Am 28. Januar 2013, nimmt die Regierungskommission zur Überprüfung der Sicherheitsgesetzgebung in Deutschland nach dem 11. September 2001 ihre Arbeit auf.
Daily Archives: 11. Juni 2013
Pressemitteilung: Sicherheitsgesetze auf dem Prüfstand
(17.08.2011) Für die Arbeit der Regierungskommission gibt es einen klaren Zeitplan. Bereits im Herbst dieses Jahres wird die Kommission eingesetzt, schon im nächsten Jahr soll ein erster Zwischenbericht vorliegen.
Germans accuse U.S. of Stasi tactics before Obama visit
German Chancellor Angela Merkel‘s spokesman has said she will raise the issue with Obama in talks next Wednesday
President Obama’s welcome plot twist: Edward Snowden
The idea that a defense contractor who was discharged from the Army Reserve after just five months, and worked for Booz Allen Hamilton for less than three months, could have access to so many sensitive secrets is already raising serious questions about how easy it is for contractors to get that kind of information.
White House: No comment on Snowden
President Obama and aides are not talking about Edward Snowden.
Prism-Skandal in USA: Sicherheit ist kein Selbstzweck
Das sind gerade die Lehren, die Deutschland 1949 aus der Tradition der amerikanischen Verfassung von 1776 übernahm: In einem freien und offenen demokratischen Prozess darf nicht der Eindruck entstehen, man nehme es mit dem Schutz der Grundrechte nicht so genau.
Cyber-snooping backlash builds in Berlin before Obama‘s JFK trip
Government surveillance is an extremely sensitive topic in Germany, where memories of East Germany‘s feared Stasi secret police and its extensive network of informants are still fresh in the minds of many citizens.
Following NSA Leaks, Eight Senators Re-Introduce A Bill To Reduce Secrecy Of Patriot Act Surveillance
Senators Jeff Merkley and Mike Lee, along with six other legislators, on Tuesday introduced a new bill that would require the Attorney General to declassify “significant” opinions of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which is meant to oversee the scope and targets of surveillance by agencies like the NSA under the Patriot Act.
Police use tear gas and enter Taksim Square for second time in day
Crowds started to fill the square following a call from the Taksim Solidarity Platform for a rally that started at 7 p.m. following an all-day police intervention in central Istanbul.
The platform, an initiative organized to prevent a development project in Istanbul’s Taksim Gezi Park, called on everyone to support the ongoing protest at Gezi Park after the police entered the square at 7:30 a.m.
More than 50 lawyers detained in Istanbul for supporting Gezi Park protests
More than 50 lawyers have been detained by police at Istanbul’s Çağlayan Courthouse today for joining the Taksim Gezi protests, which have been ongoing across the country for 15 days now.
Sparkurs: Griechenland schaltet staatlichen Rundfunk ab
Die Radio- und Fernsehanstalt ERT soll komplett geschlossen und später mit weniger Angestellten und Programmen wiederbelebt werden.
Henri Dutilleux – Symphonie n° 1
Micha Brendel – „ D O P P E L G O L D „ 2xD 2xO 2xP 2xL (Zeichnungen und Verschriftungen)
Micha Brendel zählte gemeinsam mit Else Gabriel, Rainer Görß und Via Lewandowski zu den „Autoperforationsartisten“. Geschult an den eigenen Prägungen sorgte in der zweiten Hälfte der 80er Jahre diese Performance-Gruppe für einige skandal und skandalisierte Auftritte und Ausstellungen in der DDR.
Ogaden Refugees Fleeing Government Persecution
The Ethiopian military and paramilitary forces, operating in the Ogaden region of Ethiopia, are, it is alleged, carrying out extra judicial killings and gang rapes; falsely arresting and torturing innocent civilians; looting and destroying villages and crops in a systematic attempt to terrify the people.
Occupation? What Occupation?
Every person is endowed with a certain denial mechanism they can use to avoid the shame, fear, guilt and pain involved in coping with their improper actions. Instead of facing their failure, accepting reality and dealing with it, they simply enter a state of denial.
