The suspension of JPMorgan Ventures Energy Corp. by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Wednesday was a first for the agency, which has announced 11 investigations of traders for manipulating the state’s power market. It reached a $245 million settlement with Constellation Energy Group Inc. and is seeking a record $469 million from Barclays.
Daily Archives: 16. November 2012
Oil Platform Blast Kills 2 in Gulf of Mexico
An explosion on an oil and gas platform in the Gulf of Mexico killed two workers and injured several others Friday, the US Coast Guard said.
Ägypten zerrissen zwischen Verbündeten in Gaza und Vertrag mit Israel
Wenn Israel eine militärische Operation gegen den Gazastreifen durchführte, dann war es üblich, dass ägyptische Regierungsvertreter hinter den Kulissen arbeiteten, um so schnell wie möglich einen Waffenstillstand zu verhandeln, aber es vermieden, öffentlich irgendwelche kritischen Äußerungen über Israels Krieg zu machen. Seit der Revolution haben sich die Dinge geändert.
Gem-Studded Meteorites Known As Pallasites Are Created By Asteroid Crashes, Scientists Say
Magnetic meteorite mystery
The researchers looked at metal specks encapsulated within olivine crystals in two pallasites. These crystals are far better at recording past magnetic conditions than the surrounding metal is.
Unlike The United States, Uruguay Seeks To Legalize And Regulate Marijuana
A proposal was formally introduced to the Uruguay Congress on Thursday. The proposal would create a National Cannabis Institute that would license people and companies to grow and sell marijuana for recreational, medical or industrial uses. The bill would allow adults to possess up to 40 grams of marijuana for personal use.
FBI Shoots Up House of Unarmed People
An FBI SWAT team stormed a family home in District Heights, Maryland, yesterday at 6 a.m.
Silencing General Petraeus
The evidence that Gen. David Petraeus, formerly the commander of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, the author of the current Army field manual, Princeton Ph.D. and, until last week, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, was forced to resign from the CIA to silence him is far stronger than is the version of events that the Obama administration has given us.
Noch ein überflüssiger Krieg
WIE HAT er angefangen? Eine dumme Frage!
Auseinandersetzungen entlang des Gazastreifens beginnen nicht. Sie sind nur eine anhaltende Kette von Vorfällen, von denen behauptet wird, sie seien nur „Vergeltungen“ für den letzten Vorfall. Einer Aktion folgt eine Re-Aktion, der wieder eine Vergeltung folgt usw. usw.
Palästina: Abbas Chancen vor der UN-Vollversammlung
Am 29. November will Präsident Mahmud Abbas in der UN-Vollversammlung den Beobachterstatus für Palästina beantragen. Wie erfolgversprechend ist der Vorstoß?
Konflikte: Abbas bricht Europareise wegen Gazakrise ab
Zuvor hatte Abbas in Gesprächen mit Außenminister Didier Burkhalter und Regierungschefin Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf um Unterstützung der Schweiz für den Antrag der Palästinenser geworben, bei den UN einen Beobachterstatus als Staat zu erhalten.
Japan steht vor Neuwahlen
Kritiker werfen dem Premier daher »politischen Selbstmord« vor.
Doch boten sich Noda kaum Alternativen.
Obama‘s advantage: Foreign policy will stay in better hands
It is worth looking at the question of what difference the victory of President Barack Obama over Republican candidate Mitt Romney in Tuesday‘s elections makes
Did Netanyahu just take back his thanks to President Obama?
It appears as though Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted at President Obama thanking him for his “unequivocal clear sided” support of Israel’s right to defend itself, then promptly deleted the message. (…)
The Obama administration has so far come out strongly in support of Israel throughout the conflict, with the White House saying Thursday that it was up to Hamas to “de-escalate” and halt its “cowardly” rocket attacks.
DNI and Acting DCIA can’t answer key Benghazi questions; perhaps Petraeus will
Initially, the CIA understood that terrorists were involved in the Benghazi attack, and their reporting said so. However, the reporting was changed to remove, or at the very least water down, references to the involvement of terrorists, i.e., a regional Al Qaeda branch and the militant Ansar al-Sharia. Neither Clapper nor Morell could explain today why this change was made.
