Archiv: UN Resolution 377A (V) (General Assembly can take up international peace and security matters when Security Council fails)

12.12.2023 - 18:40 [ ]

UN assembly moves past Security Council to take lead on Gaza

The United States, one of only five permanent members of the Security Council, used its veto on Friday to halt a draft text calling for a ceasefire, the latest sign of impasse.

The Council took more than a month after the start of Israel‘s war on Gaza to speak with one weak voice, calling in mid-November after four rejected texts for humanitarian „pauses“ in the conflict.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned of a looming „complete breakdown of public order“ in the besieged Gaza Strip.

12.12.2023 - 09:39 [ ]

Palestinians hope a vote in the UN General Assembly will show wide support for a Gaza cease-fire

The Palestinians are hoping that a vote Tuesday in the U.N. General Assembly on a nonbinding resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian cease-fire will demonstrate widespread global support for ending the Israel-Hamas war, now in its third month.

After the United States vetoed a resolution in the Security Council on Friday demanding a humanitarian cease-fire, Arab and Islamic nations called for an emergency session of the 193-member General Assembly on Tuesday afternoon to vote on a resolution making the same demand.

12.12.2023 - 09:20 [ Al Jazeera ]

What’s UN Resolution 377A, can it help in efforts to stop Israel-Gaza war?

The resolution is not widely used, but it has been known to be employed several times over decades to help resolve a variety of conflicts, including the Congo Crisis in 1960, the conflict between India and Pakistan in 1971 and the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in 1980.

A crucial element of the resolution is that it affirms the General Assembly may, if deemed appropriate, recommend the use of force.

In that sense, the resolution has been implemented only once – in the Korean crisis.

Resolution 377A was used to convene an emergency session of the General Assembly in 1951 due to lack of consensus among the UNSC members. It led to the passing of UN Resolution 498 (V), which said that China had militarily engaged in the Korean War.