„Die Gesetze müssen mit der Verfassung übereinstimmen, nicht umgekehrt“, sagte der vorsitzende Richter des Verfassungsgerichts, Joaquim Sousa Ribeiro. Das Urteil sei auch rückwirkend gültig, betonte der oberste Verfassungsrichter.
Daily Archives: 5. April 2013
Portugal Court Strikes Down Cuts for State Workers, Pensioners
Portugal’s government now forecasts the economy will shrink 2.3 percent this year, twice as much as previously estimated
Portugal court rejects some austerity measures, upholds most
Portugal‘s constitutional court on Friday rejected four out of nine contested austerity measures from this year‘s budget
Portugal Court Strikes Down Austerity Measures
Portugal‘s Constitutional Court struck down some austerity measures planned by the government, in a blow to Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho
Fidel Castro: Verhindert einen neuen Korea-Krieg!
„Vor einigen Tagen habe ich mich auf die großen Herausforderungen bezogen, denen sich die Menschheit heute gegenübersieht. Das intelligente Leben auf unserem Planeten ist vor rund 200.000 Jahren entstanden, sofern nicht neue Entdeckungen etwas anderes belegen.
Die Existenz intelligenten Lebens ist nicht mit der Existenz von Leben zu verwechseln, das in seinen elementaren Formen in unserem Sonnensystem vor Millionen von Jahren entstanden ist.
Es gibt eine praktisch unendliche Zahl von Lebensformen. In der hochentwickelten Arbeit der wichtigsten Wissenschaftler der Welt ist die Idee entstanden, die Geräusche zu reproduzieren, die beim Big Bang, beim Urknall, vor 13,7 Milliarden Jahren entstanden sind.
Diese Einleitung wäre zu lang, wenn sie nicht dazu dienen würde, die Bedeutung eines so unglaublichen und absurden Ereignisses zu erklären, wie es die auf der koreanischen Halbinsel entstandene Lage ist“
Fidel Castro to North Korea: nuclear war will benefit no one
In the brief piece published in Communist Party daily Granma and other official media, Castro warned of the impact that nuclear war could unleash in Asia and beyond. He said Havana has always been and will continue to be an ally to North Korea, but gently admonished it to consider the well-being of humankind.
Geht in den Schuhen der anderen
OBAMA IN ISRAEL. Jedes Wort richtig. Jede Geste echt. Jedes Detail an seinem richtigen Platz. Perfekt.
Obama in Palästina. Jedes Wort falsch. Jede Geste unpassend. Jedes einzelne Detail am falschen Ort. Perfekt.
ES BEGANN mit dem ersten Augenblick. Der Präsident der US kam nach Ramallah. Er besuchte die Mukata’a, das Gebäude, das als Amtssitz des Präsidenten der Palästinensischen Behörde Mahmud Abbas dient
Man kann die Mukata’a nicht betreten, ohne das Grab von Yasser Arafat, das wenige Schritte vom Eingang liegt, zu bemerken.
Ex-SYRIZA leader Alavanos launches party advocating Greek euro exit
“Leaving the euro is a precondition for salvation and recovery but is not enough on its own,” he said. “It is a link in the chain of transformations that have to happen, which includes economic planning, stopping payments to foreign lenders and nationalizing banks.”
Gründung einer neuen Linkspartei angekündigt
Weiterhin forderte der Linkspolitiker einen sofortigen Stopp bei der Rückzahlung der Schulden Griechenlands, eine Verstaatlichung der Banken und den Aufbau eines Sozialstaates. Der Gründungskongress der neuen Partei findet am 18. und 19. Mai statt.
Partei-Neugründung in Griechenland: Zurück zur Drachme
Die griechische Regierung bangt um die Auszahlung der nächsten Hilfstranche. Nun versucht der Linkspolitiker Alekos Alavanos mit einer neuen Partei namens „Plan B“ die Stimmen der Krisengeplagten zu gewinnen.
Crisis: Greece; fresh talks with troika, banks in spotlight
Also on Friday, officials of the troika‘s technical teams were to hold talks on Friday with the heads of National Bank of Greece (NBG), Piraeus Bank and Alpha Bank on the progress of a scheme to recapitalize the lenders.
