeitraum insgesamt 10 213 329 Telekommunikationsverkehre, davon waren 10 208 525 aus dem Bereich der E-Mail-Erfassung. (…)
Im Gefahrenbereich „Proliferation und konventionelle Rüstung“ (§ 5 Absatz 1 Satz 1 und 3 Nummer 3 G 10) waren 2010 in der ersten Jahreshälfte 12 843 und im zweiten Halbjahr 13 304 Suchbegriffe angeordnet worden. In diesem Berichtszeitraum qualifizierten sich anhand der angeordneten Suchbegriffe 27 079 533 Telekommunikationsverkehre; im Vorberichtszeitraum 2009
waren dies 5 034 145 Verkehre. (…)
Für den Gefahrenbereich „Illegale Schleusung“ waren in 2010 im ersten Halbjahr 313 und in der zweiten Jahres-
hälfte 321 Suchbegriffe angeordnet worden. In diesem Gefahrenbereich qualifizierten sich anhand der genehmigten Suchbegriffe 45 655 Telekommunikationsverkehre, davon waren 45 599 aus dem Bereich der E-Mail-Erfassung. (…)
Berlin, den 8. Februar 2012
Peter Altmaier, MdB
Gesetz zur Beschränkung des Brief-, Post- und Fernmeldegeheimnisses (Artikel 10-Gesetz – G 10)
Ausfertigungsdatum: 26.06.2001
Die Mitglieder der G 10-Kommission sind in ihrer Amtsführung unabhängig und Weisungen nicht unterworfen. Sie nehmen ein öffentliches Ehrenamt wahr und werden von dem Parlamentarischen Kontrollgremium nach Anhörung der Bundesregierung für die Dauer einer Wahlperiode des Deutschen Bundestages…bestellt
Mitglieder der G 10-Kommission
Erwin Marschewski
Dr. Hans de With
Rainer Funke
Ulrich Maurer (Die Linke)
Die Mitglieder der G 10-Kommission müssen nicht Abgeordnete des Deutschen Bundestages sein.
Neubelegung des Wortes “relevant” ermöglichte NSA Massenüberwachung
Das Wort “relevant” wurde erst 2006 in den Gesetzestext des Patriot Act aufgenommen um das Gesetz zu verschärfen. Zuvor reichte es aus als Bundesbehörden vorzubringen die Daten für laufende Untersuchungen zu benötigen. Doch bereits im März 2006 bestätigte der FISC, dass die Massenspeicherung von Telekommunikationsdaten “relevant” sei, im Sinne der Bekämpfung von Gefahren der inneren Sicherheit. Die Auslegung des Supreme Court von 1991 wurde einfach übergangen.
We need a better way to pick FISA court judges
I’m not convinced that Roberts is packing the court with patsies for the national surveillance state. But it is anomalous that all 11 members of this important court are appointed by the chief justice, albeit from a pool of judges nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate for ordinary federal trial courts.
Wonkbook: The secret surveillance court is making secret surveillance laws
The laws we live by aren’t just the bills Congress passes and the president signs. It’s what the courts decide those bills actually mean.
In Secret, Court Vastly Broadens Powers of N.S.A.
The 11-member Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, known as the FISA court, was once mostly focused on approving case-by-case wiretapping orders. But since major changes in legislation and greater judicial oversight of intelligence operations were instituted six years ago, it has quietly become almost a parallel Supreme Court, serving as the ultimate arbiter on surveillance issues and delivering opinions that will most likely shape intelligence practices for years to come, the officials said.
Ich mach heute blau.
Entdeckt von PANDI in der Weserstraße.
“Leider wollen die Kandidaten, die in den Bundestag gewählt werden wollen, das Thema Stuttgart 21 totschweigen”
Die Rede von Frank Schweizer, Netzwerk Kernerviertel, auf der heutigen 179. Stuttgarter Montagsdemo der Bürgerbewegung gegen das urbane Industrieprogramm “Stuttgart 21″ (S21).
University of Denver Plans to Give George W. Bush the ‘Improving Human Condition‘ Award
Hundreds of students, staffers and alumni are protesting the University of Denver’s decision to honor former President George W. Bush with an award traditionally recognizing recipients for their work on behalf of humanity.
Athens mayor ‚physically attacked‘ over job cuts
Mayor Kaminis was “physically attacked“ on Sunday by suspected union workers protesting job cuts, his office announced, according to AFP. The incident happened as the mayor was leaving a Confederation of Greek Municipalities (KEDE) meeting, where he held discussions about the austerity measures and the way they affect thousands of municipal employees.
