Von Beginn des syrischen Bürgerkriegs war die Türkei mit an Bord, unterstützte die Rebellen und beherbergte sie in Istanbul und eröffnete ihnen sogar diplomatische Zugänge durch das türkische Außenministerium.
Daily Archives: 15. Juni 2013
Police intervene at Istanbul‘s Taksim Square, enter Gezi Park
Ambulances are seen entering the park. Police have also entered the park for the first time after two weeks. Security forces took over the park, demolishing the tents of the protesters. The police have also cordoned off the Taksim Square.
Prism whistleblower Edward Snowden a hero to 40%, poll finds
Observer/Opinium poll also found 45% saying Edward Snowden should be reprimanded, but only 30% believing he had committed a crime
Die US-Botschaft in Islamabad hat nicht nur Al Kaida und Taliban abgehört, sondern auch den Präsidenten von Pakistan und das Sekretariat des Premierministers.
Wegen, äh, der Terroristen, wissenschon.
From hope to fear: the broken promise of Barack Obama
Obama has flippantly dismissed the controversy. Resorting to the worst tactics of the Bush years, his message is: „Trust us. We‘re the good guys.“ And then Congress is briefed – in secret, of course – about the „dozens“ of terrorist plots such industrial-scale espionage has stopped.
ERT solidarity letter from Portugal, signed by 78 personalities – also ex President Sampaio
Jorge Sampaio, former President of Portugal, and 77 personalities from politics and culture express their solidarity to Greece’s public broadcaster ERT and their opposition to the sudden shutdown blackening the TV screens and silencing the radio programs.
Sudan rebels say hit area where peacekeeper killed
Sudanese rebels said they attacked a city where a United Nations peacekeeper was killed on Friday but that they hit only government military targets in the oil-rich area.
Anti-G8 protests take place in central Belfast – video
Anti-G8 protesters march through the streets of central Belfast on Saturday, ahead of the G8 meeting in nearby Enniskillen. Despite the wind and heavy rain, demonstrators turned out in their thousands, some in large lorries wearing fancy dress.
Iran: Moderater Kleriker Hassan Rohani gewinnt Präsidentschaftswahl
In Iran hat Hassan Rohani die Präsidentschaftswahl gewonnen. Rohani erreichte bei 50,68 Prozent der Stimmen, wie das Innenministerium am Samstag unter Berufung auf das vorläufige Endergebnis mitteilte. Der 64-Jährige erzielte damit bereits im ersten Durchgang die erforderliche absolute Mehrheit.
Unruhe in der SPD: Steinbrück greift Gabriel an
Drei Monate vor der Bundestagswahl gibt es in der SPD-Spitze massive Spannungen. Kanzlerkandidat Steinbrück ist irritiert von Parteichef Gabriel und mahnt ihn im SPIEGEL zu mehr Loyalität. Hintergrund ist Gabriels Verhalten in der letzten Fraktionssitzung.
70. Lied des Monats
Baut den Palast der Republik wieder auf!
Text und Musik: Thomas Pigor
Das Hündle kam weiter – Utopische Ostseesprachen und Fiaskojahre: Am Sonntag endet das Berliner Literaturfestival »Weißensee 2«
Und wir hören uns am heutigen Samstag in der Staatsgalerie Prenzlauer Berg das performative Klangkunstprojekt Harmonia Mundi an: Es geht um den psychedelischen Gehalt von Texten von Karl Barth, Stefan George oder José Ortega y Gasset. Rosa Luxemburg war übrigens George-Leserin.
Xi, Putin discuss bilateral ties, Korean Peninsula
Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin discussed bilateral ties and the situation on the Korean Peninsula in a telephone conversation Saturday.
Syrien-Problem: Obama telefoniert mit Top-Politikern Europas
Wie das Weiße Haus am Samstag mitteilte, telefonierte Obama am Freitag mit dem britischen Premier David Cameron, dem französischen Präsidenten Francois Hollande, dem italienischen Regierungsvorsitzenden Enrico Letta und der Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel.