Navy Admiral Nikos Pappas, leader of Velos-mutiny against junta, passed away
He became famous when he withdrew destroyer Velos from a NATO exercise in May 1973 and led the ship to a port in Italy. There he and 31 other officers sought political asylum. Nikos Pappas gave a press conference in front of international media and denounced the military dictators’ regime.
Anti-Junta Navy Admiral Pappas Dies
Former Greek Navy Admiral Nikos Pappas, who opposed the military junta that ruled Greece from 1967-74, has passed away after a battle against cancer. He had been hospitalized at the Athens Naval Hospital but recently returned home for his last days.
Yes, The DOJ Thinks It‘s A Crime When A 12 Year Old Reads The NY Times
We‘ve been talking a lot lately about the need for serious reform of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), which was initially supposed to be a law about malicious hacking, but has been used repeatedly by the DOJ and others to attack something so simple as a minor terms of service violation as a potential felony.
Ex-spy chief ‚let CIA breach sovereignty‘
Former Italian intelligence service chief Nicolo‘ Pollari allowed the CIA to commit „a grave violation of national sovereignty“ when they snatched a Muslim cleric from the streets of Milan in 2003, judges said Friday in explaining the 10-year sentence the ex-top spy got in February.
Italy‘s tax burden reached record high of 52% in 4th quarter
The burden has risen after tax hikes contained in austerity measures by outgoing Premier Mario Monti‘s emergency government
Suspect pleads guilty in Kosovo illegal transplants case
Poor people from Turkey, Russia, Moldova and Kazakhstan were allegedly lured to the clinic with false promises that they would receive up to EUR 15,000 for their organs.
Continuing The Work of Dr. King
“Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.”
Robert F. Kennedy at a campaign rally after informing the crowd that Martin Luther King Jr had been killed.
DOJ Trying To Hide Secret Interpretations Of The Law Because You‘d All DIE!!!!
„The government has determined that disclosure of the information withheld from Plaintiff could result in exceptionally grave and serious damage to the national security.“
U.S. slaps more New York politicians with corruption charges
New York State Assemblyman Eric Stevenson was charged with corruption by prosecutors on Thursday, and another assemblyman was forced to resign, in the second federal graft case brought against New York politicians this week.
New Evidence: Homeland Security Spied On Peaceful Protestors; Worried About Protests Getting News Coverage
We just recently had a post on the head of one of Homeland Security‘s „Fusion Centers“ (the same Fusion Centers found by a Congressional investigation to be a near total waste of time and money, finding no terrorists, but violating the public‘s civil liberties) who claimed that the DHS centers did not spy on Americans, and then immediately admitted that they spied on „anti-government“ Americans.
Exclusive: UBS was mystery lender for Thai group‘s Ping An buy from HSBC – sources
The mystery lender behind a Thai billionaire‘s $9.4 billion purchase of a stake in China‘s No.2 insurer was UBS, people with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters, revealing how the bank stepped in at the last minute to offer a complex financing package known only to a few involved.
More than 175,000 UK companies have offshore directors
More than 175,000 UK-registered companies have used directors giving addresses in offshore jurisdictions, the Guardian has established.
Versace hires Goldman Sachs to advise on more growth
For help, it has turned to financial advisers Goldman Sachs and Banca Imi, which are working with company management to figure out new growth strategies, the CEO told ANSA in an interview.
Chinese tourists now biggest source of travel spending
The Chinese have become the single biggest source of global tourism income after spending $102bn (£67bn; 79bn euros) while travelling abroad in 2012.
6.2 magnitude earthquake shakes Russia‘s far east, close to China and North Korea
The epicenter of the quake was about 9km from the Russian village Zarubino and about 62km northeast of the North Korean city of Aodzhiri.
CFAA 2013: Congress’ New Draft Could Incarcerate Teenagers That Read News Online
Reading the news should be an essential habit, especially for students and children, yet anyone under 18 found browsing through the news online could hypothetically face jail time under the latest draft of proposed changes to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which is supposed to be “rushed” to Congress during its “cyber week” in the middle of April.