Neun Gründe gegen Schacht KONRAD
Während für den hochradioaktiven Müll hektisch und noch vor der parlamentarischen Sommerpause ein Standortauswahlgesetz auf den Weg gebracht wurde, wird über die Verwahrung des schwach- und mittelradioaktiven Abfalls gar nicht mehr gesprochen.
13. Juli 2013: Mir hams satt!-Demonstration in München
Am Samstag den 13. Juli 2013 wird sie ab 11 Uhr am Münchner Odeonsplatz zu sehen sein: Die Bewegung für eine faire Landwirtschaftspolitik, gentechnikfreie Lebensmittelproduktion und vernünftige Flächenschutzpolitik. Bauern und Imker, Umweltschützer und Entwicklungsorganisationen, Verbraucher und Produzenten werden gemeinsam gegen Agrarindustrie und Flächenverbrauch auf die Straße gehen. Und: Sie laden die ganze Bevölkerung ein mitzumachen.
The Ten Most Disturbing Things You Should Know About the FBI Since 9/11
As Congress considers the nomination of James B. Comey to lead the FBI for the next ten years, lawmakers should examine measures to rein in a bureau that has undermined civil liberties in the name of fighting terrorism. This is a false trade off: we can be both safe and free.
Snowden made the right call when he fled the U.S.
In my case, my authorized access in the Pentagon and the Rand Corp. to top-secret documents — which became known as the Pentagon Papers after I disclosed them — taught me that Congress and the American people had been lied to by successive presidentsand dragged into a hopelessly stalemated war that was illegitimate from the start.
Die neue Weltordnung und das Stockholm-Syndrom
Als Stockholm-Syndrom bezeichnet man das Aufbauen eines positiven Verhältnisses einer Geisel zu ihrem Entführer. Ein Blick auf unsere Gesellschaft und deren Umgang mit ihrer Totalüberwachung zeigt ein ähnliches Phänomen: Die Gegenwart von Big Brother wird geschönt. Als Geisel der Technik soll die persönliche Freiheit aufgegeben werden. Ganz im Sinne einer neuen Weltordnung.
A Secret Court Making Secret Laws? That‘s No Democracy
Last December, well before the Ed Snowden leaks revealed some information about the FISA court (FISC) and its rulings, we had already noted that the court itself was almost certainly unconstitutional. More recently, we talked about how the fact that all the court‘s judges are appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court means that the court has turned into a rubber stamp made in the image of some of the most „law and order“-minded Chief Justices from the past few decades.
Qatar ‚condemns‘ Egypt killings
Gas-rich Qatar, a key backer of the Muslim Brotherhood to which Egypt‘s Mohamed Morsi belongs, condemned the killing of 42 loyalists of the ousted president on Monday, and called on all Egyptians to abandon violence.
Suicides continue in recession- & unemployment-hit Greece
A television and theater director hanged himself on Monday morning. He was not able to secure any contract during the last few years. He was 55 years old. A woman, 39, mother of two, hanged herself on Sunday morning. Another woman, 44, took pills on Sunday evening. She was rescued at the last moment…
Qatar‘s QNB appoints new finance minister as chairman
Qatar National Bank has appointed the country‘s finance minister, Ali Shareef al-Emadi, as chairman of its board of directors, the Gulf state‘s largest lender said in a statement.
Brutal Massacre Outside Republican Guard HQ Kills and Wounds 1100 Peaceful Protesters
Early on Monday, supporters of the legitimate elected President Mohamed Morsi performing the dawn prayer outside the Republican Guard headquarters were massacred with heavy gunfire, live bullets, birdshot and tear gas. Over 1000 have been injured and more than 53 have been reported killed, so far.
Tunisia: Ennahdha Statement on early-morning putschist massacres against protesters in Egypt
Tunis, 8 July 2013
Early this morning, Monday 8 July 2013, putschist forces committed a massacre against peaceful protesters supporting the legitimate President Mohamed Morsy as they engaged in their dawn prayers. Victims of the massacre exceed 50 martyrs and hundreds of injuries.
Ennahdha Party:
– Prays for the souls of martyrs who sacrificed their lives in defence of the legitimacy expressing the will of Egyptians.
– Condemns this heinous crime committed by Egyptian security services against unarmed civilians.
– Stresses that the determination of putschists to abrogate the democratic legitimacy embodied in President Mohamed Morsy will only drive putschists to further isolation and confrontation with the entire Egyptian people.
– Calls on all Egyptian national forces to reject the coup and support the pro-democratic legitimacy front and to opt for the method of dialogue and prevention of bloodshed.
– Calls on all freedom-loving people around the world to stand in solidarity with the Egyptian people in its defence of legitimacy and democracy.
