Daily Archives: 23. März 2013

23.03.2013 - 22:16 [ JTA ]

Defense chiefs Hagel and Yaalon agree to meet soon

Yaalon, a former military chief of staff who was installed recently as defense secretary, said Wednesday that he and Hagel would meet in Israel next month, according to media reports.

Pentagon spokesman George Little confirmed that Yaalon and Hagel spoke by phone Tuesday, but said only that Hagel hoped to meet with Yaalon „both in the Pentagon and in Israel in the near future.“

23.03.2013 - 21:04 [ Freedom Outpost ]

DHS Ammunition Stockpile: Over A Dozen Congressmen Demanding Investigation

Congressman Leonard Lance (R-NJ) and Representative Timothy Huelscamp (R-KS) both want answers to why DHS needs to be purchasing that much ammunition, seeing that they are a domestic agency. Congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) along with 14 other House representatives have written a letter to DHS wanting to know what the Federal agency is buying so many rounds of ammunition and whether or not they are doing it deliberately to restrict the supply to the American people.

23.03.2013 - 19:07 [ RIA Novosti ]

US to Close 149 Airport Control Towers Due to Budget Cuts

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced Friday it will close 149 air traffic control towers run by contractors at small and mid-sized airports across the country due to the mandatory federal budget cuts known as sequestration, leaving many in the airline industry questioning how it might affect safety.

23.03.2013 - 19:03 [ RIA Novosti ]

Estonian Army Ruled by Knights Templar – Paper

Several high-ranking military officers in the Baltic nation of Estonia have been exposed as members of a Knights Templar-style order.

The Eesti Ekspress reported this week that the 27 members of the Estonian branch of the Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani include the Chief of Defense, as well as several retired military officers and former defense officials.

23.03.2013 - 19:00 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Cyprus crisis inspires cartoonists: a gallery

The incredible pressure on Cyprus, from the European Union in general and Germany in particular on Cyprus could not but inspire cartoonists. Sharks are swimming around the island trying to size the banks assets, while Chancellor Angela Merkel has put all cutting option on the table.

23.03.2013 - 18:51 [ Guardian ]

‚Single meteor event‘ seen over US East Coast skyline

Cooke said the meteor was widely seen, prompting more than 350 reports on the website of the American Meteor Society alone. Robert Lunsford of the society told USA Today „it basically looked like a super bright shooting star“. The sky flash was spotted as far south as Florida and as far north as New England, the newspaper reported.

23.03.2013 - 15:34 [ Irish Times ]

Credit unions lose €15 million after liquidation of IBRC

Irish credit unions have accused the Government of behaving worse than the Cyprus authorities in imposing losses on the savings of ordinary people. A total of 16 credit unions have suffered losses of approximately €15 million following the Government’s decision to liquidate the former Anglo Irish Bank, subsequently called the Irish Bank Resolution Corporation (IBRC).

23.03.2013 - 15:32 [ Spiegel ]

Euro-Krise: EZB macht Zugeständnis bei Irland-Hilfe

(07.02) Kern des Problems ist, dass die irische Regierung zur Rettung der Anglo Irish Bank einen Schuldschein in Höhe von 30 Milliarden Euro zur Verfügung gestellt hatte. Die Anglo Irish Bank war in den Strudel der US-Finanzkrise geraten und wurde verstaatlicht, heute firmiert sie als Irish Bank Resolution Corp (IBRC).

23.03.2013 - 15:32 [ NBC ]

Sprawling and struggling: Poverty hits America‘s suburbs

The number of suburban residents living in poverty rose by nearly 64 percent between 2000 and 2011, to about 16.4 million people, according to a Brookings Institution analysis of 95 of the nation’s largest metropolitan areas. That’s more than double the rate of growth for urban poverty in those areas.

23.03.2013 - 15:07 [ Russia Today ]

Troubled Cyprus prompts Medvedev to create Russia‘s own offshore zone

Russia has a number of so-called offshore zones, or special economic areas with favorable tax legislation. The exclave region of Kaliningrad is one of them. Chukotka region and Republic of Kalmykia were also among the privileged areas which have had reduced taxation until 2004.

