Daily Archives: 1. Juni 2013

01.06.2013 - 19:48 [ Russia Today ]

Holder tells reporters he’ll stop spying on them

United States Attorney General Eric Holder said during an off-the-record meeting Thursday that the Department of Justice will change the way it conducts investigations of reporters amid scandals centered on Associated Press and Fox News journalists.

01.06.2013 - 19:33 [ Natural News ]

Internet monitoring system to stalk social media users who question safety of vaccines

If you post articles to your Facebook wall that warn others about the dangers of vaccines, or Tweet links to the latest studies tying vaccines to autism through Twitter, the vaccine pushers of the world could soon know about it in real time. According to new reports, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-backed scientists in both the United States and Great Britain have jointly developed a computerized global monitoring system capable of tracking all social media activity around the world that defies mainstream vaccine dogma, and reporting it directly to authorities.

01.06.2013 - 19:02 [ Esther Vivas ]

United against the Troika

But it was not until the arrival in Spain of the much denied rescue, in June 2012, that the “men in black” and “Troika” became a household name. Today, a year later, people, sick and tired, are coming out into the streets to say loud and clear: “Troika, go home”.

01.06.2013 - 18:57 [ International Viewpoint ]

Privatization of health and resistance in Catalonia

Catalonia is one of the first autonomous communities to have implemented austerity policies in the domain of health: closure of hospitals, operating rooms, emergency services, night care, some health centres, payment of one euro per prescription and privatization of certain health services, among many other attacks.

01.06.2013 - 18:54 [ Hurriyet ]

Analysis: Erdoğan no longer almighty

To call this a „Turkish Spring“ would be over-dramatizing it. It could be, if there were opposition forces in Turkey that could move in to stop the one man show of a mighty power holder. But it can easily be said that the Taksim brinkmanship marked a turning point in the almighty image of Erdoğan.

01.06.2013 - 18:46 [ antikrieg.com ]

Eric Margolis – Diese alten kolonialen Gelüste

Dieser alte koloniale Impuls kommt immer wieder zurück. In der vergangenen Woche brachten Britannien und Frankreich den Rest der Europäischen Union dazu, das Waffenembargo gegen Syrien aufzuheben – was klar und deutlich ausgedrückt nichts anderes bedeutet als offene militärische Einmischung in den Bürgerkrieg in diesem Land.

01.06.2013 - 16:06 [ techdirt ]

Australian Spies Want To Hack Tor After Realizing It Routes Around Their Surveillance

One of the key flaws with the data retention schemes being proposed by the UK and elsewhere, supposedly to catch terrorists and serious criminals, is that they won‘t work. It is trivially easy to avoid surveillance by using encrypted connections, for example those provided by The Onion Router (Tor). This means that the only people who are likely to end up being spied on are innocent members of the public.

01.06.2013 - 15:45 [ IKNews ]

Update: EUPOLY ein Europäischer Alptraum

Zum Abschluss noch einmal vielen Dank an alle die mit der Bestellung helfen diese Produktion und vielleicht weitere zu ermöglichen. Ich hoffe es wird in Zukunft zwei Gruppen von Menschen geben:

Jene die den Film ihr Eigen nennen und jene die ihn gerne hätten

01.06.2013 - 15:17 [ Radio Utopie ]

Zweite Version von “Unser Kongress tanzt” veröffentlicht

Da man als Musiker und Produzent der eigenen Musik am eigenen Produktionsmittel, dem Informationstechnischen System / Computer, ja immer was zu schrauben und kritteln hat, gibt es von jedem Werk immer verschiedene Versionen. Als ich nun vor einigen Tagen auf Jamendo die erste Version von “Unser Kongress tanzt” veröffentlichte, erlaubte sich mir gegenüber ein gut befreundeter einfacher Konsument (früher sagte man noch: Musikfreund oder einfach Hörer) die Bemerkung, da sei doch irgendwie die Stimme zu leise.

Unerhört, dachte ich mir. Ich hatte mir soviel Mühe gegeben.

