US officials had earlier said the ship would be gifted as part of its keenness to develop a stronger naval relationship for the maritime ‘peace and stability’ in the Asia-Pacific region.
Daily Archives: 26. Mai 2013
GM Salmon, Genetic Engineering of Farm Animals to Arrive in Summer 2013 Despite Public Opposition
By summer of 2013, US governing bodies, or, the alphabet soup of corruption (USDA, FDA, etc.) are expected to grant permission for scientists to roll out genetically modified salmon and allow for genetic engineering in farm animals for human consumption.
UPDATE: Sacramento Police Investigating Death in Custody
Video obtained by CBS13 of the arrest on the 8300 block of Folsom Boulevard shows a suspect being restrained by a male officer’s legs, while a female officer strikes him 10 times with a baton.
Trailblazing Israeli Electric Car Company to Close
The project won the support of President Shimon Peres, received generous financial incentives from the Israeli government and an endorsement from former President Bill Clinton.
Agassi, a former top executive at software maker SAP, became a celebrity CEO. He was a central character in „Start-Up Nation,“ a best-selling book about Israel‘s high-tech industry, he was named to Time Magazine‘s list of the 100 most influential people in 2009 and became a fixture at international conferences such as the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
Tajikistan limits internet after critics blast president‘s spending
Noting the president‘s exuberant dancing in videos released from the wedding, internet bloggers commented that the president had clearly consumed more than just mineral water at the 1.5-million-euro (1.9-million-dollar) wedding.
PM Erdogan to receive honorary doctorate from Morocco university
Binhada said Turkey favors and supports Moroccan territorial integrity in the Western Sahara issue, a long drawn out dispute between the Moroccan state and ethnic Sahrawi people who seek independence in the region.
Abbas: Palestinians Will Not Approve Interim Agreements, Temporary Borders
President Mahmoud Abbas Sunday said, during the World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North Africa 2013 (WEF), the Palestinian people will not agree to interim agreements or a state with temporary borders.
Abbas expressed his contentment with the peace initiative entitled, ‘Breaking the Impasse’, organized by Palestinian and Israeli businessmen to support re-launching of the peace process.
Israel-Palestine peace process should restart, Kerry tells World Economic Forum
Israeli President Shimon Peres, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas deliver duelling peace messages at forum in Jordan.
World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North Africa 2013
Breaking the Impasse
Secretary John Kerry calls for new model to build stability in the Arab world, transform the Palestinian economy.
Peres: President Abbas, you are our partner
President Peres represents Israel on last day of WEF conference; also in attendance US secretary of state, PA president, Jordanian king
Peres bietet Abbas Friedensgespräche an
Israels Präsident spricht in Amman mit palästinensischem Amtskollegen: „Lieber Freund Präsident Abbas“
800 Scientists Demand Global GMO ‚Experiment‘ End
Did you hear about the 800 esteemed scientists who came together and demanded the production of genetically modified crops and products be stopped? Scientists who called on world powers to re-evaluate the future of agriculture and seek sustainability rather than corporate profits? Don’t be surprised if you haven’t, as the mainstream media won’t touch this one.
Protesters around the world march against Monsanto
Organizers said „March Against Monsanto“ protests were held in 52 countries and 436 cities, including Los Angeles where demonstrators waved signs that read „Real Food 4 Real People“ and „Label GMOs, It‘s Our Right to Know.“
KenFM am Set: March against Monsanto, Bundeskanzleramt Berlin, 25.5.2013
Dreister kann man eine Monopolstellung auf den Weltmärkten trotz Demokratie nicht mehr installieren. Während es in Nordamerika quasi unmöglich ist, Monsanto-Produkten zu entkommen, da keine Kennzeichnungspflicht besteht, ist der Großteil Europas noch eine Zone, in der man Monsanto-Produkten ausweichen kann.
Monsanto hires infamous mercenary firm Blackwater to track activists around the world
A spokesperson representing Monsanto admits the company hired Total Intelligence for information „… about the activities of groups or individuals that could pose a risk to company personnel or operations around the world which were developed by monitoring local media reports and other publicly available information. The subject matter ranged from information regarding terrorist incidents in Asia or kidnappings in Central America to scanning the content of activist blogs and websites.“
Woolwich Murder: Suspect In London Soldier Killing Had Been Arrested In Kenya In 2010
The government said Michael Adebolajo was arrested in Kenya in November 2010, and it gave him consular assistance „as normal“ for a British subject in such circumstances, the BBC reports.