“Die Linke nicht für ein Ende des Euro…ganz im Gegenteil”
Der Ableger der seinerzeit 2004 maßgeblich von der aus dem Bundestag geflogenen P.D.S. mitbegründeten “Europäischen Linken” beschließt heute in Dresden, trotz aller durch und für das Finanzsystem “Euro” bewirkten und seit über drei Jahren in den Staaten mit Euro-System stetig zunehmenden Verarmung, Verelendung, Entstaatlichung, Entrechtung und Enteignung, die fortgesetzte Unterstützung des imperialistischen Euro-Kapitalismus. Weitergehend fordert “Die Linke” eine Änderung der E.U.-Verträge und redet über nicht existierende “Grundrechte in Europa”.
Special report: Germany – Europe‘s reluctant hegemon
In Beijing or Washington, DC, the question: “Where is Europe going?” has become synonymous with: “What do the Germans want?”
Bureaucrats in Brussels talk ruefully about Berlin becoming the capital of Europe. “When the German position changes on an issue, the kaleidoscope shifts as other countries line up behind them,” says one official. “That’s unprecedented in the history of the EU.”
Out of the horror of the Rosenbergs´ executions, a force for good
We are Robert and Jenn Meeropol, son and granddaughter of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. We are acutely aware of the political lessons to be drawn from the conviction and execution of the Rosenbergs at the height of the McCarthy period. The charge was conspiracy to commit espionage, but our family members were presented as traitors who gave the Soviet Union the secret of the atomic bomb.
G8 protest in Belfast – live coverage
At least 5,000 people expected to attend march in Northern Ireland, where two-day meeting of world leaders starts on Monday
Young Turks seek greater liberty, not revolution
Ask the younger protesters who have taken to Turkey‘s streets over the past two weeks what they are fighting for, and the response is simple: „More freedom“.
It is an aspiration they might just achieve.
ERT live stream
With the help of EBU, the program can be watched in many aras across the country via analogue or diginal. EBU makes it possible that the ERT program can be retransmitted in several countries as well.
ERT solidarity concert: musicians and choir members go emotional in breathtaking night
Too sad that some guys in the current government have no culture at all.
Greek coalition partners rebuff PM offer on broadcaster
Both junior partners in Greece‘s ruling coalition have turned down a compromise by the prime minister over the shutdown of public broadcaster ERT, raising the prospect that the rift among the parties might be impossible to mend.
Guinea may postpone June 30 parliamentary election: president
Guinea could be forced to postpone a long-awaited parliamentary election scheduled for June 30 after opposition parties refused to register candidates, President Alpha Conde said.
South Africa‘s Mandela ‚recovering very well‘, grandson says
Former South African president and anti-apartheid hero Nelson Mandela is recovering well from a lung infection which has kept him in a serious condition in hospital for a week, his grandson said on Saturday.
NSA revelations threaten worldwide trust in Facebook, Google
Facebook and Google deny they gave the NSA special access to their servers. But ‚the stink of being a pawn of the U.S. government could really hurt‘ global growth, a prominent tech entrepreneur says.
Google surveillance far surpasses the NSA, author says
For years, Google‘s computers have scanned the content of millions of Gmails — Google‘s popular email service — in order to figure out what ads the users might respond to. Many users don‘t realize they‘ve given Google permission to eavesdrop in the agreement that opens their account.
How Google Will Use High-Flying Balloons to Deliver Internet to the Hinterlands
Only when the men returned the next day did they reveal what they were up to. Inside the red ball was an antenna that would give the MacKenzies Internet access. It was custom-designed to communicate with a similar antenna that would be floating by in the stratosphere, over 60,000 feet above sea level. On a solar-powered balloon.
Oh, and the men work for Google.