Indigenous resistance, arrests continue against fracking in New Brunswick
About 25 RCMP officers in uniform, along with about a dozen police cruisers, today continued to flank equipment owned by gas exploration company SWN Resources Canada as they proceeded with their seismic testing of highway 126 in Kent County, New Brunswick.
Austria begins withdrawing peacekeepers from Golan
The first 60 to 80 soldiers will land in Vienna tomorrow afternoon, Defense Ministry spokesman Andreas Strobl said.
Leak alleges State Department coverups ranging from prostitution to drug trafficking
Documents obtained from an internal watchdog for the US State Department have revealed the potential coverup of alleged illegal behavior ranging from sexual assaults to an underground drug ring.
According to CBS News, which first reported on the information obtained from a memo produced by the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS), that agency has followed leads on a number of cases that implicate the State Department in potentially damaging and illegal situations.
Interview: Eric Garris Explains the FBI Surveillance of
Recently, with assistance from the ACLU, filed a suit in order to obtain documents about the extent of the FBI’s surveillance of their website and staff after a Freedom of Information Act request exposed that columnist Justin Raimondo and webmaster Eric Garris were specifically targeted.
86 Civil Liberties Groups and Internet Companies Demand an End to NSA Spying
Today, a bipartisan coalition of 86 civil liberties organizations and Internet companies – including the Electronic Frontier Foundation, reddit, Mozilla, FreedomWorks, and the American Civil Liberties Union – are demanding swift action from Congress in light of the recent revelations about unchecked domestic surveillance.
In an open letter to lawmakers sent today, the groups call for a congressional investigatory committee, similar to the Church Committee of the 1970s.
CSU attackiert Rentnerin
Zwei Augsburger CSU-Politiker mahnen eine 68-jährigen Rentnerin wegen eines kritischen Leserbriefes ab – und drohen mit einer Vertragsstrafe von jeweils 5000 Euro.
Verfassungsklägerin reicht Strafanzeige ein wegen vermuteter Rechtsbeugung (§339 StGB) (Presseerklärung zur Strafanzeige)
Am Montag,den 03.06.2013,hat die
Verfassungsklägerin Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing Strafanzeige eingereicht gegen zwei Mitglieder des zweiten Senats (gegen Herrn BVR Prof. Dr. Huber und gegen den Präsidenten des Bundesverfassungsgerichts Herrn Prof. Dr. Voßkuhle) des Bundesverfassungsgerichts sowie gegen unbekannt wegen vermuteter Rechtsbeugung (§339 StGB), wie heute bereits die Zeitung „Die Welt“ berichtete.
CCC zu PRISM: Aufwand nur zur Extremistenjagd kaum vorstellbar
Birk: Die Frage der Legitimität wird oft gar nicht mehr gestellt. Die „marktkonforme Demokratie“, wie sie Kanzlerin Angela Merkel genannt hat, will eben Geld verdienen. Bürgerrechte werden so gnadenlos untergepflügt.
German Court to Weigh Bond Buying by E.C.B.
While no national court in Europe has the power to tell the central bank what to do, the German Constitutional Court could place limits on the country’s participation in anticrisis measures. One former high court justice, Udo Di Fabio, even argued in a recent paper that Germany would have to withdraw from the currency union if central bank actions violated national laws — a move that, if it reached that point, would probably destroy the euro.
Yes, The NSA Surveillance Story Shows Why Wikileaks And Similar Sites Are Necessary
With all the attention on NSA surveillance, the Bradley Manning trial has faded a bit into the background (and it already wasn‘t getting nearly the coverage it deserved). And yet, this should be a reminder of why sites like Wikileaks are so important.
Majority Views NSA Phone Tracking as Acceptable Anti-terror Tactic
A majority of Americans – 56% – say the National Security Agency’s (NSA) program tracking the telephone records of millions of Americans is an acceptable way for the government to investigate terrorism, though a substantial minority – 41% – say it is unacceptable.
Who loves surveillance? It depends who’s in the White House.
