Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa: der Kapitalismus. In dessen neuer Berliner Machtzentrale tut besonders eine Partei so, als hätte sie mit diesem Gespenst gar nichts zu tun, weil das ja auf den Namen “Euro” höre.
Unauffällige Unterstützung im Nichts-damit-zu-tun-Haben erhält “Die Linke” durch die Brüder und Schwestern in der Informationsindustrie. Das aktuelle Beispiel: der bislang präzedenzlose Raubzug in Zypern.
Greek banks will absorb the branches of Cypriot banks “Cyprus”, “Laiki” and “Elliniki”, Greek media reported on Saturday, hours after the Eurogroup decided on Cyprus bailout.
Cypriots reacted with shock that turned to panic on Saturday after a 10% one-off levy on savings was forced on them as part of an extraordinary 10bn euro (£8.7bn) bailout agreed in Brussels.
People rushed to banks and queued at cash machines that refused to release cash as resentment quickly set in.
The participants raised Syrian flags and placards calling on national opposition to engage in the political solution to end the crisis and preserve the Syrian unity and sovereignty.
Hundreds of Afghans from Wardak protest in Kabul calling for the withdrawal of U.S.special forces from their province.
Würde ich, z.B. mit Atomwaffen, massenhaft Truppen oder Zivilisten eines Gegners massakrieren, hätte ich noch mehr Gegner. Aber wenn ich in Syrien nicht die syrischen Truppen töten kann, weil ich sonst mehr Gegner hätte, muss ich dort eben meine eigenen Truppen töten die ins Land eingefallen sind und von denen ich in Afghanistan wiederum sage, dass sie meine Gegner sind.
The CIA is collecting information on Islamic radicals in Syria for possible drone strikes at a later stage, The Los Angeles Times reported late Friday, the second anniversary of Syria’s uprising.
Im Oktober 2002 schrieb ich eine Titelgeschichte für die erste Ausgaben des American Conservative Magazine unter dem Titel „The March to Folly“ (Der Marsch zur Torheit). Mein Artikel sagte voraus, dass der bevorstehende Einmarsch in den Irak zu einer Katastrophe für alle Beteiligten würde.
Several hundred residents of Afghanistan‘s volatile Wardak province staged a demonstration in Kabul on Saturday to protest the presence of US special operation forces in their area, dpa reports.
Macedonia has extended the visa-free regime with Russia until March 15, 2014, the Macedonian government said.
The war is not over for Iraqis, U.S. veterans and Afghans.
On Wednesday, February 13, a delegation of representatives of some of the 166 organizations that have endorsed the Jobs-Not-Wars Campaign descended on Capitol Hill to present members of Congress with copies of the petition and to reinforce its message that the American people want an end to the Afghan War now, not in 2014, want the super-rich and multinational corporations to pay their share, and want the Pentagon budget cut so that we can invest funds in creating jobs and meet urgent social needs of the people and our communities. We reject deficit-cutting at the expense of those who already have the least.
The U.S. government said Friday it would allow American citizens, companies and banks to send money to Syrian opposition forces struggling to topple President Bashar al-Assad.
Underlining the potential for instability, an opinion poll on Friday by the SWG institute showed rising support for Grillo, who wants a referendum on the euro and who said in an interview this week that Italy was „already out of the euro.“
It showed Grillo‘s support at 30 percent, compared with the 25.5 percent his movement won in the election
For more on the new pope, we turn now to one of Argentina’s leading investigative journalists, Horacio Verbitsky, who has written extensively about the career of Cardinal Bergoglio and his actions during the military dictatorship that ruled Argentina from 1976 to 1983. During that time, up to 30,000 people were kidnapped and killed.
A Stereo View From Space
NASA used images from two orbiting observatories to create this video of the comet Pan-STARRS. It appears in the middle, its tail streaming away to the right. At left, solar wind streams away from the sun and Mercury moves higher. At right, Earth is stationary.
While the courts hold off on ruling, construction continues on the Belo Monte Dam.
Join the worldwide chorus calling for justice by urging Brazil‘s Supreme Court to rule on lawsuits against the dam!
“Two years ago when the crisis started, we thought that it is an adversity that will recede soon,“ al-Bouti said, “but were surprised that it is a declared global war led by the West.“
Al-Bouti said that part of the war on Syria are mercenaries armed to the teeth with weapons recruited by Western and Arab sides, affirming that Syria is unbowed by this war and will continue to be so.
Hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans flocked to the streets of Venezuela‘s capital for a final farewell to Hugo Chávez. The leader‘s body was laid to rest at the Historic Military Museum on a hillside above the capital Caracas. Acting President Nicolas Maduro made a speech by the casket telling Chavez ‚to go in peace‘.
Luxemburg sei der ideale Ort für solche Übungen von GLADIO-Saboteuren gewesen, weil das Land im Jahr 1984 die Haager Konvention zum Verbot von Sprengfallen noch nicht unterzeichnet hatte. Die Attentate hätten die Bevölkerung terrorisieren und politisch auf einen Rechtsruck einschwören sollen.
Freunde des 35-jährigen ohne Langzeitgedächtnis schüttelten auf Anfrage des Postillon nur traurig den Kopf. Sie erklärten, dass Welcke bereits vor den Bundestagswahlen 1998, 2002, 2005 und 2009 stolz angekündigt hatte, seine Stimme der SPD zu geben.