More Reporting of Cyber Attacks Would Aid FBI, Official Says
Companies should share information with the FBI before a bigger attack happens, Demarest added. „The time to form that relationship is when it‘s blue skies, the sun is shining, and not when it‘s 2 o’clock in the morning…“
Holder: FBI acted correctly in keeping lid on Petraeus probe
At the same time, some Democrats have begun to draw comparisons between the exposure of an adulterous affair by Petraeus and the bureau‘s history of digging up dirt on Washington officials during the tenure of founding FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.
„We don‘t want to return to those days,“ said Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., a member of the House intelligence committee and a former federal prosecutor.
Grassley Presses Holder, Mueller for Answers on FBI’s Handling of Petraeus Matter
Senator Chuck Grassley, Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which has oversight jurisdiction of the FBI, is pressing Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director Robert Mueller for details about the roles of the Department of Justice and the FBI in the investigation that revealed an extramarital affair by the former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, General David Petraeus.
David Petraeus testimony fails to clear up questions on Benghazi attack
King said: „It is still not clear how the final talking points emerged. He [Petraues] said it went through a long process involving many agencies including the Justice Department and including the State Department.
Peru: Verbot gentechnischer Produkte
Laut Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur andina teilte der peruanische Umweltschutzminister Manuel Pulgar Vidal am 13.November mit, dass mit einer neuen Verordnung der Regierung ein zehnjähriges Moratorium gegen transgene Produkte im Land in Kraft tritt.
Obama administration must account to Congress for targeted assassinations
According to news reports, President Obama maintains a list of alleged militants to be assassinated. Some are US citizens. None will get to plead his case. The president tells us to trust that this is all perfectly legal and constitutional, even though Congress is not allowed to see any legal justification.
What Petraeus Knew and When He Knew It; CIA Now Investigating Petraeus; Fears Of All-Out War Escalate
„When he looks at what Susan Rice said, here is what Petraeus‘ take is, according to my source. Petraeus developed some talking points laying it all out. Those talking points, as always, were approved by the intelligence community. But then he sees Susan Rice make her statements and he sees input from other areas of the administration. Petraeus presume — it is believed — will tell the committee he is not certain where Susan Rice got all of her information. It looks like the business about the video got disproved in the intelligence community at the highest levels — finally disproved after the fact.“
Petraeus testimony on Benghazi contradicts previous House statement
Five days after the attack, the administration sent UN ambassador Susan Rice on the Sunday news shows to describe it as a spontaneous protest. Rice relied on initial intelligence that proved incorrect, and she is now under attack by some Republican senators who vow to block her if she‘s nominated as secretary of state when Hillary Clinton steps down.
Petraeus tells lawmakers he believed all along that terrorists were behind Libya attack
Petraeus told lawmakers he wasn’t sure which agency replaced the groups’ names with the word “extremist” in the final draft. But he said he allowed other agencies to alter the talking points as they saw fit without asking for final review, to get them out quickly.
Staatsanleihen: Anleger verdienen an Portugal 42 Prozent
Es ist ein gigantischer Gewinn: Wer zu Jahresanfang portugiesische Staatsanleihen gekauft hat, freut sich heute über eine Rendite von 42 Prozent.
Petraeus testifies CIA‘s Libya talking points were changed, lawmaker says
„No one knows yet exactly who came up with the final version of the talking points,“ he said. (…)
Further, King said a CIA analyst specifically told lawmakers that the Al Qaeda affiliates line „was taken out.“ (…)
Fox News was told that neither Clapper nor Morell knew for sure who finalized that information.
House Intel chair: CIA story on Benghazi changed
The original CIA talking points regarding the attack on Benghazi clearly attributed the incident to al Qaeda affiliates, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Peter King said this morning after a closed door briefing with former CIA Director David Petraeus.
After being vetted by several different agencies, however, that emphasis was removed.
Turkey raps Israel on Gaza, to discuss with U.S., Egypt
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan decried Israeli‘s air strikes on Gaza on Friday as a pre-election stunt and said he would discuss the crisis with Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi in Cairo this weekend.