Democrats have changed their tune in the wake of new disclosures that the NSA is tracking millions of phone records under President Obama. According to a new Post-Pew Research Center poll, fully 64 percent say the agency’s latest program to access phone records is “acceptable,” which is 27 percentage points higher than their tolerance for the NSA’s probes when polled in 2006.
NSA surveillance policy defended by White House – video
At a press briefing on Monday, White House spokesman Jay Carney defends the NSA‘s surveillance programme, saying the balance between national security and privacy is appropriate.
Senator Russ Feingold Correctly Predicted How The Patriot Act Would Be Abused; Too Bad He Got Voted Out Of Office
„Under this provision, the government can apparently go on a fishing expedition and collect information on virtually anyone.“
Edward Snowden’s NSA leaks show we need a debate
The important thing right now isn’t whether Edward Snowden should be labeled a hero or villain.
Germany most-spied-on EU country by US – leaked NSA report
Germany‘s Interior Ministry had already been in contact with US officials to find out whether there had been any infringement of German citizens‘ privacy lately. Chancellor Angela Merkel is due to raise the issue of the NSA‘s eavesdropping on Germany with President Barack Obama, who said the monitoring program is a means of defense against terrorism.
Kriminalbeamte: Kleinkarierte Debatte über Vorratsdatenspeicherung
Die Grünen, die den Einsatz von Spähsoftware „unter engsten Voraussetzungen“ für zulässig erklärten, lieferten ein unklares Bild ab. Ihr innenpolitischer Sprecher Wolfgang Wieland erklärte, dass er als Jurist Deutschland in der Pflicht sieht, die EU-Richtlinie zur VDS umzusetzen, weil jeder verstrichene Tag Deutschland viel Geld kosten werde:
Interview mit einem Spion: Übersetzung und Video der Aussagen von Edward Snowden
Am 7. Juni veröffentlichte der auch von Radio Utopie geschätzte investigative Journalist Glenn Greenwald vom britischen “Guardian” Unterlagen, die weltweit große Aufmerksamkeit bekamen. Power-Point-Präsentationen zwecks Ausbildung zum weltweit im Internet tätigen Spion der “National Security Agency”, im Rahmen des Spionageprogramms PRISM mit Zugang zu allen Servern und Daten aller relevanten Internet-Magnaten, Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, Apple, wurden gezählt, gewogen und für echt heavy befunden. Gleichzeitig setzte abermals die – gerade in Deutschland – immer wieder so geschätzte Karnickelstarre ein. Oh mein Gott. Ich hab´s gewusst, dass ich nichts weiß. Von irgendwo her sah man Sokrates auf seiner Erfindungswolke sitzen und gütig seinen Spruch dazu lassen, wie der nette Onkel aus der Truman Show, der seinen besten Kunden in letzter Sekunde noch vor der Tür festquatschen will.
Nun, Sinn und Zweck der Veröffentlichung dieses Transkripts vom Interview Edward Snowdens mit “Guardian”-Journalist Gleen Greenwald, mitsamt dieser einleitenden Worte, ist, Leser und Leserin von Radio Utopie hinter den Vorhang zu begleiten.
Lawmakers urge review of domestic spying, Patriot Act
Lawmakers called on Sunday for a review of the government‘s monitoring of phone and Internet activities, and one Democrat urged a reopening of the Patriot Act, the post-September 11, 2001 law that gave intelligence agencies broader surveillance powers.
Senators Lean Toward Review Of NSA Spying Program
A U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee member said Sunday the public needs to be better informed on the scope of government phone and Internet records access.
Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colo., said while the National Security Agency’s vast monitoring program had been vetted by the legal system, the political uproar will linger unless the public is provided with more details on how the intelligence was collected and used.
Author Of The Patriot Act Says NSA Surveillance Is An Abuse And Must End
Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, who was the chair of the House Judiciary Committee when it put forth the Patriot Act, and someone who‘s not known for being afraid to support expanded surveillance, has now come out strongly against the NSA‘s surveillance efforts, saying that they must end.