Rached Ghannouchi
Ennahdha Party
Mufti: Syrians‘ steadfastness will save entire Arab nation
Grand Mufti of the Republic Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun affirmed that the steadfastness of the Syrian people in the face of the aggression targeting them will save the entire Arab nation from sedition, chaos, cosnpriacies and division.
Egypt left leader urges immediate government formation
„Of course it is better if the Nour Party participates, even if it puts some pressure on us. I can accept this pressure,“ he said.
Colleagues of journalist killed at Cairo clashes share photos
Colleagues of journalist Ahmed Assem El-Senousy, who was killed during violence at the Cairo headquarters of the Republican Guards earlier on Monday morning, gave a press conference on Monday afternoon.
Egyptian troops open fire on protesters, killing at least 40; negotiations stalled
Mahmoud Zaqzooq, a spokesman for the pro-Morsi Muslim Brotherhood, which organized the protest, said 53 people had been killed, including five children.
Egyptian protesters blame military after dozens killed in Cairo – video
Footage taken from social media purports to show clashes between supporters of the ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi and police and soldiers outside the Republican Guard headquarters in Cairo on Sunday night.
Muslim Brotherhood says army chief wants Syria‘s fate for Egypt
The Muslim Brotherhood said on Monday that the chief of the armed forces wanted to drive Egypt to the same fate as Syria after at least 42 people were killed in a shooting in Cairo.
Turkey condemns Cairo shooting, calls it „massacre“
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu condemned the Cairo shooting in which at least 42 people died on Monday, describing the incident as a „massacre“ and calling for the start of a normalization process.
We need public debate, not a secret tribunal, on covert British surveillance
Want to complain about Prism? It‘s easy – simply take your case to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal and await your silencing
NSA and GCHQ spy programmes face legal challenge
Privacy International has submitted a claim to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT), which is supposed to review all complaints about the conduct of Britain‘s spy agencies.
Egypt army preparing for Sinai operation
The Israeli army said Tuesday that it had „authorized“ the deployment of Egyptian military reinforcements in Sinai.
„The Egyptian military activity in the Sinai is coordinated with Israeli security elements and authorized at the most senior levels in Israel, in order to contend with security threats in the Sinai that pose a threat to both Israel and Egypt,“ the army said in a statement.
Surveillance Society: If You Drive, You Get Tracked
Government and law enforcement agencies love it. “It’s new technology, we’re learning as we go, but it works 100 times better than driving around looking for license plates with our eyes,” said Lt. Randall Brandt of the San Leandro police. Stories abound of law-enforcement successes: locating stolen cars, identifying suspected murders as they’re driving through town, or pinpointing cars of people who haven’t paid a parking ticket.
Yasiin Bey (AKA Mos Def) force-fed under Guantánamo procedure, urges Obama to halt Ramadan plan
The US government has said that barring “unforeseen emergency or operational issues” it will respect the daylight fast by trying only to force feed 45 detainees at night. Muslim groups say that by refusing to suspend the practice during Ramadan the US is adding insult to injury.
Yasiin Bey (aka Mos Def) force fed under standard Guantánamo Bay procedure
As Ramadan begins, more than 100 hunger-strikers in Guantánamo Bay continue their protest. More than 40 of them are being force-fed. A leaked document sets out the military instructions, or standard operating procedure, for force-feeding detainees. In this four-minute film made by Human Rights organisation Reprieve and Bafta award-winning director Asif Kapadia, US actor and rapper Yasiin Bey (formerly known as Mos Def), experiences the procedure.
Anwälte von Lothar König stellen Einstellungsantrag im Prozess
Den Antrag, der detailliert die bisherigen Prozessergebnisse auflistet, könnt ihr hier nachlesen:
Egypt‘s army chief trained at Army War College
With unrest in Egypt, U.S. military officials looking for insight might test the ties they formed with the Egyptian defense minister, Lt. Gen. Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, when he was a student at the Army War College.
Gentechnikgegner in Italien fordern Anbauverbot von Genmais
Das hat Ende Juni ein Bündnis aus mehreren Landwirtschafts- und Umweltverbänden gefordert, nachdem erneut illegal ausgesäter Mais der Linie MON810 auf einer Fläche von 6.000 qm in der Region Friaul-Julisch Venetien im Nordosten des Landes gefunden worden war.
The unseen epidemic: Beauty lotions and other household products blamed for skin allergy surge
Dr John McFadden, consultant dermatologist at St Thomas’ Hospital, London, is urging the cosmetics industry to take action.
He said: ‘We are in the midst of an outbreak of allergy which we have not seen before in terms of scale in our lifetime.