The influence of spies has become too much. It‘s time politicians said no
John le Carré on secret courts, surveillance and the excessive influence of the CIA and MI6 on democratic institutions
The Case for Congress Ending Its Authorization of the War on Terror
U.S. troops will soon leave Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda is in shambles. What reason is there for Congress to abdicate responsibility for declaring war?
Patriot Act — roll it back, repeal it or just let it expire
It’s time. It’s time for President Obama to live up to his own words. It’s time for Congress to do its job. It’s time to contract the ever-expanding national security state. And it’s time to roll back the Patriot Act.
The PATRIOT Act’s Section 215 Must be Reformed
The ACLU‘s suit is an important first step, but it‘s crucial that Congress finally take on Section 215 in earnest. The days of closed-door briefings and secret court orders must end. Congress must force public disclosure about what information the government is collecting, and what‘s being done with it. The Administration and the secret FISA Court will continue this spying if Congress doesn‘t stop them.
One nation under surveillance
Local lawmakers remain mum on reports of government eavesdropping on American acitizens
Österreich und die NSA-Affäre
Er plädiert für einen Fragenkatalog auf europäischer Ebene, der den Amerikanern präsentiert wird. (…)
Er will, betont er im Parlament, erst „dem Partner Gelegenheit geben, umfassend Stellung zu nehmen“, ehe man an das Suspendieren von Abkommen mit den USA denkt.
Czech president adds to pressure on PM to quit
Czech President Milos Zeman added to pressure on Saturday on the prime minister to quit over a scandal centered on allegations a close aide abused her powers and bribed politicians.
Egyptian army to deploy ahead of protests: state paper
Egypt‘s military will not allow violence during protests against President Mohamed Mursi that his opponents have planned for June 30, the first anniversary of the Islamist leader‘s election, a state newspaper said on Saturday.
“Wir haben es in Stuttgart mit dem derzeit schlimmsten der abschreckenden Infrastruktur-Projekte in Deutschland zu tun”
Die Rede von Dr. Norbert Bongartz, Oberkonservator i.R., Co-Sprecher vom Aktionsbündnis gegen S21, bei der heutigen Großdemo der Stuttgarter Bürgerbewegung gegen das urbane Umbauprogramm “Stuttgart 21″ (S21). Die Demonstration steht unter dem Motto “Stuttgart 21 ist überall” und beginnt im 17.00 Uhr auf dem Stuttgarter Schlossplatz. Die Rede von Dr. Bongartz wird vorab veröffentlicht.
Gezi Park protesters refuse to leave, vow ‚to continue resistance‘
“On the 18th day of our resistance, we are continuing to stand guard for our park, city, trees, living spaces private lives, freedoms and future,” the Taksim Solidarity Platform, which has been at the center of the protests since the first day, said in a written statement.
Turkey voices approval to armament of rebels
The Foreign Ministry stated that the Syrian regime’s attacks must be halted and a “democratic transition process, which will be in line with Syrian people’s legal demands and will“ must start in Syria as soon as possible.
Don‘t repeat Iraq mistake in Syria, Russia warns America
Russia said on Friday that US data on the Syrian regime‘s alleged use of chemical weapons was „unconvincing“, and warned Washington against repeating the mistake it made when invading Iraq after falsely accusing Saddam Hussein of stocking weapons of mass destruction.
Libya and Tunisia agree major oil and gas deal
Libya has agreed to provide Tunisia with 450,000 barrels of oil a month at preferential rates as of August until the end of 2013 and 650,000 barrels of a month during 2014.
Libya Moves State-Run Oil Company to Benghazi
Libya‘s premier on Wednesday ordered relocation of the headquarters of the state-run oil company to the eastern city of Benghazi, fulfilling a long-standing demand by residents of the region and comes days after tribal declared semi-independent region in the east.
Six Libyan soldiers killed in Benghazi violence
Six soldiers were killed in clashes between Libyan special forces and armed protesters outside a special forces‘ base in the eastern city of Benghazi, an military official said on Saturday.