Ägypten wirft Israel Angriff auf die Menschlichkeit vor
Die Zahl der Todesopfer seit Mittwoch liegt bei 25. Israelischen Angaben zufolge sind seit Mittwoch bei israelischen Luftangriffen 22 Palästinenser, darunter acht Kinder und eine schwangere Frau, ums Leben gekommen. Mindestens 235 Menschen wurden verletzt
Freiheit für GAZA, Schluss mit Bomben auf Menschen
Genug ist genug, dieser Kriegswahnsinn muss aufhören. Lasst uns ein Zeichen setzen. Auf beiden Seiten muss Schluss sein mit Waffengewalt. Wir fordern sowohl Israel als auch die Hamas auf die Waffen niederzulegen. Diese Veranstaltung distanziert sich klar von Antisemitismus und Rassismus und auch Fanatismus.
Putin: Zivilgesellschaften können bei Abwehr der Neonazi-Propaganda helfen
„Sowohl in Russland als auch in Deutschland und in anderen Ländern muss noch vieles getan werden, um die Menschen vor denen zu schützen, die versuchen, moderne Technologien für die Propaganda von Nationalismus und Intoleranz, Gewalt und Aggression zu missbrauchen, sowie sich bemühen, von moralischen Gebrechen zu profitieren“, sagte Putin am Freitag in der abschließenden Plenarsitzung des russisch-deutschen Forums „Petersburger Dialog“.
Ägyptens Präsident Mursi versichert Palästinensern Unterstützung
Der ägyptische Präsident Mohammed Mursi hat die israelischen Luftangriffe auf den Gazastreifen als „unverhüllten Angriff auf die Menschlichkeit“ verurteilt. Ägypten werde die Palästinenser in dieser Lage nicht im Stich lassen, sagte Mursi nach Angaben der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur Mena.
Auffällige Parallelen im Nahost-Konflikt
Die Parallelen liegen auf der Hand: Vor vier Jahren – wenige Wochen vor den israelischen Parlamentswahlen – startete die Regierung in Jerusalem im Gazastreifen die Militäroffensive „Gegossenes Blei“. Damals starben 1400 Palästinenser, Israel beklagte 13 Opfer. Im Jänner stehen wieder Wahlen vor der Tür. Und seit Mittwoch gibt es erneut eine Militäraktion in Gaza.
Iran meldet Festnahme von Spionen und Terroristen
Bei den Verdächtigen seien Funkgeräte, Waffen und selbstgemachte Bomben beschlagnahmt worden. Die Behörden vermuten, dass der Sprengstoff aus arabischen Golf-Staaten stammt.
Ein schwieriges deutsch-russisches Jahr
Der ehemalige Pfarrer und DDR-Bürgerrechtler Gauck hege eher keine Sympathien für den ehemaligen KGB-Offizier Putin – das sagen deutsche Politiker hinter vorgehaltener Hand. Experten und Journalisten hingegen sprechen es offen aus.
Liebe Leute. Wir sagen jetzt mal „Pluralis Republicanis“ dazu, oder.
UN Says Agency Teacher Killed in Gaza
The United Nations says a teacher who worked for a relief agency was killed in Gaza by Israeli air strikes.
Russischer Vizeaußenminister: Moskau erwägt Ausstieg aus START-Nachfolgevertrag
„Wenn etwas auf dem Gebiet der Raketenabwehr unerwünscht erfolgt, und wir dabei keine Vereinbarung treffen, so wäre es unsererseits verantwortungslos, keine entsprechenden Maßnahmen auf dem Gebiet der Offensivwaffen zu ergreifen, die Gegenstand des START-Nachfolgevertrages sind“, sagte er in einem Interview mit dem englischsprachigen TV-Sender Russia Today.
Thousands rally in Egypt in Muslim Brotherhood-led protest against Israeli’s Gaza offensive
Gaza’s Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, right, and Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Kandil, left, wave to the crowd as they meet in Gaza City, Friday, Nov. 16, 2012. Israel offered to suspend its offensive in the Gaza
Ägyptischer Premier: Israelische Militäroperation in Gaza ist Aggression
„Ägypten wird sich um die Einstellung der Aggression und die Herbeiführung von Frieden sowie darum bemühen, dass das palästinensische Volk einen eigenen Staat erlangt (…) Wir sind mit Euch!“, sagte der ägyptische Regierungschef.
UN urged to help avert Gaza bloodbath
Palestine‘s envoy to Bahrain has called on the Arab League and the UN to step in to end the Israeli assault on Gaza – which saw more than 250 air strikes since it was launched on Wednesday.