01.06.2013 - 15:15 [ Guardian ]

Werner Herzog: 50 years of potent, inspiring, disturbing films

Herzog‘s films portray humans as frail creatures caught in the gap between an indifferent nature and a punishing God. Ahead of the UK release of As Joshua Oppenheimer‘s The Act of Killing, which Herzog executive produced, Michael Newton celebrates a unique world view

01.06.2013 - 14:13 [ Guardian ]

Julian Assange to receive visit from Ecuador‘s foreign minister

Ecuador‘s foreign minister will travel to the UK later this month to meet Julian Assange on the eve of the WikiLeaks founder‘s first anniversary of living in the country‘s embassy in London. Ricardo Patino has also offered to hold talks with his British counterpart, William Hague, to try to reach an agreement over Assange‘s future.

01.06.2013 - 12:59 [ Hurriyet ]

Main opposition protests gas use with booklet depicting Turkish PM as ‘Gasman’

In order to show his reaction against the steadily increasing use of tear gas during demonstrations under the rule of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government, a deputy leader of the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) has issued a booklet titled “Gazman: The AKP’s history of tear gas,” in reference to “Gas Man” in English.

01.06.2013 - 03:08 [ Reuters ]

U.S. rebalance to Asia-Pacific gaining steam, Pentagon chief says

Building on that, Hagel told the conference the U.S. Air Force would commit 60 percent of its overseas-based aircraft and airmen to the region – about the same level as now – while U.S. Army troops and Marines would resume their Asia-Pacific roles as they draw down following the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hagel said in the future the Pentagon would „prioritize deployments“ of its most advanced weapons systems to the Pacific, including the radar-evading F-22 Raptor jet fighter, the stealth F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and the Virginia-class fast attack submarine.

01.06.2013 - 02:45 [ International Business Times ]

Secret Court Document Finds Spy Techniques Unconstitutional, Justice Department Fights To Keep It Hidden

The Justice Department may soon be forced to reveal a classified document that details unconstitutional surveillance of American citizens. The Justice Department has fought to keep the document secret for about a year, but a recent court order demands that they respond to a formal request filed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation by next week, June 7, 2013.

01.06.2013 - 01:52 [ Scotsman ]

Zimbabwe: Mugabe ordered hold election by end July

A Zimbabwean rights activist Jealousy Mawarire, who writes for the pro-Mugabe Herald newspaper, filed the case with the Constitutional Court challenging Mr Mugabe to set dates for the presidential and parliamentary election by June 29.

01.06.2013 - 01:33 [ Wikipedia ]

2013 Taksim Gezi Park protests in Turkey

The 2013 Taksim Gezi Park protests in Turkey or 2013 Taksim protests or Occupy Gezi are ongoing protests in Turkey, led by environmentalists, against replacing Taksim Gezi Park with a reconstruction of Taksim Military Barracks (demolished 1940) intended to house a shopping mall. The protests developed into riots when a group occupying the park was attacked by police.

01.06.2013 - 01:25 [ Financial Times ]

Thousands call on Turkey’s leader to quit

Protests sprang up in other cities including Ankara, the capital, but Turkish television reporters largely avoided broadcasting coverage of the events. Many local journalists complain they are under pressure to censor the news.

01.06.2013 - 01:16 [ Spiegel ]

Polizeigewalt in Istanbul: Mit Knüppeln gegen die Wutbürger vom Gezi Park

Der Staat reagiert mit aller Härte auf „Occupy-Gezi“. Die Polizei geht mit Wasserwerfern und Pfefferspray gegen die Demonstranten vor, Beamte knüppeln Bürger nieder. Übers Internet verbreiteten sich in den vergangenen Stunden hässliche Bilder: Menschen liegen blutüberströmt am Boden, die Straßen sind von Tränengas vernebelt, Verwundete werden vom Ort des Geschehens geschleppt. Amnesty International und andere Menschenrechtsorganisationen haben das Vorgehen der Sicherheitskräfte bereits verurteilt.