Wenn ich sehe, wie dieser furchtbare Schröder sich noch feiern lässt für seine Agenda 2010, die wie keine andere Maßnahme seit dem Krieg Armut unter die Bevölkerung gebracht hat, dann muss ich mich wirklich fragen, wieso es da Applaus gibt und keine Schuhe oder fauligen Tomaten fliegen.
The eurogroup decision to violently grab private bank deposits in Cyprus could not but trigger a panic also in Greece. A
Why has BuzzFlash at Truthout been writing a steady stream of commentaries documenting how the Department of Justice (DOJ) has been enabling fraudulent and likely criminal activity on Wall Street?
Late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez’s was laid to rest in a military museum in the capital Caracas. Thousands of supporters came out for a final farewell as the coffin was taken from military academy to the museum, ending a 10-day mourning period.
Police arrested Dozens of Brooklyn residents. According to the Daily Sheepele. “Arrests have been reported, with riot police descending on Brooklyn’s East Flatbush neighborhood as New Yorkers came out for a third night of protest over the police killing of 16-year-old Kimani Gray.
Police have rounded up more than 250 protesters participating in the annual march against police brutality in the francophone Canadian city of Montreal, Quebec. Friday’s march was declared illegal, as participants failed to disclose its itinerary.
The euro zone struck a deal on Saturday to hand Cyprus a bailout worth 10 billion euros ($13 billion), but demanded depositors in its banks forfeit some money to stave off bankruptcy despite the risks of a wider bank run.
Frustration over a delayed bailout turned to incredulity and anger in Cyprus on Saturday as islanders woke up to news that savers would be footing part of the bill to avert national bankruptcy.
Cyprus is to receive a €10 billion (£8.7 billion) bail-out from the eurozone to recapitalise its ailing banking system
The so-called “emergency solidarity contribution” will force savers to see their bank deposits undergo a 6.7%-9% “haircut”, while bondholders will not suffer any losses at all.
Conan O’Brien ist ein bekannter US-amerikanischer Talkshow-Moderator und Komiker. Er hat in seiner satirischen Sendung etwas gezeigt, was eigentlich Medienkritiker aufzeigen müssten. Nämlich, wie eine Nachricht in der Tagesschau exakt Wort für Wort über alle Sender geht.
Die auf Zypern stationierten Banken rauben allen Zyprioten einen Teil ihres dort deponierten Eigentums. E.U., E.Z.B. und “Euro-Regierungen” warten gespannt, was nun passiert.
A federal judge on Friday struck down a law that allows the Federal Bureau of Investigation to secretly seize subscriber information from Internet companies and other communications service providers without a court warrant.
They’re called national security letters and the FBI issues thousands of them a year to banks, phone companies and other businesses demanding customer information. They’re sent without judicial review and recipients are barred from disclosing them.
They‘re called national security letters and the FBI issues thousands of them a year to banks, phone companies and other businesses demanding customer information. They‘re sent without judicial review and recipients are barred from disclosing them.
A US judge has ordered the FBI to stop its “pervasive” use of National Security letters to secretly snoop on phone and email records, ruling Friday that the heavily used tactic was unconstitutional.
A federal judge in California ruled today that the FBI cannot secretly demand data from banks and phone companies in national security cases. The judge said orders that keep those requests secret violate the First Amendment.
The United States has violated Pakistan‘s sovereignty and shattered tribal structures with unmanned drone strikes in its counterterrorism operations near the Afghan border, a U.N. human rights investigator said in a statement on Friday.
Die Privatsphäre der Bürger dürfe nicht höher gewichtet werden als die Arbeit der Ermittler, erklärten die Befürworter der Initiative der konservativen Schweizer Volkspartei (SVP) im Vorfeld der Abstimmung am gestrigen Donnerstag.
Police force want to buy two remote-controlled aircraft to assist with security at this summer‘s economic summit
As Krebs was getting ready for a small dinner party at his house, he walked out his front door and discovered a bunch of police officers with guns pointed at him. He‘d been „swatted,“ — the term for tricking a SWAT team into raiding a house based on bogus info.
According to Greco-Roman mythology and tradition, the Gate to the Underworld, also known as Pluto‘s Gate – Ploutonion in Greek, Plutonium in Latin – was the entrance point to hell.
This is the third edition of the International Young Astronomer School. This year the goal is to train young researchers, PhD students and postdocs, regardless of nationality, to the scientific exploitation of two recently launched European space missions, Planck and Herschel.
GENEVA – the UN Human Rights Council will be debating a report by the High Commissioner on the situation in Palestine and in other occupied Arab territories.
Die Abgabe soll sowohl für in Zypern ansässige als auch für ausländische Bankkunden gelten, also auch für deutsche Anleger. Sie können der sogenannten Solidaritätsabgabe nicht mehr entgehen: Der fällige Betrag werde ab sofort auf den Konten eingefroren, sagte EZB-Direktoriumsmitglied Jörg Asmussen nach rund zehnstündigen Marathonverhandlungen.
The research by the Citizen Lab, based at the University of Toronto‘s Munk School of Global Affairs, is providing new details about a German-made, high-tech piece of spy software that some fear may be used to target dissidents by oppressive regimes.
Court Finds NSL Statutes Violate First Amendment and Separation of Powers