UN Security Council Holds Emergency Meeting on Gaza Violence
(15.11.) No further council meetings are immediately planned on the matter.
U.S. Copyright Surveillance Machine About To Be Switched On, Promises of Transparency Already Broken
The „Copyright Alert System“ – an elaborate combination of surveillance, warnings, punishments, and „education“ directed at customers of most major U.S. Internet service providers – is poised to launch in the next few weeks, as has been widely reported. The problems with it are legion. Big media companies are launching a massive peer-to-peer surveillance scheme to snoop on subscribers.
Merkel’s Envoy Fuchtel in Greece: How He Sings and Laughs…
Today, the name of “Fuchtel” is in all Greeks’ mouth. Even though the name is a tongue-twister for the locals here.
John McCain has rough day with media after missing Benghazi briefing
It‘s been a difficult day for John McCain. First it was revealed that he had been too busy holding press conferences demanding answers from officials into the events in Benghazi to attend briefings from officials into the events in Benghazi.
Geheimdienste: Verfassungsschutz schafft Zentraldatei für V-Leute
Bund und Länder haben sich nach Informationen von ZEIT ONLINE auf die Einrichtung einer zentralen V-Leute-Datei geeinigt. (..)
Erkennbar wird so auch, in welcher Szene die V-Leute tätig sind: bei Rechts- oder Linksextremisten oder im Bereich des islamistischen Extremismus.
Siegfried Kauder stellt sich Kampfabstimmung
Für Siegfried Kauder (CDU) geht es ums politische Überleben: Nach monatelangem Streit mit Teilen der Parteibasis entscheiden die CDU-Mitglieder seines Wahlkreises am Abend, ob er erneut als Kandidat für die Bundestagswahl 2013 nominiert wird.
Quietly, East jerusalem palestinians are acquiring Israeli citizenship
There has been a trend in recent years of Palestinian permanent residents of East Jerusalem applying for – and getting – Israeli citizenship. Will this trend provide freedom, or further fragment Palestinian national identity?
Israeli Peace Activist: Ahmed Jabari, Assassinated Hamas Leader, Received Draft Of Gaza Truce Agreement Shortly Before Death
An Israeli peace activist has come forward with a blockbuster claim about the assassination of Hamas leader Ahmed Jabari that, if true, would represent a major twist in the recent escalation of conflicts between Israeli and Palestinian forces.
ISRAELI ACTIVIST: There Was A Deal On The Table Before Hamas Leader Was Assassinated
Gershon Baskin, who helped negotiate the release of Gilad Shalit — the Israeli soldier kidnapped by Hamas —told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that „this blood could have been spared. Those who made the decision must be judged by the voters, but to my regret they will get more votes because of this.“
EU eröffnet Flohmarkt für gebrauchte Panzer und Kampfjets
Um seinen geplagten Mitgliedsländern bei deren Verteidugungsbudgets unter die Arme zu greifen, will die EU nun eine Art Militär-Ebay einrichten. Gebrauchte Militärausrüstungen aus Afghanistan kann dann günstig erworben werden.
King: ‚Hard to believe‘ Obama didn‘t know about Petraeus
(13.11.) The White House has said it was notified on Wednesday night that Petraeus might resign over an affair and that Obama was told Thursday morning.
Holder says W.H. not notified of Petraeus probe because no security threat
(15.11.) Attorney General Eric Holder said on Thursday that the White House was not notified earlier about the investigation into former Gen. David Petraeus because the Justice Department determined there was no threat to national security.
Benghazi: “They Stood and They Watched and Our People Died”
“There isn’t a plan for every single engagement. Sometimes you have to be able to make adjustments. They made zero adjustments in this. They stood and they watched and our people died.”
What laser capability did Benghazi team have?
(04.11.) The presence of laser capability on the roof of the CIA annex confirms what Fox News sources that night in Benghazi originally said, which is that they had laser capability and for 5 hours and 15 minutes were wondering where the usual overhead air support was, especially since, according to this source, they radioed from the annex beginning as early as midnight asking for it.
CIA: We Didn’t Ask for Help During Benghazi Attack
The CIA, however, requested none of that assistance. Neither did the State Department. None of those teams ever arrived in Benghazi.