Iraq eyes 29% boost in oil production in 2014
A senior Iraqi official on Wednesday said his country expects to ramp up oil production to 4.5 million barrels per day by the end of next year from around 3.5 million barrels now, thanks to work by a handful of international oil companies developing the country‘s prized oil and gas fields.
Another Iraq candidate killed before provincial polls
At least six candidates have now been killed in the city ahead of the June 20 elections in a total of eight attacks targeting provincial council candidates in the city and surrounding province of Nineveh.
Gunmen kill election candidate in Iraq
A police official said the attack on Muhanad Ghazi occurred Friday as he was walking home in the city of Mosul.
Expect more attacks on foreigners in Afghanistan, warns deputy commander
The international community in Afghanistan, recently hit by two high-profile attacks on aid organizations, should brace itself for more Taliban violence in the coming months, the deputy commander of foreign forces said.
Großdemo gegen Stuttgart 21 und verantwortungslose Politik
Stuttgart: Das Aktionsbündnis gegen Stuttgart 21 und die Parkschützer rufen für Samstag, 15. Juni ab 17 Uhr zu einer Großdemo auf dem Stuttgarter Schlossplatz auf.
Effort to block indefinite detention (NDAA) fails in U.S. House
As happened with the substantially similar Smith-Amash amendment last year, this effort failed by a close 226 to 200 vote on the floor of the House.
2014 NDAA Passes the House, With Many Amendments
Over the last 24 hours, the House debated and voted on nearly 200 amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2014 (H.R. 1960). Many of these amendments were approved via “voice vote” (there was no formal recording of how members voted); quite a few others were approved en bloc (grouped together and voted on as a package) on the floor.
National Defense Authorization Act
Der National Defense Authorization Act ist ein US-Bundesgesetz, das den Haushalt des US Department of Defense (DoD) bestimmt. Der Beschluss des Etats bekommt mit dieser Norm jährlich Gesetzescharakter und ist die Voraussetzung für das Budget der US-Streitkräfte. Mit dem National Defense Authorization Act 2012 wurden auch Befugnisse des Militärs ausgeweitet, amerikanische Bürger und Ausländer auf Verdacht zeitlich unbegrenzt zu inhaftieren.
Congresswoman Barbara Lee Calls for Sunset of AUMF, Report on Lethal Use of Drones, Introduces Amendments to National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014
(11.06.) Today, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) submitted five amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2014. Lee offered amendments ranging from ending the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) to further disclosure and debate surrounding the lethal use of drones.
Rep. Adam Schiff To Introduce Legislation to Sunset Authorization for Use of Military Force
(10.06.) Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), a senior Member of the Intelligence Committee, announced that he was introducing legislation tomorrow – before the debate on the National Defense Authorization Act begins this week – that would sunset the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) beginning in 2015.
I have no money
They talk about everything to avoid talking about something. Anti corruption laws to claw back 100/120 billion? Laws to cut useless State costs starting with 16 billion a year in superfluous costs of politics? Laws to recover tens of billions, giving back to the State the management of concessions, starting with the motorways? Zilch. Every day, in Parliament, the M5S is putting forward proposals on these topics but the media (fed and watered by the parties) stays silent. How many laws has parliament approved in recent years? The M5S will not stay silent and watch. It will go out from the Palace more and more to tell people what’s happening, to listen and to share opinions. Citizens among the citizens.
‚Yes we can‘ to ‚Yes we scan‘, Obama returns to Berlin
Cheered like a rock star when he passed through Berlin five years ago on his way to the White House, Barack Obama faces a cooler reception and tough questions about U.S. spying methods when he returns next week for talks with Angela Merkel and a speech at the Brandenburg Gate.
Facebook, Microsoft release NSA stats to reassure users
The total for Facebook: About 18,000 accounts over a six month period, or one-thousandth of one percent of user accounts.
Microsoft‘s total was about 31,000 accounts over the same six month period ending December 31, 2012.