Woolwich murder probe: suspect Michael Adebolajo held in Kenya in 2010
One of the suspects in the Woolwich murder case was arrested in Kenya in 2010, the Foreign Office has confirmed.
It said Michael Adebolajo was arrested there and it gave consular assistance „as normal“ in the circumstances.
Wozu braucht N.A.T.O.-Rockzipfel Jordanien Patriot-Raketen?
Eine der Invasionsmächte im Syrien-Krieg, die Monarchie Jordanien, ruft nach Raketensystemen des Nordatlantikpakts N.A.T.O.
Israel launches home front defence drill
„Our enemies know that the use of chemical or nonconventional weapons at the citizens of Israel will provoke a harsh and destructive response,“ he warned.
The Quiet Collapse of the Italian Economy
by Roberto Orsi of The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Italy holds local polls in test for parties
The focus is on the Italian capital Rome where incumbent rightwing mayor Gianni Alemanno is running two points behind his leftist challenger Ignazio Marino, according to recent opinion polls.
Suspected Indian Maoist rebels kill 19 in Congress convoy ambush
Suspected Maoist rebels killed at least 19 people when they ambushed a convoy carrying regional leaders from India‘s ruling Congress party in dense forest on Saturday, officials said, one of the deadliest such attacks in recent years.
Luftüberwachung: Deutsche Bahn setzt Drohnen gegen Graffiti-Sprüher ein
„Wir müssen neue Wege bei der Graffiti-Bekämpfung gehen“
When Israel hits Syria, it hones military edge for wider war
When Israeli jets bomb Syria to deny it or its allies „game-changer“ weapons, they play according to one core rule: ensuring the Jewish state maintains the military superiority to swiftly prevail in any war.
Britain is a lab rat for George Osborne‘s austerity programme experiment
There is no evidence – and never has been – that austerity works in the fashion promised by those who support it
Christine Lagarde escapes total embarrassment and possible IMF-exit
We will have to spend more time with Madame.
Partisanship Over Spying On Journalists Is Stupid: Spying On Journalists Is Bad, Period
On the Republican side, politicians are reasonably up in arms about this, but they seem to ignore that when „their guy“ was in the Oval Office, they were very much in favor of having the DOJ sift through reporters‘ emails. On the Democratic side, you have groups like Media Matters, ridiculously destroying its own credibility by coming out with talking points about how the DOJ did the right thing in spying on reporters. Basically, it‘s all about „defend your guy / attack the other guy“ no matter what the situation is. This obviously isn‘t true across the board — there certainly have been some party members „crossing lines“ to express horror at this kind of surveillance.
UNICEF Greece: More than half a million children live below poverty line
597,000 children in Greece are currently living in poverty. Almost half of them – 322,000 – lack the basic daily nutritional needs. This shocking numbers were revealed by Lambros Kanellopoulos, the President of UNICEF in Greece.
Swiss parliament won‘t vote on details of U.S. tax deal: paper
„The results of State Secretary Michael Ambuehl‘s negotiations will not be discussed directly in parliament.“
George Saunders: ‚It was good to have a painful immersion in capitalism‘
Author George Saunders on upsetting genteel readers in Vermont, Buddhism and his youthful love of Ayn Rand
What Must Be Done About the Monsanto Corporation, and Why
Monsanto Corporation Threatens Food Sovereignty, Biodiversity, Environment and Health: Immediate steps must be taken to preserve our future
Verdammte dieser Erde
Die SPD hat gefeiert, sie hat sich an ihre große Geschichte erinnert, vor der man sich in Respekt und, ja auch das, in Ehrfurcht verneigen darf.
Wie sich ein Investor peinlich im Ton vergriff
Bei einer Veranstaltung an der Universität von Virginia hatte er vergangenen Monat erklärt, dass Kinder die Aufmerksamkeit ihrer Mütter in einem Ausmaß beanspruchten, die einem Job wenig zuträglich sei. „Sobald diese Baby-Lippen die Brust der Frau berühren, vergiss es“, hat er einem Video zufolge gesagt.