Genetic screening could become the norm in IVF
Embryo screening involves separating out embryos with the best chance of producing a pregnancy from those with chromosomal abnormalities.
Traditionally it has involved a “beauty contest” in which technicians pick out the best-looking embryos for transfer to the womb.
The NSA/GCHQ metadata reassurances are breathtakingly cynical
Over the past two weeks, I have lost count of the number of officials and government ministers who, when challenged about internet surveillance by GCHQ and the NSA, try to reassure their citizens by saying that the spooks are „only“ collecting metadata, not „content“. Only two conclusions are possible from this: either the relevant spokespersons are unbelievably dumb or they are displaying a breathtaking contempt for their citizenry.
“Er ist völlig unschuldig und kennt seine Rechte. Er weiss, was die Verfassung sagt.”
Ein 21-jähriger Mann filmte am Abend des 4.Juli 2013 seine “Driving under the influence”-Polizeikontrolle (Fahren unter Alkohol- oder Drogeneinfluss) und lud das Video auf Youtube hoch, wo es bereits mehrfach dupliziert und bis zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt von fast zweieinhalb Millionen Personen aufgerufen und mit fünfunddreissigtausend Kommentaren versehen wurde. Das Video legt ganz offensichtlich den Finger auf die Wunde und erregt die Gemüter.
Egypt‘s Muslim Brotherhood calls for uprising
The Muslim Brotherhood called on Egyptians to rise up against those who „want to steal“ the revolution, a statement by its poliEgypt‘s Muslim Brotherhood calls for uprisingtical wing said on Monday, after the Health Ministry said 35 people were killed in shooting outside the Cairo headquarters of the Republican Guard.
Egypt: ‘34 killed’ in shooting at compound where Morsi is being held – live coverage
• Reports indicate 300 people were wounded in attack outside Republican Guard building in Cairo
• Live coverage of all developments throughout the day
Death toll in Cairo shooting 35 – Health Ministry spokesman
An Egyptian Health Ministry spokesman said the death toll in violence outside the Cairo headquarters of the Republican Guard stood at 35, after the Muslim Brotherhood accused the security forces of attacking protesters there.
Troops should have been flown in to confront asylum seekers threatening suicide at sea, says Scott Morrison
SAS TROOPS should have been sent in to prevent a boatload of asylum seekers being taken to Christmas Island by their rescuers on a merchant vessel, the Opposition‘s Scott Morrison said today.
The rescued refugee claimants had threatened to harm and kill themselves if taken back to Indonesia.
Oppn‘s military plan for asylum seekers
Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison has suggested a coalition government could go so far as to send in Australian soldiers to support merchant vessel crews.
Maltese oil and chemical tanker Sichem Hawk picked up the 34 asylum seekers and two crew members after their boat got into trouble between Java and Christmas Island early last week.
25. Ich hab ja Zeit
Hier nur aus “Zeit”-Gründen ein sehr kurzes Gedicht, um 1900 entstanden:
Ich liege hier, ich hab ja Zeit,
ich sinne hier, ich hab ja Zeit.
Der Tag ist dunkel, er hat Zeit,
mehr Zeit, als ich mir wünsche, Zeit
hab ich zu messen, lange Zeit.
Das Maß wird größer mit der Zeit.
Nur etwas übersteigt die Zeit,
das ist die Sehnsucht, keine Zeit
ist zeitig mit der Sehnsucht Zeit.
Robert Walser: Die Gedichte. Zürich und Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 1986, S. 31f.
Egypt Student Union: Morsi Still President; We Reject Military Coup
From the main stage in Rabaa Al-Adaweya Square, Ahmed Al-Baqri, ESU vice-president, said: „The ESU’s Executive Office met today to discuss support for President Morsi. The result was 7 against two in favor of supporting the President and rejecting the ruinous coup. The Executive Office will issue a statement Monday to express support for the elected President Morsi“.
The ESU vice-president then chanted, „The students said it loud and clear.. Morsi is President of the Republic“.
Fast wie im Westen.
Ein Sozialdemokrat, ausgebildeter Banker wird technokratischer Premierminister der Militärdiktatur.
34 Leute in einer Sitzblockade erschossen, während ihres Morgengebets.
Umsturz in Ägypten: Technokrat soll Regierung führen – Tote bei Protesten
Der 48-jährige Al-Din ist der Sohn eines bekannten Schriftstellers und hat für verschiedene Finanzinstitutionen gearbeitet, unter anderem in Washington.
Egypt: several dead as army opens fire on sit-in of Morsi supporters
Several people have been killed after the army opened fire on a sit-in staged by supporters of ousted Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi in Cairo.