USA: Gesetzreform kriminalisiert junge News-Leser
Wird der CFAA aber nach dem jetzigen Entwurf geändert, würden sich Jugendliche beim Besuch der Webseiten strafbar machen. Hier wären dann die Behörden angehalten, aktiv gegen solche Rechtsverstöße vorzugehen.
Wieso wir weniger arbeiten sollten – und es können
Derzeit lassen sich zwei entgegengesetzte Prozesse beobachten: Auf der einen Seite führt die fortschreitende Automatisierung sowie die derzeitige Strukturkrise des europäischen, aber auch globalen Finanz- und Wirtschaftssystems zu einer um sich greifenden Massenarbeitslosigkeit. Auf der anderen Seite jedoch sind bei denjenigen, die sich in Lohn und Brot befinden und Karriere machen, verbreitete Überarbeitungs- und Überlastungserscheinungen zu beobachten.
RAI free from the parties #raisenzapartiti
a part of the Italian population is living in a gigantic “Truman show”, and responsibility for this is entirely due to Italian journalists, with the usual few exceptions and in a country like ours, these exceptions deserve every possible praise. What’s happening is an outright war against reality, a war of mystification, of allusions, in which lies are being spat out by the news suppliers every day. This is regime-supplied information that’s totalitarian, and similar to the Stalinist purges of the 1930s.
Italy to pay 40 bn euros it owes private firms
If passed the state will pay some 40 billion euros which should provide vital liquidity to Italy’s cash-strapped companies.
On Wednesday Mario Monti’s outgoing administration announced it was delaying the approval but it has come around after pressure from the European Commission.
Where are the activists as austerity bites? They have been beaten back
First they came for the students.
French president Hollande‘s popularity drops to all-time low
According to the monthly index published by TNS Sofres, the head of state enjoyed the support of only 27% of the population in March, a three-point drop on February and the lowest level since 1981 for a French president in the 11th month of his term.
Greek privatizations: Distressed fund manager buys property for € 27.4 million
According to daily TA NEA, the 810-square-meter property in London’s Holland Park was bought by hedge fund manager Richard Deitz and his wife Marina Nacheva.
Richard Deitz is the Founder, President and Director of VR Capital Group Ltd.
Swedish judge supports Julian Assange
A senior Swedish judge expresses support for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange who is fighting extradition to Sweden.
Interview: ‚Nullkommanull heißt nullkommanull!‘
In der Europäischen Union gilt derzeit eine „Nulltoleranz“ gegenüber Spuren von Gentechnik in Pflanzen-Saatgut. Im Interview erklärt Gebhard Rossmanith, Vorstandsvorsitzender des Öko-Zuchtunternehmens Bingenheimer Saatgut, warum diese Regelung nicht aufgeweicht werden darf, wie es Gentechnik-Konzerne und Teile der Politik vehement fordern.
Daniel McGowan Jailed, Allegedly For Writing Huffington Post Blog
The federal government on Thursday jailed Earth Liberation Front activist Daniel McGowan in response to an article he wrote for The Huffington Post, his wife Jenny Synan said. The HuffPost story, which was published April 1, charged the Federal Bureau of Prisons, citing documents McGowan had obtained, with transferring him to a high security prison unit in order to restrict his political speech during his incarceration.
Another round of talks of group of six with Iran begins in Alma-Ata
Another round of negotiations on the settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue with the participation of the delegations of Iran and the international “six” group (five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany) has started in Alma-Ata.
4. April 1967 bis 2013: ‘Jenseits von Vietnam, Irak, Afghanistan und Afrika’
Das Musikvideo “The Day That Never Comes” aus dem Jahr 2008 der Metal-Band “Metallica” wurde in der kalifornischen Wüste bei Los Angeles unter Regie des dänischen Filmemachers Thomas Vinterberg gedreht. In welchem Land die Szenen spielen wird bewusst offen gelassen – so wie auch die Einsätze der U.S.-Soldaten täglich in beliebigen Ländern mit diesen Situationen genau so verlaufen können.
Saudi Arabian court orders man to be surgically paralysed in ‚eye for an eye‘ punishment
The verdict, which was reported in the Saudi Gazette newspaper last week, is an example of Islamic sharia law, which allows eye-for-an-eye punishment for crimes but also allows victims to pardon convicts in exchange for so-called blood money.