23.03.2013 - 14:15 [ Global Research ]

The Drums of War are Beating: Iran’s Nuclear Program, Pretext to Justify Further Military Intervention

Even the US National Intelligence Director, James Clapper, recently admitted to Congress that “we do not know if Iran will eventually decide to build nuclear weapons” and implicitly confirmed that Iran is not presently seeking to do so because if it were, such activities would certainly be discovered by the “international community.”5 In spite of all this, President Obama maintains that “all options are on the table”

23.03.2013 - 14:12 [ Stimme Russlands ]

Washington bereitet Drohneneinsatz in Syrien vor

Obwohl Präsident Obama während seines Besuches in Israel dazu aufgerufen hat, die endgültige Bestätigung der Informationen über den Einsatz von chemischen Kampfmitteln im Raum der syrischen Stadt Aleppo abzuwarten, hat die CIA bereits die entsprechenden Vorbereitungen aufgenommen. Im Kongress ist das Verfahren für die Billigung solcher Operationen in Gang gebracht worden.

23.03.2013 - 13:30 [ RIA Novosti ]

China‘s New Leader Praises Deals, Cooperation With Russia

“Russia and China should strengthen strategic cooperation on the international scene, together defend the UN principle regulations and secure peace and stability,” Xi told the students. „We agreed [with Putin] to enhance mutual support,” he added.

23.03.2013 - 13:17 [ Tenth Amendment Center ]

Oklahoma House Passes Bill to Ban UN Agenda 21

The Oklahoma legislation to ban Agenda 21 will be assigned to a state Senate committee soon — probably within the week, according to sources in the legislature.

23.03.2013 - 13:04 [ Russia Today ]

Gitmo: The national anxiety disorder

Ask someone with an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) about his or her often bizarre and inexplicable habits – like not walking on cracks, endlessly washing their hands, and counting things over and over again – and they’ll have trouble explaining exactly why they do it.

23.03.2013 - 12:41 [ Russia Today ]

Windows open: Microsoft reveals tens of thousands of users data disclosed

Eva Galperin from the Electronic Frontier Foundation told Forbes she was “a little suspicious of the language” used in the transparency report regarding Skype and is concerned that Skype may have provided the government with a backdoor to eavesdrop on conversations without consulting Microsoft.

23.03.2013 - 12:03 [ Fefe ]

Wer sich nach meinen Ausführungen zu Kabel Deutschland „dann geh ich halt zur Telekom“ gedacht hat, für den habe ich schlechte Nachrichten: Die Telekom will DSL-Bandbreitendrosselung wie beim Mobilfunk einführen.

Was für eine unerträgliche Frechheit, was sich diese ganzen Provider rausnehmen. Zu verdanken haben wir diese ganze Scheiße natürlich der schwarzen Pest, der Projekt-1.8%-Partei und der Verräterpartei.

23.03.2013 - 11:49 [ Wikipedia ]


Das Zollkriminalamt (ZKA) existiert als Bundesmittelbehörde (§ 1 Nr. 3 Finanzverwaltungsgesetz) im Fachbereich des Bundesministeriums der Finanzen seit Juli 1992.

23.03.2013 - 11:47 [ Heise.de ]

Vereinigte Arabische Emirate wollen privilegierter EU-Partner werden

Jährlich ist die Stadt Austragungsort der an Afrika und den Mittleren Osten gerichteten ISS WORLD, die als wichtigste Veranstaltung im Bereich Überwachungstechnik gilt. Laut der Bürgerrechtsorganisation Privacy International nehmen das Bundesministerium des Innern, die Bundesnetzagentur, das Zollkriminalamt und deutsche Geheimdienste regelmäßig an ISS-Konferenzen teil.

23.03.2013 - 10:31 [ Süddeutsche ]

Regierungschef Mikati tritt zurück

Der libanesische Ministerpräsident Najib Mikati tritt zurück. Das gab er am Freitagabend in einer im Fernsehen übertragenen Rede bekannt. Hintergrund sind monatelange Meinungsverschiedenheiten im Parlament mit der schiitischen Hisbollah, die die Mehrheit der Abgeordneten stellt.

23.03.2013 - 10:28 [ Geolitico ]

Die zweierlei Welten der Krise

Diese Krise ist einerseits gezeichnet durch eine tiefe Furcht vieler Menschen vor der Vernichtung der Existenz, andererseits gebiert sie einen gierigen Hedonismus und führt zur vollständigen Auflösung menschlicher Werte. Eine Alltagsbetrachtung…

23.03.2013 - 08:55 [ Bundestag ]

Ermittlungen gegen einen BND-Mitarbeiter

Wir fragen die Bundesregierung:
1. Aufgrund welcher Vorwürfe im Einzelnen erstatteten BND-Mitarbeiter
wann und wo nach Kenntnis der Bundesregierung Anzeige gegen J. S. (bitte Zeitraum und geographischen Raum bzw. „Operationsgebiet“ nennen, auf die sich die Vorwürfe beziehen)?