Wikileaks Partei: Unruhe im Hinterhof ihrer Majestät Australien
Die größte Macht auf dem Planeten Erde ist die Macht der Gewohnheit. Hat man sie erst einmal den Beherrschten aufgezwungen, ja ist diesen der (Selbst-)Zwang selbst bereits Gewohnheit (und damit Macht der Herrschenden) geworden, brauchen Herrschende, Kontrollierende und Profiteure der Gesellschaftsstruktur andere Machtmittel nicht mehr voll einzusetzen, sondern können diese ganz sophisticated in der Handtasche lassen (oder beizeiten mal vielsagend heraus holen, ganz zufällig, ein bisschen damit herum wedeln und dann wieder einpacken).
Ein Beispiel für diese Art der versteckten Herrschaft über einen äußerlich als Demokratie erscheinenden Staat ist Australien.
Brasilien verspricht 12 Staaten in Afrika fast 1 Milliarde Dollar Schuldenerlass
BRICS-Staaten verstärken die Süd-Süd-Strategie
Zum 50.Jahrestag der Gründung der African Union hat Brasilien ein besonderes Präsent mitgebracht.
Boycott Monsanto – A Simple List of Companies to Avoid
In light of the recent public anger over the Monsanto Protection Act, here’s a simple, printable list of companies that use Monsanto products. By avoiding products made by companies on this list, you can help ensure your money isn’t going to Monsanto and also watch out for the health of your family and yourself.
Hetze aus dem Liebknecht-Haus
Auch der von Seibert mitbegründete bellizistische Bundesarbeitskreis BAK Shalom war wenig zimperlich, wenn es darum ging, Kritiker der israelischen Regierungspolitik in der Linkspartei als Antisemiten zu denunzieren.
EU unter Druck: Waffenlieferungen nach Syrien spalten die Union
Ohne Einstimmigkeit für irgendetwas gibt es ab 1. Juni keine EU-Sanktionen gegen Syrien mehr.
Austria: Don’t lift Syria arms embargo
Austrian Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger has called on the European Union not to lift arms embargo on Syria and instead start a political process to establish peace in the Arab country.
Spindelegger: „Nigeria braucht Dialog der Religionen“: Vizekanzler besorgt über aufschaukelnde Gewalt in Nigeria
(16. Mai 2013) Der Vizekanzler erinnerte an die Eröffnungstagung des Wiener Zentrums für interreligiösen Dialog im November letzten Jahres, an der auch höchste Vertreter der christlichen und moslemischen Gemeinschaften Nigerias teilgenommen hatten. „Mit seiner langjährigen Dialogtradition bietet sich Wien als Ort der Begegnung zwischen den Religionsgemeinschaften Nigerias an“, so Spindelegger abschließend.
“Kabale” in Nigeria: Massenmord unter falscher Flagge
(10.03.2010) De facto ist Präsident Yar’Adua bereits vor dem angeblichen Flugzeug-Attentat am 25.Dezember verschwunden. In Lagos fordern Demonstranten wütend, dass sich der angeblich noch lebende Präsident endlich in der Öffentlichkeit zeigt. Ganz Nigeria spricht von einer Verschwörung (“cabal”), nur die deutschsprachige Presse lügt, hetzt und heuchelt mal wieder, so feste sie nur kann.
“Jonathan” hat die Entlassung des Nationalen Sicherheitsberaters General Abdullahi Sarki Mukhtar schon vor dem Massker geplant; ebenso die Entlassung der Generäle aus dem Norden, wie Lt. Gen. Abdulrahman Dambazau, der sich letzte Wochen gegen einen drohenden verfassungswidrigen Militärputsch ausgesprochen hat. Jetzt benutzt Jonathan das in den Dörfen Dogo Na Hauwa, Ratsat and Jeji in der Nacht zum 7.März erfolgte Massaker, um Mukhtar und die Generäle loszuwerden, darunter Dambazau.
Nigeria: Lawmakers Divided Over Mossad – FG Link
(05.09.2008) Members of the National Assembly have expressed different opinions on the alleged invitation of Israeli intelligence agency to train the country‘s security operations under a secret security pact.
Nigeria: Boko Haram – Mossad, CIA to Probe Security Agencies
(05.09.2011) American-trained safety officer, Rotimi Aromolaran said no money is too much in ensuring proper security in the country, adding that the country‘s security system has failed the nation.