Mysterious mail triggers global tax-haven probe
The cascade of WikiLeaks-style revelations shedding light on the often murky world of offshore tax havens began when Gerard Ryle received a mysterious letter in the post.
The experienced investigative journalist had been busy trying to unravel the details of a large financial fraud in his native Australia when the prospect of an even bigger scoop landed on his doormat.
Putin to tell Merkel about NGO inspections in Russia
President Vladimir Putin is prepared to tell German Chancellor Angela Merkel about NGO inspections by the Prosecutor General’s Office if such a question comes, presidential aide Yuri Ushakov said ahead of Putin’s visit to Germany.
“I do not know how tough the exchange of opinions will be [at the talks with Merkel in Hanover on April 7], but the background is well known. Clearly, the issue of NGOs will definitely be raised,” he said.
Collateral Murder
WikiLeaks obtained this video as well as supporting documents from a number of military whistleblowers. WikiLeaks goes to great lengths to verify the authenticity of the information it receives. We have analyzed the information about this incident from a variety of source material. We have spoken to witnesses and journalists directly involved in the incident.
„Permission to Engage – Witness“ Wikileaks 2007 Video of Iraq footage unpicked.
Victims‘ families and an ex-US soldier unpick the Wikileaks film that showed US forces killing Iraqi civilians in 2007.
Filmmaker: Shuchen Tan
On July 12, 2007, the US military shot several Iraqi civilians in Baghdad, an event that shocked the world when footage of the attack was later released by Wikileaks.
Lawyer fights to rescue dolphins from ‘abysmal prison’ at Jeju’s Pacific Land
**Update: on the day of going to press, March 28, The Supreme Court, in its final ruling, upheld the original sentence and ordered the release of the dolphins. The animals will be sent to Seoul Zoo for rehabilitation before being released into the waters around Jeju.**
Don‘t Frack Illinois (or North Carolina, Georgia, Maryland, New York, Virginia, or Florida)
Scientists and actors don‘t team up often, but as two New Yorkers deeply concerned about the dangers of shale gas extraction for our own state, we‘ve been watching with growing alarm an unfolding drama one time zone away in Illinois where shale gas and oil fracking is under consideration by state lawmakers.
Bericht vom 1. Prozesstag
In Dreden angekommen zeigte sich dann erst einmal ein doch eher unerwartetes Bild für uns. Der komplette Eingang zum Landgericht, vor welchem die Kundgebung stattfand, war mit Hamburger Gittern abgeriegelt – naja lotharmedien1dann gab es diesmal wenigstens einen Platz an welchem man die vielen Transparente und Schilder aufhängen konnte 😉 . Also Lauti fix aufgebaut und Kundgebung eröffnet – und gar in diesem Moment tauchte Lothar auf.
20. Erich Mühsam zum 135.
Unter dem Titel »Liebe und Anarchie« sendet Deutschlandradio Kultur am 6. April um 0.05 Uhr (also in der Nacht von Freitag auf Sonnabend) »Eine lange Nacht über Erich Mühsam«, am Abend dann um 23.05 Uhr im Deutschlandfunk.
22. Mal ehrlich
Und was das Altern betrifft, das ja selbst den Großmeister Benn melancholisch werden ließ, so kann man getrost sein. Salomon ist darauf vorbereitet. Das Alter hat nämlich auch Vorzüge: „Erst seit ich alt bin kann ich/ Auf dem Rücken schlafen.“ („Rückenlage“), das zweistrophige Titelgedicht setzt noch einen drauf: „Die Jahre kann man nicht aufschlitzen/ So bleibt im Bauch die Lebenstrauer./ Der Jäger liebt den Gassenhauer/ Und vom Hochsitz runterspritzen.“
Teaser: Warum Google und Facebook wirklich zum Gesellschaftsbild gehören
Teaser sind immer fies, weil sie eine Spannung erzeugen, die nicht sofort befriedigt wird. Anders als in der Werbung oder im Kino soll dieser Taeser hier dazu dienen, schon vorher Meinungen und Gedanken zu sammeln, die dann ergänzend oder gar zu einer ganz anderen Betrachtung führen können.