„Ich verstehe gar nicht, wieso die sich alle so aufregen über die NSA. Ich habe nichts zu verbergen!“
DOJ Argues Secret Ruling Over Secret Unconstitutional Surveillance Must Remain Secret Because It‘s Secret
the DOJ is fighting back with the most circular and ridiculous logic imaginable:
Nicht nur die NSA liest eure Mails, auch die US-Grenzer lesen eure Facebook-„Mails“.
Canada says not receiving information from U.S. spying program
but the nation‘s secret signals intelligence agency is monitoring foreign phone and internet traffic, officials said on Monday.
NSA Defenders Claim PRISM Helped Stop NYC Subway Bombing; Actual Evidence Suggests It Didn‘t
You knew this was coming. In the wake of the revelations about the NSA surveillance program, defenders of the system are now trying to claim that PRISM was responsible for stopping a plot to bomb the NYC subways by Najibullah Zazi. However, as people looked into the details, they pointed out that this didn‘t make much sense and, further, that detailed public reports already make it clear that traditional police work had uncovered Zazi‘s plot, not PRISM.
Letta says Berlusconi‘s legal woes not concern for govt
Government will survive if reforms succeed, says premier
Letta sees left-right govt reinforced by local elections
Premier‘s centre-left prevails in Rome, 10 provincial capitals
Greece’s gas privatization DEPA-GAZPROM receives heavy blow: reasons not quite known…
Greece received a heavy blow in its privatization ambitions on Monday as key player Gazprom did not make the expected biding offer for the state-owned Public Gas Corporation DEPA. Also M&M of Motor Oil & Mytilinaios did not make their non-biding offer.
Aux Raus Radio 93 @ Red Light Radio 06-10-2013
Red Light Radio is an online radio station broadcasting from a former prostitution window in the red light district of Amsterdam. Red Light Radio brings you daily shows of local DJ’s, live performances and cool personalities doing a one time only radio show. You can expect shows full of afro beat or shows with black metal next to live acoustic performances or DJ sets by artists who’re in town.
Ringing Bell – And dimmed undelivered, and receive eternities
…check this band out: Ringing Bell. The name might sound a little silly but after you hear it the first time, you will play it over and over again…
Down-tuned, heavy-as-fuck, gloomy death metal with a guttural deep cavernous voice is what you will get…Good stuff.
Forever Cursed March 19, 2012
Anteprima: ascolta il disco di culto ‚Antropofagia‘
Invece di un album recente o di una band emergente, oggi Rolling Stone vi presenta in anteprima l’ascolto di una pietra angolare della musica italiana, di quella contemporanea in particolare. A quasi quarant’anni dall’uscita, torna in versione restaurata Antropofagia di Patrizio Fariselli, proprio il tastierista degli Area.
Politische Ökonomie und Sicherheit
Aus der Leseprobe:
Diese Bilder wählen somit einen spezifischen Bedeutungshorizont aus, in dem sich soziale Kontrolle in zweierlei Hinsicht verwirklicht. Einmal lässt der Charakter des Geschehens, wie er hier definiert ist, den ‚Geist des Kapitalismus‘ absichtsvoll unberührt, und dadurch erscheint die Vermutung, in der Krise könne sich eine gewissermaßen überschüssige Normalität verbergen, von vorneherein als irrelevant – das ließe sich als eine mentale soziale Kontrolle kennzeichnen, in der die systemische Alternativlosigkeit bekräftigt wird. Zum anderen binden die Unternehmungen der Krisenbewältigung materielle Ressourcen in solchem Ausmaß, dass auch die Gesundheit nach der Krankheit wie eineKrankheit anmuten könnte, vor allem wegen der Folgen, die überschuldete Staatshaushalte gerade für ärmere Bevölkerungsschichten mit sich bringen.
Premiere: Chicago newcomer Stave drags us down to the dungeon with ‘Tower9′
Tower power.
Stave is the latest solo project of Jonathan Krohn, who might be better known as a part of Chicago-based experimental rockers Male. Forget all that for now though, as Krohn’s solo material is about as insular and as far from ensemble material as you’d like to go, diving deep into the world of solitary electronics.