Insight: Nigeria‘s ‚war on terror‘ wins tentative support
President Goodluck Jonathan took a gamble when he launched a big offensive this month on Boko Haram‘s four-year-old attempt to establish an Islamic state in mainly Muslim northern Nigeria.
Die BBC interviewt einen angeblichen Kumpel der Soldatenmörder von London. Der erklärt ihnen, MI5 habe die beiden anzuwerben versucht.
Ich bin mir sicher, das ist alles total rechtstaatlich und niemand hat da irgendwas peinliches zu verbergen.
Why Disinformation Works
What I have noticed is that whenever a stunning episode occurs, such as 9/11 or the Boston Marathon bombing, most everyone whether on the right or left goes along with the government’s explanation, because they can hook their agenda to the government’s account.
Es gibt jetzt überraschend ein akademisches Paper, in dem halbwegs unabhängige Wissenschaftler zu dem Ergebnis kommen, dass an Rossis „Kalte-Fusion-Reaktor“ was dran ist.
Vielleicht gibt es ja doch noch Hoffnung.
Die falsche Euro-Debatte
Mit dem Anhalten der Krisen entwickelt sich die Diskussionen über die Zukunft des EURO weiter. Leider jedoch meist zu einer falschen Debatte, die von den grundlegenden Fragen ablenkt. Befürworter und Gegner fallen gleichermaßen den Dogmen unserer Zeit zum Opfer. Die Währungsunion ist nicht der Grund für die Verwerfungen, sondern verschiebt nur die Sympthome unseres Wirtschafts- und Finanzsystems, das sich die Menschen selbst ausgedacht haben, also auch jederzeit ändern könnten.
IoS exclusive: MI5 ‚tried to recruit‘ Woolwich attack suspect Michael Adebolajo
Sir Malcolm Rifkind, who leads the body that oversees the work of the intelligence services, said the organisations had „serious questions to answer“. The MI5 chief, Andrew Parker, will provide a written report on the incident this week, before he is called before the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC).
But Sir Malcolm, who is chairman of the ISC, pledged that the committee would also use new powers to force intelligence agencies to hand over all confidential documents relating to the case.
Beschaffung von Sturmgewehren: Bundeswehr unter Korruptionsverdacht
Bereits im März wurden demnach Diensträume des Bundesamts für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr (BAAINBw) in Koblenz durchsucht und Unterlagen beschlagnahmt.
Suleiman on Liberation Day: Concept of Resistance Must Rise above Strife on Local, Regional Scenes
The army, said the president, is Lebanon‘s salvation and it enjoys the support of all Lebanese.
“It therefore has the mission to protect the people in Tripoli and Sidon and the border against the flow of gunmen,” he added.
Political powers must support the army instead of simply exploiting it to protect themselves, he demanded.
Hisbollah-Chef gibt Teilnahme seiner Milizen an Kämpfen in Syrien zu
Der Beschluss über eine Hisbollah-Teilnahme an den Kampfhandlungen in Syrien sei erst getroffen worden, nachdem die Zahl der unversöhnlichen Islamisten in den Reihen der Opposition, die gegen das Regime von Präsident Baschar al-Assad kämpft, überwältigend geworden sei, fügte er hinzu.
Sayyed Nasrallah: As I Promised You Victory in July, I Renew My Promise Today
„What is happening on the Syrian border is dangerous to Lebanon and to coexistence in the country and will become a danger to Sunnis. All of the Lebanese people are threatened, especially the Sunnis, if those Takfiri groups controlled the border villages with Lebanon. This Takfiri mind has killed much more Sunnis than members of other Muslim sects.“ Sayyed Nasrallah warned that if Syria fell in the hands of America, Israel and the Takfiris, the future of Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and the whole region would be dark. „Israel will enter Lebanon if Syria fell in their hands.“
‘US opened Pandora’s box in Iraq, regional sectarian violence almost impossible to stop now’
Sectarian violence unleashed after the US disintegration of Iraq is linked to the Syrian conflict and the death toll will only climb since extremist elements hijacked the sectarian instability in the region, political analyst Chris Bambery told RT.
“Everyone in Iraq must be terrified that the situation in Syria is spilling over into Iraq”